blob: 3d4125f600ef829ff4e2819aff623e501f1d4787 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A visiting traversal mechanism for complex data structures that contain type
//! information.
//! This is a read-only traversal of the data structure.
//! This traversal has limited flexibility. Only a small number of "types of
//! interest" within the complex data structures can receive custom
//! visitation. These are the ones containing the most important type-related
//! information, such as `Ty`, `Predicate`, `Region`, and `Const`.
//! There are three traits involved in each traversal.
//! - `TypeVisitable`. This is implemented once for many types, including:
//! - Types of interest, for which the methods delegate to the visitor.
//! - All other types, including generic containers like `Vec` and `Option`.
//! It defines a "skeleton" of how they should be visited.
//! - `TypeSuperVisitable`. This is implemented only for recursive types of
//! interest, and defines the visiting "skeleton" for these types. (This
//! excludes `Region` because it is non-recursive, i.e. it never contains
//! other types of interest.)
//! - `TypeVisitor`. This is implemented for each visitor. This defines how
//! types of interest are visited.
//! This means each visit is a mixture of (a) generic visiting operations, and (b)
//! custom visit operations that are specific to the visitor.
//! - The `TypeVisitable` impls handle most of the traversal, and call into
//! `TypeVisitor` when they encounter a type of interest.
//! - A `TypeVisitor` may call into another `TypeVisitable` impl, because some of
//! the types of interest are recursive and can contain other types of interest.
//! - A `TypeVisitor` may also call into a `TypeSuperVisitable` impl, because each
//! visitor might provide custom handling only for some types of interest, or
//! only for some variants of each type of interest, and then use default
//! traversal for the remaining cases.
//! For example, if you have `struct S(Ty, U)` where `S: TypeVisitable` and `U:
//! TypeVisitable`, and an instance `s = S(ty, u)`, it would be visited like so:
//! ```text
//! s.visit_with(visitor) calls
//! - ty.visit_with(visitor) calls
//! - visitor.visit_ty(ty) may call
//! - ty.super_visit_with(visitor)
//! - u.visit_with(visitor)
//! ```
use rustc_ast_ir::visit::VisitorResult;
use rustc_ast_ir::{try_visit, walk_visitable_list};
use rustc_index::{Idx, IndexVec};
use std::fmt;
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
use crate::inherent::*;
use crate::{self as ty, Interner, Lrc, TypeFlags};
/// This trait is implemented for every type that can be visited,
/// providing the skeleton of the traversal.
/// To implement this conveniently, use the derive macro located in
/// `rustc_macros`.
pub trait TypeVisitable<I: Interner>: fmt::Debug + Clone {
/// The entry point for visiting. To visit a value `t` with a visitor `v`
/// call: `t.visit_with(v)`.
/// For most types, this just traverses the value, calling `visit_with` on
/// each field/element.
/// For types of interest (such as `Ty`), the implementation of this method
/// that calls a visitor method specifically for that type (such as
/// `V::visit_ty`). This is where control transfers from `TypeVisitable` to
/// `TypeVisitor`.
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result;
// This trait is implemented for types of interest.
pub trait TypeSuperVisitable<I: Interner>: TypeVisitable<I> {
/// Provides a default visit for a recursive type of interest. This should
/// only be called within `TypeVisitor` methods, when a non-custom
/// traversal is desired for the value of the type of interest passed to
/// that method. For example, in `MyVisitor::visit_ty(ty)`, it is valid to
/// call `ty.super_visit_with(self)`, but any other visiting should be done
/// with `xyz.visit_with(self)`.
fn super_visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result;
/// This trait is implemented for every visiting traversal. There is a visit
/// method defined for every type of interest. Each such method has a default
/// that recurses into the type's fields in a non-custom fashion.
pub trait TypeVisitor<I: Interner>: Sized {
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
type Result: VisitorResult = ();
#[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
type Result: VisitorResult;
fn visit_binder<T: TypeVisitable<I>>(&mut self, t: &I::Binder<T>) -> Self::Result {
fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: I::Ty) -> Self::Result {
// The default region visitor is a no-op because `Region` is non-recursive
// and has no `super_visit_with` method to call.
