blob: 8c4acd70456b0b49650ae412e01bb3cb0ae6eaa7 [file] [log] [blame]
use syntax::ast::{self, MetaItem};
use syntax::symbol::{Symbol, sym};
use rustc_data_structures::bit_set::{BitSet, BitSetOperator, HybridBitSet};
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::Idx;
use rustc_data_structures::work_queue::WorkQueue;
use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
use rustc::mir::{self, Body, BasicBlock, BasicBlockData, Location, Statement, Terminator};
use rustc::mir::traversal;
use rustc::session::Session;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::usize;
pub use self::impls::{MaybeStorageLive};
pub use self::impls::{MaybeInitializedPlaces, MaybeUninitializedPlaces};
pub use self::impls::DefinitelyInitializedPlaces;
pub use self::impls::EverInitializedPlaces;
pub use self::impls::borrows::Borrows;
pub use self::impls::HaveBeenBorrowedLocals;
pub use self::at_location::{FlowAtLocation, FlowsAtLocation};
pub(crate) use self::drop_flag_effects::*;
use self::move_paths::MoveData;
mod at_location;
pub mod drop_flag_effects;
mod graphviz;
mod impls;
pub mod move_paths;
pub(crate) mod indexes {
pub(crate) use super::{
move_paths::{MovePathIndex, MoveOutIndex, InitIndex},
pub(crate) struct DataflowBuilder<'a, 'tcx: 'a, BD>
BD: BitDenotation<'tcx>
def_id: DefId,
flow_state: DataflowAnalysis<'a, 'tcx, BD>,
print_preflow_to: Option<String>,
print_postflow_to: Option<String>,
/// `DebugFormatted` encapsulates the "{:?}" rendering of some
/// arbitrary value. This way: you pay cost of allocating an extra
/// string (as well as that of rendering up-front); in exchange, you
/// don't have to hand over ownership of your value or deal with
/// borrowing it.
pub(crate) struct DebugFormatted(String);
impl DebugFormatted {
pub fn new(input: &dyn fmt::Debug) -> DebugFormatted {
DebugFormatted(format!("{:?}", input))
impl fmt::Debug for DebugFormatted {
fn fmt(&self, w: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(w, "{}", self.0)
pub(crate) trait Dataflow<'tcx, BD: BitDenotation<'tcx>> {
/// Sets up and runs the dataflow problem, using `p` to render results if
/// implementation so chooses.
fn dataflow<P>(&mut self, p: P) where P: Fn(&BD, BD::Idx) -> DebugFormatted {
let _ = p; // default implementation does not instrument process.
/// Sets up the entry, gen, and kill sets for this instance of a dataflow problem.
fn build_sets(&mut self);
/// Finds a fixed-point solution to this instance of a dataflow problem.
fn propagate(&mut self);
impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, BD> Dataflow<'tcx, BD> for DataflowBuilder<'a, 'tcx, BD>
BD: BitDenotation<'tcx>
fn dataflow<P>(&mut self, p: P) where P: Fn(&BD, BD::Idx) -> DebugFormatted {
self.pre_dataflow_instrumentation(|c,i| p(c,i)).unwrap();
self.post_dataflow_instrumentation(|c,i| p(c,i)).unwrap();
fn build_sets(&mut self) { self.flow_state.build_sets(); }
fn propagate(&mut self) { self.flow_state.propagate(); }
pub(crate) fn has_rustc_mir_with(attrs: &[ast::Attribute], name: Symbol) -> Option<MetaItem> {
for attr in attrs {
if attr.check_name(sym::rustc_mir) {
let items = attr.meta_item_list();
for item in items.iter().flat_map(|l| l.iter()) {
match item.meta_item() {
Some(mi) if mi.check_name(name) => return Some(mi.clone()),
_ => continue
return None;
pub struct MoveDataParamEnv<'tcx> {
pub(crate) move_data: MoveData<'tcx>,
pub(crate) param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
pub(crate) fn do_dataflow<'a, 'tcx, BD, P>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
attributes: &[ast::Attribute],
dead_unwinds: &BitSet<BasicBlock>,
bd: BD,
p: P,
) -> DataflowResults<'tcx, BD>
BD: BitDenotation<'tcx> + InitialFlow,
P: Fn(&BD, BD::Idx) -> DebugFormatted,
let flow_state = DataflowAnalysis::new(body, dead_unwinds, bd);, def_id, attributes, p)
impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, BD> DataflowAnalysis<'a, 'tcx, BD>
