blob: 282cbc4b3a4a218444af946809d3478527c10bfe [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module contains free-standing functions for creating AST fragments out
//! of smaller pieces.
//! Note that all functions here intended to be stupid constructors, which just
//! assemble a finish node from immediate children. If you want to do something
//! smarter than that, it belongs to the `ext` submodule.
//! Keep in mind that `from_text` functions should be kept private. The public
//! API should require to assemble every node piecewise. The trick of
//! `parse(format!())` we use internally is an implementation detail -- long
//! term, it will be replaced with `quote!`. Do not add more usages to `from_text` -
//! use `quote!` instead.
mod quote;
use itertools::Itertools;
use parser::{Edition, T};
use rowan::NodeOrToken;
use stdx::{format_to, format_to_acc, never};
use crate::{
ast::{self, make::quote::quote, Param},
AstNode, SourceFile, SyntaxKind, SyntaxToken,
/// While the parent module defines basic atomic "constructors", the `ext`
/// module defines shortcuts for common things.
/// It's named `ext` rather than `shortcuts` just to keep it short.
pub mod ext {
use super::*;
pub fn simple_ident_pat(name: ast::Name) -> ast::IdentPat {
return from_text(&name.text());
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::IdentPat {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f({text}: ())"))
pub fn ident_path(ident: &str) -> ast::Path {
pub fn path_from_idents<'a>(
parts: impl std::iter::IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
) -> Option<ast::Path> {
let mut iter = parts.into_iter();
let base = ext::ident_path(;
let path = iter.fold(base, |base, s| {
let path = ext::ident_path(s);
path_concat(base, path)
pub fn field_from_idents<'a>(
parts: impl std::iter::IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
) -> Option<ast::Expr> {
let mut iter = parts.into_iter();
let base = expr_path(ext::ident_path(;
let expr = iter.fold(base, expr_field);
pub fn expr_unreachable() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_todo() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_ty_default(ty: &ast::Type) -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_ty_new(ty: &ast::Type) -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_self() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn zero_number() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn zero_float() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn empty_str() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn empty_char() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn default_bool() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn option_none() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn empty_block_expr() -> ast::BlockExpr {
block_expr(None, None)
pub fn ty_name(name: ast::Name) -> ast::Type {
pub fn ty_bool() -> ast::Type {
pub fn ty_option(t: ast::Type) -> ast::Type {
pub fn ty_result(t: ast::Type, e: ast::Type) -> ast::Type {
ty_from_text(&format!("Result<{t}, {e}>"))
pub fn name(name: &str) -> ast::Name {
let raw_escape = raw_ident_esc(name);
ast_from_text(&format!("mod {raw_escape}{name};"))
pub fn name_ref(name_ref: &str) -> ast::NameRef {
let raw_escape = raw_ident_esc(name_ref);
quote! {
NameRef {
[IDENT format!("{raw_escape}{name_ref}")]
fn raw_ident_esc(ident: &str) -> &'static str {
if is_raw_identifier(ident, Edition::CURRENT) {
} else {
pub fn lifetime(text: &str) -> ast::Lifetime {
let mut text = text;
let tmp;
if never!(!text.starts_with('\'')) {
tmp = format!("'{text}");
text = &tmp;
quote! {
Lifetime {
// FIXME: replace stringly-typed constructor with a family of typed ctors, a-la
// `expr_xxx`.
