blob: 4ee09f7096b6163a90162d7057085d80b3aa658f [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::clean;
use crate::core::DocContext;
use crate::fold::{self, DocFolder};
use crate::passes::Pass;
use syntax::attr;
use syntax_pos::FileName;
use syntax::symbol::sym;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::ops;
pub const CALCULATE_DOC_COVERAGE: Pass = Pass {
name: "calculate-doc-coverage",
pass: calculate_doc_coverage,
description: "counts the number of items with and without documentation",
fn calculate_doc_coverage(krate: clean::Crate, _: &DocContext<'_>) -> clean::Crate {
let mut calc = CoverageCalculator::default();
let krate = calc.fold_crate(krate);
#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone)]
struct ItemCount {
total: u64,
with_docs: u64,
impl ItemCount {
fn count_item(&mut self, has_docs: bool) { += 1;
if has_docs {
self.with_docs += 1;
fn percentage(&self) -> Option<f64> {
if > 0 {
Some((self.with_docs as f64 * 100.0) / as f64)
} else {
impl ops::Sub for ItemCount {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
ItemCount {
total: -,
with_docs: self.with_docs - rhs.with_docs,
impl ops::AddAssign for ItemCount {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) { +=;
self.with_docs += rhs.with_docs;
struct CoverageCalculator {
items: BTreeMap<FileName, ItemCount>,
impl CoverageCalculator {
fn print_results(&self) {
let mut total = ItemCount::default();
fn print_table_line() {
println!("+-{0:->35}-+-{0:->10}-+-{0:->10}-+-{0:->10}-+", "");
fn print_table_record(name: &str, count: ItemCount, percentage: f64) {
println!("| {:<35} | {:>10} | {:>10} | {:>9.1}% |",
name, count.with_docs,, percentage);
println!("| {:<35} | {:>10} | {:>10} | {:>10} |",
"File", "Documented", "Total", "Percentage");
for (file, &count) in &self.items {
if let Some(percentage) = count.percentage() {
let mut name = file.to_string();
// if a filename is too long, shorten it so we don't blow out the table
// FIXME(misdreavus): this needs to count graphemes, and probably also track
// double-wide characters...
if name.len() > 35 {
name = "...".to_string() + &name[name.len()-32..];
print_table_record(&name, count, percentage);
total += count;
print_table_record("Total", total, total.percentage().unwrap_or(0.0));
impl fold::DocFolder for CoverageCalculator {
fn fold_item(&mut self, i: clean::Item) -> Option<clean::Item> {
let has_docs = !i.attrs.doc_strings.is_empty();
match i.inner {
_ if !i.def_id.is_local() => {
// non-local items are skipped because they can be out of the users control,
// especially in the case of trait impls, which rustdoc eagerly inlines
return Some(i);
clean::StrippedItem(..) => {
// don't count items in stripped modules
return Some(i);
clean::ImportItem(..) | clean::ExternCrateItem(..) => {
// docs on `use` and `extern crate` statements are not displayed, so they're not
// worth counting
return Some(i);
clean::ImplItem(ref impl_)
if attr::contains_name(&i.attrs.other_attrs, sym::automatically_derived)
|| impl_.synthetic || impl_.blanket_impl.is_some() =>
// built-in derives get the `#[automatically_derived]` attribute, and
// synthetic/blanket impls are made up by rustdoc and can't be documented
// FIXME(misdreavus): need to also find items that came out of a derive macro
return Some(i);
clean::ImplItem(ref impl_) => {
if let Some(ref tr) = impl_.trait_ {
debug!("impl {:#} for {:#} in {}", tr, impl_.for_, i.source.filename);
// don't count trait impls, the missing-docs lint doesn't so we shouldn't
// either
return Some(i);
} else {
// inherent impls *can* be documented, and those docs show up, but in most
// cases it doesn't make sense, as all methods on a type are in one single
// impl block
debug!("impl {:#} in {}", impl_.for_, i.source.filename);
_ => {
debug!("counting {} {:?} in {}", i.type_(),, i.source.filename);