BD: BitDenotation<'tcx>,
pub(crate) fn run<P>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
attributes: &[ast::Attribute],
p: P,
) -> DataflowResults<'tcx, BD>
P: Fn(&BD, BD::Idx) -> DebugFormatted,
let name_found = |sess: &Session, attrs: &[ast::Attribute], name| -> Option<String> {
if let Some(item) = has_rustc_mir_with(attrs, name) {
if let Some(s) = item.value_str() {
return Some(s.to_string())
} else {
&format!("{} attribute requires a path", item.path));
return None;
return None;
let print_preflow_to = name_found(tcx.sess, attributes, sym::borrowck_graphviz_preflow);
let print_postflow_to = name_found(tcx.sess, attributes, sym::borrowck_graphviz_postflow);
let mut mbcx = DataflowBuilder {
print_preflow_to, print_postflow_to, flow_state: self,
struct PropagationContext<'b, 'a: 'b, 'tcx: 'a, O> where O: 'b + BitDenotation<'tcx>
builder: &'b mut DataflowAnalysis<'a, 'tcx, O>,
impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, BD> DataflowAnalysis<'a, 'tcx, BD> where BD: BitDenotation<'tcx>
fn propagate(&mut self) {
let mut temp = BitSet::new_empty(self.flow_state.sets.bits_per_block);
let mut propcx = PropagationContext {
builder: self,
propcx.walk_cfg(&mut temp);
fn build_sets(&mut self) {
// First we need to build the entry-, gen- and kill-sets.
let sets = &mut self.flow_state.sets.for_block(mir::START_BLOCK.index());
self.flow_state.operator.start_block_effect(&mut sets.on_entry);
for (bb, data) in self.body.basic_blocks().iter_enumerated() {
let &mir::BasicBlockData { ref statements, ref terminator, is_cleanup: _ } = data;
let mut interim_state;
let sets = &mut self.flow_state.sets.for_block(bb.index());
let track_intrablock = BD::accumulates_intrablock_state();
if track_intrablock {
debug!("swapping in mutable on_entry, initially {:?}", sets.on_entry);
interim_state = sets.on_entry.to_owned();
sets.on_entry = &mut interim_state;
for j_stmt in 0..statements.len() {
let location = Location { block: bb, statement_index: j_stmt };
self.flow_state.operator.before_statement_effect(sets, location);
self.flow_state.operator.statement_effect(sets, location);
if track_intrablock {
if terminator.is_some() {
let location = Location { block: bb, statement_index: statements.len() };
self.flow_state.operator.before_terminator_effect(sets, location);
self.flow_state.operator.terminator_effect(sets, location);
if track_intrablock {
impl<'b, 'a: 'b, 'tcx: 'a, BD> PropagationContext<'b, 'a, 'tcx, BD> where BD: BitDenotation<'tcx>
fn walk_cfg(&mut self, in_out: &mut BitSet<BD::Idx>) {
let mut dirty_queue: WorkQueue<mir::BasicBlock> =
let body = self.builder.body;
while let Some(bb) = dirty_queue.pop() {
let bb_data = &body[bb];
let sets = self.builder.flow_state.sets.for_block(bb.index());
debug_assert!(in_out.words().len() == sets.on_entry.words().len());
in_out, (bb, bb_data), &mut dirty_queue);
fn dataflow_path(context: &str, path: &str) -> PathBuf {
let mut path = PathBuf::from(path);
let new_file_name = {
let orig_file_name = path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
format!("{}_{}", context, orig_file_name)
impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, BD> DataflowBuilder<'a, 'tcx, BD> where BD: BitDenotation<'tcx>
fn pre_dataflow_instrumentation<P>(&self, p: P) -> io::Result<()>
where P: Fn(&BD, BD::Idx) -> DebugFormatted
if let Some(ref path_str) = self.print_preflow_to {
let path = dataflow_path(BD::name(), path_str);
graphviz::print_borrowck_graph_to(self, &path, p)
} else {
fn post_dataflow_instrumentation<P>(&self, p: P) -> io::Result<()>
where P: Fn(&BD, BD::Idx) -> DebugFormatted
if let Some(ref path_str) = self.print_postflow_to {
let path = dataflow_path(BD::name(), path_str);
graphviz::print_borrowck_graph_to(self, &path, p)
} else {
/// DataflowResultsConsumer abstracts over walking the MIR with some
/// already constructed dataflow results.
