blob: 6bb4cf86e7986aef58f568d368dd25e5b1516961 [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -Z chalk
trait Foo: Sized { }
trait Bar {
type Item: Foo;
impl Foo for i32 { }
impl Foo for str { }
//~^ ERROR the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time
// Implicit `T: Sized` bound.
impl<T> Foo for Option<T> { }
impl Bar for () {
type Item = i32;
impl<T> Bar for Option<T> {
type Item = Option<T>;
impl Bar for f32 {
//~^ ERROR the trait bound `f32: Foo` is not satisfied
type Item = f32;
//~^ ERROR the trait bound `f32: Foo` is not satisfied
trait Baz<U: ?Sized> where U: Foo { }
impl Baz<i32> for i32 { }
impl Baz<f32> for f32 { }
//~^ ERROR the trait bound `f32: Foo` is not satisfied
fn main() {