blob: 1f186b87767f13c20039d694cba18644e12d79bc [file] [log] [blame]
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
extern crate tracing;
// N.B. these crates are loaded from the sysroot, so they need extern crate.
extern crate rustc_ast;
extern crate rustc_ast_pretty;
extern crate rustc_builtin_macros;
extern crate rustc_data_structures;
extern crate rustc_errors;
extern crate rustc_expand;
extern crate rustc_parse;
extern crate rustc_session;
extern crate rustc_span;
extern crate thin_vec;
// Necessary to pull in object code as the rest of the rustc crates are shipped only as rmeta
// files.
extern crate rustc_driver;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cmp::min;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::mem;
use std::panic;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::rc::Rc;
use rustc_ast::ast;
use rustc_span::symbol;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::comment::LineClasses;
use crate::emitter::Emitter;
use crate::formatting::{FormatErrorMap, FormattingError, ReportedErrors, SourceFile};
use crate::modules::ModuleResolutionError;
use crate::parse::parser::DirectoryOwnership;
use crate::shape::Indent;
use crate::utils::indent_next_line;
pub use crate::config::{
load_config, CliOptions, Color, Config, Edition, EmitMode, FileLines, FileName, NewlineStyle,
Range, StyleEdition, Verbosity, Version,
pub use crate::format_report_formatter::{FormatReportFormatter, FormatReportFormatterBuilder};
pub use crate::rustfmt_diff::{ModifiedChunk, ModifiedLines};
mod utils;
macro_rules! static_regex {
($re:literal) => {{
static RE: ::std::sync::OnceLock<::regex::Regex> = ::std::sync::OnceLock::new();
RE.get_or_init(|| ::regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap())
mod attr;
mod chains;
mod closures;
mod comment;
pub(crate) mod config;
mod coverage;
mod emitter;
mod expr;
mod format_report_formatter;
pub(crate) mod formatting;
mod ignore_path;
mod imports;
mod items;
mod lists;
mod macros;
mod matches;
mod missed_spans;
pub(crate) mod modules;
mod overflow;
mod pairs;
mod parse;
mod patterns;
mod release_channel;
mod reorder;
mod rewrite;
pub(crate) mod rustfmt_diff;
mod shape;
mod skip;
mod sort;
pub(crate) mod source_file;
pub(crate) mod source_map;
mod spanned;
mod stmt;
mod string;
mod test;
mod types;
mod vertical;
pub(crate) mod visitor;
/// The various errors that can occur during formatting. Note that not all of
/// these can currently be propagated to clients.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ErrorKind {
/// Line has exceeded character limit (found, maximum).
"line formatted, but exceeded maximum width \
(maximum: {1} (see `max_width` option), found: {0})"
LineOverflow(usize, usize),
/// Line ends in whitespace.
#[error("left behind trailing whitespace")]
/// Used deprecated skip attribute.
#[error("`rustfmt_skip` is deprecated; use `rustfmt::skip`")]
/// Used a rustfmt:: attribute other than skip or skip::macros.
#[error("invalid attribute")]
/// An io error during reading or writing.
#[error("io error: {0}")]
/// Error during module resolution.
ModuleResolutionError(#[from] ModuleResolutionError),
/// Parse error occurred when parsing the input.
#[error("parse error")]
/// The user mandated a version and the current version of Rustfmt does not
/// satisfy that requirement.
#[error("version mismatch")]
/// If we had formatted the given node, then we would have lost a comment.
#[error("not formatted because a comment would be lost")]
/// Invalid glob pattern in `ignore` configuration option.
#[error("Invalid glob pattern found in ignore list: {0}")]
impl ErrorKind {
fn is_comment(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, ErrorKind::LostComment)
impl From<io::Error> for ErrorKind {
fn from(e: io::Error) -> ErrorKind {
/// Result of formatting a snippet of code along with ranges of lines that didn't get formatted,
/// i.e., that got returned as they were originally.
struct FormattedSnippet {
snippet: String,
non_formatted_ranges: Vec<(usize, usize)>,
impl FormattedSnippet {
/// In case the snippet needed to be wrapped in a function, this shifts down the ranges of
/// non-formatted code.
fn unwrap_code_block(&mut self) {
.for_each(|(low, high)| {
*low -= 1;
*high -= 1;
/// Returns `true` if the line n did not get formatted.
fn is_line_non_formatted(&self, n: usize) -> bool {
.any(|(low, high)| *low <= n && n <= *high)
/// Reports on any issues that occurred during a run of Rustfmt.
