blob: 02ddfab6d826e44c5030c669c7aba8fcd83d2a0d [file] [log] [blame]
// These functions are used by macro expansion for bug! and span_bug!
use crate::ty::tls;
use std::fmt;
use syntax_pos::{Span, MultiSpan};
pub fn bug_fmt(file: &'static str, line: u32, args: fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> ! {
// this wrapper mostly exists so I don't have to write a fully
// qualified path of None::<Span> inside the bug!() macro definition
opt_span_bug_fmt(file, line, None::<Span>, args);
pub fn span_bug_fmt<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(
file: &'static str,
line: u32,
span: S,
args: fmt::Arguments<'_>,
) -> ! {
opt_span_bug_fmt(file, line, Some(span), args);
fn opt_span_bug_fmt<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(
file: &'static str,
line: u32,
span: Option<S>,
args: fmt::Arguments<'_>,
) -> ! {
tls::with_opt(move |tcx| {
let msg = format!("{}:{}: {}", file, line, args);
match (tcx, span) {
(Some(tcx), Some(span)) => tcx.sess.diagnostic().span_bug(span, &msg),
(Some(tcx), None) => tcx.sess.diagnostic().bug(&msg),
(None, _) => panic!(msg),