blob: 645d42ad975da7a20f830a4d26fe3c7c1a1a3a3d [file] [log] [blame]
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
fn test_sleep() {
// We sleep a *long* time here -- but the clock is virtual so the test should still pass quickly.
let before = Instant::now();
let after = Instant::now();
assert!((after - before).as_secs() >= 3600);
/// Ensure that time passes even if we don't sleep (but just work).
fn test_time_passes() {
// Check `Instant`.
let now1 = Instant::now();
// Do some work to make time pass.
for _ in 0..10 {
let now2 = Instant::now();
assert!(now2 > now1);
// Sanity-check the difference we got.
let diff = now2.duration_since(now1);
assert_eq!(now1 + diff, now2);
assert_eq!(now2 - diff, now1);
// The virtual clock is deterministic and I got 15ms on a 64-bit Linux machine. However, this
// changes according to the platform so we use an interval to be safe. This should be updated
// if `NANOSECONDS_PER_BASIC_BLOCK` changes. It may also need updating if the standard library
// code that runs in the loop above changes.
assert!(diff.as_millis() > 5);
assert!(diff.as_millis() < 20);
fn test_block_for_one_second() {
let end = Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(1);
// This takes a long time, as we only increment when statements are executed.
// When we sleep on all threads, we fast forward to the sleep duration, which we can't
// do with busy waiting.
while Instant::now() < end {}
/// Ensures that we get the same behavior across all targets.
fn test_deterministic() {
let begin = Instant::now();
for _ in 0..100_000 {}
let time = begin.elapsed();
println!("The loop took around {}s", time.as_secs());
println!("(It's fine for this number to change when you `--bless` this test.)")
fn main() {