blob: 89de15cc0f3e47d23f0f21eb66a7757606ce7408 [file] [log] [blame]
// ignore-tidy-linelength
// revisions: legacy v0
//[legacy]compile-flags: -Z symbol-mangling-version=legacy
//[v0]compile-flags: -Z symbol-mangling-version=v0
// This test is the same code as in ui/ but this test checks that the symbol mangling
// fix produces the correct result, whereas that test just checks that the reproduction compiles
// successfully and doesn't crash LLVM
fn dummy() {}
mod llvm {
pub(crate) struct Foo;
mod foo {
pub(crate) struct Foo<T>(T);
impl Foo<::llvm::Foo> {
//[legacy]~^ ERROR symbol-name(_ZN11issue_609253foo37Foo$LT$issue_60925..llv$u6d$..Foo$GT$3foo
//[legacy]~| ERROR demangling(issue_60925::foo::Foo<issue_60925::llv$u6d$..Foo$GT$::foo
//[legacy]~| ERROR demangling-alt(issue_60925::foo::Foo<issue_60925::llv$u6d$..Foo$GT$::foo)
//[v0]~^^^^ ERROR symbol-name(_RNvMNtCs4fqI2P2rA04_11issue_609253fooINtB2_3FooNtNtB4_4llvm3FooE3foo)
//[v0]~| ERROR demangling(<issue_60925[317d481089b8c8fe]::foo::Foo<issue_60925[317d481089b8c8fe]::llvm::Foo>>::foo)
//[v0]~| ERROR demangling-alt(<issue_60925::foo::Foo<issue_60925::llvm::Foo>>::foo)
pub(crate) fn foo() {
for _ in 0..0 {
for _ in &[::dummy()] {
pub(crate) fn foo() {
pub fn foo() {
fn main() {}