blob: 97f73b4e1f224085509d45515b8c03559592af43 [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags:-Z unstable-options --show-coverage
// build-pass (FIXME(62277): could be check-pass?)
/// look at this trait right here
pub trait ThisTrait {
/// that's a trait all right
fn right_here(&self);
/// even the provided functions show up as trait methods
fn aww_yeah(&self) {}
/// gotta check those associated types, they're slippery
type SomeType;
/// so what happens if we take some struct...
pub struct SomeStruct;
/// ...and slap this trait on it?
impl ThisTrait for SomeStruct {
/// nothing! trait impls are totally ignored in this calculation, sorry.
fn right_here(&self) {}
type SomeType = String;
/// but what about those aliases? i hear they're pretty exotic
pub trait MyAlias = ThisTrait + Send + Sync;
// FIXME(58624): once rustdoc can process opaque `impl Trait` types,
// we need to make sure they're counted
// /// woah, getting all opaque in here
// pub type ThisExists = impl ThisTrait;
// /// why don't we get a little more concrete
// pub fn defines() -> ThisExists { SomeStruct {} }