pub fn ty(text: &str) -> ast::Type {
pub fn ty_placeholder() -> ast::Type {
pub fn ty_unit() -> ast::Type {
pub fn ty_tuple(types: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Type>) -> ast::Type {
let mut count: usize = 0;
let mut contents = types.into_iter().inspect(|_| count += 1).join(", ");
if count == 1 {
pub fn ty_ref(target: ast::Type, exclusive: bool) -> ast::Type {
ty_from_text(&if exclusive { format!("&mut {target}") } else { format!("&{target}") })
pub fn ty_path(path: ast::Path) -> ast::Type {
fn ty_from_text(text: &str) -> ast::Type {
ast_from_text(&format!("type _T = {text};"))
pub fn ty_alias(
ident: &str,
generic_param_list: Option<ast::GenericParamList>,
type_param_bounds: Option<ast::TypeParam>,
where_clause: Option<ast::WhereClause>,
assignment: Option<(ast::Type, Option<ast::WhereClause>)>,
) -> ast::TypeAlias {
let (assignment_ty, assignment_where) = assignment.unzip();
let assignment_where = assignment_where.flatten();
quote! {
TypeAlias {
[type] " "
Name { [IDENT ident] }
#(" " [:] " " #type_param_bounds)*
#(" " #where_clause)*
#(" " [=] " " #assignment_ty)*
#(" " #assignment_where)*
pub fn ty_fn_ptr<I: Iterator<Item = Param>>(
is_unsafe: bool,
abi: Option<ast::Abi>,
mut params: I,
ret_type: Option<ast::RetType>,
) -> ast::FnPtrType {
let is_unsafe = is_unsafe.then_some(());
let first_param =;
quote! {
FnPtrType {
#(#is_unsafe [unsafe] " ")* #(#abi " ")* [fn]
['('] #first_param #([,] " " #params)* [')']
#(" " #ret_type)*
pub fn assoc_item_list() -> ast::AssocItemList {
ast_from_text("impl C for D {}")
fn merge_gen_params(
ps: Option<ast::GenericParamList>,
bs: Option<ast::GenericParamList>,
) -> Option<ast::GenericParamList> {
match (ps, bs) {
(None, None) => None,
(None, Some(bs)) => Some(bs),
(Some(ps), None) => Some(ps),
(Some(ps), Some(bs)) => {
// make sure lifetime is placed before other generic params
let generic_params = ps.generic_params().merge_by(bs.generic_params(), |_, b| {
!matches!(b, ast::GenericParam::LifetimeParam(_))
fn merge_where_clause(
ps: Option<ast::WhereClause>,
bs: Option<ast::WhereClause>,
) -> Option<ast::WhereClause> {
match (ps, bs) {
(None, None) => None,
(None, Some(bs)) => Some(bs),
(Some(ps), None) => Some(ps),
(Some(ps), Some(bs)) => {
let preds = where_clause(std::iter::empty()).clone_for_update();
ps.predicates().for_each(|p| preds.add_predicate(p));
bs.predicates().for_each(|p| preds.add_predicate(p));
pub fn impl_(
generic_params: Option<ast::GenericParamList>,
generic_args: Option<ast::GenericArgList>,
path_type: ast::Type,
where_clause: Option<ast::WhereClause>,
body: Option<Vec<either::Either<ast::Attr, ast::AssocItem>>>,
) -> ast::Impl {
let gen_args = generic_args.map_or_else(String::new, |it| it.to_string());
let gen_params = generic_params.map_or_else(String::new, |it| it.to_string());
let body_newline =
if where_clause.is_some() && body.is_none() { "\n".to_owned() } else { String::new() };
let where_clause = match where_clause {
Some(pr) => format!("\n{pr}\n"),
None => " ".to_owned(),
let body = match body {
Some(bd) => bd.iter().map(|elem| elem.to_string()).join(""),
None => String::new(),
"impl{gen_params} {path_type}{gen_args}{where_clause}{{{body_newline}{body}}}"
pub fn impl_trait(
is_unsafe: bool,
trait_gen_params: Option<ast::GenericParamList>,
trait_gen_args: Option<ast::GenericArgList>,
type_gen_params: Option<ast::GenericParamList>,
type_gen_args: Option<ast::GenericArgList>,
is_negative: bool,
path_type: ast::Type,
ty: ast::Type,
trait_where_clause: Option<ast::WhereClause>,
ty_where_clause: Option<ast::WhereClause>,
body: Option<Vec<either::Either<ast::Attr, ast::AssocItem>>>,
) -> ast::Impl {
let is_unsafe = if is_unsafe { "unsafe " } else { "" };
let trait_gen_args =|args| args.to_string()).unwrap_or_default();
let type_gen_args =|args| args.to_string()).unwrap_or_default();
let gen_params = merge_gen_params(trait_gen_params, type_gen_params)
.map_or_else(String::new, |it| it.to_string());
let is_negative = if is_negative { "! " } else { "" };
let body_newline =
if (ty_where_clause.is_some() || trait_where_clause.is_some()) && body.is_none() {
} else {
let where_clause = merge_where_clause(ty_where_clause, trait_where_clause)
.map_or_else(|| " ".to_owned(), |wc| format!("\n{wc}\n"));
let body = match body {
Some(bd) => bd.iter().map(|elem| elem.to_string()).join(""),
None => String::new(),
ast_from_text(&format!("{is_unsafe}impl{gen_params} {is_negative}{path_type}{trait_gen_args} for {ty}{type_gen_args}{where_clause}{{{body_newline}{body}}}"))
pub fn impl_trait_type(bounds: ast::TypeBoundList) -> ast::ImplTraitType {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f(x: impl {bounds}) {{}}"))
pub fn path_segment(name_ref: ast::NameRef) -> ast::PathSegment {
ast_from_text(&format!("type __ = {name_ref};"))
/// Type and expressions/patterns path differ in whether they require `::` before generic arguments.