/// Can be reported to the user using the `Display` impl on [`FormatReportFormatter`].
pub struct FormatReport {
// Maps stringified file paths to their associated formatting errors.
internal: Rc<RefCell<(FormatErrorMap, ReportedErrors)>>,
non_formatted_ranges: Vec<(usize, usize)>,
impl FormatReport {
fn new() -> FormatReport {
FormatReport {
internal: Rc::new(RefCell::new((HashMap::new(), ReportedErrors::default()))),
non_formatted_ranges: Vec::new(),
fn add_non_formatted_ranges(&mut self, mut ranges: Vec<(usize, usize)>) {
self.non_formatted_ranges.append(&mut ranges);
fn append(&self, f: FileName, mut v: Vec<FormattingError>) {
.and_modify(|fe| fe.append(&mut v))
fn track_errors(&self, new_errors: &[FormattingError]) {
let errs = &mut self.internal.borrow_mut().1;
if !new_errors.is_empty() {
errs.has_formatting_errors = true;
if errs.has_operational_errors && errs.has_check_errors && errs.has_unformatted_code_errors
for err in new_errors {
match err.kind {
ErrorKind::LineOverflow(..) => {
errs.has_operational_errors = true;
ErrorKind::TrailingWhitespace => {
errs.has_operational_errors = true;
errs.has_unformatted_code_errors = true;
ErrorKind::LostComment => {
errs.has_unformatted_code_errors = true;
ErrorKind::DeprecatedAttr | ErrorKind::BadAttr | ErrorKind::VersionMismatch => {
errs.has_check_errors = true;
_ => {}
fn add_diff(&mut self) {
self.internal.borrow_mut().1.has_diff = true;
fn add_macro_format_failure(&mut self) {
self.internal.borrow_mut().1.has_macro_format_failure = true;
fn add_parsing_error(&mut self) {
self.internal.borrow_mut().1.has_parsing_errors = true;
fn warning_count(&self) -> usize {
.map(|errors| errors.len())
/// Whether any warnings or errors are present in the report.
pub fn has_warnings(&self) -> bool {
/// Print the report to a terminal using colours and potentially other
/// fancy output.
#[deprecated(note = "Use FormatReportFormatter with colors enabled instead")]
pub fn fancy_print(
mut t: Box<dyn term::Terminal<Output = io::Stderr>>,
) -> Result<(), term::Error> {
/// Deprecated - Use FormatReportFormatter instead
impl fmt::Display for FormatReport {
// Prints all the formatting errors.
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(fmt, "{}", FormatReportFormatterBuilder::new(self).build())?;
/// Format the given snippet. The snippet is expected to be *complete* code.
/// When we cannot parse the given snippet, this function returns `None`.
fn format_snippet(snippet: &str, config: &Config, is_macro_def: bool) -> Option<FormattedSnippet> {
let mut config = config.clone();
panic::catch_unwind(|| {
let mut out: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(snippet.len() * 2);
if is_macro_def {
let (formatting_error, result) = {
let input = Input::Text(snippet.into());
let mut session = Session::new(config, Some(&mut out));
let result = session.format_input_inner(input, is_macro_def);
|| session.out.as_ref().unwrap().is_empty() && !snippet.is_empty()
|| result.is_err()
|| (is_macro_def && session.has_unformatted_code_errors()),
if formatting_error {
} else {
String::from_utf8(out).ok().map(|snippet| FormattedSnippet {
non_formatted_ranges: result.unwrap().non_formatted_ranges,
// Discard panics encountered while formatting the snippet
// The ? operator is needed to remove the extra Option
/// Format the given code block. Mainly targeted for code block in comment.
/// The code block may be incomplete (i.e., parser may be unable to parse it).
/// To avoid panic in parser, we wrap the code block with a dummy function.
