blob: 260e8028a8d3eaff292cf0b378a2cafc1217e3b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build fuchsia
package fidl
import (
const prefix = "zx/fidl: "
// d is a process-local dispatcher.
var d *dispatch.Dispatcher
func init() {
disp, err := dispatch.NewDispatcher()
if err != nil {
panic(prefix + "failed to create dispatcher: " + err.Error())
d = disp
// Serve is a blocking call to the process-local dispatcher's serve method.
func Serve() {
type bindingState int32
const (
idle bindingState = iota
// Binding binds the implementation of a Stub to a Channel.
// A Binding listens for incoming messages on the Channel, decodes them, and
// asks the Stub to dispatch to the appropriate implementation of the interface.
// If the message expects a reply, the Binding will also encode the reply and
// send it back over the Channel.
type Binding struct {
// Stub is a wrapper around an implementation of a FIDL interface which
// knows how to dispatch to a method by ordinal.
Stub Stub
// Channel is the Channel primitive to which the Stub is bound.
Channel zx.Channel
// id is an identifier for this waiter in the process-local dispatcher.
id *dispatch.WaitID
// errHandler is called with connection errors, when encountered.
errHandler func(error)
// handling is an atomically-updated signal which represents the state of the
// binding.
stateMu sync.Mutex
state bindingState
// Init initializes a Binding.
func (b *Binding) Init(errHandler func(error)) error {
// Declare the wait handler as a closure.
h := func(d *dispatch.Dispatcher, s zx.Status, sigs *zx.PacketSignal) (result dispatch.WaitResult) {
if b.state == cleanup {
return dispatch.WaitFinished
b.state = handling
defer func() {
defer b.stateMu.Unlock()
if b.state == cleanup {
// close will set b.state to closed.
result = dispatch.WaitFinished
} else {
// otherwise, go to idle (out of handling state)
b.state = idle
if s != zx.ErrOk {
b.errHandler(&zx.Error{Status: s})
return dispatch.WaitFinished
if sigs.Observed&zx.SignalChannelReadable != 0 {
for i := uint64(0); i < sigs.Count; i++ {
shouldWait, err := b.dispatch()
if err != nil {
return dispatch.WaitFinished
if shouldWait {
return dispatch.WaitAgain
return dispatch.WaitAgain
b.errHandler(&zx.Error{Status: zx.ErrPeerClosed})
return dispatch.WaitFinished
// We defer unlocking the state here so that there's no way that the wait
// actually triggers and tries to cancel the wait before we've stored the id.
defer b.stateMu.Unlock()
b.state = idle
b.errHandler = errHandler
// Start the wait on the Channel.
id, err := d.BeginWait(
if err != nil {
return err
} = &id
return nil
// dispatch reads from the underlying Channel and dispatches into the Stub.
// Returns true if the channel should be waited, or false if there is more data to be read.
func (b *Binding) dispatch() (shouldWait bool, err error) {
respb := messageBytesPool.Get().([]byte)
resph := messageHandlesPool.Get().([]zx.Handle)
defer messageBytesPool.Put(respb)
defer messageHandlesPool.Put(resph)
nb, nh, err := b.Channel.Read(respb, resph, 0)
if err != nil {
if err, ok := err.(*zx.Error); ok && err.Status == zx.ErrShouldWait {
return true, nil
return false, err
msg := respb[:nb]
handles := resph[:nh]
var header MessageHeader
hnb, _, err := Unmarshal(msg, nil, &header)
if err != nil {
return false, err
p, shouldRespond, err := b.Stub.DispatchImpl(header.Ordinal, msg[hnb:], handles)
switch {
case err == ErrUnknownOrdinal:
// If we couldn't determine the ordinal, we still own the
// handles, so we should close them all.
for _, h := range handles {
case err != nil:
return false, err
// Method has no response.
if !shouldRespond {
return false, nil
cnb, cnh, err := MarshalHeaderThenMessage(&header, p, respb, resph)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if err := b.Channel.Write(respb[:cnb], resph[:cnh], 0); err != nil {
return false, err
return false, nil
// Close cancels any outstanding waits, resets the Binding's state, and closes
// the bound Channel once any out-standing requests are finished being handled.
func (b *Binding) Close() error {
defer b.stateMu.Unlock()
if zx.Handle(b.Channel) == zx.HandleInvalid || b.state == cleanup || b.state == closed {
panic(prefix + "double binding close")
switch b.state {
case idle:
return b.close()
case handling:
b.state = cleanup
return nil
// close cancels any outstanding waits, resets the Binding's state, and
// closes the bound Channel. This method is not thread-safe, and should be
// called with the binding's mutex set.
func (b *Binding) close() error {
if err := d.CancelWait(*; err != nil {
// If it just says that the ID isn't found, there are cases where this is
// a reasonable error (particularly when we're in the middle of handling
// a signal from the dispatcher).
if err, ok := err.(*zx.Error); !ok || err.Status != zx.ErrNotFound {
// Attempt to close the channel if we hit a more serious error.
return err
} = nil
b.state = closed
return b.Channel.Close()
// BindingKey is a key which maps to a specific binding.
// It is only valid for the BindingSet that produced it.
type BindingKey uint64
// BindingSet is a managed set of Bindings which know how to unbind and
// remove themselves in the event of a connection error.
type BindingSet struct {
mu sync.Mutex
nextKey BindingKey
bindings map[BindingKey]*Binding
// Add creates a new Binding, initializes it, and adds it to the set.
// onError is an optional handler than may be passed which will be called after
// the binding between the Stub and the Channel is successfully closed.
func (b *BindingSet) Add(s Stub, c zx.Channel, onError func(error)) (BindingKey, error) {
binding := &Binding{
Stub: s,
Channel: c,
if b.bindings == nil {
b.bindings = make(map[BindingKey]*Binding)
key := b.nextKey
err := binding.Init(func(err error) {
if b.Remove(key) && onError != nil {
if err != nil {
return 0, err
b.bindings[key] = binding
b.nextKey += 1
return key, nil
// Size returns the number of BindingKeys in the BindingSet.
func (b *BindingSet) Size() int {
return len(b.bindings)
// BindingKeys returns a copy slice of all the BindingKeys in the BindingSet.
func (b *BindingSet) BindingKeys() []BindingKey {
r := make([]BindingKey, 0, len(b.bindings))
for key := range b.bindings {
r = append(r, key)
return r
// ProxyFor returns an event proxy created from the channel of the binding referred
// to by key.
func (b *BindingSet) ProxyFor(key BindingKey) (*ChannelProxy, bool) {
if binding, ok := b.bindings[key]; ok {
return &ChannelProxy{Channel: binding.Channel}, true
return nil, false
// Remove removes a Binding from the set when it is next idle.
// Note that this method invalidates the key, and it will never remove a Binding
// while it is actively being handled.
// Returns true if a Binding was found and removed.
func (b *BindingSet) Remove(key BindingKey) bool {
if binding, ok := b.bindings[key]; ok {
delete(b.bindings, key)
// Close the binding before calling the callback.
if err := binding.Close(); err != nil {
// Just panic. The only reason this can fail is if the handle
// is bad, which it shouldn't be if we're tracking things. If
// it does fail, better to fail fast.
panic(prefix + err.Error())
return true
return false
// Close removes all the bindings from the set.
func (b *BindingSet) Close() {
// Lock, close all the bindings, and clear the map.
for _, binding := range b.bindings {
if err := binding.Close(); err != nil {
// Just panic. The only reason this can fail is if the handle
// is bad, which it shouldn't be if we're tracking things. If
// it does fail, better to fail fast.
panic(prefix + err.Error())
b.bindings = nil