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// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! # Categorization
//! The job of the categorization module is to analyze an expression to
//! determine what kind of memory is used in evaluating it (for example,
//! where dereferences occur and what kind of pointer is dereferenced;
//! whether the memory is mutable; etc)
//! Categorization effectively transforms all of our expressions into
//! expressions of the following forms (the actual enum has many more
//! possibilities, naturally, but they are all variants of these base
//! forms):
//! E = rvalue // some computed rvalue
//! | x // address of a local variable or argument
//! | *E // deref of a ptr
//! | E.comp // access to an interior component
//! Imagine a routine ToAddr(Expr) that evaluates an expression and returns an
//! address where the result is to be found. If Expr is an lvalue, then this
//! is the address of the lvalue. If Expr is an rvalue, this is the address of
//! some temporary spot in memory where the result is stored.
//! Now, cat_expr() classifies the expression Expr and the address A=ToAddr(Expr)
//! as follows:
//! - cat: what kind of expression was this? This is a subset of the
//! full expression forms which only includes those that we care about
//! for the purpose of the analysis.
//! - mutbl: mutability of the address A
//! - ty: the type of data found at the address A
//! The resulting categorization tree differs somewhat from the expressions
//! themselves. For example, auto-derefs are explicit. Also, an index a[b] is
//! decomposed into two operations: a dereference to reach the array data and
//! then an index to jump forward to the relevant item.
//! ## By-reference upvars
//! One part of the translation which may be non-obvious is that we translate
//! closure upvars into the dereference of a borrowed pointer; this more closely
//! resembles the runtime translation. So, for example, if we had:
//! let mut x = 3;
//! let y = 5;
//! let inc = || x += y;
//! Then when we categorize `x` (*within* the closure) we would yield a
//! result of `*x'`, effectively, where `x'` is a `Categorization::Upvar` reference
//! tied to `x`. The type of `x'` will be a borrowed pointer.
pub use self::PointerKind::*;
pub use self::InteriorKind::*;
pub use self::FieldName::*;
pub use self::ElementKind::*;
pub use self::MutabilityCategory::*;
pub use self::AliasableReason::*;
pub use self::Note::*;
pub use self::deref_kind::*;
use self::Aliasability::*;
use hir::def_id::DefId;
use hir::map as ast_map;
use infer::InferCtxt;
use middle::const_qualif::ConstQualif;
use hir::def::Def;
use ty::adjustment;
use ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
use hir::{MutImmutable, MutMutable, PatKind};
use hir::pat_util::EnumerateAndAdjustIterator;
use hir;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax_pos::Span;
use std::fmt;
use std::rc::Rc;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Categorization<'tcx> {
Rvalue(ty::Region), // temporary val, argument is its scope
Upvar(Upvar), // upvar referenced by closure env
Local(ast::NodeId), // local variable
Deref(cmt<'tcx>, usize, PointerKind), // deref of a ptr
Interior(cmt<'tcx>, InteriorKind), // something interior: field, tuple, etc
Downcast(cmt<'tcx>, DefId), // selects a particular enum variant (*1)
// (*1) downcast is only required if the enum has more than one variant
// Represents any kind of upvar
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct Upvar {
pub id: ty::UpvarId,
pub kind: ty::ClosureKind
// different kinds of pointers:
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum PointerKind {
/// `Box<T>`
/// `&T`
BorrowedPtr(ty::BorrowKind, ty::Region),
/// `*T`
/// Implicit deref of the `&T` that results from an overloaded index `[]`.
Implicit(ty::BorrowKind, ty::Region),
// We use the term "interior" to mean "something reachable from the
// base without a pointer dereference", e.g. a field
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum InteriorKind {
InteriorElement(InteriorOffsetKind, ElementKind),
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum FieldName {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum InteriorOffsetKind {
Index, // e.g. `array_expr[index_expr]`
Pattern, // e.g. `fn foo([_, a, _, _]: [A; 4]) { ... }`
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum ElementKind {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum MutabilityCategory {
McImmutable, // Immutable.
McDeclared, // Directly declared as mutable.
McInherited, // Inherited from the fact that owner is mutable.
// A note about the provenance of a `cmt`. This is used for
// special-case handling of upvars such as mutability inference.
// Upvar categorization can generate a variable number of nested
// derefs. The note allows detecting them without deep pattern
// matching on the categorization.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Note {
NoteClosureEnv(ty::UpvarId), // Deref through closure env
NoteUpvarRef(ty::UpvarId), // Deref through by-ref upvar
NoteNone // Nothing special
// `cmt`: "Category, Mutability, and Type".
// a complete categorization of a value indicating where it originated
// and how it is located, as well as the mutability of the memory in
// which the value is stored.