/// Type paths allow them but they are often omitted, while expression/pattern paths require them.
pub fn generic_ty_path_segment(
name_ref: ast::NameRef,
generic_args: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::GenericArg>,
) -> ast::PathSegment {
let mut generic_args = generic_args.into_iter();
let first_generic_arg =;
quote! {
PathSegment {
GenericArgList {
[<] #first_generic_arg #([,] " " #generic_args)* [>]
pub fn path_segment_ty(type_ref: ast::Type, trait_ref: Option<ast::PathType>) -> ast::PathSegment {
let text = match trait_ref {
Some(trait_ref) => format!("fn f(x: <{type_ref} as {trait_ref}>) {{}}"),
None => format!("fn f(x: <{type_ref}>) {{}}"),
pub fn path_segment_self() -> ast::PathSegment {
ast_from_text("use self;")
pub fn path_segment_super() -> ast::PathSegment {
ast_from_text("use super;")
pub fn path_segment_crate() -> ast::PathSegment {
ast_from_text("use crate;")
pub fn path_unqualified(segment: ast::PathSegment) -> ast::Path {
ast_from_text(&format!("type __ = {segment};"))
pub fn path_qualified(qual: ast::Path, segment: ast::PathSegment) -> ast::Path {
// FIXME: path concatenation operation doesn't make sense as AST op.
pub fn path_concat(first: ast::Path, second: ast::Path) -> ast::Path {
ast_from_text(&format!("type __ = {first}::{second};"))
pub fn path_from_segments(
segments: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::PathSegment>,
is_abs: bool,
) -> ast::Path {
let segments = segments.into_iter().map(|it| it.syntax().clone()).join("::");
ast_from_text(&if is_abs {
format!("fn f(x: ::{segments}) {{}}")
} else {
format!("fn f(x: {segments}) {{}}")
pub fn join_paths(paths: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Path>) -> ast::Path {
let paths = paths.into_iter().map(|it| it.syntax().clone()).join("::");
ast_from_text(&format!("type __ = {paths};"))
// FIXME: should not be pub
pub fn path_from_text(text: &str) -> ast::Path {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn main() {{ let test: {text}; }}"))
pub fn use_tree_glob() -> ast::UseTree {
ast_from_text("use *;")
pub fn use_tree(
path: ast::Path,
use_tree_list: Option<ast::UseTreeList>,
alias: Option<ast::Rename>,
add_star: bool,
) -> ast::UseTree {
let mut buf = "use ".to_owned();
buf += &path.syntax().to_string();
if let Some(use_tree_list) = use_tree_list {
format_to!(buf, "::{use_tree_list}");
if add_star {
buf += "::*";
if let Some(alias) = alias {
format_to!(buf, " {alias}");
pub fn use_tree_list(use_trees: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::UseTree>) -> ast::UseTreeList {
let use_trees = use_trees.into_iter().map(|it| it.syntax().clone()).join(", ");
ast_from_text(&format!("use {{{use_trees}}};"))
pub fn use_(visibility: Option<ast::Visibility>, use_tree: ast::UseTree) -> ast::Use {
let visibility = match visibility {
None => String::new(),
Some(it) => format!("{it} "),
ast_from_text(&format!("{visibility}use {use_tree};"))
pub fn record_expr(path: ast::Path, fields: ast::RecordExprFieldList) -> ast::RecordExpr {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ {path} {fields} }}"))
pub fn record_expr_field_list(
fields: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::RecordExprField>,
) -> ast::RecordExprFieldList {
let fields = fields.into_iter().join(", ");
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ S {{ {fields} }} }}"))
pub fn record_expr_field(name: ast::NameRef, expr: Option<ast::Expr>) -> ast::RecordExprField {
return match expr {
Some(expr) => from_text(&format!("{name}: {expr}")),
None => from_text(&name.to_string()),
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::RecordExprField {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ S {{ {text}, }} }}"))
pub fn record_field(
visibility: Option<ast::Visibility>,
name: ast::Name,
ty: ast::Type,
) -> ast::RecordField {
let visibility = match visibility {
None => String::new(),
Some(it) => format!("{it} "),
ast_from_text(&format!("struct S {{ {visibility}{name}: {ty}, }}"))
pub fn block_expr(
stmts: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Stmt>,
tail_expr: Option<ast::Expr>,
) -> ast::BlockExpr {
quote! {
BlockExpr {
StmtList {
['{'] "\n"
#(" " #stmts "\n")*
#(" " #tail_expr "\n")*
pub fn async_move_block_expr(
stmts: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Stmt>,
tail_expr: Option<ast::Expr>,
) -> ast::BlockExpr {
let mut buf = "async move {\n".to_owned();
for stmt in stmts.into_iter() {
format_to!(buf, " {stmt}\n");
if let Some(tail_expr) = tail_expr {
format_to!(buf, " {tail_expr}\n");
buf += "}";
ast_from_text(&format!("const _: () = {buf};"))
pub fn tail_only_block_expr(tail_expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::BlockExpr {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ {tail_expr} }}"))
/// Ideally this function wouldn't exist since it involves manual indenting.
