blob: 092f130a81ed56cfb7e5b6c7881f94d4b25b934b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import (
type mOS struct{}
type sigset struct{}
func getRandomData(r []byte) {
func futexsleep(addr *uint32, val uint32, ns int64) {
deadline := zx.Sys_deadline_after(zx.Duration(ns))
if ns < 0 {
deadline = zx.Time(zx.TimensecInfinite)
zx.Sys_futex_wait((*int)(unsafe.Pointer(addr)), int32(val), deadline)
func futexwakeup(addr *uint32, cnt uint32) {
zx.Sys_futex_wake((*int)(unsafe.Pointer(addr)), cnt)
func osyield() {
// cgocallm0 calls a C function on the current stack.
// It is intended for use inside functions like osinit that run
// before mstart directly on an OS thread stack.
// If in doubt, do not use.
func cgocallm0(fn, arg unsafe.Pointer)
func osinit() {
if _cgo_get_initial_handles != nil {
cgocallm0(_cgo_get_initial_handles, unsafe.Pointer(&fdioHandles))
for i := 0; i < 3; i = i + 1 {
zx.StdioHandles[i] = fdioHandles.stdioClones[i]
zx.StdioHandleTypes[i] = int(fdioHandles.stdioCloneTypes[i])
zx.ProcHandle = zx.Handle(fdioHandles.processSelf)
zx.VMARRoot = zx.VMAR(fdioHandles.vmarRootSelf)
} else {
// TODO: implement cgo-less init
println("runtime: no fuchsia process handle without cgo yet")
ncpu = int32(zx.Sys_system_get_num_cpus())
physPageSize = 4096
func parseRootNS() {
if fdioHandles.rootNSNumHandles > 0 {
const maxHandleCount = 1 << 20 // arbitrary
paths := (*(*[maxHandleCount]*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(fdioHandles.rootNSPaths)))[:fdioHandles.rootNSNumHandles]
handles := (*(*[maxHandleCount]zx.Handle)(unsafe.Pointer(fdioHandles.rootNSHandles)))[:fdioHandles.rootNSNumHandles]
zx.RootNSMap = make(map[string]zx.Handle)
for i, p := range paths {
zx.RootNSMap[gostring(p)] = handles[i]
// Filled in by runtime/cgo when linked into binary.
var _cgo_get_initial_handles unsafe.Pointer // pointer to C function
func minit() {
func unminit() {
func sigpanic() {
func mpreinit(mp *m) {
func msigsave(mp *m) {
func msigrestore(sigmask sigset) {
func initsig(preinit bool) {
func sigblock() {
func sigenable(sig uint32) {
func sigdisable(sig uint32) {
func sigignore(sig uint32) {
func crash() {
*(*int32)(nil) = 0
func threadinit(mp *m)
var gothreadname = []byte("gothread")
func newosproc(mp *m) {
stk := unsafe.Pointer(mp.g0.stack.hi)
p := zx.Handle(0) // TODO: only works due to temporary hack in zircon
var h zx.Handle
status := zx.Sys_thread_create(p, &gothreadname[0], uint(len(gothreadname)), 0, &h)
if status < 0 {
println("runtime: newosproc zx.Sys_thread_create failed:", h)
status = zx.Sys_thread_start(h, zx.Vaddr(funcPC(threadinit)), zx.Vaddr(stk), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(mp)), 0)
if status < 0 {
println("runtime: newosproc zx.Sys_thread_start failed:", h)
type zx_proc_args struct {
protocol uint32
version uint32
handle_info_off uint32
args_off uint32
args_num uint32
type zx_proc_info struct {
magic uint32
version uint32
next_tls_slot uint32
proc_args *zx_proc_args
handle *zx.Handle
handle_info *uint32
handle_count int32
argv **byte
argc int32
type zx_tls_root struct {
self *zx_tls_root
proc *zx_proc_info
magic uint32
flags uint16
maxslots uint16
slots [8]uintptr // has length maxslots
func resetcpuprofiler(hz int32) {
// fdio_init matches a Go struct of the same name in gcc_fdio.c.
type fdio_init struct {
stdioClones [3]zx.Handle
stdioCloneNumHandles [3]uint32
stdioCloneTypes [3]uint32
processSelf zx.Handle
vmarRootSelf zx.Handle
envlen int32
environ **byte
_ [4]byte
rootNSNumHandles int32
rootNSHandles *zx.Handle
rootNSPaths **byte
var fdioHandles fdio_init
func goenvs() {
if _cgo_get_initial_handles != nil {
const maxEnvSize = 1 << 20 // arbitrary
envp := (*(*[maxEnvSize]*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(fdioHandles.environ)))[:fdioHandles.envlen]
envs = make([]string, len(envp))
for i, e := range envp {
envs[i] = gostring(e)
// TODO: find a better place to call this
} else {
// TODO: implement cgo-less init
println("runtime: no fuchsia process handle without cgo yet")
const _NSIG = 65 // TODO
func nanotime() int64 {
return int64(zx.Sys_clock_get(ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC))
//go:linkname time_now
func time_now() (sec int64, nsec int32, mono int64) {
const ZX_CLOCK_UTC = 1
x := int64(zx.Sys_clock_get(ZX_CLOCK_UTC))
return int64(x / 1e9), int32(x % 1e9), nanotime() - startNano
func unixnanotime() int64 {
return nanotime()
// #define LOGBUF_MAX (ZX_LOG_RECORD_MAX - sizeof(zx_log_record_t))
const logBufMax = 224
var logger zx.Handle
var logBufferArray [logBufMax]byte
var logBufferN int
func write(fd uintptr, buf unsafe.Pointer, n int32) int32 {
if fd != 1 && fd != 2 {
panic("runtime.write(): can not write to non-log fd")
// This initialization mechanism is not thread-safe, but if the only calls to 'write' with
// these file descriptors come from print, they will already be serialized by a lock in
// print's implementation.
if logger <= 0 {
zx.Sys_debuglog_create(0, 0, &logger)
logBufferN = 0
// Ideally this should panic, but that would go down "blind", which is arguably worse.
if logger <= 0 {
return -1
for i := int32(0); i < n; i++ {
c := *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(buf) + uintptr(i)))
if c == '\n' {
zx.Sys_log_write(logger, uint32(logBufferN), unsafe.Pointer(&logBufferArray[0]), 0)
logBufferN = 0
if c < ' ' {
logBufferArray[logBufferN] = c
if logBufferN == len(logBufferArray) {
zx.Sys_log_write(logger, uint32(logBufferN), unsafe.Pointer(&logBufferArray[0]), 0)
logBufferN = 0
return n
func exit(code int32) {
func usleep(usec uint32) {
zx.Sys_nanosleep(zx.Sys_deadline_after(zx.Duration(usec * 1000)))
func signame(sig uint32) string {
return "unknown_sig" // TODO
// zircon_mktls
func zircon_mktls() {
func zircon_settls(val uintptr) {
// TODO: should call zx_set_object_property with property ZX_PROP_REGISTER_FS in amd64 or
// ZX_PROP_REGISTER_CP15 on arm.
//go:linkname os_sigpipe os.sigpipe
func os_sigpipe() {
// gsignalStack is unused on fuchsia
type gsignalStack struct{}
func exitThread(wait *uint32) {}
func setProcessCPUProfiler(hz int32) {}
func setThreadCPUProfiler(hz int32) {}
func clearSignalHandlers() {}