// *WARNING* The field `cmt.type` is NOT necessarily the same as the
// result of `node_id_to_type(`. This is because the `id` is
// always the `id` of the node producing the type; in an expression
// like `*x`, the type of this deref node is the deref'd type (`T`),
// but in a pattern like `@x`, the `@x` pattern is again a
// dereference, but its type is the type *before* the dereference
// (`@T`). So use `cmt.ty` to find the type of the value in a consistent
// fashion. For more details, see the method `cat_pattern`
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct cmt_<'tcx> {
pub id: ast::NodeId, // id of expr/pat producing this value
pub span: Span, // span of same expr/pat
pub cat: Categorization<'tcx>, // categorization of expr
pub mutbl: MutabilityCategory, // mutability of expr as lvalue
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>, // type of the expr (*see WARNING above*)
pub note: Note, // Note about the provenance of this cmt
pub type cmt<'tcx> = Rc<cmt_<'tcx>>;
// We pun on *T to mean both actual deref of a ptr as well
// as accessing of components:
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum deref_kind {
type DerefKindContext = Option<InteriorOffsetKind>;
// Categorizes a derefable type. Note that we include vectors and strings as
// derefable (we model an index as the combination of a deref and then a
// pointer adjustment).
fn deref_kind(t: Ty, context: DerefKindContext) -> McResult<deref_kind> {
match t.sty {
ty::TyBox(_) => {
ty::TyRef(r, mt) => {
let kind = ty::BorrowKind::from_mutbl(mt.mutbl);
Ok(deref_ptr(BorrowedPtr(kind, *r)))
ty::TyRawPtr(ref mt) => {
ty::TyEnum(..) |
ty::TyStruct(..) => { // newtype
ty::TyArray(_, _) | ty::TySlice(_) => {
// no deref of indexed content without supplying InteriorOffsetKind
if let Some(context) = context {
Ok(deref_interior(InteriorElement(context, ElementKind::VecElement)))
} else {
_ => Err(()),
pub trait ast_node {
fn id(&self) -> ast::NodeId;
fn span(&self) -> Span;
impl ast_node for hir::Expr {
fn id(&self) -> ast::NodeId { }
fn span(&self) -> Span { self.span }
impl ast_node for hir::Pat {
fn id(&self) -> ast::NodeId { }
fn span(&self) -> Span { self.span }
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MemCategorizationContext<'a, 'gcx: 'a+'tcx, 'tcx: 'a> {
pub infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
pub type McResult<T> = Result<T, ()>;
impl MutabilityCategory {
pub fn from_mutbl(m: hir::Mutability) -> MutabilityCategory {
let ret = match m {
MutImmutable => McImmutable,
MutMutable => McDeclared
debug!("MutabilityCategory::{}({:?}) => {:?}",
"from_mutbl", m, ret);
pub fn from_borrow_kind(borrow_kind: ty::BorrowKind) -> MutabilityCategory {
let ret = match borrow_kind {
ty::ImmBorrow => McImmutable,
ty::UniqueImmBorrow => McImmutable,
ty::MutBorrow => McDeclared,
debug!("MutabilityCategory::{}({:?}) => {:?}",
"from_borrow_kind", borrow_kind, ret);
fn from_pointer_kind(base_mutbl: MutabilityCategory,
ptr: PointerKind) -> MutabilityCategory {
let ret = match ptr {
Unique => {
BorrowedPtr(borrow_kind, _) | Implicit(borrow_kind, _) => {
UnsafePtr(m) => {
debug!("MutabilityCategory::{}({:?}, {:?}) => {:?}",
"from_pointer_kind", base_mutbl, ptr, ret);
fn from_local(tcx: TyCtxt, id: ast::NodeId) -> MutabilityCategory {
let ret = match {
ast_map::NodeLocal(p) => match p.node {
PatKind::Binding(bind_mode, _, _) => {
if bind_mode == hir::BindByValue(hir::MutMutable) {
} else {
_ => span_bug!(p.span, "expected identifier pattern")
_ => span_bug!(, "expected identifier pattern")
debug!("MutabilityCategory::{}(tcx, id={:?}) => {:?}",
"from_local", id, ret);
pub fn inherit(&self) -> MutabilityCategory {
let ret = match *self {
McImmutable => McImmutable,
McDeclared => McInherited,
McInherited => McInherited,
debug!("{:?}.inherit() => {:?}", self, ret);
pub fn is_mutable(&self) -> bool {
let ret = match *self {
McImmutable => false,
McInherited => true,
McDeclared => true,
debug!("{:?}.is_mutable() => {:?}", self, ret);
pub fn is_immutable(&self) -> bool {
let ret = match *self {
McImmutable => true,
McDeclared | McInherited => false
debug!("{:?}.is_immutable() => {:?}", self, ret);
pub fn to_user_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
McDeclared | McInherited => "mutable",
McImmutable => "immutable",
impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> MemCategorizationContext<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
pub fn new(infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>)
-> MemCategorizationContext<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
MemCategorizationContext { infcx: infcx }
fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
fn expr_ty(&self, expr: &hir::Expr) -> McResult<Ty<'tcx>> {
match self.infcx.node_ty( {
Ok(t) => Ok(t),
Err(()) => {
debug!("expr_ty({:?}) yielded Err", expr);
fn expr_ty_adjusted(&self, expr: &hir::Expr) -> McResult<Ty<'tcx>> {
let unadjusted_ty = self.expr_ty(expr)?;
self.tcx(), expr.span,,
|method_call| self.infcx.node_method_ty(method_call)))
fn node_ty(&self, id: ast::NodeId) -> McResult<Ty<'tcx>> {
fn pat_ty(&self, pat: &hir::Pat) -> McResult<Ty<'tcx>> {
let base_ty = self.infcx.node_ty(;
// FIXME (Issue #18207): This code detects whether we are
// looking at a `ref x`, and if so, figures out what the type
// *being borrowed* is. But ideally we would put in a more
// fundamental fix to this conflated use of the node id.
let ret_ty = match pat.node {
PatKind::Binding(hir::BindByRef(_), _, _) => {
// a bind-by-ref means that the base_ty will be the type of the ident itself,
// but what we want here is the type of the underlying value being borrowed.