/// It abstracts over the FlowState and also completely hides the
/// underlying flow analysis results, because it needs to handle cases
/// where we are combining the results of *multiple* flow analyses
/// (e.g., borrows + inits + uninits).
pub(crate) trait DataflowResultsConsumer<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
type FlowState: FlowsAtLocation;
// Observation Hooks: override (at least one of) these to get analysis feedback.
fn visit_block_entry(&mut self,
_bb: BasicBlock,
_flow_state: &Self::FlowState) {}
fn visit_statement_entry(&mut self,
_loc: Location,
_stmt: &Statement<'tcx>,
_flow_state: &Self::FlowState) {}
fn visit_terminator_entry(&mut self,
_loc: Location,
_term: &Terminator<'tcx>,
_flow_state: &Self::FlowState) {}
// Main entry point: this drives the processing of results.
fn analyze_results(&mut self, flow_uninit: &mut Self::FlowState) {
let flow = flow_uninit;
for (bb, _) in traversal::reverse_postorder(self.body()) {
self.process_basic_block(bb, flow);
fn process_basic_block(&mut self, bb: BasicBlock, flow_state: &mut Self::FlowState) {
let BasicBlockData { ref statements, ref terminator, is_cleanup: _ } =
let mut location = Location { block: bb, statement_index: 0 };
for stmt in statements.iter() {
self.visit_statement_entry(location, stmt, flow_state);
location.statement_index += 1;
if let Some(ref term) = *terminator {
self.visit_terminator_entry(location, term, flow_state);
// We don't need to apply the effect of the terminator,
// since we are only visiting dataflow state on control
// flow entry to the various nodes. (But we still need to
// reconstruct the effect, because the visit method might
// inspect it.)
// Delegated Hooks: Provide access to the MIR and process the flow state.
fn body(&self) -> &'a Body<'tcx>;
pub fn state_for_location<'tcx, T: BitDenotation<'tcx>>(loc: Location,
analysis: &T,
result: &DataflowResults<'tcx, T>,
body: &Body<'tcx>)
-> BitSet<T::Idx> {
let mut on_entry = result.sets().on_entry_set_for(loc.block.index()).to_owned();
let mut kill_set = on_entry.to_hybrid();
let mut gen_set = kill_set.clone();
let mut sets = BlockSets {
on_entry: &mut on_entry,
kill_set: &mut kill_set,
gen_set: &mut gen_set,
for stmt in 0..loc.statement_index {
let mut stmt_loc = loc;
stmt_loc.statement_index = stmt;
analysis.before_statement_effect(&mut sets, stmt_loc);
analysis.statement_effect(&mut sets, stmt_loc);
// Apply the pre-statement effect of the statement we're evaluating.
if loc.statement_index == body[loc.block].statements.len() {
analysis.before_terminator_effect(&mut sets, loc);
} else {
analysis.before_statement_effect(&mut sets, loc);
pub struct DataflowAnalysis<'a, 'tcx: 'a, O> where O: BitDenotation<'tcx>
flow_state: DataflowState<'tcx, O>,
dead_unwinds: &'a BitSet<mir::BasicBlock>,
body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, O> DataflowAnalysis<'a, 'tcx, O> where O: BitDenotation<'tcx>
pub fn results(self) -> DataflowResults<'tcx, O> {
pub fn body(&self) -> &'a Body<'tcx> { self.body }
pub struct DataflowResults<'tcx, O>(pub(crate) DataflowState<'tcx, O>) where O: BitDenotation<'tcx>;
impl<'tcx, O: BitDenotation<'tcx>> DataflowResults<'tcx, O> {
pub fn sets(&self) -> &AllSets<O::Idx> {
pub fn operator(&self) -> &O {
/// State of a dataflow analysis; couples a collection of bit sets
/// with operator used to initialize and merge bits during analysis.
pub struct DataflowState<'tcx, O: BitDenotation<'tcx>>
/// All the sets for the analysis. (Factored into its
/// own structure so that we can borrow it mutably
/// on its own separate from other fields.)
pub sets: AllSets<O::Idx>,
/// operator used to initialize, combine, and interpret bits.