/// The returned code block does **not** end with newline.
fn format_code_block(
code_snippet: &str,
config: &Config,
is_macro_def: bool,
) -> Option<FormattedSnippet> {
const FN_MAIN_PREFIX: &str = "fn main() {\n";
fn enclose_in_main_block(s: &str, config: &Config) -> String {
let indent = Indent::from_width(config, config.tab_spaces());
let mut result = String::with_capacity(s.len() * 2);
let mut need_indent = true;
for (kind, line) in LineClasses::new(s) {
if need_indent {
need_indent = indent_next_line(kind, &line, config);
// Wrap the given code block with `fn main()` if it does not have one.
let snippet = enclose_in_main_block(code_snippet, config);
let mut result = String::with_capacity(snippet.len());
let mut is_first = true;
// While formatting the code, ignore the config's newline style setting and always use "\n"
// instead of "\r\n" for the newline characters. This is ok because the output here is
// not directly outputted by rustfmt command, but used by the comment formatter's input.
// We have output-file-wide "\n" ==> "\r\n" conversion process after here if it's necessary.
let mut config_with_unix_newline = config.clone();
let mut formatted = format_snippet(&snippet, &config_with_unix_newline, is_macro_def)?;
// Remove wrapping main block
// Trim "fn main() {" on the first line and "}" on the last line,
// then unindent the whole code block.
let block_len = formatted
.unwrap_or_else(|| formatted.snippet.len());
// It's possible that `block_len < FN_MAIN_PREFIX.len()`. This can happen if the code block was
// formatted into the empty string, leading to the enclosing `fn main() {\n}` being formatted
// into `fn main() {}`. In this case no unindentation is done.
let block_start = min(FN_MAIN_PREFIX.len(), block_len);
let mut is_indented = true;
let indent_str = Indent::from_width(config, config.tab_spaces()).to_string(config);
for (kind, ref line) in LineClasses::new(&formatted.snippet[block_start..block_len]) {
if !is_first {
} else {
is_first = false;
let trimmed_line = if !is_indented {
} else if line.len() > config.max_width() {
// If there are lines that are larger than max width, we cannot tell
// whether we have succeeded but have some comments or strings that
// are too long, or we have failed to format code block. We will be
// conservative and just return `None` in this case.
return None;
} else if line.len() > indent_str.len() {
// Make sure that the line has leading whitespaces.
if line.starts_with(indent_str.as_ref()) {
let offset = if config.hard_tabs() {
} else {
} else {
} else {
is_indented = indent_next_line(kind, line, config);
Some(FormattedSnippet {
snippet: result,
non_formatted_ranges: formatted.non_formatted_ranges,
/// A session is a run of rustfmt across a single or multiple inputs.
pub struct Session<'b, T: Write> {
pub config: Config,
pub out: Option<&'b mut T>,
pub(crate) errors: ReportedErrors,
source_file: SourceFile,
emitter: Box<dyn Emitter + 'b>,
impl<'b, T: Write + 'b> Session<'b, T> {
pub fn new(config: Config, mut out: Option<&'b mut T>) -> Session<'b, T> {
let emitter = create_emitter(&config);
if let Some(ref mut out) = out {
let _ = emitter.emit_header(out);
Session {
errors: ReportedErrors::default(),
source_file: SourceFile::new(),
/// The main entry point for Rustfmt. Formats the given input according to the
/// given config. `out` is only necessary if required by the configuration.
