blob: b851263aaf9c4e6a4668226a3bbb5f531e0c6896 [file] [log] [blame]
/// A simple static assertion macro.
#[allow_internal_unstable(type_ascription, underscore_const_names)]
macro_rules! static_assert {
($test:expr) => {
// Use the bool to access an array such that if the bool is false, the access
// is out-of-bounds.
const _: () = [()][!($test: bool) as usize];
/// Type size assertion. The first argument is a type and the second argument is its expected size.
macro_rules! static_assert_size {
($ty:ty, $size:expr) => {
const _: [(); $size] = [(); ::std::mem::size_of::<$ty>()];