blob: 67f91dfa8420e65eacdceace0bc86193fe5a9065 [file] [log] [blame]
// Tests that a closure which requires mutable access to the referent
// of an `&mut` requires a "unique" borrow -- that is, the variable to
// be borrowed (here, `x`) will not be borrowed *mutably*, but
// may be *immutable*, but we cannot allow
// multiple borrows.
fn get(x: &isize) -> isize {
fn set(x: &mut isize) -> isize {
fn a(x: &mut isize) {
let c1 = || get(x);
let c2 = || get(x);
fn b(x: &mut isize) {
let c1 = || get(x);
let c2 = || set(x); //~ ERROR closure requires unique access to `x`
fn c(x: &mut isize) {
let c1 = || get(x);
let c2 = || { get(x); set(x); }; //~ ERROR closure requires unique access to `x`
fn d(x: &mut isize) {
let c1 = || set(x);
let c2 = || set(x); //~ ERROR two closures require unique access to `x` at the same time
fn e(x: &'static mut isize) {
let c1 = |y: &'static mut isize| x = y;
//~^ ERROR cannot assign to `x`, as it is not declared as mutable
fn f(x: &'static mut isize) {
let c1 = || x = panic!(); // OK assignment is unreachable.
fn main() {