pub fn format(&mut self, input: Input) -> Result<FormatReport, ErrorKind> {
self.format_input_inner(input, false)
pub fn override_config<F, U>(&mut self, mut config: Config, f: F) -> U
F: FnOnce(&mut Session<'b, T>) -> U,
mem::swap(&mut config, &mut self.config);
let result = f(self);
mem::swap(&mut config, &mut self.config);
pub fn add_operational_error(&mut self) {
self.errors.has_operational_errors = true;
pub fn has_operational_errors(&self) -> bool {
pub fn has_parsing_errors(&self) -> bool {
pub fn has_formatting_errors(&self) -> bool {
pub fn has_check_errors(&self) -> bool {
pub fn has_diff(&self) -> bool {
pub fn has_unformatted_code_errors(&self) -> bool {
pub fn has_no_errors(&self) -> bool {
|| self.has_parsing_errors()
|| self.has_formatting_errors()
|| self.has_check_errors()
|| self.has_diff()
|| self.has_unformatted_code_errors()
|| self.errors.has_macro_format_failure)
pub(crate) fn create_emitter<'a>(config: &Config) -> Box<dyn Emitter + 'a> {
match config.emit_mode() {
EmitMode::Files if config.make_backup() => {
EmitMode::Files => Box::new(emitter::FilesEmitter::new(
EmitMode::Stdout | EmitMode::Coverage => {
EmitMode::Json => Box::new(emitter::JsonEmitter::default()),
EmitMode::ModifiedLines => Box::new(emitter::ModifiedLinesEmitter::default()),
EmitMode::Checkstyle => Box::new(emitter::CheckstyleEmitter::default()),
EmitMode::Diff => Box::new(emitter::DiffEmitter::new(config.clone())),
impl<'b, T: Write + 'b> Drop for Session<'b, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(ref mut out) = self.out {
let _ = self.emitter.emit_footer(out);
pub enum Input {
impl Input {
fn file_name(&self) -> FileName {
match *self {
Input::File(ref file) => FileName::Real(file.clone()),
Input::Text(..) => FileName::Stdin,
fn to_directory_ownership(&self) -> Option<DirectoryOwnership> {
match self {
Input::File(ref file) => {
// If there exists a directory with the same name as an input,
// then the input should be parsed as a sub module.
let file_stem = file.file_stem()?;
if file.parent()?.to_path_buf().join(file_stem).is_dir() {
Some(DirectoryOwnership::Owned {
relative: file_stem.to_str().map(symbol::Ident::from_str),
} else {
_ => None,
mod unit_tests {
use super::*;
fn test_no_panic_on_format_snippet_and_format_code_block() {
// `format_snippet()` and `format_code_block()` should not panic
// even when we cannot parse the given snippet.
let snippet = "let";
assert!(format_snippet(snippet, &Config::default(), false).is_none());
assert!(format_code_block(snippet, &Config::default(), false).is_none());
fn test_format_inner<F>(formatter: F, input: &str, expected: &str) -> bool
F: Fn(&str, &Config, bool) -> Option<FormattedSnippet>,
let output = formatter(input, &Config::default(), false);
output.is_some() && output.unwrap().snippet == expected
fn test_format_snippet() {
let snippet = "fn main() { println!(\"hello, world\"); }";
let expected = "fn main() {\n \
println!(\"hello, world\");\n\
let expected = "fn main() {\r\n \
println!(\"hello, world\");\r\n\
assert!(test_format_inner(format_snippet, snippet, expected));
fn test_format_code_block_fail() {
let code_block = "this_line_is_100_characters_long_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(x, y, z);";
assert!(format_code_block(code_block, &Config::default(), false).is_none());
fn test_format_code_block() {
// simple code block
let code_block = "let x=3;";
let expected = "let x = 3;";
assert!(test_format_inner(format_code_block, code_block, expected));
// more complex code block, taken from
let code_block =
"let (nested_shape, extend) = if !parent_rewrite_contains_newline && is_continuable(&parent) {
chain_indent(context, shape.add_offset(parent_rewrite.len())),
context.config.indent_style() == IndentStyle::Visual || is_small_parent,
} else if is_block_expr(context, &parent, &parent_rewrite) {
match context.config.indent_style() {
// Try to put the first child on the same line with parent's last line
IndentStyle::Block => (parent_shape.block_indent(context.config.tab_spaces()), true),
// The parent is a block, so align the rest of the chain with the closing
// brace.
IndentStyle::Visual => (parent_shape, false),
} else {
chain_indent(context, shape.add_offset(parent_rewrite.len())),
let expected =
"let (nested_shape, extend) = if !parent_rewrite_contains_newline && is_continuable(&parent) {
chain_indent(context, shape.add_offset(parent_rewrite.len())),
context.config.indent_style() == IndentStyle::Visual || is_small_parent,
} else if is_block_expr(context, &parent, &parent_rewrite) {
match context.config.indent_style() {
// Try to put the first child on the same line with parent's last line
IndentStyle::Block => (parent_shape.block_indent(context.config.tab_spaces()), true),
// The parent is a block, so align the rest of the chain with the closing
// brace.
IndentStyle::Visual => (parent_shape, false),
} else {
chain_indent(context, shape.add_offset(parent_rewrite.len())),
assert!(test_format_inner(format_code_block, code_block, expected));