blob: ced0429deab934736c835b16d8f14220815424cb [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::mir::interpret::truncate;
use rustc_target::abi::Size;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
/// A type for representing any integer. Only used for printing.
// FIXME: Use this for the integer-tree representation needed for type level ints and
// const generics?
pub struct ConstInt {
/// Number of bytes of the integer. Only 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 are legal values.
size: u8,
/// Whether the value is of a signed integer type.
signed: bool,
/// Whether the value is a `usize` or `isize` type.
is_ptr_sized_integral: bool,
/// Raw memory of the integer. All bytes beyond the `size` are unused and must be zero.
raw: u128,
impl ConstInt {
pub fn new(raw: u128, size: Size, signed: bool, is_ptr_sized_integral: bool) -> Self {
assert!(raw <= truncate(u128::MAX, size));
Self { raw, size: size.bytes() as u8, signed, is_ptr_sized_integral }
impl std::fmt::Debug for ConstInt {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let Self { size, signed, raw, is_ptr_sized_integral } = *self;
if signed {
let bit_size = size * 8;
let min = 1u128 << (bit_size - 1);
let max = min - 1;
if raw == min {
match (size, is_ptr_sized_integral) {
(_, true) => write!(fmt, "isize::MIN"),
(1, _) => write!(fmt, "i8::MIN"),
(2, _) => write!(fmt, "i16::MIN"),
(4, _) => write!(fmt, "i32::MIN"),
(8, _) => write!(fmt, "i64::MIN"),
(16, _) => write!(fmt, "i128::MIN"),
_ => bug!("ConstInt 0x{:x} with size = {} and signed = {}", raw, size, signed),
} else if raw == max {
match (size, is_ptr_sized_integral) {
(_, true) => write!(fmt, "isize::MAX"),
(1, _) => write!(fmt, "i8::MAX"),
(2, _) => write!(fmt, "i16::MAX"),
(4, _) => write!(fmt, "i32::MAX"),
(8, _) => write!(fmt, "i64::MAX"),
(16, _) => write!(fmt, "i128::MAX"),
_ => bug!("ConstInt 0x{:x} with size = {} and signed = {}", raw, size, signed),
} else {
match size {
1 => write!(fmt, "{}", raw as i8)?,
2 => write!(fmt, "{}", raw as i16)?,
4 => write!(fmt, "{}", raw as i32)?,
8 => write!(fmt, "{}", raw as i64)?,
16 => write!(fmt, "{}", raw as i128)?,
_ => bug!("ConstInt 0x{:x} with size = {} and signed = {}", raw, size, signed),
if fmt.alternate() {
match (size, is_ptr_sized_integral) {
(_, true) => write!(fmt, "_isize")?,
(1, _) => write!(fmt, "_i8")?,
(2, _) => write!(fmt, "_i16")?,
(4, _) => write!(fmt, "_i32")?,
(8, _) => write!(fmt, "_i64")?,
(16, _) => write!(fmt, "_i128")?,
_ => bug!(),
} else {
let max = truncate(u128::MAX, Size::from_bytes(size));
if raw == max {
match (size, is_ptr_sized_integral) {
(_, true) => write!(fmt, "usize::MAX"),
(1, _) => write!(fmt, "u8::MAX"),
(2, _) => write!(fmt, "u16::MAX"),
(4, _) => write!(fmt, "u32::MAX"),
(8, _) => write!(fmt, "u64::MAX"),
(16, _) => write!(fmt, "u128::MAX"),
_ => bug!("ConstInt 0x{:x} with size = {} and signed = {}", raw, size, signed),
} else {
match size {
1 => write!(fmt, "{}", raw as u8)?,
2 => write!(fmt, "{}", raw as u16)?,
4 => write!(fmt, "{}", raw as u32)?,
8 => write!(fmt, "{}", raw as u64)?,
16 => write!(fmt, "{}", raw as u128)?,
_ => bug!("ConstInt 0x{:x} with size = {} and signed = {}", raw, size, signed),
if fmt.alternate() {
match (size, is_ptr_sized_integral) {
(_, true) => write!(fmt, "_usize")?,
(1, _) => write!(fmt, "_u8")?,
(2, _) => write!(fmt, "_u16")?,
(4, _) => write!(fmt, "_u32")?,
(8, _) => write!(fmt, "_u64")?,
(16, _) => write!(fmt, "_u128")?,
_ => bug!(),