blob: 0fef5863a71e4b061c6ec98728aee244d139bc9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Generated with protocol_gen.go -- do not edit this file.
// go run scripts/protocol_gen/protocol_gen.go
#ifndef dap_protocol_h
#define dap_protocol_h
#include "optional.h"
#include "typeinfo.h"
#include "typeof.h"
#include "variant.h"
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
namespace dap {
struct Request {};
struct Response {};
struct Event {};
// Response to 'attach' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body
// field is required.
struct AttachResponse : public Response {
// The attach request is sent from the client to the debug adapter to attach to
// a debuggee that is already running. Since attaching is debugger/runtime
// specific, the arguments for this request are not part of this specification.
struct AttachRequest : public Request {
using Response = AttachResponse;
// Optional data from the previous, restarted session.
// The data is sent as the 'restart' attribute of the 'terminated' event.
// The client should leave the data intact.
optional<variant<array<any>, boolean, integer, null, number, object, string>>
// Names of checksum algorithms that may be supported by a debug adapter.
struct ChecksumAlgorithm {
// The checksum of an item calculated by the specified algorithm.
struct Checksum {
// The algorithm used to calculate this checksum.
ChecksumAlgorithm algorithm;
// Value of the checksum.
string checksum;
// A Source is a descriptor for source code.
// It is returned from the debug adapter as part of a StackFrame and it is used
// by clients when specifying breakpoints.
struct Source {
// Optional data that a debug adapter might want to loop through the client.
// The client should leave the data intact and persist it across sessions. The
// client should not interpret the data.
optional<variant<array<any>, boolean, integer, null, number, object, string>>
// The checksums associated with this file.
optional<array<Checksum>> checksums;
// The short name of the source. Every source returned from the debug adapter
// has a name. When sending a source to the debug adapter this name is
// optional.
optional<string> name;
// The (optional) origin of this source: possible values 'internal module',
// 'inlined content from source map', etc.
optional<string> origin;
// The path of the source to be shown in the UI.
// It is only used to locate and load the content of the source if no
// sourceReference is specified (or its value is 0).
optional<string> path;
// An optional hint for how to present the source in the UI.
// A value of 'deemphasize' can be used to indicate that the source is not
// available or that it is skipped on stepping.
// Must be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'normal', 'emphasize', 'deemphasize'
optional<string> presentationHint;
// If sourceReference > 0 the contents of the source must be retrieved through
// the SourceRequest (even if a path is specified). A sourceReference is only
// valid for a session, so it must not be used to persist a source. The value
// should be less than or equal to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).
optional<integer> sourceReference;
// An optional list of sources that are related to this source. These may be
// the source that generated this source.
optional<array<Source>> sources;
// Information about a Breakpoint created in setBreakpoints or
// setFunctionBreakpoints.
struct Breakpoint {
// An optional start column of the actual range covered by the breakpoint.
optional<integer> column;
// An optional end column of the actual range covered by the breakpoint.
// If no end line is given, then the end column is assumed to be in the start
// line.
optional<integer> endColumn;
// An optional end line of the actual range covered by the breakpoint.
optional<integer> endLine;
// An optional identifier for the breakpoint. It is needed if breakpoint
// events are used to update or remove breakpoints.
optional<integer> id;
// The start line of the actual range covered by the breakpoint.
optional<integer> line;
// An optional message about the state of the breakpoint.
// This is shown to the user and can be used to explain why a breakpoint could
// not be verified.
optional<string> message;
// The source where the breakpoint is located.
optional<Source> source;
// If true breakpoint could be set (but not necessarily at the desired
// location).
boolean verified;
// The event indicates that some information about a breakpoint has changed.
struct BreakpointEvent : public Event {
// The 'id' attribute is used to find the target breakpoint and the other
// attributes are used as the new values.
Breakpoint breakpoint;
// The reason for the event.
// May be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'changed', 'new', 'removed'
string reason;
// Properties of a breakpoint location returned from the 'breakpointLocations'
// request.
struct BreakpointLocation {
// Optional start column of breakpoint location.
optional<integer> column;
// Optional end column of breakpoint location if the location covers a range.
optional<integer> endColumn;
// Optional end line of breakpoint location if the location covers a range.
optional<integer> endLine;
// Start line of breakpoint location.
integer line;
// Response to 'breakpointLocations' request.
