blob: 848826e6ef7f2f6d2cf67670c58a913d36cadff0 [file] [log] [blame]
#![allow(const_err)] // make sure we cannot allow away the errors tested here
union DummyUnion {
u8: u8,
bool: bool,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Enum {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
union Foo {
a: bool,
b: Enum,
union Bar {
foo: Foo,
u8: u8,
// the value is not valid for bools
const BAD_BOOL: bool = unsafe { DummyUnion { u8: 42 }.bool};
//~^ ERROR it is undefined behavior to use this value
// The value is not valid for any union variant, but that's fine
// unions are just a convenient way to transmute bits around
const BAD_UNION: Foo = unsafe { Bar { u8: 42 }.foo };
fn main() {}