blob: 4f90cb793b6d22a107bba9963b8362ea20f14e57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! The Rust compiler.
//! # Note
//! This API is completely unstable and subject to change.
#![doc(html_logo_url = "",
html_favicon_url = "",
html_root_url = "")]
use back::write::create_target_machine;
use syntax_pos::symbol::Symbol;
extern crate flate2;
#[macro_use] extern crate bitflags;
extern crate libc;
#[macro_use] extern crate rustc;
extern crate jobserver;
extern crate num_cpus;
extern crate rustc_mir;
extern crate rustc_allocator;
extern crate rustc_apfloat;
extern crate rustc_target;
#[macro_use] extern crate rustc_data_structures;
extern crate rustc_demangle;
extern crate rustc_incremental;
extern crate rustc_llvm;
extern crate rustc_platform_intrinsics as intrinsics;
extern crate rustc_codegen_utils;
extern crate rustc_codegen_ssa;
extern crate rustc_fs_util;
#[macro_use] extern crate log;
#[macro_use] extern crate syntax;
extern crate syntax_pos;
extern crate rustc_errors as errors;
extern crate serialize;
extern crate cc; // Used to locate MSVC
extern crate tempfile;
extern crate memmap;
use rustc_codegen_ssa::traits::*;
use rustc_codegen_ssa::back::write::{CodegenContext, ModuleConfig};
use rustc_codegen_ssa::back::lto::{SerializedModule, LtoModuleCodegen, ThinModule};
use rustc_codegen_ssa::CompiledModule;
use errors::{FatalError, Handler};
use rustc::dep_graph::WorkProduct;
use rustc::util::time_graph::Timeline;
use syntax_pos::symbol::InternedString;
use rustc::mir::mono::Stats;
pub use llvm_util::target_features;
use std::any::Any;
use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc};
use rustc::dep_graph::DepGraph;
use rustc::middle::allocator::AllocatorKind;
use rustc::middle::cstore::{EncodedMetadata, MetadataLoader};
use rustc::session::{Session, CompileIncomplete};
use rustc::session::config::{OutputFilenames, OutputType, PrintRequest};
use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
use rustc::util::time_graph;
use rustc::util::profiling::ProfileCategory;
use rustc_mir::monomorphize;
use rustc_codegen_ssa::ModuleCodegen;
use rustc_codegen_utils::codegen_backend::CodegenBackend;
mod diagnostics;
mod back {
mod archive;
pub mod bytecode;
pub mod link;
pub mod lto;
pub mod write;
mod rpath;
pub mod wasm;
mod abi;
mod allocator;
mod asm;
mod attributes;
mod base;
mod builder;
mod callee;
mod common;
mod consts;
mod context;
mod debuginfo;
mod declare;
mod intrinsic;
// The following is a work around that replaces `pub mod llvm;` and that fixes issue 53912.
#[path = "llvm/"] mod llvm_; pub mod llvm { pub use super::llvm_::*; }
mod llvm_util;
mod metadata;
mod mono_item;
mod type_;
mod type_of;
mod value;
mod va_arg;
pub struct LlvmCodegenBackend(());
impl ExtraBackendMethods for LlvmCodegenBackend {
fn new_metadata(&self, sess: &Session, mod_name: &str) -> ModuleLlvm {
ModuleLlvm::new(sess, mod_name)
fn write_metadata<'b, 'gcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'b, 'gcx, 'gcx>,
metadata: &ModuleLlvm
) -> EncodedMetadata {
base::write_metadata(tcx, metadata)
fn codegen_allocator(&self, tcx: TyCtxt, mods: &ModuleLlvm, kind: AllocatorKind) {
unsafe { allocator::codegen(tcx, mods, kind) }
fn compile_codegen_unit<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
cgu_name: InternedString,
) -> Stats {
base::compile_codegen_unit(tcx, cgu_name)
fn target_machine_factory(
sess: &Session,
find_features: bool
) -> Arc<dyn Fn() ->
Result<&'static mut llvm::TargetMachine, String> + Send + Sync> {
back::write::target_machine_factory(sess, find_features)
fn target_cpu<'b>(&self, sess: &'b Session) -> &'b str {
impl WriteBackendMethods for LlvmCodegenBackend {
type Module = ModuleLlvm;
type ModuleBuffer = back::lto::ModuleBuffer;
type Context = llvm::Context;
type TargetMachine = &'static mut llvm::TargetMachine;
type ThinData = back::lto::ThinData;
type ThinBuffer = back::lto::ThinBuffer;
fn print_pass_timings(&self) {
unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustPrintPassTimings(); }
fn run_lto(
cgcx: &CodegenContext<Self>,
modules: Vec<ModuleCodegen<Self::Module>>,
cached_modules: Vec<(SerializedModule<Self::ModuleBuffer>, WorkProduct)>,
timeline: &mut Timeline
) -> Result<(Vec<LtoModuleCodegen<Self>>, Vec<WorkProduct>), FatalError> {
back::lto::run(cgcx, modules, cached_modules, timeline)
unsafe fn optimize(
cgcx: &CodegenContext<Self>,
diag_handler: &Handler,
module: &ModuleCodegen<Self::Module>,
