blob: 3122c670b440613c303cc05c98b69233408f3f26 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ revisions: check build
//@ [check]check-pass
// This second configuration aims to verify that we do not ICE in ConstProp because of
// normalization failure.
//@ [build]build-pass
//@ [build]compile-flags: -Zmir-opt-level=3 --emit=mir
trait ParseError {
type StreamError;
impl<T> ParseError for T {
type StreamError = ();
trait Stream {
type Item;
type Error: ParseError;
trait Parser
<Self as Parser>::PartialState: Default,
type PartialState;
fn parse_mode(_: &Self, _: Self::PartialState) {
loop {}
impl Stream for () {
type Item = ();
type Error = ();
impl Parser for () {
type PartialState = ();
struct AndThen<A, B>(core::marker::PhantomData<(A, B)>);
impl<A, B> Parser for AndThen<A, B>
A: Stream,
B: Into<<A::Error as ParseError>::StreamError>,
type PartialState = ();
fn expr<A>() -> impl Parser
A: Stream<Error = <A as Stream>::Item>,
AndThen::<A, ()>(core::marker::PhantomData)
fn parse_mode_impl<A>()
<A as Stream>::Error: ParseError,
A: Stream<Error = <A as Stream>::Item>,
Parser::parse_mode(&expr::<A>(), Default::default())
fn main() {}