blob: 23550569f7ccfc6a57146f5ea61886ce1dd92312 [file] [log] [blame]
// # Type combining
// There are four type combiners: equate, sub, lub, and glb. Each
// implements the trait `Combine` and contains methods for combining
// two instances of various things and yielding a new instance. These
// combiner methods always yield a `Result<T>`. There is a lot of
// common code for these operations, implemented as default methods on
// the `Combine` trait.
// Each operation may have side-effects on the inference context,
// though these can be unrolled using snapshots. On success, the
// LUB/GLB operations return the appropriate bound. The Eq and Sub
// operations generally return the first operand.
// ## Contravariance
// When you are relating two things which have a contravariant
// relationship, you should use `contratys()` or `contraregions()`,
// rather than inversing the order of arguments! This is necessary
// because the order of arguments is not relevant for LUB and GLB. It
// is also useful to track which value is the "expected" value in
// terms of error reporting.
use super::equate::Equate;
use super::glb::Glb;
use super::{InferCtxt, MiscVariable, TypeTrace};
use super::lub::Lub;
use super::sub::Sub;
use super::type_variable::TypeVariableValue;
use super::unify_key::{ConstVarValue, ConstVariableValue};
use super::unify_key::{ConstVariableOrigin, ConstVariableOriginKind};
use crate::hir::def_id::DefId;
use crate::mir::interpret::ConstValue;
use crate::ty::{IntType, UintType};
use crate::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt, InferConst};
use crate::ty::error::TypeError;
use crate::ty::relate::{self, Relate, RelateResult, TypeRelation};
use crate::ty::subst::SubstsRef;
use crate::traits::{Obligation, PredicateObligations};
use syntax::ast;
use syntax_pos::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
pub struct CombineFields<'infcx, 'tcx: 'infcx> {
pub infcx: &'infcx InferCtxt<'infcx, 'tcx>,
pub trace: TypeTrace<'tcx>,
pub cause: Option<ty::relate::Cause>,
pub param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
pub obligations: PredicateObligations<'tcx>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum RelationDir {
SubtypeOf, SupertypeOf, EqTo
impl<'infcx, 'tcx> InferCtxt<'infcx, 'tcx> {
pub fn super_combine_tys<R>(
relation: &mut R,
a: Ty<'tcx>,
b: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
R: TypeRelation<'tcx>,
let a_is_expected = relation.a_is_expected();
match (&a.sty, &b.sty) {
// Relate integral variables to other types
(&ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(a_id)), &ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(b_id))) => {
.unify_var_var(a_id, b_id)
.map_err(|e| int_unification_error(a_is_expected, e))?;
(&ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(v_id)), &ty::Int(v)) => {
self.unify_integral_variable(a_is_expected, v_id, IntType(v))
(&ty::Int(v), &ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(v_id))) => {
self.unify_integral_variable(!a_is_expected, v_id, IntType(v))
(&ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(v_id)), &ty::Uint(v)) => {
self.unify_integral_variable(a_is_expected, v_id, UintType(v))
(&ty::Uint(v), &ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(v_id))) => {
self.unify_integral_variable(!a_is_expected, v_id, UintType(v))
// Relate floating-point variables to other types
(&ty::Infer(ty::FloatVar(a_id)), &ty::Infer(ty::FloatVar(b_id))) => {
.unify_var_var(a_id, b_id)
.map_err(|e| float_unification_error(relation.a_is_expected(), e))?;
(&ty::Infer(ty::FloatVar(v_id)), &ty::Float(v)) => {
self.unify_float_variable(a_is_expected, v_id, v)
(&ty::Float(v), &ty::Infer(ty::FloatVar(v_id))) => {
self.unify_float_variable(!a_is_expected, v_id, v)
// All other cases of inference are errors
(&ty::Infer(_), _) |
(_, &ty::Infer(_)) => {
Err(TypeError::Sorts(ty::relate::expected_found(relation, &a, &b)))
_ => {
ty::relate::super_relate_tys(relation, a, b)
pub fn super_combine_consts<R>(
relation: &mut R,
a: &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>,
b: &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>,
) -> RelateResult<'tcx, &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>>
R: TypeRelation<'tcx>,
let a_is_expected = relation.a_is_expected();
match (a.val, b.val) {
ConstValue::Infer(InferConst::Var(b_vid))) => {
.unify_var_var(a_vid, b_vid)
.map_err(|e| const_unification_error(a_is_expected, e))?;
return Ok(a);
// All other cases of inference with other variables are errors.
