blob: 9a973ed74e8672548296b47857770d3768527985 [file] [log] [blame]
// ignore-tidy-linelength
// min-lldb-version: 310
// As long as LLVM 5 and LLVM 6 are supported, we want to test the
// enum debuginfo fallback mode. Once those are desupported, this
// test can be removed, as there is another (non-"legacy") test that
// tests the new mode.
// ignore-llvm-version: 7.0 - 9.9.9
// ignore-gdb-version: 7.11.90 - 7.12.9
// ignore-gdb-version: 8.2 - 9.9
// compile-flags:-g
// === GDB TESTS ===================================================================================
// gdb-command:run
// gdb-command:print *the_a_ref
// gdbg-check:$1 = {{RUST$ENUM$DISR = TheA, x = 0, y = 8970181431921507452}, {RUST$ENUM$DISR = TheA, [...]}}
// gdbr-check:$1 = borrowed_enum_legacy::ABC::TheA{x: 0, y: 8970181431921507452}
// gdb-command:print *the_b_ref
// gdbg-check:$2 = {{RUST$ENUM$DISR = TheB, [...]}, {RUST$ENUM$DISR = TheB, __0 = 0, __1 = 286331153, __2 = 286331153}}
// gdbr-check:$2 = borrowed_enum_legacy::ABC::TheB(0, 286331153, 286331153)
// gdb-command:print *univariant_ref
// gdbg-check:$3 = {{__0 = 4820353753753434}}
// gdbr-check:$3 = borrowed_enum_legacy::Univariant::TheOnlyCase(4820353753753434)
// === LLDB TESTS ==================================================================================
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print *the_a_ref
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = TheA { x: 0, y: 8970181431921507452 }
// lldbr-check:(borrowed_enum_legacy::ABC::TheA) *the_a_ref = TheA { borrowed_enum_legacy::ABC::TheA: 0, borrowed_enum_legacy::ABC::TheB: 8970181431921507452 }
// lldb-command:print *the_b_ref
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = TheB(0, 286331153, 286331153)
// lldbr-check:(borrowed_enum_legacy::ABC::TheB) *the_b_ref = { = 0 = 286331153 = 286331153 }
// lldb-command:print *univariant_ref
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = TheOnlyCase(4820353753753434)
// lldbr-check:(borrowed_enum_legacy::Univariant) *univariant_ref = { borrowed_enum_legacy::TheOnlyCase = { = 4820353753753434 } }
// The first element is to ensure proper alignment, irrespective of the machines word size. Since
// the size of the discriminant value is machine dependent, this has be taken into account when
// datatype layout should be predictable as in this case.
enum ABC {
TheA { x: i64, y: i64 },
TheB (i64, i32, i32),
// This is a special case since it does not have the implicit discriminant field.
enum Univariant {
fn main() {
// 0b0111110001111100011111000111110001111100011111000111110001111100 = 8970181431921507452
// 0b01111100011111000111110001111100 = 2088533116
// 0b0111110001111100 = 31868
// 0b01111100 = 124
let the_a = ABC::TheA { x: 0, y: 8970181431921507452 };
let the_a_ref: &ABC = &the_a;
// 0b0001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100010001 = 1229782938247303441
// 0b00010001000100010001000100010001 = 286331153
// 0b0001000100010001 = 4369
// 0b00010001 = 17
let the_b = ABC::TheB (0, 286331153, 286331153);
let the_b_ref: &ABC = &the_b;
let univariant = Univariant::TheOnlyCase(4820353753753434);
let univariant_ref: &Univariant = &univariant;
zzz(); // #break
fn zzz() {()}