blob: 720b7a499f781042c7fc99ecd5bef775089114fe [file] [log] [blame]
//@revisions: noopt opt
//@[opt] compile-flags: -O
//! Make sure we detect erroneous constants post-monomorphization even when they are unused. This is
//! crucial, people rely on it for soundness. (
struct Fail<T>(T);
impl<T> Fail<T> {
const C: () = panic!();
// This function is not actually called, but is mentioned implicitly as destructor in dead code in a
// function that is called. Make sure we still find this error.
impl<T> Drop for Fail<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let _ = Fail::<T>::C;
fn called<T>(x: T) {
if false {
let v = Fail(x);
// Now the destructor never gets "mentioned" so this build should *not* fail.
// IOW, this demonstrates that we are using a post-drop-elab notion of "mentioned".
pub fn main() {