pub(crate) operator: O,
impl<'tcx, O: BitDenotation<'tcx>> DataflowState<'tcx, O> {
pub(crate) fn interpret_set<'c, P>(&self,
o: &'c O,
set: &BitSet<O::Idx>,
render_idx: &P)
-> Vec<DebugFormatted>
where P: Fn(&O, O::Idx) -> DebugFormatted
set.iter().map(|i| render_idx(o, i)).collect()
pub(crate) fn interpret_hybrid_set<'c, P>(&self,
o: &'c O,
set: &HybridBitSet<O::Idx>,
render_idx: &P)
-> Vec<DebugFormatted>
where P: Fn(&O, O::Idx) -> DebugFormatted
set.iter().map(|i| render_idx(o, i)).collect()
pub struct AllSets<E: Idx> {
/// Analysis bitwidth for each block.
bits_per_block: usize,
/// For each block, bits valid on entry to the block.
on_entry_sets: Vec<BitSet<E>>,
/// For each block, bits generated by executing the statements +
/// terminator in the block -- with one caveat. In particular, for
/// *call terminators*, the effect of storing the destination is
/// not included, since that only takes effect on the **success**
/// edge (and not the unwind edge).
gen_sets: Vec<HybridBitSet<E>>,
/// For each block, bits killed by executing the statements +
/// terminator in the block -- with one caveat. In particular, for
/// *call terminators*, the effect of storing the destination is
/// not included, since that only takes effect on the **success**
/// edge (and not the unwind edge).
kill_sets: Vec<HybridBitSet<E>>,
/// Triple of sets associated with a given block.
/// Generally, one sets up `on_entry`, `gen_set`, and `kill_set` for
/// each block individually, and then runs the dataflow analysis which
/// iteratively modifies the various `on_entry` sets (but leaves the
/// other two sets unchanged, since they represent the effect of the
/// block, which should be invariant over the course of the analysis).
/// It is best to ensure that the intersection of `gen_set` and
/// `kill_set` is empty; otherwise the results of the dataflow will
/// have a hidden dependency on what order the bits are generated and
/// killed during the iteration. (This is such a good idea that the
/// `fn gen` and `fn kill` methods that set their state enforce this
/// for you.)
pub struct BlockSets<'a, E: Idx> {
/// Dataflow state immediately before control flow enters the given block.
pub(crate) on_entry: &'a mut BitSet<E>,
/// Bits that are set to 1 by the time we exit the given block. Hybrid
/// because it usually contains only 0 or 1 elements.
pub(crate) gen_set: &'a mut HybridBitSet<E>,
/// Bits that are set to 0 by the time we exit the given block. Hybrid
/// because it usually contains only 0 or 1 elements.
pub(crate) kill_set: &'a mut HybridBitSet<E>,
impl<'a, E:Idx> BlockSets<'a, E> {
fn gen(&mut self, e: E) {
fn gen_all<I>(&mut self, i: I)
where I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<E>
for j in i {
fn kill(&mut self, e: E) {
fn kill_all<I>(&mut self, i: I)
where I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<E>
for j in i {
fn apply_local_effect(&mut self) {
impl<E:Idx> AllSets<E> {
pub fn bits_per_block(&self) -> usize { self.bits_per_block }
pub fn for_block(&mut self, block_idx: usize) -> BlockSets<'_, E> {
BlockSets {
on_entry: &mut self.on_entry_sets[block_idx],
gen_set: &mut self.gen_sets[block_idx],
kill_set: &mut self.kill_sets[block_idx],
pub fn on_entry_set_for(&self, block_idx: usize) -> &BitSet<E> {
pub fn gen_set_for(&self, block_idx: usize) -> &HybridBitSet<E> {
pub fn kill_set_for(&self, block_idx: usize) -> &HybridBitSet<E> {
/// Parameterization for the precise form of data flow that is used.
/// `InitialFlow` handles initializing the bitvectors before any
/// code is inspected by the analysis. Analyses that need more nuanced
/// initialization (e.g., they need to consult the results of some other
/// dataflow analysis to set up the initial bitvectors) should not
/// implement this.
pub trait InitialFlow {
/// Specifies the initial value for each bit in the `on_entry` set
fn bottom_value() -> bool;
pub trait BitDenotation<'tcx>: BitSetOperator {
/// Specifies what index type is used to access the bitvector.
type Idx: Idx;
/// Some analyses want to accumulate knowledge within a block when
/// analyzing its statements for building the gen/kill sets. Override
/// this method to return true in such cases.
