blob: e55b0d0fb1f2a56e6f572a3b78b6fd2a5070415c [file] [log] [blame]
use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, Instance};
use rustc::ty::layout::{Size, Align, LayoutOf};
use rustc::mir::interpret::{Scalar, Pointer, InterpResult, PointerArithmetic,};
use super::{InterpCx, Machine, MemoryKind, FnVal};
impl<'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M> {
/// Creates a dynamic vtable for the given type and vtable origin. This is used only for
/// objects.
/// The `trait_ref` encodes the erased self type. Hence if we are
/// making an object `Foo<Trait>` from a value of type `Foo<T>`, then
/// `trait_ref` would map `T:Trait`.
pub fn get_vtable(
&mut self,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
poly_trait_ref: Option<ty::PolyExistentialTraitRef<'tcx>>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<M::PointerTag>> {
trace!("get_vtable(trait_ref={:?})", poly_trait_ref);
let (ty, poly_trait_ref) = self.tcx.erase_regions(&(ty, poly_trait_ref));
if let Some(&vtable) = self.vtables.get(&(ty, poly_trait_ref)) {
// This means we guarantee that there are no duplicate vtables, we will
// always use the same vtable for the same (Type, Trait) combination.
// That's not what happens in rustc, but emulating per-crate deduplication
// does not sound like it actually makes anything any better.
return Ok(vtable);
let methods = if let Some(poly_trait_ref) = poly_trait_ref {
let trait_ref = poly_trait_ref.with_self_ty(*self.tcx, ty);
let trait_ref = self.tcx.erase_regions(&trait_ref);
} else {
let layout = self.layout_of(ty)?;
assert!(!layout.is_unsized(), "can't create a vtable for an unsized type");
let size = layout.size.bytes();
let align = layout.align.abi.bytes();
let ptr_size = self.pointer_size();
let ptr_align = self.tcx.data_layout.pointer_align.abi;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// If you touch this code, be sure to also make the corresponding changes to
// `get_vtable` in rust_codegen_llvm/
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
let vtable = self.memory.allocate(
ptr_size * (3 + methods.len() as u64),
let tcx = &*self.tcx;
let drop = Instance::resolve_drop_in_place(*tcx, ty);
let drop = self.memory.create_fn_alloc(FnVal::Instance(drop));
// no need to do any alignment checks on the memory accesses below, because we know the
// allocation is correctly aligned as we created it above. Also we're only offsetting by
// multiples of `ptr_align`, which means that it will stay aligned to `ptr_align`.
.write_ptr_sized(tcx, vtable, Scalar::Ptr(drop).into())?;
let size_ptr = vtable.offset(ptr_size, self)?;
.write_ptr_sized(tcx, size_ptr, Scalar::from_uint(size, ptr_size).into())?;
let align_ptr = vtable.offset(ptr_size * 2, self)?;
.write_ptr_sized(tcx, align_ptr, Scalar::from_uint(align, ptr_size).into())?;
for (i, method) in methods.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some((def_id, substs)) = *method {
// resolve for vtable: insert shims where needed
let substs = self.subst_and_normalize_erasing_regions(substs)?;
let instance = ty::Instance::resolve_for_vtable(
).ok_or_else(|| err_inval!(TooGeneric))?;
let fn_ptr = self.memory.create_fn_alloc(FnVal::Instance(instance));
let method_ptr = vtable.offset(ptr_size * (3 + i as u64), self)?;
.write_ptr_sized(tcx, method_ptr, Scalar::Ptr(fn_ptr).into())?;
assert!(self.vtables.insert((ty, poly_trait_ref), vtable).is_none());
/// Returns the drop fn instance as well as the actual dynamic type
pub fn read_drop_type_from_vtable(
vtable: Scalar<M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, (ty::Instance<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)> {
// we don't care about the pointee type, we just want a pointer
let vtable = self.memory.check_ptr_access(
)?.expect("cannot be a ZST");
let drop_fn = self.memory
.read_ptr_sized(self, vtable)?
// We *need* an instance here, no other kind of function value, to be able
// to determine the type.
let drop_instance = self.memory.get_fn(drop_fn)?.as_instance()?;
trace!("Found drop fn: {:?}", drop_instance);
let fn_sig = drop_instance.ty(*self.tcx).fn_sig(*self.tcx);
let fn_sig = self.tcx.normalize_erasing_late_bound_regions(self.param_env, &fn_sig);
// The drop function takes `*mut T` where `T` is the type being dropped, so get that.
let ty = fn_sig.inputs()[0].builtin_deref(true).unwrap().ty;
Ok((drop_instance, ty))
pub fn read_size_and_align_from_vtable(
vtable: Scalar<M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, (Size, Align)> {
let pointer_size = self.pointer_size();
// We check for size = 3*ptr_size, that covers the drop fn (unused here),
// the size, and the align (which we read below).
let vtable = self.memory.check_ptr_access(
)?.expect("cannot be a ZST");
let alloc = self.memory.get(vtable.alloc_id)?;
let size = alloc.read_ptr_sized(
vtable.offset(pointer_size, self)?
)?.to_bits(pointer_size)? as u64;
let align = alloc.read_ptr_sized(
vtable.offset(pointer_size * 2, self)?,
)?.to_bits(pointer_size)? as u64;
Ok((Size::from_bytes(size), Align::from_bytes(align).unwrap()))