blob: b476e04529a52c86431c41b82b7dddf07b3f5204 [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -Zunleash-the-miri-inside-of-you
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
// make sure we do not just intern this as mutable
const MUTABLE_BEHIND_RAW: *mut i32 = &UnsafeCell::new(42) as *const _ as *mut _;
// Test that `MUTABLE_BEHIND_RAW` is actually immutable, by doing this at const time.
unsafe {
*MUTABLE_BEHIND_RAW = 99 //~ WARN skipping const checks
//~^ ERROR any use of this value will cause an error
//~^^ tried to modify constant memory
fn main() {}