// So peel off one-level, turning the &T into T.
match base_ty.builtin_deref(false, ty::NoPreference) {
Some(t) => t.ty,
None => { return Err(()); }
_ => base_ty,
debug!("pat_ty(pat={:?}) base_ty={:?} ret_ty={:?}",
pat, base_ty, ret_ty);
pub fn cat_expr(&self, expr: &hir::Expr) -> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
match self.infcx.adjustments().get(& {
None => {
// No adjustments.
Some(adjustment) => {
match *adjustment {
adjustment::AutoDerefRef {
autoref: None, unsize: None, autoderefs, ..}) => {
// Equivalent to *expr or something similar.
self.cat_expr_autoderefd(expr, autoderefs)
adjustment::AdjustReifyFnPointer |
adjustment::AdjustUnsafeFnPointer |
adjustment::AdjustMutToConstPointer |
adjustment::AdjustDerefRef(_) => {
debug!("cat_expr({:?}): {:?}",
// Result is an rvalue.
let expr_ty = self.expr_ty_adjusted(expr)?;
Ok(self.cat_rvalue_node(, expr.span(), expr_ty))
pub fn cat_expr_autoderefd(&self,
expr: &hir::Expr,
autoderefs: usize)
-> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
let mut cmt = self.cat_expr_unadjusted(expr)?;
debug!("cat_expr_autoderefd: autoderefs={}, cmt={:?}",
for deref in 1..autoderefs + 1 {
cmt = self.cat_deref(expr, cmt, deref, None)?;
return Ok(cmt);
pub fn cat_expr_unadjusted(&self, expr: &hir::Expr) -> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
debug!("cat_expr: id={} expr={:?}",, expr);
let expr_ty = self.expr_ty(expr)?;
match expr.node {
hir::ExprUnary(hir::UnDeref, ref e_base) => {
let base_cmt = self.cat_expr(&e_base)?;
self.cat_deref(expr, base_cmt, 0, None)
hir::ExprField(ref base, f_name) => {
let base_cmt = self.cat_expr(&base)?;
debug!("cat_expr(cat_field): id={} expr={:?} base={:?}",,
Ok(self.cat_field(expr, base_cmt, f_name.node, expr_ty))
hir::ExprTupField(ref base, idx) => {
let base_cmt = self.cat_expr(&base)?;
Ok(self.cat_tup_field(expr, base_cmt, idx.node, expr_ty))
hir::ExprIndex(ref base, _) => {
let method_call = ty::MethodCall::expr(;
let context = InteriorOffsetKind::Index;
match self.infcx.node_method_ty(method_call) {
Some(method_ty) => {
// If this is an index implemented by a method call, then it
// will include an implicit deref of the result.
let ret_ty = self.overloaded_method_return_ty(method_ty);
// The index method always returns an `&T`, so
// dereference it to find the result type.
let elem_ty = match ret_ty.sty {
ty::TyRef(_, mt) => mt.ty,
_ => {
debug!("cat_expr_unadjusted: return type of overloaded index is {:?}?",
return Err(());
// The call to index() returns a `&T` value, which
// is an rvalue. That is what we will be
// dereferencing.
let base_cmt = self.cat_rvalue_node(, expr.span(), ret_ty);
self.cat_deref_common(expr, base_cmt, 1, elem_ty, Some(context), true)
None => {
self.cat_index(expr, self.cat_expr(&base)?, context)
hir::ExprPath(..) => {
self.cat_def(, expr.span, expr_ty, self.tcx().expect_def(
hir::ExprType(ref e, _) => {
hir::ExprAddrOf(..) | hir::ExprCall(..) |
hir::ExprAssign(..) | hir::ExprAssignOp(..) |
hir::ExprClosure(..) | hir::ExprRet(..) |
hir::ExprUnary(..) |
hir::ExprMethodCall(..) | hir::ExprCast(..) |
hir::ExprVec(..) | hir::ExprTup(..) | hir::ExprIf(..) |
hir::ExprBinary(..) | hir::ExprWhile(..) |
hir::ExprBlock(..) | hir::ExprLoop(..) | hir::ExprMatch(..) |
hir::ExprLit(..) | hir::ExprBreak(..) |
hir::ExprAgain(..) | hir::ExprStruct(..) | hir::ExprRepeat(..) |
hir::ExprInlineAsm(..) | hir::ExprBox(..) => {
Ok(self.cat_rvalue_node(, expr.span(), expr_ty))
pub fn cat_def(&self,
id: ast::NodeId,
span: Span,
expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
def: Def)
-> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
debug!("cat_def: id={} expr={:?} def={:?}",
id, expr_ty, def);
match def {
Def::Struct(..) | Def::Variant(..) | Def::Const(..) |
Def::AssociatedConst(..) | Def::Fn(..) | Def::Method(..) => {
Ok(self.cat_rvalue_node(id, span, expr_ty))
Def::Mod(_) | Def::ForeignMod(_) |
Def::Trait(_) | Def::Enum(..) | Def::TyAlias(..) | Def::PrimTy(_) |
Def::TyParam(..) |
Def::Label(_) | Def::SelfTy(..) |
Def::AssociatedTy(..) => {
span_bug!(span, "Unexpected definition in \
memory categorization: {:?}", def);
Def::Static(_, mutbl) => {
Ok(Rc::new(cmt_ {
mutbl: if mutbl { McDeclared } else { McImmutable},
note: NoteNone
Def::Upvar(_, var_id, _, fn_node_id) => {
let ty = self.node_ty(fn_node_id)?;
match ty.sty {
ty::TyClosure(closure_id, _) => {
match self.infcx.closure_kind(closure_id) {
Some(kind) => {
self.cat_upvar(id, span, var_id, fn_node_id, kind)
None => {
"No closure kind for {:?}",
_ => {
"Upvar of non-closure {} - {:?}",
Def::Local(_, vid) => {
Ok(Rc::new(cmt_ {
id: id,
span: span,
cat: Categorization::Local(vid),
mutbl: MutabilityCategory::from_local(self.tcx(), vid),
ty: expr_ty,
note: NoteNone
Def::Err => bug!("Def::Err in memory categorization")
// Categorize an upvar, complete with invisible derefs of closure
// environment and upvar reference as appropriate.
