blob: b139083e99fc1e9d57d5413b18b5c83fff7352e8 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::spec::{LinkArgs, LinkerFlavor, TargetOptions};
use std::default::Default;
pub fn opts() -> TargetOptions {
let mut args = LinkArgs::new();
TargetOptions {
function_sections: true,
dynamic_linking: true,
executables: true,
dll_prefix: String::new(),
dll_suffix: ".dll".to_string(),
exe_suffix: ".exe".to_string(),
staticlib_prefix: String::new(),
staticlib_suffix: ".lib".to_string(),
target_family: Some("windows".to_string()),
is_like_windows: true,
is_like_msvc: true,
// set VSLANG to 1033 can prevent link.exe from using
// language packs, and avoid generating Non-UTF-8 error
// messages if a link error occurred.
link_env: vec![("VSLANG".to_string(), "1033".to_string())],
pre_link_args: args,
crt_static_allows_dylibs: true,
crt_static_respected: true,
abi_return_struct_as_int: true,
emit_debug_gdb_scripts: false,
requires_uwtable: true,
.. Default::default()