/// It differs from `make::block_expr` by also supporting comments and whitespace.
/// FIXME: replace usages of this with the mutable syntax tree API
pub fn hacky_block_expr(
elements: impl IntoIterator<Item = crate::SyntaxElement>,
tail_expr: Option<ast::Expr>,
) -> ast::BlockExpr {
let mut buf = "{\n".to_owned();
for node_or_token in elements.into_iter() {
match node_or_token {
rowan::NodeOrToken::Node(n) => format_to!(buf, " {n}\n"),
rowan::NodeOrToken::Token(t) => {
let kind = t.kind();
if kind == SyntaxKind::COMMENT {
format_to!(buf, " {t}\n")
} else if kind == SyntaxKind::WHITESPACE {
let content = t.text().trim_matches(|c| c != '\n');
if !content.is_empty() {
format_to!(buf, "{}", &content[1..])
if let Some(tail_expr) = tail_expr {
format_to!(buf, " {tail_expr}\n");
buf += "}";
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {buf}"))
pub fn expr_unit() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_literal(text: &str) -> ast::Literal {
assert_eq!(text.trim(), text);
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ let _ = {text}; }}"))
pub fn expr_const_value(text: &str) -> ast::ConstArg {
ast_from_text(&format!("trait Foo<const N: usize = {text}> {{}}"))
pub fn expr_empty_block() -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_path(path: ast::Path) -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_continue(label: Option<ast::Lifetime>) -> ast::Expr {
match label {
Some(label) => expr_from_text(&format!("continue {label}")),
None => expr_from_text("continue"),
// Consider `op: SyntaxKind` instead for nicer syntax at the call-site?
pub fn expr_bin_op(lhs: ast::Expr, op: ast::BinaryOp, rhs: ast::Expr) -> ast::Expr {
expr_from_text(&format!("{lhs} {op} {rhs}"))
pub fn expr_break(label: Option<ast::Lifetime>, expr: Option<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Expr {
let mut s = String::from("break");
if let Some(label) = label {
format_to!(s, " {label}");
if let Some(expr) = expr {
format_to!(s, " {expr}");
pub fn expr_return(expr: Option<ast::Expr>) -> ast::Expr {
match expr {
Some(expr) => expr_from_text(&format!("return {expr}")),
None => expr_from_text("return"),
pub fn expr_try(expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_await(expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_match(expr: ast::Expr, match_arm_list: ast::MatchArmList) -> ast::Expr {
expr_from_text(&format!("match {expr} {match_arm_list}"))
pub fn expr_if(
condition: ast::Expr,
then_branch: ast::BlockExpr,
else_branch: Option<ast::ElseBranch>,
) -> ast::Expr {
let else_branch = match else_branch {
Some(ast::ElseBranch::Block(block)) => format!("else {block}"),
Some(ast::ElseBranch::IfExpr(if_expr)) => format!("else {if_expr}"),
None => String::new(),
expr_from_text(&format!("if {condition} {then_branch} {else_branch}"))
pub fn expr_for_loop(pat: ast::Pat, expr: ast::Expr, block: ast::BlockExpr) -> ast::Expr {
expr_from_text(&format!("for {pat} in {expr} {block}"))
pub fn expr_loop(block: ast::BlockExpr) -> ast::Expr {
expr_from_text(&format!("loop {block}"))
pub fn expr_prefix(op: SyntaxKind, expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::Expr {
let token = token(op);
pub fn expr_call(f: ast::Expr, arg_list: ast::ArgList) -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_method_call(
receiver: ast::Expr,
method: ast::NameRef,
arg_list: ast::ArgList,
) -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_macro_call(f: ast::Expr, arg_list: ast::ArgList) -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_ref(expr: ast::Expr, exclusive: bool) -> ast::Expr {
expr_from_text(&if exclusive { format!("&mut {expr}") } else { format!("&{expr}") })
pub fn expr_reborrow(expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::Expr {
expr_from_text(&format!("&mut *{expr}"))
pub fn expr_closure(pats: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Param>, expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::Expr {
let params = pats.into_iter().join(", ");
expr_from_text(&format!("|{params}| {expr}"))
pub fn expr_field(receiver: ast::Expr, field: &str) -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_paren(expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_tuple(elements: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Expr>) -> ast::Expr {
let expr = elements.into_iter().format(", ");
pub fn expr_assignment(lhs: ast::Expr, rhs: ast::Expr) -> ast::Expr {
expr_from_text(&format!("{lhs} = {rhs}"))
fn expr_from_text(text: &str) -> ast::Expr {
ast_from_text(&format!("const C: () = {text};"))
pub fn expr_let(pattern: ast::Pat, expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::LetExpr {
ast_from_text(&format!("const _: () = while let {pattern} = {expr} {{}};"))
pub fn arg_list(args: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Expr>) -> ast::ArgList {
let args = args.into_iter().format(", ");
ast_from_text(&format!("fn main() {{ ()({args}) }}"))
pub fn ident_pat(ref_: bool, mut_: bool, name: ast::Name) -> ast::IdentPat {
let mut s = String::from("fn f(");
if ref_ {
s.push_str("ref ");
if mut_ {
s.push_str("mut ");
format_to!(s, "{name}");
s.push_str(": ())");
pub fn wildcard_pat() -> ast::WildcardPat {
return from_text("_");
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::WildcardPat {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f({text}: ())"))
pub fn rest_pat() -> ast::RestPat {
ast_from_text("fn f(..)")
