blob: 64f675ecc1c4d1f3579e1eaff60cdc52ab3341cc [file] [log] [blame]
//~ ERROR mismatched types
// For each of these, we should get the appropriate type mismatch error message,
// and the function should be echoed.
extern crate span_preservation as foo;
use foo::foo;
fn a() {
let x: usize = "hello";;;;; //~ ERROR mismatched types
fn b(x: Option<isize>) -> usize {
match x {
Some(x) => { return x }, //~ ERROR mismatched types
None => 10
fn c() {
struct Foo {
a: usize
struct Bar {
a: usize,
b: usize
let x = Foo { a: 10isize }; //~ ERROR mismatched types
let y = Foo { a: 10, b: 10isize }; //~ ERROR has no field named `b`
// FIXME: This doesn't work at the moment. See the one below. The pretty-printer
// injects a "C" between `extern` and `fn` which causes a "probably_eq"
// `TokenStream` mismatch. The lack of `"C"` should be preserved in the AST.
extern fn bar() {
extern "C" fn baz() {
0 //~ ERROR mismatched types
fn main() {}