blob: 8d9192c6fa0c1fe953a60e1ef03bed6f7795eb4a [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -C no-prepopulate-passes
pub fn main() {
// We want to make sure that closures get 'internal' linkage instead of
// 'weak_odr' when they are not shared between codegen units
// FIXME(eddyb) `legacy` mangling uses `{{closure}}`, while `v0`
// uses `{closure#0}`, switch to the latter once `legacy` is gone.
// CHECK-LABEL: ; internalize_closures::main::{{.*}}closure
// CHECK-NEXT: ; Function Attrs:
// CHECK-NEXT: define internal
let c = |x:i32| { x + 1 };
let _ = c(1);