pub fn literal_pat(lit: &str) -> ast::LiteralPat {
return from_text(lit);
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::LiteralPat {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ match x {{ {text} => {{}} }} }}"))
pub fn slice_pat(pats: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Pat>) -> ast::SlicePat {
let pats_str = pats.into_iter().join(", ");
return from_text(&format!("[{pats_str}]"));
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::SlicePat {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ match () {{{text} => ()}} }}"))
/// Creates a tuple of patterns from an iterator of patterns.
/// Invariant: `pats` must be length > 0
pub fn tuple_pat(pats: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Pat>) -> ast::TuplePat {
let mut count: usize = 0;
let mut pats_str = pats.into_iter().inspect(|_| count += 1).join(", ");
if count == 1 {
return from_text(&format!("({pats_str})"));
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::TuplePat {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f({text}: ())"))
pub fn tuple_struct_pat(
path: ast::Path,
pats: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Pat>,
) -> ast::TupleStructPat {
let pats_str = pats.into_iter().join(", ");
return from_text(&format!("{path}({pats_str})"));
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::TupleStructPat {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f({text}: ())"))
pub fn record_pat(path: ast::Path, pats: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Pat>) -> ast::RecordPat {
let pats_str = pats.into_iter().join(", ");
return from_text(&format!("{path} {{ {pats_str} }}"));
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::RecordPat {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f({text}: ())"))
pub fn record_pat_with_fields(path: ast::Path, fields: ast::RecordPatFieldList) -> ast::RecordPat {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f({path} {fields}: ()))"))
pub fn record_pat_field_list(
fields: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::RecordPatField>,
rest_pat: Option<ast::RestPat>,
) -> ast::RecordPatFieldList {
let mut fields = fields.into_iter().join(", ");
if let Some(rest_pat) = rest_pat {
if !fields.is_empty() {
fields.push_str(", ");
format_to!(fields, "{rest_pat}");
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f(S {{ {fields} }}: ()))"))
pub fn record_pat_field(name_ref: ast::NameRef, pat: ast::Pat) -> ast::RecordPatField {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f(S {{ {name_ref}: {pat} }}: ()))"))
pub fn record_pat_field_shorthand(name_ref: ast::NameRef) -> ast::RecordPatField {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f(S {{ {name_ref} }}: ()))"))
/// Returns a `BindPat` if the path has just one segment, a `PathPat` otherwise.
pub fn path_pat(path: ast::Path) -> ast::Pat {
return from_text(&path.to_string());
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::Pat {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f({text}: ())"))
pub fn match_arm(
pats: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Pat>,
guard: Option<ast::Expr>,
expr: ast::Expr,
) -> ast::MatchArm {
let pats_str = pats.into_iter().join(" | ");
return match guard {
Some(guard) => from_text(&format!("{pats_str} if {guard} => {expr}")),
None => from_text(&format!("{pats_str} => {expr}")),
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::MatchArm {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ match () {{{text}}} }}"))
pub fn match_arm_with_guard(
pats: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Pat>,
guard: ast::Expr,
expr: ast::Expr,
) -> ast::MatchArm {
let pats_str = pats.into_iter().join(" | ");
return from_text(&format!("{pats_str} if {guard} => {expr}"));
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::MatchArm {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ match () {{{text}}} }}"))
pub fn match_arm_list(arms: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::MatchArm>) -> ast::MatchArmList {
let arms_str = arms.into_iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, arm| {
let needs_comma = arm.expr().is_none_or(|it| !it.is_block_like());
let comma = if needs_comma { "," } else { "" };
let arm = arm.syntax();
format_to_acc!(acc, " {arm}{comma}\n")
return from_text(&arms_str);
