blob: 2ca17050ae2a4dc3770e07492dd53824c174e31c [file] [log] [blame]
// ignore-compare-mode-nll
// Check that E0161 is a hard error in all possible configurations that might
// affect it.
// revisions: migrate nll zflags edition migrateul nllul zflagsul editionul
//[zflags]compile-flags: -Z borrowck=migrate
//[zflagsul]compile-flags: -Z borrowck=migrate
#![cfg_attr(nll, feature(nll))]
#![cfg_attr(nllul, feature(nll))]
#![cfg_attr(migrateul, feature(unsized_locals))]
#![cfg_attr(zflagsul, feature(unsized_locals))]
#![cfg_attr(nllul, feature(unsized_locals))]
#![cfg_attr(editionul, feature(unsized_locals))]
fn foo(x: Box<[i32]>) {
box *x;
//[migrate]~^ ERROR E0161
//[nll]~^^ ERROR E0161
//[zflags]~^^^ ERROR E0161
//[edition]~^^^^ ERROR E0161
//[migrateul]~^^^^^ ERROR E0161
//[nllul]~^^^^^^ ERROR E0161
//[zflagsul]~^^^^^^^ ERROR E0161
//[editionul]~^^^^^^^^ ERROR E0161
fn main() {}