blob: 802eaaa357ac09c4ea4245a2f28697fa99de909f [file] [log] [blame]
use super::BackendTypes;
use crate::mir::debuginfo::{FunctionDebugContext, VariableKind};
use rustc::hir::def_id::CrateNum;
use rustc::mir;
use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, Instance};
use rustc::ty::layout::Size;
use syntax::ast::Name;
use syntax_pos::{SourceFile, Span};
pub trait DebugInfoMethods<'tcx>: BackendTypes {
fn create_vtable_metadata(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, vtable: Self::Value);
/// Creates the function-specific debug context.
/// Returns the FunctionDebugContext for the function which holds state needed
/// for debug info creation, if it is enabled.
fn create_function_debug_context(
instance: Instance<'tcx>,
sig: ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
llfn: Self::Function,
mir: &mir::Body<'_>,
) -> Option<FunctionDebugContext<Self::DIScope>>;
fn extend_scope_to_file(
scope_metadata: Self::DIScope,
file: &SourceFile,
defining_crate: CrateNum,
) -> Self::DIScope;
fn debuginfo_finalize(&self);
pub trait DebugInfoBuilderMethods<'tcx>: BackendTypes {
fn declare_local(
&mut self,
dbg_context: &FunctionDebugContext<Self::DIScope>,
variable_name: Name,
variable_type: Ty<'tcx>,
scope_metadata: Self::DIScope,
variable_alloca: Self::Value,
direct_offset: Size,
// NB: each offset implies a deref (i.e. they're steps in a pointer chain).
indirect_offsets: &[Size],
variable_kind: VariableKind,
span: Span,
fn set_source_location(
&mut self,
debug_context: &mut FunctionDebugContext<Self::DIScope>,
scope: Self::DIScope,
span: Span,
fn insert_reference_to_gdb_debug_scripts_section_global(&mut self);
fn set_var_name(&mut self, value: Self::Value, name: &str);