blob: 9224d47d30fd60349dce94d5c1011199f9820bf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// We try to prove `for<'b> T::Rigid: Bound<'b, ?0>` and have 2 candidates from where-clauses:
// - `for<'a> Bound<'a, String>`
// - `for<'a> Bound<'a, <T::Rigid as Elaborate>::Assoc>`
// This causes ambiguity unless we normalize the alias in the second candidate
// to detect that they actually result in the same constraints. We currently
// fail to detect that the constraints from these bounds are equal and error
// with ambiguity.
trait Bound<'a, U> {}
trait Trait {
type Rigid: Elaborate<Assoc = String> + for<'a> Bound<'a, String>;
trait Elaborate: for<'a> Bound<'a, Self::Assoc> {
type Assoc;
fn impls<T: for<'b> Bound<'b, U>, U>(_: T) {}
fn test<P: Trait>(rigid: P::Rigid) {
//~^ ERROR type annotations needed
fn main() {}