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::MatchArmList {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ match () {{\n{text}}} }}"))
pub fn where_pred(
path: ast::Type,
bounds: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::TypeBound>,
) -> ast::WherePred {
let bounds = bounds.into_iter().join(" + ");
return from_text(&format!("{path}: {bounds}"));
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::WherePred {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() where {text} {{ }}"))
pub fn where_clause(preds: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::WherePred>) -> ast::WhereClause {
let preds = preds.into_iter().join(", ");
return from_text(preds.as_str());
fn from_text(text: &str) -> ast::WhereClause {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() where {text} {{ }}"))
pub fn let_stmt(
pattern: ast::Pat,
ty: Option<ast::Type>,
initializer: Option<ast::Expr>,
) -> ast::LetStmt {
let mut text = String::new();
format_to!(text, "let {pattern}");
if let Some(ty) = ty {
format_to!(text, ": {ty}");
match initializer {
Some(it) => format_to!(text, " = {it};"),
None => format_to!(text, ";"),
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ {text} }}"))
pub fn let_else_stmt(
pattern: ast::Pat,
ty: Option<ast::Type>,
expr: ast::Expr,
diverging: ast::BlockExpr,
) -> ast::LetStmt {
let mut text = String::new();
format_to!(text, "let {pattern}");
if let Some(ty) = ty {
format_to!(text, ": {ty}");
format_to!(text, " = {expr} else {diverging};");
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ {text} }}"))
pub fn expr_stmt(expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::ExprStmt {
let semi = if expr.is_block_like() { "" } else { ";" };
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ {expr}{semi} (); }}"))
pub fn item_const(
visibility: Option<ast::Visibility>,
name: ast::Name,
ty: ast::Type,
expr: ast::Expr,
) -> ast::Const {
let visibility = match visibility {
None => String::new(),
Some(it) => format!("{it} "),
ast_from_text(&format!("{visibility}const {name}: {ty} = {expr};"))
pub fn item_static(
visibility: Option<ast::Visibility>,
is_unsafe: bool,
is_mut: bool,
name: ast::Name,
ty: ast::Type,
expr: Option<ast::Expr>,
) -> ast::Static {
let visibility = match visibility {
None => String::new(),
Some(it) => format!("{it} "),
let is_unsafe = if is_unsafe { "unsafe " } else { "" };
let is_mut = if is_mut { "mut " } else { "" };
let expr = match expr {
Some(it) => &format!(" = {it}"),
None => "",
ast_from_text(&format!("{visibility}{is_unsafe}static {is_mut}{name}: {ty}{expr};"))
pub fn unnamed_param(ty: ast::Type) -> ast::Param {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f({ty}) {{ }}"))
pub fn param(pat: ast::Pat, ty: ast::Type) -> ast::Param {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f({pat}: {ty}) {{ }}"))
pub fn self_param() -> ast::SelfParam {
ast_from_text("fn f(&self) { }")
pub fn mut_self_param() -> ast::SelfParam {
ast_from_text("fn f(&mut self) { }")
pub fn ret_type(ty: ast::Type) -> ast::RetType {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() -> {ty} {{ }}"))
pub fn param_list(
self_param: Option<ast::SelfParam>,
pats: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Param>,
) -> ast::ParamList {
let args = pats.into_iter().join(", ");
let list = match self_param {
Some(self_param) if args.is_empty() => format!("fn f({self_param}) {{ }}"),
Some(self_param) => format!("fn f({self_param}, {args}) {{ }}"),
None => format!("fn f({args}) {{ }}"),
pub fn trait_(
is_unsafe: bool,
ident: &str,
gen_params: Option<ast::GenericParamList>,
where_clause: Option<ast::WhereClause>,
assoc_items: ast::AssocItemList,
) -> ast::Trait {
let mut text = String::new();
if is_unsafe {
format_to!(text, "unsafe ");
format_to!(text, "trait {ident}");
if let Some(gen_params) = gen_params {
format_to!(text, "{} ", gen_params.to_string());
} else {
text.push(' ');
if let Some(where_clause) = where_clause {
format_to!(text, "{} ", where_clause.to_string());
format_to!(text, "{}", assoc_items.to_string());
// FIXME: remove when no one depends on `generate_impl_text_inner`
pub fn type_bound_text(bound: &str) -> ast::TypeBound {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f<T: {bound}>() {{ }}"))
pub fn type_bound(bound: ast::Type) -> ast::TypeBound {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f<T: {bound}>() {{ }}"))
