blob: 8b719b5477c65c5a9849932334b4b4b126e55558 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Some code that abstracts away much of the boilerplate of writing
//! `derive` instances for traits. Among other things it manages getting
//! access to the fields of the 4 different sorts of structs and enum
//! variants, as well as creating the method and impl ast instances.
//! Supported features (fairly exhaustive):
//! - Methods taking any number of parameters of any type, and returning
//! any type, other than vectors, bottom and closures.
//! - Generating `impl`s for types with type parameters and lifetimes
//! (e.g., `Option<T>`), the parameters are automatically given the
//! current trait as a bound. (This includes separate type parameters
//! and lifetimes for methods.)
//! - Additional bounds on the type parameters (`TraitDef.additional_bounds`)
//! The most important thing for implementors is the `Substructure` and
//! `SubstructureFields` objects. The latter groups 5 possibilities of the
//! arguments:
//! - `Struct`, when `Self` is a struct (including tuple structs, e.g
//! `struct T(i32, char)`).
//! - `EnumMatching`, when `Self` is an enum and all the arguments are the
//! same variant of the enum (e.g., `Some(1)`, `Some(3)` and `Some(4)`)
//! - `EnumNonMatchingCollapsed` when `Self` is an enum and the arguments
//! are not the same variant (e.g., `None`, `Some(1)` and `None`).
//! - `StaticEnum` and `StaticStruct` for static methods, where the type
//! being derived upon is either an enum or struct respectively. (Any
//! argument with type Self is just grouped among the non-self
//! arguments.)
//! In the first two cases, the values from the corresponding fields in
//! all the arguments are grouped together. For `EnumNonMatchingCollapsed`
//! this isn't possible (different variants have different fields), so the
//! fields are inaccessible. (Previous versions of the deriving infrastructure
//! had a way to expand into code that could access them, at the cost of
//! generating exponential amounts of code; see issue #15375). There are no
//! fields with values in the static cases, so these are treated entirely
//! differently.
//! The non-static cases have `Option<ident>` in several places associated
//! with field `expr`s. This represents the name of the field it is
//! associated with. It is only not `None` when the associated field has
//! an identifier in the source code. For example, the `x`s in the
//! following snippet
//! ```rust
//! # #![allow(dead_code)]
//! struct A { x : i32 }
//! struct B(i32);
//! enum C {
//! C0(i32),
//! C1 { x: i32 }
//! }
//! ```
//! The `i32`s in `B` and `C0` don't have an identifier, so the
//! `Option<ident>`s would be `None` for them.
//! In the static cases, the structure is summarized, either into the just
//! spans of the fields or a list of spans and the field idents (for tuple
//! structs and record structs, respectively), or a list of these, for
//! enums (one for each variant). For empty struct and empty enum
//! variants, it is represented as a count of 0.
//! # "`cs`" functions
//! The `cs_...` functions ("combine substructure) are designed to
//! make life easier by providing some pre-made recipes for common
//! threads; mostly calling the function being derived on all the
//! arguments and then combining them back together in some way (or
//! letting the user chose that). They are not meant to be the only
//! way to handle the structures that this code creates.
//! # Examples
//! The following simplified `PartialEq` is used for in-code examples:
//! ```rust
//! trait PartialEq {
//! fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
//! }
//! impl PartialEq for i32 {
//! fn eq(&self, other: &i32) -> bool {
//! *self == *other
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! Some examples of the values of `SubstructureFields` follow, using the
//! above `PartialEq`, `A`, `B` and `C`.
//! ## Structs
//! When generating the `expr` for the `A` impl, the `SubstructureFields` is
//! ```{.text}
//! Struct(vec![FieldInfo {
//! span: <span of x>
//! name: Some(<ident of x>),
//! self_: <expr for &self.x>,
//! other: vec![<expr for &other.x]
//! }])
//! ```
//! For the `B` impl, called with `B(a)` and `B(b)`,
//! ```{.text}
//! Struct(vec![FieldInfo {
//! span: <span of `i32`>,
//! name: None,
//! self_: <expr for &a>
//! other: vec![<expr for &b>]
//! }])
//! ```
//! ## Enums
//! When generating the `expr` for a call with `self == C0(a)` and `other
//! == C0(b)`, the SubstructureFields is
//! ```{.text}
//! EnumMatching(0, <ast::Variant for C0>,
//! vec![FieldInfo {
//! span: <span of i32>
//! name: None,
//! self_: <expr for &a>,
//! other: vec![<expr for &b>]
//! }])
//! ```
//! For `C1 {x}` and `C1 {x}`,
//! ```{.text}
//! EnumMatching(1, <ast::Variant for C1>,
//! vec![FieldInfo {
//! span: <span of x>
//! name: Some(<ident of x>),
//! self_: <expr for &self.x>,
//! other: vec![<expr for &other.x>]
//! }])
//! ```
//! For `C0(a)` and `C1 {x}` ,
//! ```{.text}
//! EnumNonMatchingCollapsed(
//! vec![<ident of self>, <ident of __arg_1>],
//! &[<ast::Variant for C0>, <ast::Variant for C1>],
//! &[<ident for self index value>, <ident of __arg_1 index value>])
//! ```
//! It is the same for when the arguments are flipped to `C1 {x}` and
//! `C0(a)`; the only difference is what the values of the identifiers
//! <ident for self index value> and <ident of __arg_1 index value> will
//! be in the generated code.
//! `EnumNonMatchingCollapsed` deliberately provides far less information
//! than is generally available for a given pair of variants; see #15375
//! for discussion.
//! ## Static
//! A static method on the types above would result in,
//! ```{.text}
//! StaticStruct(<ast::VariantData of A>, Named(vec![(<ident of x>, <span of x>)]))
//! StaticStruct(<ast::VariantData of B>, Unnamed(vec![<span of x>]))
//! StaticEnum(<ast::EnumDef of C>,
//! vec![(<ident of C0>, <span of C0>, Unnamed(vec![<span of i32>])),
//! (<ident of C1>, <span of C1>, Named(vec![(<ident of x>, <span of x>)]))])
//! ```
pub use StaticFields::*;
pub use SubstructureFields::*;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::iter;
use std::vec;
use rustc_data_structures::thin_vec::ThinVec;
use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
use syntax::ast::{self, BinOpKind, EnumDef, Expr, Generics, Ident, PatKind};
use syntax::ast::{VariantData, GenericParamKind, GenericArg};
use syntax::attr;
use syntax::ext::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
use syntax::ext::build::AstBuilder;
use syntax::source_map::{self, respan};
use syntax::util::map_in_place::MapInPlace;
use syntax::ptr::P;
use syntax::symbol::{Symbol, kw, sym};
use syntax::parse::ParseSess;
use syntax_pos::{DUMMY_SP, Span};
use ty::{LifetimeBounds, Path, Ptr, PtrTy, Self_, Ty};
use crate::deriving;
pub mod ty;
pub struct TraitDef<'a> {
/// The span for the current #[derive(Foo)] header.
