blob: f7c7ec242c10b3b4d7168fd32b98b53eae779005 [file] [log] [blame]
use rustc_ast_ir::try_visit;
use rustc_ast_ir::visit::VisitorResult;
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
use rustc_macros::{HashStable_NoContext, TyDecodable, TyEncodable};
use std::fmt;
use std::hash::Hash;
use crate::fold::{FallibleTypeFolder, TypeFoldable};
use crate::inherent::*;
use crate::visit::{TypeVisitable, TypeVisitor};
use crate::{Interner, UniverseIndex};
/// A "canonicalized" type `V` is one where all free inference
/// variables have been rewritten to "canonical vars". These are
/// numbered starting from 0 in order of first appearance.
#[derivative(Clone(bound = "V: Clone"), Hash(bound = "V: Hash"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
pub struct Canonical<I: Interner, V> {
pub value: V,
pub max_universe: UniverseIndex,
// FIXME(lcnr, oli-obk): try moving this into the query inputs instead
pub defining_opaque_types: I::DefiningOpaqueTypes,
pub variables: I::CanonicalVars,
impl<I: Interner, V> Canonical<I, V> {
/// Allows you to map the `value` of a canonical while keeping the
/// same set of bound variables.
/// **WARNING:** This function is very easy to mis-use, hence the
/// name! In particular, the new value `W` must use all **the
/// same type/region variables** in **precisely the same order**
/// as the original! (The ordering is defined by the
/// `TypeFoldable` implementation of the type in question.)
/// An example of a **correct** use of this:
/// ```rust,ignore (not real code)
/// let a: Canonical<I, T> = ...;
/// let b: Canonical<I, (T,)> = a.unchecked_map(|v| (v, ));
/// ```
/// An example of an **incorrect** use of this:
/// ```rust,ignore (not real code)
/// let a: Canonical<I, T> = ...;
/// let ty: Ty<I> = ...;
/// let b: Canonical<I, (T, Ty<I>)> = a.unchecked_map(|v| (v, ty));
/// ```
pub fn unchecked_map<W>(self, map_op: impl FnOnce(V) -> W) -> Canonical<I, W> {
let Canonical { defining_opaque_types, max_universe, variables, value } = self;
Canonical { defining_opaque_types, max_universe, variables, value: map_op(value) }
/// Allows you to map the `value` of a canonical while keeping the same set of
/// bound variables.
/// **WARNING:** This function is very easy to mis-use, hence the name! See
/// the comment of [Canonical::unchecked_map] for more details.
pub fn unchecked_rebind<W>(self, value: W) -> Canonical<I, W> {
let Canonical { defining_opaque_types, max_universe, variables, value: _ } = self;
Canonical { defining_opaque_types, max_universe, variables, value }
impl<I: Interner, V: Eq> Eq for Canonical<I, V> {}
impl<I: Interner, V: PartialEq> PartialEq for Canonical<I, V> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
let Self { value, max_universe, variables, defining_opaque_types } = self;
*value == other.value
&& *max_universe == other.max_universe
&& *variables == other.variables
&& *defining_opaque_types == other.defining_opaque_types
impl<I: Interner, V: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for Canonical<I, V> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let Self { value, max_universe, variables, defining_opaque_types } = self;
"Canonical {{ value: {value}, max_universe: {max_universe:?}, variables: {variables:?}, defining_opaque_types: {defining_opaque_types:?} }}",
impl<I: Interner, V: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Canonical<I, V> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let Self { value, max_universe, variables, defining_opaque_types } = self;
.field("value", &value)
.field("max_universe", &max_universe)
.field("variables", &variables)
.field("defining_opaque_types", &defining_opaque_types)
impl<I: Interner, V: Copy> Copy for Canonical<I, V> where I::CanonicalVars: Copy {}
impl<I: Interner, V: TypeFoldable<I>> TypeFoldable<I> for Canonical<I, V>
I::CanonicalVars: TypeFoldable<I>,
fn try_fold_with<F: FallibleTypeFolder<I>>(self, folder: &mut F) -> Result<Self, F::Error> {
Ok(Canonical {
value: self.value.try_fold_with(folder)?,
max_universe: self.max_universe.try_fold_with(folder)?,
variables: self.variables.try_fold_with(folder)?,
defining_opaque_types: self.defining_opaque_types,
impl<I: Interner, V: TypeVisitable<I>> TypeVisitable<I> for Canonical<I, V>
I::CanonicalVars: TypeVisitable<I>,
fn visit_with<F: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, folder: &mut F) -> F::Result {
let Self { value, max_universe, variables, defining_opaque_types } = self;
/// Information about a canonical variable that is included with the
/// canonical value. This is sufficient information for code to create
/// a copy of the canonical value in some other inference context,
/// with fresh inference variables replacing the canonical values.
