blob: 3e3bc1979a2e0e4c762965956d088172d0971318 [file] [log] [blame]
error[E0005]: refutable pattern in local binding: `0_u8..=1_u8` and `3_u8..=u8::MAX` not covered
--> $DIR/
LL | const a: u8 = 2;
| ---------------- constant defined here
LL | let a = 4;
| ^
| |
| interpreted as a constant pattern, not a new variable
| help: introduce a variable instead: `a_var`
= note: the matched value is of type `u8`
error[E0005]: refutable pattern in local binding: `0_u8..=1_u8` and `3_u8..=u8::MAX` not covered
--> $DIR/
LL | pub const b: u8 = 2;
| -------------------- constant defined here
LL | let c = 4;
| ^
| |
| interpreted as a constant pattern, not a new variable
| help: introduce a variable instead: `c_var`
= note: the matched value is of type `u8`
error[E0005]: refutable pattern in local binding: `0_u8..=1_u8` and `3_u8..=u8::MAX` not covered
--> $DIR/
LL | pub const d: u8 = 2;
| -------------------- constant defined here
LL | let d = 4;
| ^
| |
| interpreted as a constant pattern, not a new variable
| help: introduce a variable instead: `d_var`
= note: the matched value is of type `u8`
error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0005`.