pub fn type_bound_list(
bounds: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::TypeBound>,
) -> Option<ast::TypeBoundList> {
let bounds = bounds.into_iter().map(|it| it.to_string()).unique().join(" + ");
if bounds.is_empty() {
return None;
Some(ast_from_text(&format!("fn f<T: {bounds}>() {{ }}")))
pub fn type_param(name: ast::Name, bounds: Option<ast::TypeBoundList>) -> ast::TypeParam {
let bounds = bounds.map_or_else(String::new, |it| format!(": {it}"));
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f<{name}{bounds}>() {{ }}"))
pub fn const_param(name: ast::Name, ty: ast::Type) -> ast::ConstParam {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f<const {name}: {ty}>() {{ }}"))
pub fn lifetime_param(lifetime: ast::Lifetime) -> ast::LifetimeParam {
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f<{lifetime}>() {{ }}"))
pub fn generic_param_list(
pats: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::GenericParam>,
) -> ast::GenericParamList {
let args = pats.into_iter().join(", ");
ast_from_text(&format!("fn f<{args}>() {{ }}"))
pub fn type_arg(ty: ast::Type) -> ast::TypeArg {
ast_from_text(&format!("const S: T<{ty}> = ();"))
pub fn lifetime_arg(lifetime: ast::Lifetime) -> ast::LifetimeArg {
ast_from_text(&format!("const S: T<{lifetime}> = ();"))
pub fn turbofish_generic_arg_list(
args: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::GenericArg>,
) -> ast::GenericArgList {
let args = args.into_iter().join(", ");
ast_from_text(&format!("const S: T::<{args}> = ();"))
pub fn generic_arg_list(args: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::GenericArg>) -> ast::GenericArgList {
let args = args.into_iter().join(", ");
ast_from_text(&format!("const S: T<{args}> = ();"))
pub fn visibility_pub_crate() -> ast::Visibility {
ast_from_text("pub(crate) struct S")
pub fn visibility_pub() -> ast::Visibility {
ast_from_text("pub struct S")
pub fn tuple_field_list(fields: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::TupleField>) -> ast::TupleFieldList {
let fields = fields.into_iter().join(", ");
ast_from_text(&format!("struct f({fields});"))
pub fn record_field_list(
fields: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::RecordField>,
) -> ast::RecordFieldList {
let fields = fields.into_iter().join(", ");
ast_from_text(&format!("struct f {{ {fields} }}"))
pub fn tuple_field(visibility: Option<ast::Visibility>, ty: ast::Type) -> ast::TupleField {
let visibility = match visibility {
None => String::new(),
Some(it) => format!("{it} "),
ast_from_text(&format!("struct f({visibility}{ty});"))
pub fn variant_list(variants: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Variant>) -> ast::VariantList {
let variants = variants.into_iter().join(", ");
ast_from_text(&format!("enum f {{ {variants} }}"))
pub fn variant(
visibility: Option<ast::Visibility>,
name: ast::Name,
field_list: Option<ast::FieldList>,
discriminant: Option<ast::Expr>,
) -> ast::Variant {
let visibility = match visibility {
None => String::new(),
Some(it) => format!("{it} "),
let field_list = match field_list {
None => String::new(),
Some(it) => match it {
ast::FieldList::RecordFieldList(record) => format!(" {record}"),
ast::FieldList::TupleFieldList(tuple) => format!("{tuple}"),
let discriminant = match discriminant {
Some(it) => format!(" = {it}"),
None => String::new(),
ast_from_text(&format!("enum f {{ {visibility}{name}{field_list}{discriminant} }}"))
pub fn fn_(
visibility: Option<ast::Visibility>,
fn_name: ast::Name,
type_params: Option<ast::GenericParamList>,
where_clause: Option<ast::WhereClause>,
params: ast::ParamList,
body: ast::BlockExpr,
ret_type: Option<ast::RetType>,
is_async: bool,
is_const: bool,
is_unsafe: bool,
is_gen: bool,
) -> ast::Fn {
let type_params = match type_params {
Some(type_params) => format!("{type_params}"),
None => "".into(),
let where_clause = match where_clause {
Some(it) => format!("{it} "),
None => "".into(),
let ret_type = match ret_type {
Some(ret_type) => format!("{ret_type} "),
None => "".into(),
let visibility = match visibility {
None => String::new(),
Some(it) => format!("{it} "),
let async_literal = if is_async { "async " } else { "" };
let const_literal = if is_const { "const " } else { "" };
let unsafe_literal = if is_unsafe { "unsafe " } else { "" };