// Contains possible locations for source breakpoints.
struct BreakpointLocationsResponse : public Response {
// Sorted set of possible breakpoint locations.
array<BreakpointLocation> breakpoints;
// The 'breakpointLocations' request returns all possible locations for source
// breakpoints in a given range. Clients should only call this request if the
// capability 'supportsBreakpointLocationsRequest' is true.
struct BreakpointLocationsRequest : public Request {
using Response = BreakpointLocationsResponse;
// Optional start column of range to search possible breakpoint locations in.
// If no start column is given, the first column in the start line is assumed.
optional<integer> column;
// Optional end column of range to search possible breakpoint locations in. If
// no end column is given, then it is assumed to be in the last column of the
// end line.
optional<integer> endColumn;
// Optional end line of range to search possible breakpoint locations in. If
// no end line is given, then the end line is assumed to be the start line.
optional<integer> endLine;
// Start line of range to search possible breakpoint locations in. If only the
// line is specified, the request returns all possible locations in that line.
integer line;
// The source location of the breakpoints; either 'source.path' or
// 'source.reference' must be specified.
Source source;
// Response to 'cancel' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body
// field is required.
struct CancelResponse : public Response {
// The 'cancel' request is used by the frontend in two situations:
// - to indicate that it is no longer interested in the result produced by a
// specific request issued earlier
// - to cancel a progress sequence. Clients should only call this request if the
// capability 'supportsCancelRequest' is true. This request has a hint
// characteristic: a debug adapter can only be expected to make a 'best effort'
// in honouring this request but there are no guarantees. The 'cancel' request
// may return an error if it could not cancel an operation but a frontend should
// refrain from presenting this error to end users. A frontend client should
// only call this request if the capability 'supportsCancelRequest' is true. The
// request that got canceled still needs to send a response back. This can
// either be a normal result ('success' attribute true) or an error response
// ('success' attribute false and the 'message' set to 'cancelled'). Returning
// partial results from a cancelled request is possible but please note that a
// frontend client has no generic way for detecting that a response is partial
// or not.
// The progress that got cancelled still needs to send a 'progressEnd' event
// back. A client should not assume that progress just got cancelled after
// sending the 'cancel' request.
struct CancelRequest : public Request {
using Response = CancelResponse;
// The ID (attribute 'progressId') of the progress to cancel. If missing no
// progress is cancelled. Both a 'requestId' and a 'progressId' can be
// specified in one request.
optional<string> progressId;
// The ID (attribute 'seq') of the request to cancel. If missing no request is
// cancelled. Both a 'requestId' and a 'progressId' can be specified in one
// request.
optional<integer> requestId;
// A ColumnDescriptor specifies what module attribute to show in a column of the
// ModulesView, how to format it, and what the column's label should be. It is
// only used if the underlying UI actually supports this level of customization.
struct ColumnDescriptor {
// Name of the attribute rendered in this column.
string attributeName;
// Format to use for the rendered values in this column. TBD how the format
// strings looks like.
optional<string> format;
// Header UI label of column.
string label;
// Datatype of values in this column. Defaults to 'string' if not specified.
// Must be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'string', 'number', 'boolean', 'unixTimestampUTC'
optional<string> type;
// Width of this column in characters (hint only).
optional<integer> width;
// An ExceptionBreakpointsFilter is shown in the UI as an option for configuring
// how exceptions are dealt with.
struct ExceptionBreakpointsFilter {
// Initial value of the filter. If not specified a value 'false' is assumed.
optional<boolean> def;
// The internal ID of the filter. This value is passed to the
// setExceptionBreakpoints request.
string filter;
// The name of the filter. This will be shown in the UI.
string label;
// Information about the capabilities of a debug adapter.
struct Capabilities {
// The set of additional module information exposed by the debug adapter.
optional<array<ColumnDescriptor>> additionalModuleColumns;
// The set of characters that should trigger completion in a REPL. If not
// specified, the UI should assume the '.' character.
optional<array<string>> completionTriggerCharacters;
// Available filters or options for the setExceptionBreakpoints request.