(ConstValue::Infer(InferConst::Var(_)), ConstValue::Infer(_)) |
(ConstValue::Infer(_), ConstValue::Infer(InferConst::Var(_))) => {
bug!("tried to combine ConstValue::Infer/ConstValue::Infer(InferConst::Var)")
(ConstValue::Infer(InferConst::Var(vid)), _) => {
return self.unify_const_variable(a_is_expected, vid, b);
(_, ConstValue::Infer(InferConst::Var(vid))) => {
return self.unify_const_variable(!a_is_expected, vid, a);
_ => {}
ty::relate::super_relate_consts(relation, a, b)
pub fn unify_const_variable(
vid_is_expected: bool,
vid: ty::ConstVid<'tcx>,
value: &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>,
) -> RelateResult<'tcx, &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>> {
.unify_var_value(vid, ConstVarValue {
origin: ConstVariableOrigin {
kind: ConstVariableOriginKind::ConstInference,
span: DUMMY_SP,
val: ConstVariableValue::Known { value },
.map_err(|e| const_unification_error(vid_is_expected, e))?;
fn unify_integral_variable(&self,
vid_is_expected: bool,
vid: ty::IntVid,
val: ty::IntVarValue)
-> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
.unify_var_value(vid, Some(val))
.map_err(|e| int_unification_error(vid_is_expected, e))?;
match val {
IntType(v) => Ok(self.tcx.mk_mach_int(v)),
UintType(v) => Ok(self.tcx.mk_mach_uint(v)),
fn unify_float_variable(&self,
vid_is_expected: bool,
vid: ty::FloatVid,
val: ast::FloatTy)
-> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
.unify_var_value(vid, Some(ty::FloatVarValue(val)))
.map_err(|e| float_unification_error(vid_is_expected, e))?;
impl<'infcx, 'tcx> CombineFields<'infcx, 'tcx> {
pub fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
pub fn equate<'a>(&'a mut self, a_is_expected: bool) -> Equate<'a, 'infcx, 'tcx> {
Equate::new(self, a_is_expected)
pub fn sub<'a>(&'a mut self, a_is_expected: bool) -> Sub<'a, 'infcx, 'tcx> {
Sub::new(self, a_is_expected)
pub fn lub<'a>(&'a mut self, a_is_expected: bool) -> Lub<'a, 'infcx, 'tcx> {
Lub::new(self, a_is_expected)
pub fn glb<'a>(&'a mut self, a_is_expected: bool) -> Glb<'a, 'infcx, 'tcx> {
Glb::new(self, a_is_expected)
/// Here, `dir` is either `EqTo`, `SubtypeOf`, or `SupertypeOf`.
/// The idea is that we should ensure that the type `a_ty` is equal
/// to, a subtype of, or a supertype of (respectively) the type
/// to which `b_vid` is bound.
/// Since `b_vid` has not yet been instantiated with a type, we
/// will first instantiate `b_vid` with a *generalized* version
/// of `a_ty`. Generalization introduces other inference
/// variables wherever subtyping could occur.
pub fn instantiate(&mut self,
a_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
dir: RelationDir,
b_vid: ty::TyVid,
a_is_expected: bool)
-> RelateResult<'tcx, ()>
use self::RelationDir::*;
// Get the actual variable that b_vid has been inferred to
debug!("instantiate(a_ty={:?} dir={:?} b_vid={:?})", a_ty, dir, b_vid);
// Generalize type of `a_ty` appropriately depending on the
// direction. As an example, assume:
// - `a_ty == &'x ?1`, where `'x` is some free region and `?1` is an
// inference variable,
// - and `dir` == `SubtypeOf`.