fn cat_upvar(&self,
id: ast::NodeId,
span: Span,
var_id: ast::NodeId,
fn_node_id: ast::NodeId,
kind: ty::ClosureKind)
-> McResult<cmt<'tcx>>
// An upvar can have up to 3 components. We translate first to a
// `Categorization::Upvar`, which is itself a fiction -- it represents the reference to the
// field from the environment.
// `Categorization::Upvar`. Next, we add a deref through the implicit
// environment pointer with an anonymous free region 'env and
// appropriate borrow kind for closure kinds that take self by
// reference. Finally, if the upvar was captured
// by-reference, we add a deref through that reference. The
// region of this reference is an inference variable 'up that
// was previously generated and recorded in the upvar borrow
// map. The borrow kind bk is inferred by based on how the
// upvar is used.
// This results in the following table for concrete closure
// types:
// | move | ref
// ---------------+----------------------+-------------------------------
// Fn | copied -> &'env | upvar -> &'env -> &'up bk
// FnMut | copied -> &'env mut | upvar -> &'env mut -> &'up bk
// FnOnce | copied | upvar -> &'up bk
let upvar_id = ty::UpvarId { var_id: var_id,
closure_expr_id: fn_node_id };
let var_ty = self.node_ty(var_id)?;
// Mutability of original variable itself
let var_mutbl = MutabilityCategory::from_local(self.tcx(), var_id);
// Construct the upvar. This represents access to the field
// from the environment (perhaps we should eventually desugar
// this field further, but it will do for now).
let cmt_result = cmt_ {
id: id,
span: span,
cat: Categorization::Upvar(Upvar {id: upvar_id, kind: kind}),
mutbl: var_mutbl,
ty: var_ty,
note: NoteNone
// If this is a `FnMut` or `Fn` closure, then the above is
// conceptually a `&mut` or `&` reference, so we have to add a
// deref.
let cmt_result = match kind {
ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce => {
ty::ClosureKind::FnMut => {
self.env_deref(id, span, upvar_id, var_mutbl, ty::MutBorrow, cmt_result)
ty::ClosureKind::Fn => {
self.env_deref(id, span, upvar_id, var_mutbl, ty::ImmBorrow, cmt_result)
// If this is a by-ref capture, then the upvar we loaded is
// actually a reference, so we have to add an implicit deref
// for that.
let upvar_id = ty::UpvarId { var_id: var_id,
closure_expr_id: fn_node_id };
let upvar_capture = self.infcx.upvar_capture(upvar_id).unwrap();
let cmt_result = match upvar_capture {
ty::UpvarCapture::ByValue => {
ty::UpvarCapture::ByRef(upvar_borrow) => {
let ptr = BorrowedPtr(upvar_borrow.kind, upvar_borrow.region);
cmt_ {
id: id,
span: span,
cat: Categorization::Deref(Rc::new(cmt_result), 0, ptr),
mutbl: MutabilityCategory::from_borrow_kind(upvar_borrow.kind),
ty: var_ty,
note: NoteUpvarRef(upvar_id)
let ret = Rc::new(cmt_result);
debug!("cat_upvar ret={:?}", ret);
fn env_deref(&self,
id: ast::NodeId,
span: Span,
upvar_id: ty::UpvarId,
upvar_mutbl: MutabilityCategory,
env_borrow_kind: ty::BorrowKind,
cmt_result: cmt_<'tcx>)
-> cmt_<'tcx>
// Look up the node ID of the closure body so we can construct
// a free region within it
let fn_body_id = {
let fn_expr = match self.tcx().map.find(upvar_id.closure_expr_id) {
Some(ast_map::NodeExpr(e)) => e,
_ => bug!()
match fn_expr.node {
hir::ExprClosure(_, _, ref body, _) =>,
_ => bug!()
// Region of environment pointer
let env_region = ty::ReFree(ty::FreeRegion {
// The environment of a closure is guaranteed to
// outlive any bindings introduced in the body of the
// closure itself.
