blob: 48d4b0c96ff0a0602e97efe2a622c44d741caa0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Another example from issue #84660, this time weaponized as a safe transmute: an opaque type in an
// impl header being accepted was used to create unsoundness.
trait Foo {}
impl Foo for () {}
type Bar = impl Foo;
fn _defining_use() -> Bar {}
trait Trait<T, In> {
type Out;
fn convert(i: In) -> Self::Out;
impl<In, Out> Trait<Bar, In> for Out {
type Out = Out;
fn convert(_i: In) -> Self::Out {
impl<In, Out> Trait<(), In> for Out { //~ ERROR conflicting implementations of trait `Trait<Bar, _>`
type Out = In;
fn convert(i: In) -> Self::Out {
fn transmute<In, Out>(i: In) -> Out {
<Out as Trait<Bar, In>>::convert(i)
fn main() {
let d;
let x = "Hello World".to_string();
d = transmute::<&String, &String>(&x);
println!("{}", d);