blob: 439c3db57686437a856cc33514664eb08e99b412 [file] [log] [blame]
// ignore-tidy-linelength
extern {
fn printf(c: *const i8, ...);
fn main() {
unsafe {
printf(::std::ptr::null(), 0f32);
//~^ ERROR can't pass `f32` to variadic function
//~| HELP cast the value to `c_double`
printf(::std::ptr::null(), 0i8);
//~^ ERROR can't pass `i8` to variadic function
//~| HELP cast the value to `c_int`
printf(::std::ptr::null(), 0i16);
//~^ ERROR can't pass `i16` to variadic function
//~| HELP cast the value to `c_int`
printf(::std::ptr::null(), 0u8);
//~^ ERROR can't pass `u8` to variadic function
//~| HELP cast the value to `c_uint`
printf(::std::ptr::null(), 0u16);
//~^ ERROR can't pass `u16` to variadic function
//~| HELP cast the value to `c_uint`
printf(::std::ptr::null(), printf);
//~^ ERROR can't pass `for<'r> unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, std::ffi::VaListImpl<'r>, ...) {printf}` to variadic function
//~| HELP cast the value to `for<'r> unsafe extern "C" fn(*const i8, std::ffi::VaListImpl<'r>, ...)`