scope: self.tcx().region_maps.item_extent(fn_body_id),
bound_region: ty::BrEnv
let env_ptr = BorrowedPtr(env_borrow_kind, env_region);
let var_ty = cmt_result.ty;
// We need to add the env deref. This means
// that the above is actually immutable and
// has a ref type. However, nothing should
// actually look at the type, so we can get
// away with stuffing a `TyError` in there
// instead of bothering to construct a proper
// one.
let cmt_result = cmt_ {
mutbl: McImmutable,
ty: self.tcx().types.err,
let mut deref_mutbl = MutabilityCategory::from_borrow_kind(env_borrow_kind);
// Issue #18335. If variable is declared as immutable, override the
// mutability from the environment and substitute an `&T` anyway.
match upvar_mutbl {
McImmutable => { deref_mutbl = McImmutable; }
McDeclared | McInherited => { }
let ret = cmt_ {
id: id,
span: span,
cat: Categorization::Deref(Rc::new(cmt_result), 0, env_ptr),
mutbl: deref_mutbl,
ty: var_ty,
note: NoteClosureEnv(upvar_id)
debug!("env_deref ret {:?}", ret);
/// Returns the lifetime of a temporary created by expr with id `id`.
/// This could be `'static` if `id` is part of a constant expression.
pub fn temporary_scope(&self, id: ast::NodeId) -> ty::Region {
match self.infcx.temporary_scope(id) {
Some(scope) => ty::ReScope(scope),
None => ty::ReStatic
pub fn cat_rvalue_node(&self,
id: ast::NodeId,
span: Span,
expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>)
-> cmt<'tcx> {
let qualif = self.tcx().const_qualif_map.borrow().get(&id).cloned()
// Only promote `[T; 0]` before an RFC for rvalue promotions
// is accepted.
let qualif = match expr_ty.sty {
ty::TyArray(_, 0) => qualif,
_ => ConstQualif::NOT_CONST
// Compute maximum lifetime of this rvalue. This is 'static if
// we can promote to a constant, otherwise equal to enclosing temp
// lifetime.
let re = if qualif.intersects(ConstQualif::NON_STATIC_BORROWS) {
} else {
let ret = self.cat_rvalue(id, span, re, expr_ty);
debug!("cat_rvalue_node ret {:?}", ret);
pub fn cat_rvalue(&self,
cmt_id: ast::NodeId,
span: Span,
temp_scope: ty::Region,
expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> cmt<'tcx> {
let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
note: NoteNone
debug!("cat_rvalue ret {:?}", ret);
pub fn cat_field<N:ast_node>(&self,
node: &N,
base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
f_name: ast::Name,
f_ty: Ty<'tcx>)
-> cmt<'tcx> {
let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
span: node.span(),
mutbl: base_cmt.mutbl.inherit(),
cat: Categorization::Interior(base_cmt, InteriorField(NamedField(f_name))),
ty: f_ty,
note: NoteNone
debug!("cat_field ret {:?}", ret);
pub fn cat_tup_field<N:ast_node>(&self,
node: &N,
base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
f_idx: usize,
f_ty: Ty<'tcx>)
-> cmt<'tcx> {
let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
span: node.span(),
mutbl: base_cmt.mutbl.inherit(),
cat: Categorization::Interior(base_cmt, InteriorField(PositionalField(f_idx))),
ty: f_ty,
note: NoteNone
debug!("cat_tup_field ret {:?}", ret);
fn cat_deref<N:ast_node>(&self,
node: &N,
base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
deref_cnt: usize,
deref_context: DerefKindContext)
-> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
let method_call = ty::MethodCall {
autoderef: deref_cnt as u32
let method_ty = self.infcx.node_method_ty(method_call);
debug!("cat_deref: method_call={:?} method_ty={:?}",
method_call,|ty| ty));
let base_cmt = match method_ty {
Some(method_ty) => {
let ref_ty =
self.cat_rvalue_node(, node.span(), ref_ty)
None => base_cmt
let base_cmt_ty = base_cmt.ty;
match base_cmt_ty.builtin_deref(true, ty::NoPreference) {
Some(mt) => {
let ret = self.cat_deref_common(node, base_cmt, deref_cnt,
/* implicit: */ false);
debug!("cat_deref ret {:?}", ret);
None => {
debug!("Explicit deref of non-derefable type: {:?}",
return Err(());
fn cat_deref_common<N:ast_node>(&self,
node: &N,
base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
deref_cnt: usize,
deref_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
deref_context: DerefKindContext,
implicit: bool)
-> McResult<cmt<'tcx>>
let (m, cat) = match deref_kind(base_cmt.ty, deref_context)? {
deref_ptr(ptr) => {
let ptr = if implicit {
match ptr {
BorrowedPtr(bk, r) => Implicit(bk, r),
_ => span_bug!(node.span(),
"Implicit deref of non-borrowed pointer")
} else {
// for unique ptrs, we inherit mutability from the
// owning reference.