let gen_literal = if is_gen { "gen " } else { "" };
"{visibility}{const_literal}{async_literal}{gen_literal}{unsafe_literal}fn {fn_name}{type_params}{params} {ret_type}{where_clause}{body}",
pub fn struct_(
visibility: Option<ast::Visibility>,
strukt_name: ast::Name,
generic_param_list: Option<ast::GenericParamList>,
field_list: ast::FieldList,
) -> ast::Struct {
let semicolon = if matches!(field_list, ast::FieldList::TupleFieldList(_)) { ";" } else { "" };
let type_params = generic_param_list.map_or_else(String::new, |it| it.to_string());
let visibility = match visibility {
None => String::new(),
Some(it) => format!("{it} "),
ast_from_text(&format!("{visibility}struct {strukt_name}{type_params}{field_list}{semicolon}",))
pub fn enum_(
visibility: Option<ast::Visibility>,
enum_name: ast::Name,
generic_param_list: Option<ast::GenericParamList>,
where_clause: Option<ast::WhereClause>,
variant_list: ast::VariantList,
) -> ast::Enum {
let visibility = match visibility {
None => String::new(),
Some(it) => format!("{it} "),
let generic_params =|it| it.to_string()).unwrap_or_default();
let where_clause =|it| format!(" {it}")).unwrap_or_default();
"{visibility}enum {enum_name}{generic_params}{where_clause} {variant_list}"
pub fn attr_outer(meta: ast::Meta) -> ast::Attr {
pub fn attr_inner(meta: ast::Meta) -> ast::Attr {
pub fn meta_expr(path: ast::Path, expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::Meta {
ast_from_text(&format!("#[{path} = {expr}]"))
pub fn meta_token_tree(path: ast::Path, tt: ast::TokenTree) -> ast::Meta {
pub fn meta_path(path: ast::Path) -> ast::Meta {
pub fn token_tree(
delimiter: SyntaxKind,
tt: Vec<NodeOrToken<ast::TokenTree, SyntaxToken>>,
) -> ast::TokenTree {
let (l_delimiter, r_delimiter) = match delimiter {
T!['('] => ('(', ')'),
T!['['] => ('[', ']'),
T!['{'] => ('{', '}'),
_ => panic!("invalid delimiter `{delimiter:?}`"),
let tt = tt.into_iter().join("");
fn ast_from_text<N: AstNode>(text: &str) -> N {
let parse = SourceFile::parse(text, Edition::CURRENT);
let node = match parse.tree().syntax().descendants().find_map(N::cast) {
Some(it) => it,
None => {
let node = std::any::type_name::<N>();
panic!("Failed to make ast node `{node}` from text {text}")
let node = node.clone_subtree();
assert_eq!(node.syntax().text_range().start(), 0.into());
pub fn token(kind: SyntaxKind) -> SyntaxToken {
.filter_map(|it| it.into_token())
.find(|it| it.kind() == kind)
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("unhandled token: {kind:?}"))
pub mod tokens {
use std::sync::LazyLock;
use parser::Edition;
use crate::{ast, AstNode, Parse, SourceFile, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken};
pub(super) static SOURCE_FILE: LazyLock<Parse<SourceFile>> = LazyLock::new(|| {
"use crate::foo; const C: <()>::Item = ( true && true , true || true , 1 != 1, 2 == 2, 3 < 3, 4 <= 4, 5 > 5, 6 >= 6, !true, *p, &p , &mut p, async { let _ @ [] })\n;\n\nimpl A for B where: {}", Edition::CURRENT,
pub fn semicolon() -> SyntaxToken {
.filter_map(|it| it.into_token())
.find(|it| it.kind() == SEMICOLON)
pub fn single_space() -> SyntaxToken {
.filter_map(|it| it.into_token())
.find(|it| it.kind() == WHITESPACE && it.text() == " ")
pub fn crate_kw() -> SyntaxToken {
.filter_map(|it| it.into_token())
.find(|it| it.kind() == CRATE_KW)
pub fn whitespace(text: &str) -> SyntaxToken {
let sf = SourceFile::parse(text, Edition::CURRENT).ok().unwrap();
pub fn doc_comment(text: &str) -> SyntaxToken {
let sf = SourceFile::parse(text, Edition::CURRENT).ok().unwrap();
pub fn literal(text: &str) -> SyntaxToken {
assert_eq!(text.trim(), text);
let lit: ast::Literal = super::ast_from_text(&format!("fn f() {{ let _ = {text}; }}"));
pub fn ident(text: &str) -> SyntaxToken {
assert_eq!(text.trim(), text);
let path: ast::Path = super::ext::ident_path(text);
.filter_map(|it| it.into_token())
.find(|it| it.kind() == IDENT)
pub fn single_newline() -> SyntaxToken {
let res = SOURCE_FILE
.filter_map(|it| it.into_token())
.find(|it| it.kind() == WHITESPACE && it.text() == "\n")
pub fn blank_line() -> SyntaxToken {
.filter_map(|it| it.into_token())
.find(|it| it.kind() == WHITESPACE && it.text() == "\n\n")
pub struct WsBuilder(SourceFile);
impl WsBuilder {
pub fn new(text: &str) -> WsBuilder {
WsBuilder(SourceFile::parse(text, Edition::CURRENT).ok().unwrap())
pub fn ws(&self) -> SyntaxToken {