/// When this returns true, the statement-effect (re)construction
/// will clone the `on_entry` state and pass along a reference via
/// `sets.on_entry` to that local clone into `statement_effect` and
/// `terminator_effect`).
/// When it's false, no local clone is constructed; instead a
/// reference directly into `on_entry` is passed along via
/// `sets.on_entry` instead, which represents the flow state at
/// the block's start, not necessarily the state immediately prior
/// to the statement/terminator under analysis.
/// In either case, the passed reference is mutable, but this is a
/// wart from using the `BlockSets` type in the API; the intention
/// is that the `statement_effect` and `terminator_effect` methods
/// mutate only the gen/kill sets.
// FIXME: we should consider enforcing the intention described in
// the previous paragraph by passing the three sets in separate
// parameters to encode their distinct mutabilities.
fn accumulates_intrablock_state() -> bool { false }
/// A name describing the dataflow analysis that this
/// `BitDenotation` is supporting. The name should be something
/// suitable for plugging in as part of a filename (i.e., avoid
/// space-characters or other things that tend to look bad on a
/// file system, like slashes or periods). It is also better for
/// the name to be reasonably short, again because it will be
/// plugged into a filename.
fn name() -> &'static str;
/// Size of each bitvector allocated for each block in the analysis.
fn bits_per_block(&self) -> usize;
/// Mutates the entry set according to the effects that
/// have been established *prior* to entering the start
/// block. This can't access the gen/kill sets, because
/// these won't be accounted for correctly.
/// (For example, establishing the call arguments.)
fn start_block_effect(&self, entry_set: &mut BitSet<Self::Idx>);
/// Similar to `statement_effect`, except it applies
/// *just before* the statement rather than *just after* it.
/// This matters for "dataflow at location" APIs, because the
/// before-statement effect is visible while visiting the
/// statement, while the after-statement effect only becomes
/// visible at the next statement.
/// Both the before-statement and after-statement effects are
/// applied, in that order, before moving for the next
/// statement.
fn before_statement_effect(&self,
_sets: &mut BlockSets<'_, Self::Idx>,
_location: Location) {}
/// Mutates the block-sets (the flow sets for the given
/// basic block) according to the effects of evaluating statement.
/// This is used, in particular, for building up the
/// "transfer-function" representing the overall-effect of the
/// block, represented via GEN and KILL sets.
/// The statement is identified as `bb_data[idx_stmt]`, where
/// `bb_data` is the sequence of statements identified by `bb` in
/// the MIR.
fn statement_effect(&self,
sets: &mut BlockSets<'_, Self::Idx>,
location: Location);
/// Similar to `terminator_effect`, except it applies
/// *just before* the terminator rather than *just after* it.
/// This matters for "dataflow at location" APIs, because the
/// before-terminator effect is visible while visiting the
/// terminator, while the after-terminator effect only becomes
/// visible at the terminator's successors.
/// Both the before-terminator and after-terminator effects are
/// applied, in that order, before moving for the next
/// terminator.
fn before_terminator_effect(&self,
_sets: &mut BlockSets<'_, Self::Idx>,
_location: Location) {}
/// Mutates the block-sets (the flow sets for the given
/// basic block) according to the effects of evaluating
/// the terminator.
/// This is used, in particular, for building up the
/// "transfer-function" representing the overall-effect of the
/// block, represented via GEN and KILL sets.
/// The effects applied here cannot depend on which branch the
/// terminator took.
fn terminator_effect(&self,
sets: &mut BlockSets<'_, Self::Idx>,
location: Location);
/// Mutates the block-sets according to the (flow-dependent)
/// effect of a successful return from a Call terminator.
/// If basic-block BB_x ends with a call-instruction that, upon
/// successful return, flows to BB_y, then this method will be
/// called on the exit flow-state of BB_x in order to set up the
/// entry flow-state of BB_y.
/// This is used, in particular, as a special case during the
/// "propagate" loop where all of the basic blocks are repeatedly
/// visited. Since the effects of a Call terminator are
/// flow-dependent, the current MIR cannot encode them via just
/// GEN and KILL sets attached to the block, and so instead we add
/// this extra machinery to represent the flow-dependent effect.