pub span: Span,
pub attributes: Vec<ast::Attribute>,
/// Path of the trait, including any type parameters
pub path: Path<'a>,
/// Additional bounds required of any type parameters of the type,
/// other than the current trait
pub additional_bounds: Vec<Ty<'a>>,
/// Any extra lifetimes and/or bounds, e.g., `D: serialize::Decoder`
pub generics: LifetimeBounds<'a>,
/// Is it an `unsafe` trait?
pub is_unsafe: bool,
/// Can this trait be derived for unions?
pub supports_unions: bool,
pub methods: Vec<MethodDef<'a>>,
pub associated_types: Vec<(ast::Ident, Ty<'a>)>,
pub struct MethodDef<'a> {
/// name of the method
pub name: &'a str,
/// List of generics, e.g., `R: rand::Rng`
pub generics: LifetimeBounds<'a>,
/// Whether there is a self argument (outer Option) i.e., whether
/// this is a static function, and whether it is a pointer (inner
/// Option)
pub explicit_self: Option<Option<PtrTy<'a>>>,
/// Arguments other than the self argument
pub args: Vec<(Ty<'a>, &'a str)>,
/// Returns type
pub ret_ty: Ty<'a>,
pub attributes: Vec<ast::Attribute>,
// Is it an `unsafe fn`?
pub is_unsafe: bool,
/// Can we combine fieldless variants for enums into a single match arm?
pub unify_fieldless_variants: bool,
pub combine_substructure: RefCell<CombineSubstructureFunc<'a>>,
/// All the data about the data structure/method being derived upon.
pub struct Substructure<'a> {
/// ident of self
pub type_ident: Ident,
/// ident of the method
pub method_ident: Ident,
/// dereferenced access to any `Self_` or `Ptr(Self_, _)` arguments
pub self_args: &'a [P<Expr>],
/// verbatim access to any other arguments
pub nonself_args: &'a [P<Expr>],
pub fields: &'a SubstructureFields<'a>,
/// Summary of the relevant parts of a struct/enum field.
pub struct FieldInfo<'a> {
pub span: Span,
/// None for tuple structs/normal enum variants, Some for normal
/// structs/struct enum variants.
pub name: Option<Ident>,
/// The expression corresponding to this field of `self`
/// (specifically, a reference to it).
pub self_: P<Expr>,
/// The expressions corresponding to references to this field in
/// the other `Self` arguments.
pub other: Vec<P<Expr>>,
/// The attributes on the field
pub attrs: &'a [ast::Attribute],
/// Fields for a static method
pub enum StaticFields {
/// Tuple and unit structs/enum variants like this.
Unnamed(Vec<Span>, bool /*is tuple*/),
/// Normal structs/struct variants.
Named(Vec<(Ident, Span)>),
/// A summary of the possible sets of fields.
pub enum SubstructureFields<'a> {
Struct(&'a ast::VariantData, Vec<FieldInfo<'a>>),
/// Matching variants of the enum: variant index, variant count, ast::Variant,
/// fields: the field name is only non-`None` in the case of a struct
/// variant.
EnumMatching(usize, usize, &'a ast::Variant, Vec<FieldInfo<'a>>),
/// Non-matching variants of the enum, but with all state hidden from
/// the consequent code. The first component holds `Ident`s for all of
/// the `Self` arguments; the second component is a slice of all of the
/// variants for the enum itself, and the third component is a list of
/// `Ident`s bound to the variant index values for each of the actual
/// input `Self` arguments.
EnumNonMatchingCollapsed(Vec<Ident>, &'a [ast::Variant], &'a [Ident]),
/// A static method where `Self` is a struct.
StaticStruct(&'a ast::VariantData, StaticFields),
/// A static method where `Self` is an enum.
StaticEnum(&'a ast::EnumDef, Vec<(Ident, Span, StaticFields)>),
/// Combine the values of all the fields together. The last argument is
/// all the fields of all the structures.
pub type CombineSubstructureFunc<'a> =
Box<dyn FnMut(&mut ExtCtxt<'_>, Span, &Substructure<'_>) -> P<Expr> + 'a>;
/// Deal with non-matching enum variants. The tuple is a list of
/// identifiers (one for each `Self` argument, which could be any of the
/// variants since they have been collapsed together) and the identifiers
/// holding the variant index value for each of the `Self` arguments. The
/// last argument is all the non-`Self` args of the method being derived.
pub type EnumNonMatchCollapsedFunc<'a> =
Box<dyn FnMut(&mut ExtCtxt<'_>, Span, (&[Ident], &[Ident]), &[P<Expr>]) -> P<Expr> + 'a>;
pub fn combine_substructure<'a>(f: CombineSubstructureFunc<'a>)
-> RefCell<CombineSubstructureFunc<'a>> {
/// This method helps to extract all the type parameters referenced from a
/// type. For a type parameter `<T>`, it looks for either a `TyPath` that
/// is not global and starts with `T`, or a `TyQPath`.
fn find_type_parameters(ty: &ast::Ty,
ty_param_names: &[ast::Name],
span: Span,
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>)
-> Vec<P<ast::Ty>> {
use syntax::visit;
struct Visitor<'a, 'b: 'a> {
cx: &'a ExtCtxt<'b>,
span: Span,
ty_param_names: &'a [ast::Name],
types: Vec<P<ast::Ty>>,
impl<'a, 'b> visit::Visitor<'a> for Visitor<'a, 'b> {
fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &'a ast::Ty) {
if let ast::TyKind::Path(_, ref path) = ty.node {
if let Some(segment) = path.segments.first() {
if self.ty_param_names.contains(& {
visit::walk_ty(self, ty)
fn visit_mac(&mut self, mac: &ast::Mac) {
let span = mac.span.with_ctxt(self.span.ctxt());, "`derive` cannot be used on items with type macros");
let mut visitor = Visitor {
types: Vec::new(),
visit::Visitor::visit_ty(&mut visitor, ty);
impl<'a> TraitDef<'a> {
pub fn expand(self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
mitem: &ast::MetaItem,
item: &'a Annotatable,
push: &mut dyn FnMut(Annotatable)) {
self.expand_ext(cx, mitem, item, push, false);
pub fn expand_ext(self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
mitem: &ast::MetaItem,
item: &'a Annotatable,
push: &mut dyn FnMut(Annotatable),
from_scratch: bool) {
match *item {
Annotatable::Item(ref item) => {
let is_packed = item.attrs.iter().any(|attr| {
for r in attr::find_repr_attrs(&cx.parse_sess, attr) {
if let attr::ReprPacked(_) = r {
return true;
let has_no_type_params = match item.node {
ast::ItemKind::Struct(_, ref generics) |
ast::ItemKind::Enum(_, ref generics) |
ast::ItemKind::Union(_, ref generics) => {
!generics.params.iter().any(|param| match param.kind {
ast::GenericParamKind::Type { .. } => true,
_ => false,
_ => {
// Non-ADT derive is an error, but it should have been
// set earlier; see
// libsyntax/ext/
let is_always_copy =
attr::contains_name(&item.attrs, sym::rustc_copy_clone_marker) &&
let use_temporaries = is_packed && is_always_copy;
let newitem = match item.node {
ast::ItemKind::Struct(ref struct_def, ref generics) => {
self.expand_struct_def(cx, &struct_def, item.ident, generics, from_scratch,
ast::ItemKind::Enum(ref enum_def, ref generics) => {
// We ignore `use_temporaries` here, because
// `repr(packed)` enums cause an error later on.