fn visit_region(&mut self, _r: I::Region) -> Self::Result {
fn visit_const(&mut self, c: I::Const) -> Self::Result {
fn visit_predicate(&mut self, p: I::Predicate) -> Self::Result {
fn visit_clauses(&mut self, p: I::Clauses) -> Self::Result {
// Traversal implementations.
impl<I: Interner, T: TypeVisitable<I>, U: TypeVisitable<I>> TypeVisitable<I> for (T, U) {
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
impl<I: Interner, A: TypeVisitable<I>, B: TypeVisitable<I>, C: TypeVisitable<I>> TypeVisitable<I>
for (A, B, C)
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
impl<I: Interner, T: TypeVisitable<I>> TypeVisitable<I> for Option<T> {
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
match self {
Some(v) => v.visit_with(visitor),
None => V::Result::output(),
impl<I: Interner, T: TypeVisitable<I>, E: TypeVisitable<I>> TypeVisitable<I> for Result<T, E> {
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
match self {
Ok(v) => v.visit_with(visitor),
Err(e) => e.visit_with(visitor),
impl<I: Interner, T: TypeVisitable<I>> TypeVisitable<I> for Lrc<T> {
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
impl<I: Interner, T: TypeVisitable<I>> TypeVisitable<I> for Box<T> {
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
impl<I: Interner, T: TypeVisitable<I>> TypeVisitable<I> for Vec<T> {
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
walk_visitable_list!(visitor, self.iter());
// `TypeFoldable` isn't impl'd for `&[T]`. It doesn't make sense in the general
// case, because we can't return a new slice. But note that there are a couple
// of trivial impls of `TypeFoldable` for specific slice types elsewhere.
impl<I: Interner, T: TypeVisitable<I>> TypeVisitable<I> for &[T] {
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
walk_visitable_list!(visitor, self.iter());
impl<I: Interner, T: TypeVisitable<I>> TypeVisitable<I> for Box<[T]> {
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
walk_visitable_list!(visitor, self.iter());
impl<I: Interner, T: TypeVisitable<I>, Ix: Idx> TypeVisitable<I> for IndexVec<Ix, T> {
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
walk_visitable_list!(visitor, self.iter());
pub trait Flags {
fn flags(&self) -> TypeFlags;
fn outer_exclusive_binder(&self) -> ty::DebruijnIndex;
pub trait TypeVisitableExt<I: Interner>: TypeVisitable<I> {
fn has_type_flags(&self, flags: TypeFlags) -> bool;
/// Returns `true` if `self` has any late-bound regions that are either
/// bound by `binder` or bound by some binder outside of `binder`.
/// If `binder` is `ty::INNERMOST`, this indicates whether
/// there are any late-bound regions that appear free.
fn has_vars_bound_at_or_above(&self, binder: ty::DebruijnIndex) -> bool;
/// Returns `true` if this type has any regions that escape `binder` (and
/// hence are not bound by it).
fn has_vars_bound_above(&self, binder: ty::DebruijnIndex) -> bool {
/// Return `true` if this type has regions that are not a part of the type.
/// For example, `for<'a> fn(&'a i32)` return `false`, while `fn(&'a i32)`
/// would return `true`. The latter can occur when traversing through the
/// former.
/// See [`HasEscapingVarsVisitor`] for more information.
fn has_escaping_bound_vars(&self) -> bool {
fn has_aliases(&self) -> bool {
fn has_inherent_projections(&self) -> bool {
fn has_opaque_types(&self) -> bool {
fn has_coroutines(&self) -> bool {
fn references_error(&self) -> bool {
fn error_reported(&self) -> Result<(), I::ErrorGuaranteed>;
fn has_non_region_param(&self) -> bool {
self.has_type_flags(TypeFlags::HAS_PARAM - TypeFlags::HAS_RE_PARAM)
fn has_infer_regions(&self) -> bool {
fn has_infer_types(&self) -> bool {
fn has_non_region_infer(&self) -> bool {
self.has_type_flags(TypeFlags::HAS_INFER - TypeFlags::HAS_RE_INFER)
fn has_infer(&self) -> bool {
fn has_placeholders(&self) -> bool {
fn has_non_region_placeholders(&self) -> bool {
self.has_type_flags(TypeFlags::HAS_PLACEHOLDER - TypeFlags::HAS_RE_PLACEHOLDER)
fn has_param(&self) -> bool {
/// "Free" regions in this context means that it has any region
/// that is not (a) erased or (b) late-bound.