// FIXME: right now this is a bit of a wart in the API. It might
// be better to represent this as an additional gen- and
// kill-sets associated with each edge coming out of the basic
// block.
fn propagate_call_return(
in_out: &mut BitSet<Self::Idx>,
call_bb: mir::BasicBlock,
dest_bb: mir::BasicBlock,
dest_place: &mir::Place<'tcx>,
impl<'a, 'tcx, D> DataflowAnalysis<'a, 'tcx, D> where D: BitDenotation<'tcx>
pub fn new(body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
dead_unwinds: &'a BitSet<mir::BasicBlock>,
denotation: D) -> Self where D: InitialFlow {
let bits_per_block = denotation.bits_per_block();
let num_blocks = body.basic_blocks().len();
let on_entry_sets = if D::bottom_value() {
vec![BitSet::new_filled(bits_per_block); num_blocks]
} else {
vec![BitSet::new_empty(bits_per_block); num_blocks]
let gen_sets = vec![HybridBitSet::new_empty(bits_per_block); num_blocks];
let kill_sets = gen_sets.clone();
DataflowAnalysis {
flow_state: DataflowState {
sets: AllSets {
operator: denotation,
impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, D> DataflowAnalysis<'a, 'tcx, D> where D: BitDenotation<'tcx> {
/// Propagates the bits of `in_out` into all the successors of `bb`,
/// using bitwise operator denoted by `self.operator`.
/// For most blocks, this is entirely uniform. However, for blocks
/// that end with a call terminator, the effect of the call on the
/// dataflow state may depend on whether the call returned
/// successfully or unwound.
/// To reflect this, the `propagate_call_return` method of the
/// `BitDenotation` mutates `in_out` when propagating `in_out` via
/// a call terminator; such mutation is performed *last*, to
/// ensure its side-effects do not leak elsewhere (e.g., into
/// unwind target).
fn propagate_bits_into_graph_successors_of(
&mut self,
in_out: &mut BitSet<D::Idx>,
(bb, bb_data): (mir::BasicBlock, &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>),
dirty_list: &mut WorkQueue<mir::BasicBlock>)
match bb_data.terminator().kind {
mir::TerminatorKind::Return |
mir::TerminatorKind::Resume |
mir::TerminatorKind::Abort |
mir::TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop |
mir::TerminatorKind::Unreachable => {}
mir::TerminatorKind::Goto { target } |
mir::TerminatorKind::Assert { target, cleanup: None, .. } |
mir::TerminatorKind::Yield { resume: target, drop: None, .. } |
mir::TerminatorKind::Drop { target, location: _, unwind: None } |
mir::TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace {
target, value: _, location: _, unwind: None
} => {
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, target, dirty_list);
mir::TerminatorKind::Yield { resume: target, drop: Some(drop), .. } => {
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, target, dirty_list);
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, drop, dirty_list);
mir::TerminatorKind::Assert { target, cleanup: Some(unwind), .. } |
mir::TerminatorKind::Drop { target, location: _, unwind: Some(unwind) } |
mir::TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace {
target, value: _, location: _, unwind: Some(unwind)
} => {
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, target, dirty_list);
if !self.dead_unwinds.contains(bb) {
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, unwind, dirty_list);
mir::TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { ref targets, .. } => {
for target in targets {
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, *target, dirty_list);
mir::TerminatorKind::Call { cleanup, ref destination, .. } => {
if let Some(unwind) = cleanup {
if !self.dead_unwinds.contains(bb) {
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, unwind, dirty_list);
if let Some((ref dest_place, dest_bb)) = *destination {
// N.B.: This must be done *last*, after all other
// propagation, as documented in comment above.
in_out, bb, dest_bb, dest_place);
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, dest_bb, dirty_list);
mir::TerminatorKind::FalseEdges { real_target, imaginary_target } => {
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, real_target, dirty_list);
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, imaginary_target, dirty_list);
mir::TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { real_target, unwind } => {
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, real_target, dirty_list);
if let Some(unwind) = unwind {
if !self.dead_unwinds.contains(bb) {
self.propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(in_out, unwind, dirty_list);
fn propagate_bits_into_entry_set_for(&mut self,
in_out: &BitSet<D::Idx>,
bb: mir::BasicBlock,
dirty_queue: &mut WorkQueue<mir::BasicBlock>) {
let entry_set = &mut self.flow_state.sets.for_block(bb.index()).on_entry;
let set_changed = self.flow_state.operator.join(entry_set, &in_out);
if set_changed {