blob: 1d45028657e08c447f6a020f6efe843643becd8e [file] [log] [blame]
//@ run-pass
// Test that we are able to successfully compile a setup where a trait
// (`Trait1`) references a struct (`SomeType<u32>`) which in turn
// carries a predicate that references the trait (`u32 : Trait1`,
// substituted).
//@ pretty-expanded FIXME #23616
trait Trait1 : Trait2<SomeType<u32>> {
fn dumb(&self) { }
trait Trait2<A> {
fn dumber(&self, _: A) { }
struct SomeType<A>
where A : Trait1
a: A
impl Trait1 for u32 { }
impl Trait2<SomeType<u32>> for u32 { }
fn main() { }