config: &ModuleConfig,
timeline: &mut Timeline
) -> Result<(), FatalError> {
back::write::optimize(cgcx, diag_handler, module, config, timeline)
unsafe fn optimize_thin(
cgcx: &CodegenContext<Self>,
thin: &mut ThinModule<Self>,
timeline: &mut Timeline
) -> Result<ModuleCodegen<Self::Module>, FatalError> {
back::lto::optimize_thin_module(thin, cgcx, timeline)
unsafe fn codegen(
cgcx: &CodegenContext<Self>,
diag_handler: &Handler,
module: ModuleCodegen<Self::Module>,
config: &ModuleConfig,
timeline: &mut Timeline
) -> Result<CompiledModule, FatalError> {
back::write::codegen(cgcx, diag_handler, module, config, timeline)
fn run_lto_pass_manager(
cgcx: &CodegenContext<Self>,
module: &ModuleCodegen<Self::Module>,
config: &ModuleConfig,
thin: bool
) {
back::lto::run_pass_manager(cgcx, module, config, thin)
unsafe impl Send for LlvmCodegenBackend {} // Llvm is on a per-thread basis
unsafe impl Sync for LlvmCodegenBackend {}
impl LlvmCodegenBackend {
pub fn new() -> Box<dyn CodegenBackend> {
box LlvmCodegenBackend(())
impl CodegenBackend for LlvmCodegenBackend {
fn init(&self, sess: &Session) {
llvm_util::init(sess); // Make sure llvm is inited
fn print(&self, req: PrintRequest, sess: &Session) {
match req {
PrintRequest::RelocationModels => {
println!("Available relocation models:");
for &(name, _) in back::write::RELOC_MODEL_ARGS.iter() {
println!(" {}", name);
PrintRequest::CodeModels => {
println!("Available code models:");
for &(name, _) in back::write::CODE_GEN_MODEL_ARGS.iter(){
println!(" {}", name);
PrintRequest::TlsModels => {
println!("Available TLS models:");
for &(name, _) in back::write::TLS_MODEL_ARGS.iter(){
println!(" {}", name);
req => llvm_util::print(req, sess),
fn print_passes(&self) {
fn print_version(&self) {
fn diagnostics(&self) -> &[(&'static str, &'static str)] {
fn target_features(&self, sess: &Session) -> Vec<Symbol> {
fn metadata_loader(&self) -> Box<dyn MetadataLoader + Sync> {
box metadata::LlvmMetadataLoader
fn provide(&self, providers: &mut ty::query::Providers) {
fn provide_extern(&self, providers: &mut ty::query::Providers) {
fn codegen_crate<'b, 'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'b, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
rx: mpsc::Receiver<Box<dyn Any + Send>>
) -> Box<dyn Any> {
box rustc_codegen_ssa::base::codegen_crate(LlvmCodegenBackend(()), tcx, rx)
fn join_codegen_and_link(
ongoing_codegen: Box<dyn Any>,
sess: &Session,
dep_graph: &DepGraph,
outputs: &OutputFilenames,
) -> Result<(), CompileIncomplete>{
use rustc::util::common::time;
let (codegen_results, work_products) =
.expect("Expected LlvmCodegenBackend's OngoingCodegen, found Box<Any>")
if sess.opts.debugging_opts.incremental_info {
"serialize work products",
move || rustc_incremental::save_work_product_index(sess, &dep_graph, work_products));
if !sess.opts.output_types.keys().any(|&i| i == OutputType::Exe ||
i == OutputType::Metadata) {
return Ok(());
// Run the linker on any artifacts that resulted from the LLVM run.
// This should produce either a finished executable or library.
sess.profiler(|p| p.start_activity(ProfileCategory::Linking));
time(sess, "linking", || {
back::link::link_binary(sess, &codegen_results,
outputs, &codegen_results.crate_name.as_str());
sess.profiler(|p| p.end_activity(ProfileCategory::Linking));
// Now that we won't touch anything in the incremental compilation directory
// any more, we can finalize it (which involves renaming it)
rustc_incremental::finalize_session_directory(sess, codegen_results.crate_hash);
/// This is the entrypoint for a hot plugged rustc_codegen_llvm
pub fn __rustc_codegen_backend() -> Box<dyn CodegenBackend> {
pub struct ModuleLlvm {
llcx: &'static mut llvm::Context,
llmod_raw: *const llvm::Module,
tm: &'static mut llvm::TargetMachine,
unsafe impl Send for ModuleLlvm { }
unsafe impl Sync for ModuleLlvm { }
impl ModuleLlvm {
fn new(sess: &Session, mod_name: &str) -> Self {
unsafe {
let llcx = llvm::LLVMRustContextCreate(sess.fewer_names());
let llmod_raw = context::create_module(sess, llcx, mod_name) as *const _;
ModuleLlvm {
tm: create_target_machine(sess, false),
fn llmod(&self) -> &llvm::Module {
unsafe {
impl Drop for ModuleLlvm {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMContextDispose(&mut *(self.llcx as *mut _));
llvm::LLVMRustDisposeTargetMachine(&mut *( as *mut _));
__build_diagnostic_array! { librustc_codegen_llvm, DIAGNOSTICS }