#[derivative(Clone(bound = ""), Copy(bound = ""), Hash(bound = ""), Debug(bound = ""))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(TyDecodable, TyEncodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
pub struct CanonicalVarInfo<I: Interner> {
pub kind: CanonicalVarKind<I>,
impl<I: Interner> PartialEq for CanonicalVarInfo<I> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.kind == other.kind
impl<I: Interner> Eq for CanonicalVarInfo<I> {}
impl<I: Interner> TypeVisitable<I> for CanonicalVarInfo<I>
I::Ty: TypeVisitable<I>,
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
impl<I: Interner> TypeFoldable<I> for CanonicalVarInfo<I>
I::Ty: TypeFoldable<I>,
fn try_fold_with<F: FallibleTypeFolder<I>>(self, folder: &mut F) -> Result<Self, F::Error> {
Ok(CanonicalVarInfo { kind: self.kind.try_fold_with(folder)? })
impl<I: Interner> CanonicalVarInfo<I> {
pub fn universe(self) -> UniverseIndex {
pub fn with_updated_universe(self, ui: UniverseIndex) -> CanonicalVarInfo<I> {
CanonicalVarInfo { kind: self.kind.with_updated_universe(ui) }
pub fn is_existential(&self) -> bool {
match self.kind {
CanonicalVarKind::Ty(_) => true,
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderTy(_) => false,
CanonicalVarKind::Region(_) => true,
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderRegion(..) => false,
CanonicalVarKind::Const(..) => true,
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(_, _) => false,
CanonicalVarKind::Effect => true,
pub fn is_region(&self) -> bool {
match self.kind {
CanonicalVarKind::Region(_) | CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderRegion(_) => true,
| CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderTy(_)
| CanonicalVarKind::Const(_, _)
| CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(_, _)
| CanonicalVarKind::Effect => false,
pub fn expect_placeholder_index(self) -> usize {
match self.kind {
| CanonicalVarKind::Region(_)
| CanonicalVarKind::Const(_, _)
| CanonicalVarKind::Effect => panic!("expected placeholder: {self:?}"),
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderRegion(placeholder) => placeholder.var().as_usize(),
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderTy(placeholder) => placeholder.var().as_usize(),
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(placeholder, _) => placeholder.var().as_usize(),
/// Describes the "kind" of the canonical variable. This is a "kind"
/// in the type-theory sense of the term -- i.e., a "meta" type system
/// that analyzes type-like values.
#[derivative(Clone(bound = ""), Copy(bound = ""), Hash(bound = ""), Debug(bound = ""))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(TyDecodable, TyEncodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
pub enum CanonicalVarKind<I: Interner> {
/// Some kind of type inference variable.
/// A "placeholder" that represents "any type".
/// Region variable `'?R`.
/// A "placeholder" that represents "any region". Created when you
/// are solving a goal like `for<'a> T: Foo<'a>` to represent the
/// bound region `'a`.
/// Some kind of const inference variable.
Const(UniverseIndex, I::Ty),
/// Effect variable `'?E`.
/// A "placeholder" that represents "any const".