// This can only cause further compilation errors
// downstream in blatantly illegal code, so it
// is fine.
self.expand_enum_def(cx, enum_def, &item.attrs,
item.ident, generics, from_scratch)
ast::ItemKind::Union(ref struct_def, ref generics) => {
if self.supports_unions {
self.expand_struct_def(cx, &struct_def, item.ident,
generics, from_scratch,
} else {
"this trait cannot be derived for unions");
_ => unreachable!(),
// Keep the lint attributes of the previous item to control how the
// generated implementations are linted
let mut attrs = newitem.attrs.clone();
.filter(|a| {
[sym::allow, sym::warn, sym::deny, sym::forbid, sym::stable, sym::unstable]
push(Annotatable::Item(P(ast::Item { attrs: attrs, ..(*newitem).clone() })))
_ => {
// Non-Item derive is an error, but it should have been
// set earlier; see
// libsyntax/ext/
/// Given that we are deriving a trait `DerivedTrait` for a type like:
/// ```ignore (only-for-syntax-highlight)
/// struct Struct<'a, ..., 'z, A, B: DeclaredTrait, C, ..., Z> where C: WhereTrait {
/// a: A,
/// b: B::Item,
/// b1: <B as DeclaredTrait>::Item,
/// c1: <C as WhereTrait>::Item,
/// c2: Option<<C as WhereTrait>::Item>,
/// ...
/// }
/// ```
/// create an impl like:
/// ```ignore (only-for-syntax-highlight)
/// impl<'a, ..., 'z, A, B: DeclaredTrait, C, ... Z> where
/// C: WhereTrait,
/// A: DerivedTrait + B1 + ... + BN,
/// B: DerivedTrait + B1 + ... + BN,
/// C: DerivedTrait + B1 + ... + BN,
/// B::Item: DerivedTrait + B1 + ... + BN,
/// <C as WhereTrait>::Item: DerivedTrait + B1 + ... + BN,
/// ...
/// {
/// ...
/// }
/// ```
/// where B1, ..., BN are the bounds given by `bounds_paths`.'. Z is a phantom type, and
/// therefore does not get bound by the derived trait.
fn create_derived_impl(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
type_ident: Ident,
generics: &Generics,
field_tys: Vec<P<ast::Ty>>,
methods: Vec<ast::ImplItem>)
-> P<ast::Item> {
let trait_path = self.path.to_path(cx, self.span, type_ident, generics);
// Transform associated types from `deriving::ty::Ty` into `ast::ImplItem`
let associated_types = self.associated_types.iter().map(|&(ident, ref type_def)| {
ast::ImplItem {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: self.span,
vis: respan(self.span.shrink_to_lo(), ast::VisibilityKind::Inherited),
defaultness: ast::Defaultness::Final,
attrs: Vec::new(),
generics: Generics::default(),
node: ast::ImplItemKind::Type(type_def.to_ty(cx, self.span, type_ident, generics)),
tokens: None,
let Generics { mut params, mut where_clause, span } = self.generics
.to_generics(cx, self.span, type_ident, generics);
// Create the generic parameters
params.extend(generics.params.iter().map(|param| match param.kind {
GenericParamKind::Lifetime { .. } => param.clone(),
GenericParamKind::Type { .. } => {
// I don't think this can be moved out of the loop, since
// a GenericBound requires an ast id
let bounds: Vec<_> =
// extra restrictions on the generics parameters to the
// type being derived upon
self.additional_bounds.iter().map(|p| {
cx.trait_bound(p.to_path(cx, self.span, type_ident, generics))
// require the current trait
// also add in any bounds from the declaration
cx.typaram(self.span, param.ident, vec![], bounds, None)
GenericParamKind::Const { .. } => param.clone(),
// and similarly for where clauses
where_clause.predicates.extend(generics.where_clause.predicates.iter().map(|clause| {
match *clause {
ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(ref wb) => {
ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(ast::WhereBoundPredicate {
span: self.span,
bound_generic_params: wb.bound_generic_params.clone(),
bounded_ty: wb.bounded_ty.clone(),
bounds: wb.bounds.iter().cloned().collect(),
ast::WherePredicate::RegionPredicate(ref rb) => {
ast::WherePredicate::RegionPredicate(ast::WhereRegionPredicate {
span: self.span,
lifetime: rb.lifetime,
bounds: rb.bounds.iter().cloned().collect(),
ast::WherePredicate::EqPredicate(ref we) => {
ast::WherePredicate::EqPredicate(ast::WhereEqPredicate {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: self.span,
lhs_ty: we.lhs_ty.clone(),
rhs_ty: we.rhs_ty.clone(),
// Extra scope required here so ty_params goes out of scope before params is moved
let mut ty_params = params.iter()
.filter_map(|param| match param.kind {
ast::GenericParamKind::Type { .. } => Some(param),
_ => None,
if ty_params.peek().is_some() {
let ty_param_names: Vec<ast::Name> = ty_params
for field_ty in field_tys {
let tys = find_type_parameters(&field_ty, &ty_param_names, self.span, cx);
for ty in tys {
// if we have already handled this type, skip it
if let ast::TyKind::Path(_, ref p) = ty.node {
if p.segments.len() == 1 &&
ty_param_names.contains(&p.segments[0] {
let mut bounds: Vec<_> = self.additional_bounds
.map(|p| {
cx.trait_bound(p.to_path(cx, self.span, type_ident, generics))
// require the current trait
let predicate = ast::WhereBoundPredicate {
span: self.span,
bound_generic_params: Vec::new(),
bounded_ty: ty,
let predicate = ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(predicate);
let trait_generics = Generics {
// Create the reference to the trait.
