blob: f26c42fd4bcbaac9c707b22ff7b50fd961b64e98 [file] [log] [blame]
use core::any::Any;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
pub fn payload() -> *mut u8 {
pub unsafe fn panic(data: Box<dyn Any + Send>) -> ! {
pub unsafe fn cleanup(ptr: *mut u8) -> Box<dyn Any + Send> {
// This is required by the compiler to exist (e.g., it's a lang item),
// but is never used by Miri. Therefore, we just use a stub here
#[lang = "eh_personality"]
fn rust_eh_personality() {
unsafe { core::intrinsics::abort() }
// The rest is required on *some* targets to exist (specifically, MSVC targets that use SEH).
// We just add it on all targets. Copied from ``.
pub struct _TypeDescriptor {
pub pVFTable: *const u8,
pub spare: *mut u8,
pub name: [u8; 11],
const TYPE_NAME: [u8; 11] = *b"rust_panic\0";
#[cfg_attr(not(test), lang = "eh_catch_typeinfo")]
static mut TYPE_DESCRIPTOR: _TypeDescriptor = _TypeDescriptor {
pVFTable: core::ptr::null(),
spare: core::ptr::null_mut(),
name: TYPE_NAME,