(MutabilityCategory::from_pointer_kind(base_cmt.mutbl, ptr),
Categorization::Deref(base_cmt, deref_cnt, ptr))
deref_interior(interior) => {
(base_cmt.mutbl.inherit(), Categorization::Interior(base_cmt, interior))
let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
span: node.span(),
cat: cat,
mutbl: m,
ty: deref_ty,
note: NoteNone
debug!("cat_deref_common ret {:?}", ret);
pub fn cat_index<N:ast_node>(&self,
elt: &N,
mut base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
context: InteriorOffsetKind)
-> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
//! Creates a cmt for an indexing operation (`[]`).
//! One subtle aspect of indexing that may not be
//! immediately obvious: for anything other than a fixed-length
//! vector, an operation like `x[y]` actually consists of two
//! disjoint (from the point of view of borrowck) operations.
//! The first is a deref of `x` to create a pointer `p` that points
//! at the first element in the array. The second operation is
//! an index which adds `y*sizeof(T)` to `p` to obtain the
//! pointer to `x[y]`. `cat_index` will produce a resulting
//! cmt containing both this deref and the indexing,
//! presuming that `base_cmt` is not of fixed-length type.
//! # Parameters
//! - `elt`: the AST node being indexed
//! - `base_cmt`: the cmt of `elt`
let method_call = ty::MethodCall::expr(;
let method_ty = self.infcx.node_method_ty(method_call);
let (element_ty, element_kind) = match method_ty {
Some(method_ty) => {
let ref_ty = self.overloaded_method_return_ty(method_ty);
base_cmt = self.cat_rvalue_node(, elt.span(), ref_ty);
// FIXME(#20649) -- why are we using the `self_ty` as the element type...?
let self_ty = method_ty.fn_sig().input(0);
None => {
match base_cmt.ty.builtin_index() {
Some(ty) => (ty, ElementKind::VecElement),
None => {
return Err(());
let interior_elem = InteriorElement(context, element_kind);
let ret =
self.cat_imm_interior(elt, base_cmt.clone(), element_ty, interior_elem);
debug!("cat_index ret {:?}", ret);
return Ok(ret);
pub fn cat_imm_interior<N:ast_node>(&self,
node: &N,
base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
interior_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
interior: InteriorKind)
-> cmt<'tcx> {
let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
span: node.span(),
mutbl: base_cmt.mutbl.inherit(),
cat: Categorization::Interior(base_cmt, interior),
ty: interior_ty,
note: NoteNone
debug!("cat_imm_interior ret={:?}", ret);
pub fn cat_downcast<N:ast_node>(&self,
node: &N,
base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
downcast_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
variant_did: DefId)
-> cmt<'tcx> {
let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
span: node.span(),
mutbl: base_cmt.mutbl.inherit(),
cat: Categorization::Downcast(base_cmt, variant_did),
ty: downcast_ty,
note: NoteNone
debug!("cat_downcast ret={:?}", ret);
pub fn cat_pattern<F>(&self, cmt: cmt<'tcx>, pat: &hir::Pat, mut op: F) -> McResult<()>
where F: FnMut(&MemCategorizationContext<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>, cmt<'tcx>, &hir::Pat),
self.cat_pattern_(cmt, pat, &mut op)
// FIXME(#19596) This is a workaround, but there should be a better way to do this
fn cat_pattern_<F>(&self, cmt: cmt<'tcx>, pat: &hir::Pat, op: &mut F) -> McResult<()>
where F : FnMut(&MemCategorizationContext<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>, cmt<'tcx>, &hir::Pat)
// Here, `cmt` is the categorization for the value being
// matched and pat is the pattern it is being matched against.
// In general, the way that this works is that we walk down
// the pattern, constructing a cmt that represents the path
// that will be taken to reach the value being matched.
// When we encounter named bindings, we take the cmt that has
// been built up and pass it off to guarantee_valid() so that
// we can be sure that the binding will remain valid for the
// duration of the arm.
// (*2) There is subtlety concerning the correspondence between
// pattern ids and types as compared to *expression* ids and
// types. This is explained briefly. on the definition of the
// type `cmt`, so go off and read what it says there, then
// come back and I'll dive into a bit more detail here. :) OK,
// back?
// In general, the id of the cmt should be the node that
// "produces" the value---patterns aren't executable code
// exactly, but I consider them to "execute" when they match a
// value, and I consider them to produce the value that was
// matched. So if you have something like:
// let x = @@3;
// match x {
// @@y { ... }
// }
// In this case, the cmt and the relevant ids would be:
// CMT Id Type of Id Type of cmt
// local(x)->@->@
// ^~~~~~~^ `x` from discr @@int @@int
// ^~~~~~~~~~^ `@@y` pattern node @@int @int
// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~^ `@y` pattern node @int int
// You can see that the types of the id and the cmt are in
// sync in the first line, because that id is actually the id
// of an expression. But once we get to pattern ids, the types
// step out of sync again. So you'll see below that we always
// get the type of the *subpattern* and use that.
debug!("cat_pattern: {:?} cmt={:?}", pat, cmt);
op(self, cmt.clone(), pat);
// Note: This goes up here (rather than within the PatKind::TupleStruct arm
// alone) because PatKind::Struct can also refer to variants.