optional<array<ExceptionBreakpointsFilter>> exceptionBreakpointFilters;
// The debug adapter supports the 'terminateDebuggee' attribute on the
// 'disconnect' request.
optional<boolean> supportTerminateDebuggee;
// Checksum algorithms supported by the debug adapter.
optional<array<ChecksumAlgorithm>> supportedChecksumAlgorithms;
// The debug adapter supports the 'breakpointLocations' request.
optional<boolean> supportsBreakpointLocationsRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'cancel' request.
optional<boolean> supportsCancelRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'clipboard' context value in the 'evaluate'
// request.
optional<boolean> supportsClipboardContext;
// The debug adapter supports the 'completions' request.
optional<boolean> supportsCompletionsRequest;
// The debug adapter supports conditional breakpoints.
optional<boolean> supportsConditionalBreakpoints;
// The debug adapter supports the 'configurationDone' request.
optional<boolean> supportsConfigurationDoneRequest;
// The debug adapter supports data breakpoints.
optional<boolean> supportsDataBreakpoints;
// The debug adapter supports the delayed loading of parts of the stack, which
// requires that both the 'startFrame' and 'levels' arguments and the
// 'totalFrames' result of the 'StackTrace' request are supported.
optional<boolean> supportsDelayedStackTraceLoading;
// The debug adapter supports the 'disassemble' request.
optional<boolean> supportsDisassembleRequest;
// The debug adapter supports a (side effect free) evaluate request for data
// hovers.
optional<boolean> supportsEvaluateForHovers;
// The debug adapter supports the 'exceptionInfo' request.
optional<boolean> supportsExceptionInfoRequest;
// The debug adapter supports 'exceptionOptions' on the
// setExceptionBreakpoints request.
optional<boolean> supportsExceptionOptions;
// The debug adapter supports function breakpoints.
optional<boolean> supportsFunctionBreakpoints;
// The debug adapter supports the 'gotoTargets' request.
optional<boolean> supportsGotoTargetsRequest;
// The debug adapter supports breakpoints that break execution after a
// specified number of hits.
optional<boolean> supportsHitConditionalBreakpoints;
// The debug adapter supports the 'loadedSources' request.
optional<boolean> supportsLoadedSourcesRequest;
// The debug adapter supports logpoints by interpreting the 'logMessage'
// attribute of the SourceBreakpoint.
optional<boolean> supportsLogPoints;
// The debug adapter supports the 'modules' request.
optional<boolean> supportsModulesRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'readMemory' request.
optional<boolean> supportsReadMemoryRequest;
// The debug adapter supports restarting a frame.
optional<boolean> supportsRestartFrame;
// The debug adapter supports the 'restart' request. In this case a client
// should not implement 'restart' by terminating and relaunching the adapter
// but by calling the RestartRequest.
optional<boolean> supportsRestartRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'setExpression' request.
optional<boolean> supportsSetExpression;
// The debug adapter supports setting a variable to a value.
optional<boolean> supportsSetVariable;
// The debug adapter supports stepping back via the 'stepBack' and
// 'reverseContinue' requests.
optional<boolean> supportsStepBack;
// The debug adapter supports the 'stepInTargets' request.
optional<boolean> supportsStepInTargetsRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'terminate' request.
optional<boolean> supportsTerminateRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'terminateThreads' request.
optional<boolean> supportsTerminateThreadsRequest;
// The debug adapter supports a 'format' attribute on the stackTraceRequest,
// variablesRequest, and evaluateRequest.
optional<boolean> supportsValueFormattingOptions;
// The event indicates that one or more capabilities have changed.
// Since the capabilities are dependent on the frontend and its UI, it might not
// be possible to change that at random times (or too late). Consequently this
// event has a hint characteristic: a frontend can only be expected to make a
// 'best effort' in honouring individual capabilities but there are no
// guarantees. Only changed capabilities need to be included, all other
// capabilities keep their values.
struct CapabilitiesEvent : public Event {
// The set of updated capabilities.
