blob: 898387cb9f56ddad52843c7e83c064eb2091a79a [file] [log] [blame]
//! Asynchronous values.
use core::cell::Cell;
use core::marker::Unpin;
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::option::Option;
use core::ptr::NonNull;
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
use core::ops::{Drop, Generator, GeneratorState};
pub use core::future::*;
/// Wrap a generator in a future.
/// This function returns a `GenFuture` underneath, but hides it in `impl Trait` to give
/// better error messages (`impl Future` rather than `GenFuture<[closure.....]>`).
#[unstable(feature = "gen_future", issue = "50547")]
pub fn from_generator<T: Generator<Yield = ()>>(x: T) -> impl Future<Output = T::Return> {
/// A wrapper around generators used to implement `Future` for `async`/`await` code.
#[unstable(feature = "gen_future", issue = "50547")]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
struct GenFuture<T: Generator<Yield = ()>>(T);
// We rely on the fact that async/await futures are immovable in order to create
// self-referential borrows in the underlying generator.
impl<T: Generator<Yield = ()>> !Unpin for GenFuture<T> {}
#[unstable(feature = "gen_future", issue = "50547")]
impl<T: Generator<Yield = ()>> Future for GenFuture<T> {
type Output = T::Return;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
// Safe because we're !Unpin + !Drop mapping to a ?Unpin value
let gen = unsafe { Pin::map_unchecked_mut(self, |s| &mut s.0) };
set_task_context(cx, || match gen.resume() {
GeneratorState::Yielded(()) => Poll::Pending,
GeneratorState::Complete(x) => Poll::Ready(x),
thread_local! {
static TLS_CX: Cell<Option<NonNull<Context<'static>>>> = Cell::new(None);
struct SetOnDrop(Option<NonNull<Context<'static>>>);
impl Drop for SetOnDrop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
TLS_CX.with(|tls_cx| {
#[unstable(feature = "gen_future", issue = "50547")]
/// Sets the thread-local task context used by async/await futures.
pub fn set_task_context<F, R>(cx: &mut Context<'_>, f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce() -> R
// transmute the context's lifetime to 'static so we can store it.
let cx = unsafe {
core::mem::transmute::<&mut Context<'_>, &mut Context<'static>>(cx)
let old_cx = TLS_CX.with(|tls_cx| {
let _reset = SetOnDrop(old_cx);
#[unstable(feature = "gen_future", issue = "50547")]
/// Retrieves the thread-local task context used by async/await futures.
/// This function acquires exclusive access to the task context.
/// Panics if no context has been set or if the context has already been
/// retrieved by a surrounding call to get_task_context.
pub fn get_task_context<F, R>(f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&mut Context<'_>) -> R
let cx_ptr = TLS_CX.with(|tls_cx| {
// Clear the entry so that nested `get_task_waker` calls
// will fail or set their own value.
let _reset = SetOnDrop(cx_ptr);
let mut cx_ptr = cx_ptr.expect(
"TLS Context not set. This is a rustc bug. \
Please file an issue on");
// Safety: we've ensured exclusive access to the context by
// removing the pointer from TLS, only to be replaced once
// we're done with it.
// The pointer that was inserted came from an `&mut Context<'_>`,
// so it is safe to treat as mutable.
unsafe { f(cx_ptr.as_mut()) }
#[unstable(feature = "gen_future", issue = "50547")]
/// Polls a future in the current thread-local task waker.
pub fn poll_with_tls_context<F>(f: Pin<&mut F>) -> Poll<F::Output>
F: Future
get_task_context(|cx| F::poll(f, cx))