let cmt = match self.tcx().expect_def_or_none( {
Some(Def::Err) => return Err(()),
Some(Def::Variant(enum_did, variant_did))
// univariant enums do not need downcasts
if !self.tcx().lookup_adt_def(enum_did).is_univariant() => {
self.cat_downcast(pat, cmt.clone(), cmt.ty, variant_did)
_ => cmt
match pat.node {
PatKind::TupleStruct(_, ref subpats, ddpos) => {
let expected_len = match self.tcx().expect_def( {
Def::Variant(enum_def, def_id) => {
Def::Struct(..) => {
match self.pat_ty(&pat)?.sty {
ty::TyStruct(adt_def, _) => {
ref ty => {
span_bug!(pat.span, "tuple struct pattern unexpected type {:?}", ty);
def => {
span_bug!(pat.span, "tuple struct pattern didn't resolve \
to variant or struct {:?}", def);
for (i, subpat) in subpats.iter().enumerate_and_adjust(expected_len, ddpos) {
let subpat_ty = self.pat_ty(&subpat)?; // see (*2)
let subcmt = self.cat_imm_interior(pat, cmt.clone(), subpat_ty,
self.cat_pattern_(subcmt, &subpat, op)?;
PatKind::Struct(_, ref field_pats, _) => {
// {f1: p1, ..., fN: pN}
for fp in field_pats {
let field_ty = self.pat_ty(&fp.node.pat)?; // see (*2)
let cmt_field = self.cat_field(pat, cmt.clone(),, field_ty);
self.cat_pattern_(cmt_field, &fp.node.pat, op)?;
PatKind::Binding(_, _, Some(ref subpat)) => {
self.cat_pattern_(cmt, &subpat, op)?;
PatKind::Tuple(ref subpats, ddpos) => {
// (p1, ..., pN)
let expected_len = match self.pat_ty(&pat)?.sty {
ty::TyTuple(ref tys) => tys.len(),
ref ty => span_bug!(pat.span, "tuple pattern unexpected type {:?}", ty),
for (i, subpat) in subpats.iter().enumerate_and_adjust(expected_len, ddpos) {
let subpat_ty = self.pat_ty(&subpat)?; // see (*2)
let subcmt = self.cat_imm_interior(pat, cmt.clone(), subpat_ty,
self.cat_pattern_(subcmt, &subpat, op)?;
PatKind::Box(ref subpat) | PatKind::Ref(ref subpat, _) => {
// box p1, &p1, &mut p1. we can ignore the mutability of
// PatKind::Ref since that information is already contained
// in the type.
let subcmt = self.cat_deref(pat, cmt, 0, None)?;
self.cat_pattern_(subcmt, &subpat, op)?;
PatKind::Vec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
let context = InteriorOffsetKind::Pattern;
let elt_cmt = self.cat_index(pat, cmt, context)?;
for before_pat in before {
self.cat_pattern_(elt_cmt.clone(), &before_pat, op)?;
if let Some(ref slice_pat) = *slice {
self.cat_pattern_(elt_cmt.clone(), &slice_pat, op)?;
for after_pat in after {
self.cat_pattern_(elt_cmt.clone(), &after_pat, op)?;
PatKind::Path(..) | PatKind::Binding(_, _, None) |
PatKind::Lit(..) | PatKind::Range(..) | PatKind::Wild => {
// always ok
fn overloaded_method_return_ty(&self,
method_ty: Ty<'tcx>)
-> Ty<'tcx>
// When we process an overloaded `*` or `[]` etc, we often
// need to extract the return type of the method. These method
// types are generated by method resolution and always have
// all late-bound regions fully instantiated, so we just want
// to skip past the binder.
.unwrap() // overloaded ops do not diverge, either
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Aliasability {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum AliasableReason {
AliasableClosure(ast::NodeId), // Aliasable due to capture Fn closure env
UnaliasableImmutable, // Created as needed upon seeing ImmutableUnique
impl<'tcx> cmt_<'tcx> {
pub fn guarantor(&self) -> cmt<'tcx> {
//! Returns `self` after stripping away any derefs or
//! interior content. The return value is basically the `cmt` which
//! determines how long the value in `self` remains live.
match {
Categorization::Rvalue(..) |
Categorization::StaticItem |
Categorization::Local(..) |
Categorization::Deref(_, _, UnsafePtr(..)) |
Categorization::Deref(_, _, BorrowedPtr(..)) |
Categorization::Deref(_, _, Implicit(..)) |
Categorization::Upvar(..) => {
Categorization::Downcast(ref b, _) |
Categorization::Interior(ref b, _) |
Categorization::Deref(ref b, _, Unique) => {
/// Returns `FreelyAliasable(_)` if this lvalue represents a freely aliasable pointer type.
pub fn freely_aliasable(&self) -> Aliasability {
// Maybe non-obvious: copied upvars can only be considered
// non-aliasable in once closures, since any other kind can be
// aliased and eventually recused.
match {
Categorization::Deref(ref b, _, BorrowedPtr(ty::MutBorrow, _)) |
Categorization::Deref(ref b, _, Implicit(ty::MutBorrow, _)) |
Categorization::Deref(ref b, _, BorrowedPtr(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, _)) |
Categorization::Deref(ref b, _, Implicit(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, _)) |
Categorization::Downcast(ref b, _) |
Categorization::Interior(ref b, _) => {
// Aliasability depends on base cmt
Categorization::Deref(ref b, _, Unique) => {
let sub = b.freely_aliasable();
if b.mutbl.is_mutable() {
// Aliasability depends on base cmt alone
} else {
// Do not allow mutation through an immutable box.
