blob: cc66b5fd6f2b8fe8f389a369721181c21ea88b27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Regression test for ICE #116473.
// The ICE occurs when arguments are specified on an enum variant
// (which is illegal) and the variant and its preceding path are
// located at different places such as in different macros or
// different expansions of the same macro (i.e. when the macro
// calls itself recursively)
enum Enum<T1, T2> { VariantA { _v1: T1, _v2: T2 }, VariantB }
type EnumUnit = Enum<(), ()>;
// Recursive macro call using a tt metavariable for variant
macro_rules! recursive_tt {
() => (recursive_tt!(VariantB));
($variant:tt) => (if let EnumUnit::$variant::<i32, u32> {} = 5 { true } else { false });
//~^ ERROR type arguments are not allowed on this type
//~| ERROR mismatched types
// Recursive macro call using an ident metavariable for variant
// (the behaviour is different for tt and ident)
macro_rules! recursive_ident {
() => (recursive_ident!(VariantB));
($variant:ident) => (if let EnumUnit::$variant::<i32, u32> {} = 5 { true } else { false });
//~^ ERROR type arguments are not allowed on this type
//~| ERROR mismatched types
// Mested macro calls (i.e. one calling another) using a tt
// metavariable for variant
macro_rules! nested1_tt {
() => (nested2_tt!(VariantB));
macro_rules! nested2_tt {
($variant:tt) => (if let EnumUnit::$variant::<i32, u32> {} = 5 { true } else { false });
//~^ ERROR type arguments are not allowed on this type
//~| ERROR mismatched types
// Mested macro calls using an ident metavariable for variant
// (the behaviour is different for tt and ident)
macro_rules! nested1_ident {
() => (nested2_ident!(VariantB));
macro_rules! nested2_ident {
($variant:ident) => (if let EnumUnit::$variant::<i32, u32> {} = 5 { true } else { false });
//~^ ERROR type arguments are not allowed on this type
//~| ERROR mismatched types
// Mested macro calls when args are passed as metavariable
// instead of the enum variant
macro_rules! nested1_tt_args_in_first_macro {
() => (nested2_tt_args_in_first_macro!(i32, u32));
//~^ ERROR type arguments are not allowed on this type
macro_rules! nested2_tt_args_in_first_macro {
($arg1:tt, $arg2:tt) => (if let EnumUnit::VariantB::<$arg1, $arg2> {}
//~^ ERROR mismatched types
= 5 { true } else { false });
// Mested macro calls when args are passed as metavariable
// instead of the enum variant
macro_rules! nested1_ident_args_in_first_macro {
() => (nested2_ident_args_in_first_macro!(i32, u32));
macro_rules! nested2_ident_args_in_first_macro {
($arg1:ident, $arg2:ident) => (if let EnumUnit::VariantB::<$arg1, $arg2> {}
//~^ ERROR type arguments are not allowed on this type
//~| ERROR mismatched types
= 5 { true } else { false });
fn main() {
// Macro cases
// Regular, non-macro case
if let EnumUnit::VariantB::<i32, u32> {} = 5 { true } else { false };
//~^ ERROR type arguments are not allowed on this type
//~| ERROR mismatched types