blob: ae47a028bc3865346485126978e53c7fd0b8f6a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
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//! The compiler code necessary to implement the `#[derive]` extensions.
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ext::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt, SyntaxExtension, Resolver};
use syntax::ext::build::AstBuilder;
use syntax::ext::hygiene::{Mark, SyntaxContext};
use syntax::ptr::P;
use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
use syntax_pos::Span;
macro path_local($x:ident) {
macro pathvec_std($cx:expr, $($rest:ident)::+) {{
vec![ $( stringify!($rest) ),+ ]
macro path_std($($x:tt)*) {
generic::ty::Path::new( pathvec_std!( $($x)* ) )
pub mod bounds;
pub mod clone;
pub mod encodable;
pub mod decodable;
pub mod hash;
pub mod debug;
pub mod default;
pub mod custom;
pub mod partial_eq;
pub mod eq;
pub mod partial_ord;
pub mod ord;
pub mod generic;
macro_rules! derive_traits {
($( $name:expr => $func:path, )+) => {
pub fn is_builtin_trait(name: ast::Name) -> bool {
match &*name.as_str() {
$( $name )|+ => true,
_ => false,
pub fn register_builtin_derives(resolver: &mut dyn Resolver) {
derive_traits! {
"Clone" => clone::expand_deriving_clone,
"Hash" => hash::expand_deriving_hash,
"RustcEncodable" => encodable::expand_deriving_rustc_encodable,
"RustcDecodable" => decodable::expand_deriving_rustc_decodable,
"PartialEq" => partial_eq::expand_deriving_partial_eq,
"Eq" => eq::expand_deriving_eq,
"PartialOrd" => partial_ord::expand_deriving_partial_ord,
"Ord" => ord::expand_deriving_ord,
"Debug" => debug::expand_deriving_debug,
"Default" => default::expand_deriving_default,
"Send" => bounds::expand_deriving_unsafe_bound,
"Sync" => bounds::expand_deriving_unsafe_bound,
"Copy" => bounds::expand_deriving_copy,
// deprecated
"Encodable" => encodable::expand_deriving_encodable,
"Decodable" => decodable::expand_deriving_decodable,
#[inline] // because `name` is a compile-time constant
fn warn_if_deprecated(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, name: &str) {
if let Some(replacement) = match name {
"Encodable" => Some("RustcEncodable"),
"Decodable" => Some("RustcDecodable"),
_ => None,
} {
&format!("derive({}) is deprecated in favor of derive({})",
/// Construct a name for the inner type parameter that can't collide with any type parameters of
/// the item. This is achieved by starting with a base and then concatenating the names of all
/// other type parameters.
// FIXME(aburka): use real hygiene when that becomes possible
fn hygienic_type_parameter(item: &Annotatable, base: &str) -> String {
let mut typaram = String::from(base);
if let Annotatable::Item(ref item) = *item {
match item.node {
ast::ItemKind::Struct(_, ast::Generics { ref params, .. }) |
ast::ItemKind::Enum(_, ast::Generics { ref params, .. }) => {
for param in params {
match param.kind {
ast::GenericParamKind::Type { .. } => {
_ => {}
_ => {}
/// Constructs an expression that calls an intrinsic
fn call_intrinsic(cx: &ExtCtxt,
mut span: Span,
intrinsic: &str,
args: Vec<P<ast::Expr>>)
-> P<ast::Expr> {
if cx.current_expansion.mark.expn_info().unwrap().allow_internal_unstable {
span = span.with_ctxt(cx.backtrace());
} else { // Avoid instability errors with user defined curstom derives, cc #36316
let mut info = cx.current_expansion.mark.expn_info().unwrap();
info.allow_internal_unstable = true;
let mark = Mark::fresh(Mark::root());
span = span.with_ctxt(SyntaxContext::empty().apply_mark(mark));
let path = cx.std_path(&["intrinsics", intrinsic]);
let call = cx.expr_call_global(span, path, args);
cx.expr_block(P(ast::Block {
stmts: vec![cx.stmt_expr(call)],
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
rules: ast::BlockCheckMode::Unsafe(ast::CompilerGenerated),
recovered: false,