blob: a215305f684dd6aa16efafb0acca652a70a1f5f9 [file] [log] [blame]
fn a() {
let mut vec = [box 1, box 2, box 3];
match vec {
[box ref _a, _, _] => {
//~^ NOTE borrow of `vec[_]` occurs here
vec[0] = box 4; //~ ERROR cannot assign
//~^ NOTE assignment to borrowed `vec[_]` occurs here
//~^ NOTE borrow later used here
fn b() {
let mut vec = vec![box 1, box 2, box 3];
let vec: &mut [Box<isize>] = &mut vec;
match vec {
&mut [ref _b @ ..] => {
//~^ borrow of `vec[_]` occurs here
vec[0] = box 4; //~ ERROR cannot assign
//~^ NOTE assignment to borrowed `vec[_]` occurs here
//~^ NOTE borrow later used here
fn c() {
let mut vec = vec![box 1, box 2, box 3];
let vec: &mut [Box<isize>] = &mut vec;
match vec {
//~^ ERROR cannot move out
//~| NOTE cannot move out
&mut [_a,
//~^ NOTE data moved here
//~| NOTE move occurs because `_a` has type
//~| HELP consider removing the `&mut`
] => {
_ => {}
let a = vec[0]; //~ ERROR cannot move out
//~| NOTE cannot move out of here
//~| NOTE move occurs because
//~| HELP consider borrowing here
fn d() {
let mut vec = vec![box 1, box 2, box 3];
let vec: &mut [Box<isize>] = &mut vec;
match vec {
//~^ ERROR cannot move out
//~| NOTE cannot move out
&mut [
//~^ HELP consider removing the `&mut`
_b] => {}
//~^ NOTE data moved here
//~| NOTE move occurs because `_b` has type
_ => {}
let a = vec[0]; //~ ERROR cannot move out
//~| NOTE cannot move out of here
//~| NOTE move occurs because
//~| HELP consider borrowing here
fn e() {
let mut vec = vec![box 1, box 2, box 3];
let vec: &mut [Box<isize>] = &mut vec;
match vec {
//~^ ERROR cannot move out
//~| NOTE cannot move out
&mut [_a, _b, _c] => {}
//~^ NOTE data moved here
//~| NOTE and here
//~| NOTE and here
//~| HELP consider removing the `&mut`
//~| NOTE move occurs because these variables have types
_ => {}
let a = vec[0]; //~ ERROR cannot move out
//~| NOTE cannot move out of here
//~| NOTE move occurs because
//~| HELP consider borrowing here
fn main() {}
trait Fake { fn use_mut(&mut self) { } fn use_ref(&self) { } }
impl<T> Fake for T { }