let trait_ref = cx.trait_ref(trait_path);
let self_params: Vec<_> = generics.params.iter().map(|param| match param.kind {
GenericParamKind::Lifetime { .. } => {
GenericArg::Lifetime(cx.lifetime(self.span, param.ident))
GenericParamKind::Type { .. } => {
GenericArg::Type(cx.ty_ident(self.span, param.ident))
GenericParamKind::Const { .. } => {
GenericArg::Const(cx.const_ident(self.span, param.ident))
// Create the type of `self`.
let path = cx.path_all(self.span, false, vec![type_ident], self_params, vec![]);
let self_type = cx.ty_path(path);
let attr = cx.attribute(self.span,
cx.meta_word(self.span, sym::automatically_derived));
// Just mark it now since we know that it'll end up used downstream
let opt_trait_ref = Some(trait_ref);
let unused_qual = {
let word = cx.meta_list_item_word(self.span, Symbol::intern("unused_qualifications"));
cx.attribute(self.span, cx.meta_list(self.span, sym::allow, vec![word]))
let mut a = vec![attr, unused_qual];
let unsafety = if self.is_unsafe {
} else {
fn expand_struct_def(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
struct_def: &'a VariantData,
type_ident: Ident,
generics: &Generics,
from_scratch: bool,
use_temporaries: bool)
-> P<ast::Item> {
let field_tys: Vec<P<ast::Ty>> = struct_def.fields()
.map(|field| field.ty.clone())
let methods = self.methods
.map(|method_def| {
let (explicit_self, self_args, nonself_args, tys) =
method_def.split_self_nonself_args(cx, self, type_ident, generics);
let body = if from_scratch || method_def.is_static() {
} else {
self.create_derived_impl(cx, type_ident, generics, field_tys, methods)
fn expand_enum_def(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
enum_def: &'a EnumDef,
type_attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
type_ident: Ident,
generics: &Generics,
from_scratch: bool)
-> P<ast::Item> {
let mut field_tys = Vec::new();
for variant in &enum_def.variants {
.map(|field| field.ty.clone()));
let methods = self.methods
.map(|method_def| {
let (explicit_self, self_args, nonself_args, tys) =
method_def.split_self_nonself_args(cx, self, type_ident, generics);
let body = if from_scratch || method_def.is_static() {
} else {
self.create_derived_impl(cx, type_ident, generics, field_tys, methods)
fn find_repr_type_name(sess: &ParseSess, type_attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) -> &'static str {
let mut repr_type_name = "isize";
for a in type_attrs {
for r in &attr::find_repr_attrs(sess, a) {
repr_type_name = match *r {
attr::ReprPacked(_) | attr::ReprSimd | attr::ReprAlign(_) | attr::ReprTransparent =>
attr::ReprC => "i32",
attr::ReprInt(attr::SignedInt(ast::IntTy::Isize)) => "isize",
attr::ReprInt(attr::SignedInt(ast::IntTy::I8)) => "i8",
attr::ReprInt(attr::SignedInt(ast::IntTy::I16)) => "i16",
attr::ReprInt(attr::SignedInt(ast::IntTy::I32)) => "i32",
attr::ReprInt(attr::SignedInt(ast::IntTy::I64)) => "i64",
attr::ReprInt(attr::SignedInt(ast::IntTy::I128)) => "i128",
attr::ReprInt(attr::UnsignedInt(ast::UintTy::Usize)) => "usize",
attr::ReprInt(attr::UnsignedInt(ast::UintTy::U8)) => "u8",
attr::ReprInt(attr::UnsignedInt(ast::UintTy::U16)) => "u16",
attr::ReprInt(attr::UnsignedInt(ast::UintTy::U32)) => "u32",
attr::ReprInt(attr::UnsignedInt(ast::UintTy::U64)) => "u64",
attr::ReprInt(attr::UnsignedInt(ast::UintTy::U128)) => "u128",
impl<'a> MethodDef<'a> {
fn call_substructure_method(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_: &TraitDef<'_>,
type_ident: Ident,
self_args: &[P<Expr>],
nonself_args: &[P<Expr>],
fields: &SubstructureFields<'_>)
-> P<Expr> {
let substructure = Substructure {
method_ident: cx.ident_of(,
let mut f = self.combine_substructure.borrow_mut();
let f: &mut CombineSubstructureFunc<'_> = &mut *f;
f(cx, trait_.span, &substructure)
fn get_ret_ty(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_: &TraitDef<'_>,
generics: &Generics,
type_ident: Ident)
-> P<ast::Ty> {
self.ret_ty.to_ty(cx, trait_.span, type_ident, generics)
fn is_static(&self) -> bool {
fn split_self_nonself_args
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_: &TraitDef<'_>,
type_ident: Ident,
generics: &Generics)
-> (Option<ast::ExplicitSelf>, Vec<P<Expr>>, Vec<P<Expr>>, Vec<(Ident, P<ast::Ty>)>) {
let mut self_args = Vec::new();
let mut nonself_args = Vec::new();
let mut arg_tys = Vec::new();
let mut nonstatic = false;
let ast_explicit_self = self.explicit_self.as_ref().map(|self_ptr| {
let (self_expr, explicit_self) = ty::get_explicit_self(cx, trait_.span, self_ptr);
nonstatic = true;
for (ty, name) in self.args.iter() {
let ast_ty = ty.to_ty(cx, trait_.span, type_ident, generics);
let ident = cx.ident_of(name).gensym();
arg_tys.push((ident, ast_ty));
let arg_expr = cx.expr_ident(trait_.span, ident);
match *ty {
// for static methods, just treat any Self
// arguments as a normal arg
Self_ if nonstatic => {
Ptr(ref ty, _) if (if let Self_ = **ty { true } else { false }) && nonstatic => {
self_args.push(cx.expr_deref(trait_.span, arg_expr))
_ => {
(ast_explicit_self, self_args, nonself_args, arg_tys)
fn create_method(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_: &TraitDef<'_>,
type_ident: Ident,
generics: &Generics,
abi: Abi,
explicit_self: Option<ast::ExplicitSelf>,
arg_types: Vec<(Ident, P<ast::Ty>)>,
body: P<Expr>)
-> ast::ImplItem {
// Create the generics that aren't for `Self`.