Categorization::Rvalue(..) |
Categorization::Local(..) |
Categorization::Upvar(..) |
Categorization::Deref(_, _, UnsafePtr(..)) => { // yes, it's aliasable, but...
Categorization::StaticItem => {
if self.mutbl.is_mutable() {
} else {
Categorization::Deref(ref base, _, BorrowedPtr(ty::ImmBorrow, _)) |
Categorization::Deref(ref base, _, Implicit(ty::ImmBorrow, _)) => {
match {
Categorization::Upvar(Upvar{ id, .. }) =>
_ => FreelyAliasable(AliasableBorrowed)
// Digs down through one or two layers of deref and grabs the cmt
// for the upvar if a note indicates there is one.
pub fn upvar(&self) -> Option<cmt<'tcx>> {
match self.note {
NoteClosureEnv(..) | NoteUpvarRef(..) => {
Some(match {
Categorization::Deref(ref inner, _, _) => {
match {
Categorization::Deref(ref inner, _, _) => inner.clone(),
Categorization::Upvar(..) => inner.clone(),
_ => bug!()
_ => bug!()
NoteNone => None
pub fn descriptive_string(&self, tcx: TyCtxt) -> String {
match {
Categorization::StaticItem => {
"static item".to_string()
Categorization::Rvalue(..) => {
Categorization::Local(vid) => {
if {
} else {
"local variable".to_string()
Categorization::Deref(_, _, pk) => {
let upvar = self.upvar();
match upvar.as_ref().map(|i| & {
Some(&Categorization::Upvar(ref var)) => {
Some(_) => bug!(),
None => {
match pk {
Implicit(..) => {
format!("indexed content")
Unique => {
format!("`Box` content")
UnsafePtr(..) => {
format!("dereference of raw pointer")
BorrowedPtr(..) => {
format!("borrowed content")
Categorization::Interior(_, InteriorField(NamedField(_))) => {
Categorization::Interior(_, InteriorField(PositionalField(_))) => {
"anonymous field".to_string()
Categorization::Interior(_, InteriorElement(InteriorOffsetKind::Index,
VecElement)) |
Categorization::Interior(_, InteriorElement(InteriorOffsetKind::Index,
OtherElement)) => {
"indexed content".to_string()
Categorization::Interior(_, InteriorElement(InteriorOffsetKind::Pattern,
VecElement)) |
Categorization::Interior(_, InteriorElement(InteriorOffsetKind::Pattern,
OtherElement)) => {
"pattern-bound indexed content".to_string()
Categorization::Upvar(ref var) => {
Categorization::Downcast(ref cmt, _) => {
impl<'tcx> fmt::Debug for cmt_<'tcx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{{{:?} id:{} m:{:?} ty:{:?}}}",,,
impl<'tcx> fmt::Debug for Categorization<'tcx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Categorization::StaticItem => write!(f, "static"),
Categorization::Rvalue(r) => write!(f, "rvalue({:?})", r),
Categorization::Local(id) => {
let name = ty::tls::with(|tcx| tcx.local_var_name_str(id));
write!(f, "local({})", name)
Categorization::Upvar(upvar) => {
write!(f, "upvar({:?})", upvar)
Categorization::Deref(ref cmt, derefs, ptr) => {
write!(f, "{:?}-{:?}{}->",, ptr, derefs)
Categorization::Interior(ref cmt, interior) => {
write!(f, "{:?}.{:?}",, interior)
Categorization::Downcast(ref cmt, _) => {
write!(f, "{:?}->(enum)",
pub fn ptr_sigil(ptr: PointerKind) -> &'static str {
match ptr {
Unique => "Box",
BorrowedPtr(ty::ImmBorrow, _) |
Implicit(ty::ImmBorrow, _) => "&",
BorrowedPtr(ty::MutBorrow, _) |
Implicit(ty::MutBorrow, _) => "&mut",
BorrowedPtr(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, _) |
Implicit(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, _) => "&unique",
UnsafePtr(_) => "*",
impl fmt::Debug for PointerKind {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Unique => write!(f, "Box"),
BorrowedPtr(ty::ImmBorrow, ref r) |
Implicit(ty::ImmBorrow, ref r) => {
write!(f, "&{:?}", r)
BorrowedPtr(ty::MutBorrow, ref r) |
Implicit(ty::MutBorrow, ref r) => {
write!(f, "&{:?} mut", r)
BorrowedPtr(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, ref r) |
Implicit(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, ref r) => {
write!(f, "&{:?} uniq", r)
UnsafePtr(_) => write!(f, "*")
impl fmt::Debug for InteriorKind {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
InteriorField(NamedField(fld)) => write!(f, "{}", fld),
InteriorField(PositionalField(i)) => write!(f, "#{}", i),
InteriorElement(..) => write!(f, "[]"),
impl fmt::Debug for Upvar {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}/{:?}",, self.kind)
impl fmt::Display for Upvar {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let kind = match self.kind {
ty::ClosureKind::Fn => "Fn",
ty::ClosureKind::FnMut => "FnMut",
ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce => "FnOnce",
write!(f, "captured outer variable in an `{}` closure", kind)