// Then the generalized form `b_ty` would be `&'?2 ?3`, where
// `'?2` and `?3` are fresh region/type inference
// variables. (Down below, we will relate `a_ty <: b_ty`,
// adding constraints like `'x: '?2` and `?1 <: ?3`.)
let Generalization { ty: b_ty, needs_wf } = self.generalize(a_ty, b_vid, dir)?;
debug!("instantiate(a_ty={:?}, dir={:?}, b_vid={:?}, generalized b_ty={:?})",
a_ty, dir, b_vid, b_ty);
self.infcx.type_variables.borrow_mut().instantiate(b_vid, b_ty);
if needs_wf {
// Finally, relate `b_ty` to `a_ty`, as described in previous comment.
// FIXME(#16847): This code is non-ideal because all these subtype
// relations wind up attributed to the same spans. We need
// to associate causes/spans with each of the relations in
// the stack to get this right.
match dir {
EqTo => self.equate(a_is_expected).relate(&a_ty, &b_ty),
SubtypeOf => self.sub(a_is_expected).relate(&a_ty, &b_ty),
SupertypeOf => self.sub(a_is_expected).relate_with_variance(
ty::Contravariant, &a_ty, &b_ty),
/// Attempts to generalize `ty` for the type variable `for_vid`.
/// This checks for cycle -- that is, whether the type `ty`
/// references `for_vid`. The `dir` is the "direction" for which we
/// a performing the generalization (i.e., are we producing a type
/// that can be used as a supertype etc).
/// Preconditions:
/// - `for_vid` is a "root vid"
fn generalize(&self,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
for_vid: ty::TyVid,
dir: RelationDir)
-> RelateResult<'tcx, Generalization<'tcx>>
debug!("generalize(ty={:?}, for_vid={:?}, dir={:?}", ty, for_vid, dir);
// Determine the ambient variance within which `ty` appears.
// The surrounding equation is:
// ty [op] ty2
// where `op` is either `==`, `<:`, or `:>`. This maps quite
// naturally.
let ambient_variance = match dir {
RelationDir::EqTo => ty::Invariant,
RelationDir::SubtypeOf => ty::Covariant,
RelationDir::SupertypeOf => ty::Contravariant,
debug!("generalize: ambient_variance = {:?}", ambient_variance);
let for_universe = match self.infcx.type_variables.borrow_mut().probe(for_vid) {
v @ TypeVariableValue::Known { .. } => panic!(
"instantiating {:?} which has a known value {:?}",
TypeVariableValue::Unknown { universe } => universe,
debug!("generalize: for_universe = {:?}", for_universe);
let mut generalize = Generalizer {
infcx: self.infcx,
span: self.trace.cause.span,
for_vid_sub_root: self.infcx.type_variables.borrow_mut().sub_root_var(for_vid),
needs_wf: false,
root_ty: ty,
let ty = match generalize.relate(&ty, &ty) {
Ok(ty) => ty,
Err(e) => {
debug!("generalize: failure {:?}", e);
return Err(e);
let needs_wf = generalize.needs_wf;
debug!("generalize: success {{ {:?}, {:?} }}", ty, needs_wf);
Ok(Generalization { ty, needs_wf })
struct Generalizer<'cx, 'tcx: 'cx> {
infcx: &'cx InferCtxt<'cx, 'tcx>,
/// The span, used when creating new type variables and things.
span: Span,
/// The vid of the type variable that is in the process of being
/// instantiated; if we find this within the type we are folding,
/// that means we would have created a cyclic type.
for_vid_sub_root: ty::TyVid,
/// The universe of the type variable that is in the process of
/// being instantiated. Any fresh variables that we create in this
/// process should be in that same universe.
for_universe: ty::UniverseIndex,
/// Track the variance as we descend into the type.
ambient_variance: ty::Variance,
/// See the field `needs_wf` in `Generalization`.
needs_wf: bool,
/// The root type that we are generalizing. Used when reporting cycles.
root_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
/// Result from a generalization operation. This includes
/// not only the generalized type, but also a bool flag
/// indicating whether further WF checks are needed.