let fn_generics = self.generics.to_generics(cx, trait_.span, type_ident, generics);
let args = {
let self_args =|explicit_self| {
let ident = Ident::with_empty_ctxt(kw::SelfLower).with_span_pos(trait_.span);
ast::Arg::from_self(ThinVec::default(), explicit_self, ident)
let nonself_args = arg_types.into_iter()
.map(|(name, ty)| cx.arg(trait_.span, name, ty));
let ret_type = self.get_ret_ty(cx, trait_, generics, type_ident);
let method_ident = cx.ident_of(;
let fn_decl = cx.fn_decl(args, ast::FunctionRetTy::Ty(ret_type));
let body_block = cx.block_expr(body);
let unsafety = if self.is_unsafe {
} else {
// Create the method.
ast::ImplItem {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
attrs: self.attributes.clone(),
generics: fn_generics,
span: trait_.span,
vis: respan(trait_.span.shrink_to_lo(), ast::VisibilityKind::Inherited),
defaultness: ast::Defaultness::Final,
ident: method_ident,
node: ast::ImplItemKind::Method(ast::MethodSig {
header: ast::FnHeader {
unsafety, abi,
decl: fn_decl,
tokens: None,
/// ```
/// #[derive(PartialEq)]
/// # struct Dummy;
/// struct A { x: i32, y: i32 }
/// // equivalent to:
/// impl PartialEq for A {
/// fn eq(&self, other: &A) -> bool {
/// match *self {
/// A {x: ref __self_0_0, y: ref __self_0_1} => {
/// match *other {
/// A {x: ref __self_1_0, y: ref __self_1_1} => {
/// __self_0_0.eq(__self_1_0) && __self_0_1.eq(__self_1_1)
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// // or if A is repr(packed) - note fields are matched by-value
/// // instead of by-reference.
/// impl PartialEq for A {
/// fn eq(&self, other: &A) -> bool {
/// match *self {
/// A {x: __self_0_0, y: __self_0_1} => {
/// match other {
/// A {x: __self_1_0, y: __self_1_1} => {
/// __self_0_0.eq(&__self_1_0) && __self_0_1.eq(&__self_1_1)
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
fn expand_struct_method_body<'b>(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_: &TraitDef<'b>,
struct_def: &'b VariantData,
type_ident: Ident,
self_args: &[P<Expr>],
nonself_args: &[P<Expr>],
use_temporaries: bool)
-> P<Expr> {
let mut raw_fields = Vec::new(); // Vec<[fields of self],
// [fields of next Self arg], [etc]>
let mut patterns = Vec::new();
for i in 0..self_args.len() {
let struct_path = cx.path(DUMMY_SP, vec![type_ident]);
let (pat, ident_expr) = trait_.create_struct_pattern(cx,
&format!("__self_{}", i),
// transpose raw_fields
let fields = if !raw_fields.is_empty() {
let mut raw_fields = raw_fields.into_iter().map(|v| v.into_iter());
let first_field =;
let mut other_fields: Vec<vec::IntoIter<_>> = raw_fields.collect();|(span, opt_id, field, attrs)| {
FieldInfo {
name: opt_id,
self_: field,
other: other_fields.iter_mut()
.map(|l| {
match {
(.., ex, _) => ex,
} else {
"no self arguments to non-static method in generic \
// body of the inner most destructuring match
let mut body = self.call_substructure_method(cx,
&Struct(struct_def, fields));
// make a series of nested matches, to destructure the
// structs. This is actually right-to-left, but it shouldn't
// matter.
for (arg_expr, pat) in self_args.iter().zip(patterns) {
body = cx.expr_match(trait_.span,
vec![cx.arm(trait_.span, vec![pat.clone()], body)])
fn expand_static_struct_method_body(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_: &TraitDef<'_>,
struct_def: &VariantData,
type_ident: Ident,
self_args: &[P<Expr>],
nonself_args: &[P<Expr>])
-> P<Expr> {
let summary = trait_.summarise_struct(cx, struct_def);
&StaticStruct(struct_def, summary))
/// ```
/// #[derive(PartialEq)]
/// # struct Dummy;
/// enum A {
/// A1,
/// A2(i32)
/// }
/// // is equivalent to
/// impl PartialEq for A {
/// fn eq(&self, other: &A) -> ::bool {
/// match (&*self, &*other) {
/// (&A1, &A1) => true,
/// (&A2(ref self_0),
/// &A2(ref __arg_1_0)) => (*self_0).eq(&(*__arg_1_0)),
/// _ => {
/// let __self_vi = match *self { A1(..) => 0, A2(..) => 1 };
/// let __arg_1_vi = match *other { A1(..) => 0, A2(..) => 1 };
/// false
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// (Of course `__self_vi` and `__arg_1_vi` are unused for
/// `PartialEq`, and those subcomputations will hopefully be removed
/// as their results are unused. The point of `__self_vi` and
/// `__arg_1_vi` is for `PartialOrd`; see #15503.)
fn expand_enum_method_body<'b>(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_: &TraitDef<'b>,
enum_def: &'b EnumDef,
type_attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
type_ident: Ident,
self_args: Vec<P<Expr>>,
nonself_args: &[P<Expr>])
-> P<Expr> {
/// Creates a match for a tuple of all `self_args`, where either all
/// variants match, or it falls into a catch-all for when one variant
/// does not match.
/// There are N + 1 cases because is a case for each of the N
/// variants where all of the variants match, and one catch-all for
/// when one does not match.
/// As an optimization we generate code which checks whether all variants
/// match first which makes llvm see that C-like enums can be compiled into
/// a simple equality check (for PartialEq).
/// The catch-all handler is provided access the variant index values
/// for each of the self-args, carried in precomputed variables.
/// ```{.text}
/// let __self0_vi = unsafe {
/// std::intrinsics::discriminant_value(&self) } as i32;
/// let __self1_vi = unsafe {
/// std::intrinsics::discriminant_value(&arg1) } as i32;
/// let __self2_vi = unsafe {
/// std::intrinsics::discriminant_value(&arg2) } as i32;
/// if __self0_vi == __self1_vi && __self0_vi == __self2_vi && ... {
/// match (...) {
/// (Variant1, Variant1, ...) => Body1
/// (Variant2, Variant2, ...) => Body2,
/// ...
/// _ => ::core::intrinsics::unreachable()
/// }
/// }
/// else {
/// ... // catch-all remainder can inspect above variant index values.
/// }
/// ```
fn build_enum_match_tuple<'b>(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_: &TraitDef<'b>,
enum_def: &'b EnumDef,
type_attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
type_ident: Ident,
mut self_args: Vec<P<Expr>>,
nonself_args: &[P<Expr>])
-> P<Expr> {
let sp = trait_.span;
let variants = &enum_def.variants;
let self_arg_names = iter::once("__self".to_string()).chain(
.map(|(arg_count, _self_arg)|
format!("__arg_{}", arg_count)
let self_arg_idents = self_arg_names.iter()
.map(|name| cx.ident_of(&name[..]))