fn has_free_regions(&self) -> bool {
fn has_erased_regions(&self) -> bool {
/// True if there are any un-erased free regions.
fn has_erasable_regions(&self) -> bool {
/// Indicates whether this value references only 'global'
/// generic parameters that are the same regardless of what fn we are
/// in. This is used for caching.
fn is_global(&self) -> bool {
/// True if there are any late-bound regions
fn has_bound_regions(&self) -> bool {
/// True if there are any late-bound non-region variables
fn has_non_region_bound_vars(&self) -> bool {
self.has_type_flags(TypeFlags::HAS_BOUND_VARS - TypeFlags::HAS_RE_BOUND)
/// True if there are any bound variables
fn has_bound_vars(&self) -> bool {
/// Indicates whether this value still has parameters/placeholders/inference variables
/// which could be replaced later, in a way that would change the results of `impl`
/// specialization.
fn still_further_specializable(&self) -> bool {
impl<I: Interner, T: TypeVisitable<I>> TypeVisitableExt<I> for T {
fn has_type_flags(&self, flags: TypeFlags) -> bool {
let res =
self.visit_with(&mut HasTypeFlagsVisitor { flags }) == ControlFlow::Break(FoundFlags);
fn has_vars_bound_at_or_above(&self, binder: ty::DebruijnIndex) -> bool {
self.visit_with(&mut HasEscapingVarsVisitor { outer_index: binder }).is_break()
fn error_reported(&self) -> Result<(), I::ErrorGuaranteed> {
if self.references_error() {
if let ControlFlow::Break(guar) = self.visit_with(&mut HasErrorVisitor) {
} else {
panic!("type flags said there was an error, but now there is not")
} else {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
struct FoundFlags;
// FIXME: Optimize for checking for infer flags
struct HasTypeFlagsVisitor {
flags: ty::TypeFlags,
impl std::fmt::Debug for HasTypeFlagsVisitor {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
// Note: this visitor traverses values down to the level of
// `Ty`/`Const`/`Predicate`, but not within those types. This is because the
// type flags at the outer layer are enough. So it's faster than it first
// looks, particular for `Ty`/`Predicate` where it's just a field access.
// N.B. The only case where this isn't totally true is binders, which also
// add `HAS_{RE,TY,CT}_LATE_BOUND` flag depending on the *bound variables* that
// are present, regardless of whether those bound variables are used. This
// is important for anonymization of binders in `TyCtxt::erase_regions`. We
// specifically detect this case in `visit_binder`.
impl<I: Interner> TypeVisitor<I> for HasTypeFlagsVisitor {
type Result = ControlFlow<FoundFlags>;
fn visit_binder<T: TypeVisitable<I>>(&mut self, t: &I::Binder<T>) -> Self::Result {
// If we're looking for the HAS_BINDER_VARS flag, check if the
// binder has vars. This won't be present in the binder's bound
// value, so we need to check here too.
if self.flags.intersects(TypeFlags::HAS_BINDER_VARS) && !t.has_no_bound_vars() {
return ControlFlow::Break(FoundFlags);
fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: I::Ty) -> Self::Result {
// Note: no `super_visit_with` call.
let flags = t.flags();
if flags.intersects(self.flags) {
} else {
fn visit_region(&mut self, r: I::Region) -> Self::Result {
// Note: no `super_visit_with` call, as usual for `Region`.
let flags = r.flags();
if flags.intersects(self.flags) {
} else {
fn visit_const(&mut self, c: I::Const) -> Self::Result {
// Note: no `super_visit_with` call.
