blob: b904b0d2599b15d4c7946c60c4c3bef3b5ea9629 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use rustc_data_structures::captures::Captures;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
use rustc_middle::mir;
use rustc_span::{DesugaringKind, ExpnKind, MacroKind, Span};
use tracing::{debug, debug_span, instrument};
use crate::coverage::graph::{BasicCoverageBlock, CoverageGraph};
use crate::coverage::spans::from_mir::{
extract_covspans_from_mir, ExtractedCovspans, Hole, SpanFromMir,
use crate::coverage::{mappings, ExtractedHirInfo};
mod from_mir;
pub(super) fn extract_refined_covspans(
mir_body: &mir::Body<'_>,
hir_info: &ExtractedHirInfo,
basic_coverage_blocks: &CoverageGraph,
code_mappings: &mut impl Extend<mappings::CodeMapping>,
) {
let ExtractedCovspans { mut covspans } =
extract_covspans_from_mir(mir_body, hir_info, basic_coverage_blocks);
// First, perform the passes that need macro information.
covspans.sort_by(|a, b| basic_coverage_blocks.cmp_in_dominator_order(a.bcb, b.bcb));
remove_unwanted_expansion_spans(&mut covspans);
split_visible_macro_spans(&mut covspans);
// We no longer need the extra information in `SpanFromMir`, so convert to `Covspan`.
let mut covspans = covspans.into_iter().map(SpanFromMir::into_covspan).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let compare_covspans = |a: &Covspan, b: &Covspan| {
compare_spans(a.span, b.span)
// After deduplication, we want to keep only the most-dominated BCB.
.then_with(|| basic_coverage_blocks.cmp_in_dominator_order(a.bcb, b.bcb).reverse())
// Among covspans with the same span, keep only one,
// preferring the one with the most-dominated BCB.
// (Ideally we should try to preserve _all_ non-dominating BCBs, but that
// requires a lot more complexity in the span refiner, for little benefit.)
covspans.dedup_by(|b, a| a.span.source_equal(b.span));
// Sort the holes, and merge overlapping/adjacent holes.
let mut holes = hir_info.hole_spans.iter().map(|&span| Hole { span }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
holes.sort_by(|a, b| compare_spans(a.span, b.span));
holes.dedup_by(|b, a| a.merge_if_overlapping_or_adjacent(b));
// Split the covspans into separate buckets that don't overlap any holes.
let buckets = divide_spans_into_buckets(covspans, &holes);
for mut covspans in buckets {
// Make sure each individual bucket is internally sorted.
let _span = debug_span!("processing bucket", ?covspans).entered();
let mut covspans = remove_unwanted_overlapping_spans(covspans);
debug!(?covspans, "after removing overlaps");
// Do one last merge pass, to simplify the output.
covspans.dedup_by(|b, a| a.merge_if_eligible(b));
debug!(?covspans, "after merge");
code_mappings.extend(covspans.into_iter().map(|Covspan { span, bcb }| {
// Each span produced by the refiner represents an ordinary code region.
mappings::CodeMapping { span, bcb }
/// Macros that expand into branches (e.g. `assert!`, `trace!`) tend to generate
/// multiple condition/consequent blocks that have the span of the whole macro
/// invocation, which is unhelpful. Keeping only the first such span seems to
/// give better mappings, so remove the others.
/// Similarly, `await` expands to a branch on the discriminant of `Poll`, which
/// leads to incorrect coverage if the `Future` is immediately ready (#98712).
/// (The input spans should be sorted in BCB dominator order, so that the
/// retained "first" span is likely to dominate the others.)
fn remove_unwanted_expansion_spans(covspans: &mut Vec<SpanFromMir>) {
let mut deduplicated_spans = FxHashSet::default();
covspans.retain(|covspan| {
match covspan.expn_kind {
// Retain only the first await-related or macro-expanded covspan with this span.
Some(ExpnKind::Desugaring(kind)) if kind == DesugaringKind::Await => {
Some(ExpnKind::Macro(MacroKind::Bang, _)) => deduplicated_spans.insert(covspan.span),
// Ignore (retain) other spans.
_ => true,
/// When a span corresponds to a macro invocation that is visible from the
/// function body, split it into two parts. The first part covers just the
/// macro name plus `!`, and the second part covers the rest of the macro
/// invocation. This seems to give better results for code that uses macros.
fn split_visible_macro_spans(covspans: &mut Vec<SpanFromMir>) {
let mut extra_spans = vec![];
covspans.retain(|covspan| {
let Some(ExpnKind::Macro(MacroKind::Bang, visible_macro)) = covspan.expn_kind else {
return true;
let split_len = visible_macro.as_str().len() as u32 + 1;
let (before, after) = covspan.span.split_at(split_len);
if !covspan.span.contains(before) || !covspan.span.contains(after) {
// Something is unexpectedly wrong with the split point.
// The debug assertion in `split_at` will have already caught this,
// but in release builds it's safer to do nothing and maybe get a
// bug report for unexpected coverage, rather than risk an ICE.
return true;
extra_spans.push(SpanFromMir::new(before, covspan.expn_kind.clone(), covspan.bcb));
extra_spans.push(SpanFromMir::new(after, covspan.expn_kind.clone(), covspan.bcb));
false // Discard the original covspan that we just split.
