blob: 7adb394144bdd93bc5eea640da8fdd8c3d0a3178 [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -C overflow-checks=on -O
fn main() {
println!("{}", 0u32 - 1);
//~^ ERROR attempt to subtract with overflow
let _x = 0u32 - 1;
//~^ ERROR attempt to subtract with overflow
println!("{}", 1/(1-1));
//~^ ERROR attempt to divide by zero [const_err]
//~| ERROR reaching this expression at runtime will panic or abort [const_err]
let _x = 1/(1-1);
//~^ ERROR const_err
//~| ERROR const_err
println!("{}", 1/(false as u32));
//~^ ERROR attempt to divide by zero [const_err]
//~| ERROR reaching this expression at runtime will panic or abort [const_err]
let _x = 1/(false as u32);
//~^ ERROR const_err
//~| ERROR const_err