if c.flags().intersects(self.flags) {
} else {
fn visit_predicate(&mut self, predicate: I::Predicate) -> Self::Result {
// Note: no `super_visit_with` call.
if predicate.flags().intersects(self.flags) {
} else {
fn visit_clauses(&mut self, clauses: I::Clauses) -> Self::Result {
// Note: no `super_visit_with` call.
if clauses.flags().intersects(self.flags) {
} else {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
struct FoundEscapingVars;
/// An "escaping var" is a bound var whose binder is not part of `t`. A bound var can be a
/// bound region or a bound type.
/// So, for example, consider a type like the following, which has two binders:
/// for<'a> fn(x: for<'b> fn(&'a isize, &'b isize))
/// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ outer scope
/// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ inner scope
/// This type has *bound regions* (`'a`, `'b`), but it does not have escaping regions, because the
/// binders of both `'a` and `'b` are part of the type itself. However, if we consider the *inner
/// fn type*, that type has an escaping region: `'a`.
/// Note that what I'm calling an "escaping var" is often just called a "free var". However,
/// we already use the term "free var". It refers to the regions or types that we use to represent
/// bound regions or type params on a fn definition while we are type checking its body.
/// To clarify, conceptually there is no particular difference between
/// an "escaping" var and a "free" var. However, there is a big
/// difference in practice. Basically, when "entering" a binding
/// level, one is generally required to do some sort of processing to
/// a bound var, such as replacing it with a fresh/placeholder
/// var, or making an entry in the environment to represent the
/// scope to which it is attached, etc. An escaping var represents
/// a bound var for which this processing has not yet been done.
struct HasEscapingVarsVisitor {
/// Anything bound by `outer_index` or "above" is escaping.
outer_index: ty::DebruijnIndex,
impl<I: Interner> TypeVisitor<I> for HasEscapingVarsVisitor {
type Result = ControlFlow<FoundEscapingVars>;
fn visit_binder<T: TypeVisitable<I>>(&mut self, t: &I::Binder<T>) -> Self::Result {
let result = t.super_visit_with(self);
fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: I::Ty) -> Self::Result {
// If the outer-exclusive-binder is *strictly greater* than
// `outer_index`, that means that `t` contains some content
// bound at `outer_index` or above (because
// `outer_exclusive_binder` is always 1 higher than the
// content in `t`). Therefore, `t` has some escaping vars.
if t.outer_exclusive_binder() > self.outer_index {
} else {
fn visit_region(&mut self, r: I::Region) -> Self::Result {
// If the region is bound by `outer_index` or anything outside
// of outer index, then it escapes the binders we have
// visited.
if r.outer_exclusive_binder() > self.outer_index {
} else {
fn visit_const(&mut self, ct: I::Const) -> Self::Result {
// If the outer-exclusive-binder is *strictly greater* than
// `outer_index`, that means that `ct` contains some content
// bound at `outer_index` or above (because
// `outer_exclusive_binder` is always 1 higher than the
// content in `t`). Therefore, `t` has some escaping vars.
if ct.outer_exclusive_binder() > self.outer_index {
} else {
fn visit_predicate(&mut self, predicate: I::Predicate) -> Self::Result {
if predicate.outer_exclusive_binder() > self.outer_index {
} else {
fn visit_clauses(&mut self, clauses: I::Clauses) -> Self::Result {
if clauses.outer_exclusive_binder() > self.outer_index {
} else {
struct HasErrorVisitor;
impl<I: Interner> TypeVisitor<I> for HasErrorVisitor {
type Result = ControlFlow<I::ErrorGuaranteed>;
fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: <I as Interner>::Ty) -> Self::Result {
if let ty::Error(guar) = t.kind() {
} else {
fn visit_const(&mut self, c: <I as Interner>::Const) -> Self::Result {
if let ty::ConstKind::Error(guar) = c.kind() {
} else {
fn visit_region(&mut self, r: <I as Interner>::Region) -> Self::Result {
if let ty::ReError(guar) = r.kind() {
} else {