struct Generalization<'tcx> {
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
/// If true, then the generalized type may not be well-formed,
/// even if the source type is well-formed, so we should add an
/// additional check to enforce that it is. This arises in
/// particular around 'bivariant' type parameters that are only
/// constrained by a where-clause. As an example, imagine a type:
/// struct Foo<A, B> where A: Iterator<Item = B> {
/// data: A
/// }
/// here, `A` will be covariant, but `B` is
/// unconstrained. However, whatever it is, for `Foo` to be WF, it
/// must be equal to `A::Item`. If we have an input `Foo<?A, ?B>`,
/// then after generalization we will wind up with a type like
/// `Foo<?C, ?D>`. When we enforce that `Foo<?A, ?B> <: Foo<?C,
/// ?D>` (or `>:`), we will wind up with the requirement that `?A
/// <: ?C`, but no particular relationship between `?B` and `?D`
/// (after all, we do not know the variance of the normalized form
/// of `A::Item` with respect to `A`). If we do nothing else, this
/// may mean that `?D` goes unconstrained (as in #41677). So, in
/// this scenario where we create a new type variable in a
/// bivariant context, we set the `needs_wf` flag to true. This
/// will force the calling code to check that `WF(Foo<?C, ?D>)`
/// holds, which in turn implies that `?C::Item == ?D`. So once
/// `?C` is constrained, that should suffice to restrict `?D`.
needs_wf: bool,
impl TypeRelation<'tcx> for Generalizer<'_, 'tcx> {
fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
fn tag(&self) -> &'static str {
fn a_is_expected(&self) -> bool {
fn binders<T>(&mut self, a: &ty::Binder<T>, b: &ty::Binder<T>)
-> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Binder<T>>
where T: Relate<'tcx>
Ok(ty::Binder::bind(self.relate(a.skip_binder(), b.skip_binder())?))
fn relate_item_substs(&mut self,
item_def_id: DefId,
a_subst: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
b_subst: SubstsRef<'tcx>)
-> RelateResult<'tcx, SubstsRef<'tcx>>
if self.ambient_variance == ty::Variance::Invariant {
// Avoid fetching the variance if we are in an invariant
// context; no need, and it can induce dependency cycles
// (e.g., #41849).
relate::relate_substs(self, None, a_subst, b_subst)
} else {
let opt_variances = self.tcx().variances_of(item_def_id);
relate::relate_substs(self, Some(&opt_variances), a_subst, b_subst)
fn relate_with_variance<T: Relate<'tcx>>(&mut self,
variance: ty::Variance,
a: &T,
b: &T)
-> RelateResult<'tcx, T>
let old_ambient_variance = self.ambient_variance;
self.ambient_variance = self.ambient_variance.xform(variance);
let result = self.relate(a, b);
self.ambient_variance = old_ambient_variance;
fn tys(&mut self, t: Ty<'tcx>, t2: Ty<'tcx>) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>> {
assert_eq!(t, t2); // we are abusing TypeRelation here; both LHS and RHS ought to be ==
debug!("generalize: t={:?}", t);
// Check to see whether the type we are generalizing references
// any other type variable related to `vid` via
// subtyping. This is basically our "occurs check", preventing
// us from creating infinitely sized types.
match t.sty {
ty::Infer(ty::TyVar(vid)) => {
let mut variables = self.infcx.type_variables.borrow_mut();
let vid = variables.root_var(vid);
let sub_vid = variables.sub_root_var(vid);
if sub_vid == self.for_vid_sub_root {
// If sub-roots are equal, then `for_vid` and
// `vid` are related via subtyping.
return Err(TypeError::CyclicTy(self.root_ty));
} else {
match variables.probe(vid) {
TypeVariableValue::Known { value: u } => {
debug!("generalize: known value {:?}", u);
self.relate(&u, &u)
TypeVariableValue::Unknown { universe } => {
match self.ambient_variance {
// Invariant: no need to make a fresh type variable.
ty::Invariant => {
if self.for_universe.can_name(universe) {
return Ok(t);
// Bivariant: make a fresh var, but we
// may need a WF predicate. See
// comment on `needs_wf` field for
// more info.