// The `vi_idents` will be bound, solely in the catch-all, to
// a series of let statements mapping each self_arg to an int
// value corresponding to its discriminant.
let vi_idents = self_arg_names.iter()
.map(|name| {
let vi_suffix = format!("{}_vi", &name[..]);
// Builds, via callback to call_substructure_method, the
// delegated expression that handles the catch-all case,
// using `__variants_tuple` to drive logic if necessary.
let catch_all_substructure =
EnumNonMatchingCollapsed(self_arg_idents, &variants[..], &vi_idents[..]);
let first_fieldless = variants.iter().find(|v|;
// These arms are of the form:
// (Variant1, Variant1, ...) => Body1
// (Variant2, Variant2, ...) => Body2
// ...
// where each tuple has length = self_args.len()
let mut match_arms: Vec<ast::Arm> = variants.iter()
.filter(|&(_, v)| !(self.unify_fieldless_variants &&
.map(|(index, variant)| {
let mk_self_pat = |cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, self_arg_name: &str| {
let (p, idents) = trait_.create_enum_variant_pattern(cx,
(cx.pat(sp, PatKind::Ref(p, ast::Mutability::Immutable)), idents)
// A single arm has form (&VariantK, &VariantK, ...) => BodyK
// (see "Final wrinkle" note below for why.)
let mut subpats = Vec::with_capacity(self_arg_names.len());
let mut self_pats_idents = Vec::with_capacity(self_arg_names.len() - 1);
let first_self_pat_idents = {
let (p, idents) = mk_self_pat(cx, &self_arg_names[0]);
for self_arg_name in &self_arg_names[1..] {
let (p, idents) = mk_self_pat(cx, &self_arg_name[..]);
// Here is the pat = `(&VariantK, &VariantK, ...)`
let single_pat = cx.pat_tuple(sp, subpats);
// For the BodyK, we need to delegate to our caller,
// passing it an EnumMatching to indicate which case
// we are in.
// All of the Self args have the same variant in these
// cases. So we transpose the info in self_pats_idents
// to gather the getter expressions together, in the
// form that EnumMatching expects.
// The transposition is driven by walking across the
// arg fields of the variant for the first self pat.
let field_tuples = first_self_pat_idents.into_iter().enumerate()
// For each arg field of self, pull out its getter expr ...
.map(|(field_index, (sp, opt_ident, self_getter_expr, attrs))| {
// ... but FieldInfo also wants getter expr
// for matching other arguments of Self type;
// so walk across the *other* self_pats_idents
// and pull out getter for same field in each
// of them (using `field_index` tracked above).
// That is the heart of the transposition.
let others = self_pats_idents.iter().map(|fields| {
let (_, _opt_ident, ref other_getter_expr, _) =
// All Self args have same variant, so
// opt_idents are the same. (Assert
// here to make it self-evident that
// it is okay to ignore `_opt_ident`.)
assert!(opt_ident == _opt_ident);
FieldInfo { span: sp,
name: opt_ident,
self_: self_getter_expr,
other: others,
// Now, for some given VariantK, we have built up
// expressions for referencing every field of every
// Self arg, assuming all are instances of VariantK.
// Build up code associated with such a case.
let substructure = EnumMatching(index, variants.len(), variant, field_tuples);
let arm_expr = self.call_substructure_method(cx,
cx.arm(sp, vec![single_pat], arm_expr)
let default = match first_fieldless {
Some(v) if self.unify_fieldless_variants => {
// We need a default case that handles the fieldless variants.
// The index and actual variant aren't meaningful in this case,
// so just use whatever
let substructure = EnumMatching(0, variants.len(), v, Vec::new());
_ if variants.len() > 1 && self_args.len() > 1 => {
// Since we know that all the arguments will match if we reach
// the match expression we add the unreachable intrinsics as the
// result of the catch all which should help llvm in optimizing it
Some(deriving::call_intrinsic(cx, sp, "unreachable", vec![]))
_ => None,
if let Some(arm) = default {
match_arms.push(cx.arm(sp, vec![cx.pat_wild(sp)], arm));
// We will usually need the catch-all after matching the
// tuples `(VariantK, VariantK, ...)` for each VariantK of the
// enum. But:
// * when there is only one Self arg, the arms above suffice
// (and the deriving we call back into may not be prepared to
// handle EnumNonMatchCollapsed), and,
// * when the enum has only one variant, the single arm that
// is already present always suffices.
// * In either of the two cases above, if we *did* add a
// catch-all `_` match, it would trigger the
// unreachable-pattern error.
if variants.len() > 1 && self_args.len() > 1 {
// Build a series of let statements mapping each self_arg
// to its discriminant value. If this is a C-style enum
// with a specific repr type, then casts the values to
// that type. Otherwise casts to `i32` (the default repr
// type).
// i.e., for `enum E<T> { A, B(1), C(T, T) }`, and a deriving
// with three Self args, builds three statements:
// ```
// let __self0_vi = unsafe {
// std::intrinsics::discriminant_value(&self) } as i32;
// let __self1_vi = unsafe {
// std::intrinsics::discriminant_value(&arg1) } as i32;
// let __self2_vi = unsafe {
// std::intrinsics::discriminant_value(&arg2) } as i32;
// ```
let mut index_let_stmts: Vec<ast::Stmt> = Vec::with_capacity(vi_idents.len() + 1);
// We also build an expression which checks whether all discriminants are equal
// discriminant_test = __self0_vi == __self1_vi && __self0_vi == __self2_vi && ...
let mut discriminant_test = cx.expr_bool(sp, true);
let target_type_name = find_repr_type_name(&cx.parse_sess, type_attrs);
let mut first_ident = None;
for (&ident, self_arg) in vi_idents.iter().zip(&self_args) {
let self_addr = cx.expr_addr_of(sp, self_arg.clone());
let variant_value =
deriving::call_intrinsic(cx, sp, "discriminant_value", vec![self_addr]);
let target_ty = cx.ty_ident(sp, cx.ident_of(target_type_name));
let variant_disr = cx.expr_cast(sp, variant_value, target_ty);
let let_stmt = cx.stmt_let(sp, false, ident, variant_disr);
match first_ident {
Some(first) => {
let first_expr = cx.expr_ident(sp, first);
let id = cx.expr_ident(sp, ident);
let test = cx.expr_binary(sp, BinOpKind::Eq, first_expr, id);
discriminant_test =
cx.expr_binary(sp, BinOpKind::And, discriminant_test, test)
None => {
first_ident = Some(ident);
let arm_expr = self.call_substructure_method(cx,
// Final wrinkle: the self_args are expressions that deref
// down to desired places, but we cannot actually deref
// them when they are fed as r-values into a tuple
// expression; here add a layer of borrowing, turning
// `(*self, *__arg_0, ...)` into `(&*self, &*__arg_0, ...)`.
self_args.map_in_place(|self_arg| cx.expr_addr_of(sp, self_arg));
let match_arg = cx.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Tup(self_args));
// Lastly we create an expression which branches on all discriminants being equal
// if discriminant_test {
// match (...) {
// (Variant1, Variant1, ...) => Body1
// (Variant2, Variant2, ...) => Body2,
// ...
