blob: d2a7623837a23ee612a17f4e491f4cc3db8d0e9d [file] [log] [blame]
#![feature(const_raw_ptr_to_usize_cast, const_raw_ptr_deref)]
fn main() {}
// unconst and fine
const Y: usize = unsafe { 42usize as *const i32 as usize + 1 };
// unconst and bad, will thus error in miri
const Y2: usize = unsafe { &1 as *const i32 as usize + 1 }; //~ ERROR any use of this
// unconst and fine
const Z: i32 = unsafe { *(&1 as *const i32) };
// unconst and bad, will thus error in miri
const Z2: i32 = unsafe { *(42 as *const i32) }; //~ ERROR any use of this value will cause
const Z3: i32 = unsafe { *(44 as *const i32) }; //~ ERROR any use of this value will cause