ty::Bivariant => self.needs_wf = true,
// Co/contravariant: this will be
// sufficiently constrained later on.
ty::Covariant | ty::Contravariant => (),
let origin = *variables.var_origin(vid);
let new_var_id = variables.new_var(self.for_universe, false, origin);
let u = self.tcx().mk_ty_var(new_var_id);
debug!("generalize: replacing original vid={:?} with new={:?}",
vid, u);
return Ok(u);
ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(_)) |
ty::Infer(ty::FloatVar(_)) => {
// No matter what mode we are in,
// integer/floating-point types must be equal to be
// relatable.
_ => {
relate::super_relate_tys(self, t, t)
fn regions(&mut self, r: ty::Region<'tcx>, r2: ty::Region<'tcx>)
-> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Region<'tcx>> {
assert_eq!(r, r2); // we are abusing TypeRelation here; both LHS and RHS ought to be ==
debug!("generalize: regions r={:?}", r);
match *r {
// Never make variables for regions bound within the type itself,
// nor for erased regions.
ty::ReLateBound(..) |
ty::ReErased => {
return Ok(r);
ty::ReClosureBound(..) => {
"encountered unexpected ReClosureBound: {:?}",
ty::RePlaceholder(..) |
ty::ReVar(..) |
ty::ReEmpty |
ty::ReStatic |
ty::ReScope(..) |
ty::ReEarlyBound(..) |
ty::ReFree(..) => {
// see common code below
// If we are in an invariant context, we can re-use the region
// as is, unless it happens to be in some universe that we
// can't name. (In the case of a region *variable*, we could
// use it if we promoted it into our universe, but we don't
// bother.)
if let ty::Invariant = self.ambient_variance {
let r_universe = self.infcx.universe_of_region(r);
if self.for_universe.can_name(r_universe) {
return Ok(r);
// FIXME: This is non-ideal because we don't give a
// very descriptive origin for this region variable.
Ok(self.infcx.next_region_var_in_universe(MiscVariable(self.span), self.for_universe))
fn consts(
&mut self,
c: &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>,
c2: &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>
) -> RelateResult<'tcx, &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>> {
assert_eq!(c, c2); // we are abusing TypeRelation here; both LHS and RHS ought to be ==
match c {
ty::Const { val: ConstValue::Infer(InferConst::Var(vid)), .. } => {
let mut variable_table = self.infcx.const_unification_table.borrow_mut();
match variable_table.probe_value(*vid).val.known() {
Some(u) => {
self.relate(&u, &u)
None => Ok(c),
_ => {
relate::super_relate_consts(self, c, c)
pub trait RelateResultCompare<'tcx, T> {
fn compare<F>(&self, t: T, f: F) -> RelateResult<'tcx, T> where
F: FnOnce() -> TypeError<'tcx>;
impl<'tcx, T:Clone + PartialEq> RelateResultCompare<'tcx, T> for RelateResult<'tcx, T> {
fn compare<F>(&self, t: T, f: F) -> RelateResult<'tcx, T> where
F: FnOnce() -> TypeError<'tcx>,
self.clone().and_then(|s| {
if s == t {
} else {
pub fn const_unification_error<'tcx>(
a_is_expected: bool,
(a, b): (&'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>, &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>),
) -> TypeError<'tcx> {
TypeError::ConstMismatch(ty::relate::expected_found_bool(a_is_expected, &a, &b))
fn int_unification_error<'tcx>(a_is_expected: bool, v: (ty::IntVarValue, ty::IntVarValue))
-> TypeError<'tcx>
let (a, b) = v;
TypeError::IntMismatch(ty::relate::expected_found_bool(a_is_expected, &a, &b))
fn float_unification_error<'tcx>(a_is_expected: bool,
v: (ty::FloatVarValue, ty::FloatVarValue))
-> TypeError<'tcx>
let (ty::FloatVarValue(a), ty::FloatVarValue(b)) = v;
TypeError::FloatMismatch(ty::relate::expected_found_bool(a_is_expected, &a, &b))