// _ => ::core::intrinsics::unreachable()
// }
// }
// else {
// <delegated expression referring to __self0_vi, et al.>
// }
let all_match = cx.expr_match(sp, match_arg, match_arms);
let arm_expr = cx.expr_if(sp, discriminant_test, all_match, Some(arm_expr));
cx.expr_block(cx.block(sp, index_let_stmts))
} else if variants.is_empty() {
// As an additional wrinkle, For a zero-variant enum A,
// currently the compiler
// will accept `fn (a: &Self) { match *a { } }`
// but rejects `fn (a: &Self) { match (&*a,) { } }`
// as well as `fn (a: &Self) { match ( *a,) { } }`
// This means that the strategy of building up a tuple of
// all Self arguments fails when Self is a zero variant
// enum: rustc rejects the expanded program, even though
// the actual code tends to be impossible to execute (at
// least safely), according to the type system.
// The most expedient fix for this is to just let the
// code fall through to the catch-all. But even this is
// error-prone, since the catch-all as defined above would
// generate code like this:
// _ => { let __self0 = match *self { };
// let __self1 = match *__arg_0 { };
// <catch-all-expr> }
// Which is yields bindings for variables which type
// inference cannot resolve to unique types.
// One option to the above might be to add explicit type
// annotations. But the *only* reason to go down that path
// would be to try to make the expanded output consistent
// with the case when the number of enum variants >= 1.
// That just isn't worth it. In fact, trying to generate
// sensible code for *any* deriving on a zero-variant enum
// does not make sense. But at the same time, for now, we
// do not want to cause a compile failure just because the
// user happened to attach a deriving to their
// zero-variant enum.
// Instead, just generate a failing expression for the
// zero variant case, skipping matches and also skipping
// delegating back to the end user code entirely.
// (See also #4499 and #12609; note that some of the
// discussions there influence what choice we make here;
// e.g., if we feature-gate `match x { ... }` when x refers
// to an uninhabited type (e.g., a zero-variant enum or a
// type holding such an enum), but do not feature-gate
// zero-variant enums themselves, then attempting to
// derive Debug on such a type could here generate code
// that needs the feature gate enabled.)
deriving::call_intrinsic(cx, sp, "unreachable", vec![])
} else {
// Final wrinkle: the self_args are expressions that deref
// down to desired places, but we cannot actually deref
// them when they are fed as r-values into a tuple
// expression; here add a layer of borrowing, turning
// `(*self, *__arg_0, ...)` into `(&*self, &*__arg_0, ...)`.
self_args.map_in_place(|self_arg| cx.expr_addr_of(sp, self_arg));
let match_arg = cx.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Tup(self_args));
cx.expr_match(sp, match_arg, match_arms)
fn expand_static_enum_method_body(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_: &TraitDef<'_>,
enum_def: &EnumDef,
type_ident: Ident,
self_args: &[P<Expr>],
nonself_args: &[P<Expr>])
-> P<Expr> {
let summary = enum_def.variants
.map(|v| {
let sp = v.span.with_ctxt(trait_.span.ctxt());
let summary = trait_.summarise_struct(cx, &;
(v.node.ident, sp, summary)
&StaticEnum(enum_def, summary))
// general helper methods.
impl<'a> TraitDef<'a> {
fn summarise_struct(&self, cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, struct_def: &VariantData) -> StaticFields {
let mut named_idents = Vec::new();
let mut just_spans = Vec::new();
for field in struct_def.fields() {
let sp = field.span.with_ctxt(self.span.ctxt());
match field.ident {
Some(ident) => named_idents.push((ident, sp)),
_ => just_spans.push(sp),
let is_tuple = if let ast::VariantData::Tuple(..) = struct_def { true } else { false };
match (just_spans.is_empty(), named_idents.is_empty()) {
(false, false) => {
"a struct with named and unnamed \
fields in generic `derive`")
// named fields
(_, false) => Named(named_idents),
// unnamed fields
(false, _) => Unnamed(just_spans, is_tuple),
// empty
_ => Named(Vec::new()),
fn create_subpatterns(&self,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
field_paths: Vec<ast::Ident>,
mutbl: ast::Mutability,
use_temporaries: bool)
-> Vec<P<ast::Pat>> {
.map(|path| {
let binding_mode = if use_temporaries {
} else {
PatKind::Ident(binding_mode, (*path).clone(), None))
fn create_struct_pattern
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
struct_path: ast::Path,
struct_def: &'a VariantData,
prefix: &str,
mutbl: ast::Mutability,
use_temporaries: bool)
-> (P<ast::Pat>, Vec<(Span, Option<Ident>, P<Expr>, &'a [ast::Attribute])>)
let mut paths = Vec::new();
let mut ident_exprs = Vec::new();
for (i, struct_field) in struct_def.fields().iter().enumerate() {
let sp = struct_field.span.with_ctxt(self.span.ctxt());
let ident = cx.ident_of(&format!("{}_{}", prefix, i)).gensym();
let val = cx.expr_path(cx.path_ident(sp, ident));
let val = if use_temporaries {
} else {
cx.expr_deref(sp, val)
let val = cx.expr(sp, ast::ExprKind::Paren(val));
ident_exprs.push((sp, struct_field.ident, val, &struct_field.attrs[..]));
let subpats = self.create_subpatterns(cx, paths, mutbl, use_temporaries);
let pattern = match *struct_def {
VariantData::Struct(..) => {
let field_pats = subpats.into_iter()
.map(|(pat, &(sp, ident, ..))| {
if ident.is_none() {
cx.span_bug(sp, "a braced struct with unnamed fields in `derive`");
source_map::Spanned {
span: pat.span.with_ctxt(self.span.ctxt()),
node: ast::FieldPat {
ident: ident.unwrap(),
is_shorthand: false,
attrs: ThinVec::new(),