// The newly-split spans are added at the end, so any previous sorting
// is not preserved.
/// Uses the holes to divide the given covspans into buckets, such that:
/// - No span in any hole overlaps a bucket (truncating the spans if necessary).
/// - The spans in each bucket are strictly after all spans in previous buckets,
/// and strictly before all spans in subsequent buckets.
/// The resulting buckets are sorted relative to each other, but might not be
/// internally sorted.
#[instrument(level = "debug")]
fn divide_spans_into_buckets(input_covspans: Vec<Covspan>, holes: &[Hole]) -> Vec<Vec<Covspan>> {
debug_assert!(input_covspans.is_sorted_by(|a, b| compare_spans(a.span, b.span).is_le()));
debug_assert!(holes.is_sorted_by(|a, b| compare_spans(a.span, b.span).is_le()));
// Now we're ready to start carving holes out of the initial coverage spans,
// and grouping them in buckets separated by the holes.
let mut input_covspans = VecDeque::from(input_covspans);
let mut fragments = vec![];
// For each hole:
// - Identify the spans that are entirely or partly before the hole.
// - Put those spans in a corresponding bucket, truncated to the start of the hole.
// - If one of those spans also extends after the hole, put the rest of it
// in a "fragments" vector that is processed by the next hole.
let mut buckets = (0..holes.len()).map(|_| vec![]).collect::<Vec<_>>();
for (hole, bucket) in holes.iter().zip(&mut buckets) {
let fragments_from_prev = std::mem::take(&mut fragments);
// Only inspect spans that precede or overlap this hole,
// leaving the rest to be inspected by later holes.
// (This relies on the spans and holes both being sorted.)
let relevant_input_covspans =
drain_front_while(&mut input_covspans, |c| c.span.lo() < hole.span.hi());
for covspan in fragments_from_prev.into_iter().chain(relevant_input_covspans) {
let (before, after) = covspan.split_around_hole_span(hole.span);
// After finding the spans before each hole, any remaining fragments/spans
// form their own final bucket, after the final hole.
// (If there were no holes, this will just be all of the initial spans.)
/// Similar to `.drain(..)`, but stops just before it would remove an item not
/// satisfying the predicate.
fn drain_front_while<'a, T>(
queue: &'a mut VecDeque<T>,
mut pred_fn: impl FnMut(&T) -> bool,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = T> + Captures<'a> {
std::iter::from_fn(move || if pred_fn(queue.front()?) { queue.pop_front() } else { None })
/// Takes one of the buckets of (sorted) spans extracted from MIR, and "refines"
/// those spans by removing spans that overlap in unwanted ways.
#[instrument(level = "debug")]
fn remove_unwanted_overlapping_spans(sorted_spans: Vec<Covspan>) -> Vec<Covspan> {
debug_assert!(sorted_spans.is_sorted_by(|a, b| compare_spans(a.span, b.span).is_le()));
// Holds spans that have been read from the input vector, but haven't yet
// been committed to the output vector.
let mut pending = vec![];
let mut refined = vec![];
for curr in sorted_spans {
pending.retain(|prev: &Covspan| {
if prev.span.hi() <= curr.span.lo() {
// There's no overlap between the previous/current covspans,
// so move the previous one into the refined list.
} else {
// Otherwise, retain the previous covspan only if it has the
// same BCB. This tends to discard long outer spans that enclose
// smaller inner spans with different control flow.
prev.bcb == curr.bcb
// Drain the rest of the pending list into the refined list.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Covspan {
span: Span,
bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
impl Covspan {
/// Splits this covspan into 0-2 parts:
/// - The part that is strictly before the hole span, if any.
/// - The part that is strictly after the hole span, if any.
fn split_around_hole_span(&self, hole_span: Span) -> (Option<Self>, Option<Self>) {
let before = try {
let span = self.span.trim_end(hole_span)?;
Self { span, ..*self }
let after = try {
let span = self.span.trim_start(hole_span)?;
Self { span, ..*self }
(before, after)
/// If `self` and `other` can be merged (i.e. they have the same BCB),
/// mutates `self.span` to also include `other.span` and returns true.
/// Note that compatible covspans can be merged even if their underlying
/// spans are not overlapping/adjacent; any space between them will also be
/// part of the merged covspan.
fn merge_if_eligible(&mut self, other: &Self) -> bool {
if self.bcb != other.bcb {
return false;
self.span =;
/// Compares two spans in (lo ascending, hi descending) order.
fn compare_spans(a: Span, b: Span) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
// First sort by span start.
Ord::cmp(&a.lo(), &b.lo())
// If span starts are the same, sort by span end in reverse order.
// This ensures that if spans A and B are adjacent in the list,
// and they overlap but are not equal, then either:
// - Span A extends further left, or
// - Both have the same start and span A extends further right
.then_with(|| Ord::cmp(&a.hi(), &b.hi()).reverse())