PlaceholderConst(I::PlaceholderConst, I::Ty),
impl<I: Interner> PartialEq for CanonicalVarKind<I> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(Self::Ty(l0), Self::Ty(r0)) => l0 == r0,
(Self::PlaceholderTy(l0), Self::PlaceholderTy(r0)) => l0 == r0,
(Self::Region(l0), Self::Region(r0)) => l0 == r0,
(Self::PlaceholderRegion(l0), Self::PlaceholderRegion(r0)) => l0 == r0,
(Self::Const(l0, l1), Self::Const(r0, r1)) => l0 == r0 && l1 == r1,
(Self::PlaceholderConst(l0, l1), Self::PlaceholderConst(r0, r1)) => {
l0 == r0 && l1 == r1
_ => std::mem::discriminant(self) == std::mem::discriminant(other),
impl<I: Interner> Eq for CanonicalVarKind<I> {}
impl<I: Interner> TypeVisitable<I> for CanonicalVarKind<I>
I::Ty: TypeVisitable<I>,
fn visit_with<V: TypeVisitor<I>>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> V::Result {
match self {
| CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderTy(_)
| CanonicalVarKind::Region(_)
| CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderRegion(_)
| CanonicalVarKind::Effect => V::Result::output(),
CanonicalVarKind::Const(_, ty) | CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(_, ty) => {
impl<I: Interner> TypeFoldable<I> for CanonicalVarKind<I>
I::Ty: TypeFoldable<I>,
fn try_fold_with<F: FallibleTypeFolder<I>>(self, folder: &mut F) -> Result<Self, F::Error> {
Ok(match self {
CanonicalVarKind::Ty(kind) => CanonicalVarKind::Ty(kind),
CanonicalVarKind::Region(kind) => CanonicalVarKind::Region(kind),
CanonicalVarKind::Const(kind, ty) => {
CanonicalVarKind::Const(kind, ty.try_fold_with(folder)?)
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderTy(placeholder) => {
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderRegion(placeholder) => {
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(placeholder, ty) => {
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(placeholder, ty.try_fold_with(folder)?)
CanonicalVarKind::Effect => CanonicalVarKind::Effect,
impl<I: Interner> CanonicalVarKind<I> {
pub fn universe(self) -> UniverseIndex {
match self {
CanonicalVarKind::Ty(CanonicalTyVarKind::General(ui)) => ui,
CanonicalVarKind::Region(ui) => ui,
CanonicalVarKind::Const(ui, _) => ui,
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderTy(placeholder) => placeholder.universe(),
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderRegion(placeholder) => placeholder.universe(),
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(placeholder, _) => placeholder.universe(),
CanonicalVarKind::Ty(CanonicalTyVarKind::Float | CanonicalTyVarKind::Int) => {
CanonicalVarKind::Effect => UniverseIndex::ROOT,
/// Replaces the universe of this canonical variable with `ui`.
/// In case this is a float or int variable, this causes an ICE if
/// the updated universe is not the root.
pub fn with_updated_universe(self, ui: UniverseIndex) -> CanonicalVarKind<I> {
match self {
CanonicalVarKind::Ty(CanonicalTyVarKind::General(_)) => {
CanonicalVarKind::Region(_) => CanonicalVarKind::Region(ui),
CanonicalVarKind::Const(_, ty) => CanonicalVarKind::Const(ui, ty),
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderTy(placeholder) => {
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderRegion(placeholder) => {
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(placeholder, ty) => {
CanonicalVarKind::PlaceholderConst(placeholder.with_updated_universe(ui), ty)
CanonicalVarKind::Ty(CanonicalTyVarKind::Int | CanonicalTyVarKind::Float)
| CanonicalVarKind::Effect => {
assert_eq!(ui, UniverseIndex::ROOT);
/// Rust actually has more than one category of type variables;
/// notably, the type variables we create for literals (e.g., 22 or
/// 22.) can only be instantiated with integral/float types (e.g.,
/// usize or f32). In order to faithfully reproduce a type, we need to
/// know what set of types a given type variable can be unified with.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(TyDecodable, TyEncodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
pub enum CanonicalTyVarKind {
/// General type variable `?T` that can be unified with arbitrary types.
/// Integral type variable `?I` (that can only be unified with integral types).
/// Floating-point type variable `?F` (that can only be unified with float types).