cx.pat_struct(self.span, struct_path, field_pats)
VariantData::Tuple(..) => {
cx.pat_tuple_struct(self.span, struct_path, subpats)
VariantData::Unit(..) => {
cx.pat_path(self.span, struct_path)
(pattern, ident_exprs)
fn create_enum_variant_pattern
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
enum_ident: ast::Ident,
variant: &'a ast::Variant,
prefix: &str,
mutbl: ast::Mutability)
-> (P<ast::Pat>, Vec<(Span, Option<Ident>, P<Expr>, &'a [ast::Attribute])>) {
let sp = variant.span.with_ctxt(self.span.ctxt());
let variant_path = cx.path(sp, vec![enum_ident, variant.node.ident]);
let use_temporaries = false; // enums can't be repr(packed)
self.create_struct_pattern(cx, variant_path, &, prefix, mutbl,
// helpful premade recipes
pub fn cs_fold_fields<'a, F>(use_foldl: bool,
mut f: F,
base: P<Expr>,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
all_fields: &[FieldInfo<'a>])
-> P<Expr>
where F: FnMut(&mut ExtCtxt<'_>, Span, P<Expr>, P<Expr>, &[P<Expr>]) -> P<Expr>
if use_foldl {
all_fields.iter().fold(base, |old, field| {
f(cx, field.span, old, field.self_.clone(), &field.other)
} else {
all_fields.iter().rev().fold(base, |old, field| {
f(cx, field.span, old, field.self_.clone(), &field.other)
pub fn cs_fold_enumnonmatch(mut enum_nonmatch_f: EnumNonMatchCollapsedFunc<'_>,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_span: Span,
substructure: &Substructure<'_>)
-> P<Expr>
match *substructure.fields {
EnumNonMatchingCollapsed(ref all_args, _, tuple) => {
(&all_args[..], tuple),
_ => cx.span_bug(trait_span, "cs_fold_enumnonmatch expected an EnumNonMatchingCollapsed")
pub fn cs_fold_static(cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_span: Span)
-> P<Expr>
cx.span_bug(trait_span, "static function in `derive`")
/// Fold the fields. `use_foldl` controls whether this is done
/// left-to-right (`true`) or right-to-left (`false`).
pub fn cs_fold<F>(use_foldl: bool,
f: F,
base: P<Expr>,
enum_nonmatch_f: EnumNonMatchCollapsedFunc<'_>,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_span: Span,
substructure: &Substructure<'_>)
-> P<Expr>
where F: FnMut(&mut ExtCtxt<'_>, Span, P<Expr>, P<Expr>, &[P<Expr>]) -> P<Expr>
match *substructure.fields {
EnumMatching(.., ref all_fields) |
Struct(_, ref all_fields) => {
cs_fold_fields(use_foldl, f, base, cx, all_fields)
EnumNonMatchingCollapsed(..) => {
cs_fold_enumnonmatch(enum_nonmatch_f, cx, trait_span, substructure)
StaticEnum(..) | StaticStruct(..) => {
cs_fold_static(cx, trait_span)
/// Function to fold over fields, with three cases, to generate more efficient and concise code.
/// When the `substructure` has grouped fields, there are two cases:
/// Zero fields: call the base case function with `None` (like the usual base case of `cs_fold`).
/// One or more fields: call the base case function on the first value (which depends on
/// `use_fold`), and use that as the base case. Then perform `cs_fold` on the remainder of the
/// fields.
/// When the `substructure` is a `EnumNonMatchingCollapsed`, the result of `enum_nonmatch_f`
/// is returned. Statics may not be folded over.
/// See `cs_op` in `` for a model example.
pub fn cs_fold1<F, B>(use_foldl: bool,
f: F,
mut b: B,
enum_nonmatch_f: EnumNonMatchCollapsedFunc<'_>,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_span: Span,
substructure: &Substructure<'_>)
-> P<Expr>
where F: FnMut(&mut ExtCtxt<'_>, Span, P<Expr>, P<Expr>, &[P<Expr>]) -> P<Expr>,
B: FnMut(&mut ExtCtxt<'_>, Option<(Span, P<Expr>, &[P<Expr>])>) -> P<Expr>
match *substructure.fields {
EnumMatching(.., ref all_fields) |
Struct(_, ref all_fields) => {
let (base, all_fields) = match (all_fields.is_empty(), use_foldl) {
(false, true) => {
let field = &all_fields[0];
let args = (field.span, field.self_.clone(), &field.other[..]);
(b(cx, Some(args)), &all_fields[1..])
(false, false) => {
let idx = all_fields.len() - 1;
let field = &all_fields[idx];
let args = (field.span, field.self_.clone(), &field.other[..]);
(b(cx, Some(args)), &all_fields[..idx])
(true, _) => (b(cx, None), &all_fields[..])
cs_fold_fields(use_foldl, f, base, cx, all_fields)
EnumNonMatchingCollapsed(..) => {
cs_fold_enumnonmatch(enum_nonmatch_f, cx, trait_span, substructure)
StaticEnum(..) | StaticStruct(..) => {
cs_fold_static(cx, trait_span)
/// Call the method that is being derived on all the fields, and then
/// process the collected results. i.e.
/// ```ignore (only-for-syntax-highlight)
/// f(cx, span, vec![self_1.method(__arg_1_1, __arg_2_1),
/// self_2.method(__arg_1_2, __arg_2_2)])
/// ```
pub fn cs_same_method<F>(f: F,
mut enum_nonmatch_f: EnumNonMatchCollapsedFunc<'_>,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
trait_span: Span,
substructure: &Substructure<'_>)
-> P<Expr>
where F: FnOnce(&mut ExtCtxt<'_>, Span, Vec<P<Expr>>) -> P<Expr>
match *substructure.fields {
EnumMatching(.., ref all_fields) |
Struct(_, ref all_fields) => {
// call self_n.method(other_1_n, other_2_n, ...)
let called = all_fields.iter()
.map(|field| {
.map(|e| cx.expr_addr_of(field.span, e.clone()))
f(cx, trait_span, called)
EnumNonMatchingCollapsed(ref all_self_args, _, tuple) => {
(&all_self_args[..], tuple),
StaticEnum(..) | StaticStruct(..) => cx.span_bug(trait_span, "static function in `derive`"),
/// Returns `true` if the type has no value fields
/// (for an enum, no variant has any fields)
pub fn is_type_without_fields(item: &Annotatable) -> bool {
if let Annotatable::Item(ref item) = *item {
match item.node {
ast::ItemKind::Enum(ref enum_def, _) => {
ast::ItemKind::Struct(ref variant_data, _) => variant_data.fields().is_empty(),
_ => false,
} else {