Capabilities capabilities;
// Some predefined types for the CompletionItem. Please note that not all
// clients have specific icons for all of them.
struct CompletionItemType {
// CompletionItems are the suggestions returned from the CompletionsRequest.
struct CompletionItem {
// The label of this completion item. By default this is also the text that is
// inserted when selecting this completion.
string label;
// This value determines how many characters are overwritten by the completion
// text. If missing the value 0 is assumed which results in the completion
// text being inserted.
optional<integer> length;
// Determines the length of the new selection after the text has been inserted
// (or replaced). The selection can not extend beyond the bounds of the
// completion text. If omitted the length is assumed to be 0.
optional<integer> selectionLength;
// Determines the start of the new selection after the text has been inserted
// (or replaced). The start position must in the range 0 and length of the
// completion text. If omitted the selection starts at the end of the
// completion text.
optional<integer> selectionStart;
// A string that should be used when comparing this item with other items.
// When `falsy` the label is used.
optional<string> sortText;
// This value determines the location (in the CompletionsRequest's 'text'
// attribute) where the completion text is added. If missing the text is added
// at the location specified by the CompletionsRequest's 'column' attribute.
optional<integer> start;
// If text is not falsy then it is inserted instead of the label.
optional<string> text;
// The item's type. Typically the client uses this information to render the
// item in the UI with an icon.
optional<CompletionItemType> type;
// Response to 'completions' request.
struct CompletionsResponse : public Response {
// The possible completions for .
array<CompletionItem> targets;
// Returns a list of possible completions for a given caret position and text.
// Clients should only call this request if the capability
// 'supportsCompletionsRequest' is true.
struct CompletionsRequest : public Request {
using Response = CompletionsResponse;
// The character position for which to determine the completion proposals.
integer column;
// Returns completions in the scope of this stack frame. If not specified, the
// completions are returned for the global scope.
optional<integer> frameId;
// An optional line for which to determine the completion proposals. If
// missing the first line of the text is assumed.
optional<integer> line;
// One or more source lines. Typically this is the text a user has typed into
// the debug console before he asked for completion.
string text;
// Response to 'configurationDone' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
// no body field is required.
struct ConfigurationDoneResponse : public Response {
// This optional request indicates that the client has finished initialization
// of the debug adapter. So it is the last request in the sequence of
// configuration requests (which was started by the 'initialized' event).
// Clients should only call this request if the capability
// 'supportsConfigurationDoneRequest' is true.
struct ConfigurationDoneRequest : public Request {
using Response = ConfigurationDoneResponse;
// Response to 'continue' request.
struct ContinueResponse : public Response {
// If true, the 'continue' request has ignored the specified thread and
// continued all threads instead. If this attribute is missing a value of
// 'true' is assumed for backward compatibility.
optional<boolean> allThreadsContinued;
// The request starts the debuggee to run again.
struct ContinueRequest : public Request {
using Response = ContinueResponse;
// Continue execution for the specified thread (if possible).
// If the backend cannot continue on a single thread but will continue on all
// threads, it should set the 'allThreadsContinued' attribute in the response
// to true.
integer threadId;
// The event indicates that the execution of the debuggee has continued.
// Please note: a debug adapter is not expected to send this event in response
// to a request that implies that execution continues, e.g. 'launch' or
// 'continue'. It is only necessary to send a 'continued' event if there was no
// previous request that implied this.
struct ContinuedEvent : public Event {
// If 'allThreadsContinued' is true, a debug adapter can announce that all
// threads have continued.
optional<boolean> allThreadsContinued;
// The thread which was continued.
integer threadId;
// This enumeration defines all possible access types for data breakpoints.
struct DataBreakpointAccessType {
// Response to 'dataBreakpointInfo' request.
struct DataBreakpointInfoResponse : public Response {
// Optional attribute listing the available access types for a potential data
// breakpoint. A UI frontend could surface this information.
optional<array<DataBreakpointAccessType>> accessTypes;
// Optional attribute indicating that a potential data breakpoint could be
// persisted across sessions.
optional<boolean> canPersist;
// An identifier for the data on which a data breakpoint can be registered
// with the setDataBreakpoints request or null if no data breakpoint is
// available.
variant<string, null> dataId;
// UI string that describes on what data the breakpoint is set on or why a
// data breakpoint is not available.
string description;
// Obtains information on a possible data breakpoint that could be set on an
// expression or variable. Clients should only call this request if the
// capability 'supportsDataBreakpoints' is true.
struct DataBreakpointInfoRequest : public Request {
using Response = DataBreakpointInfoResponse;
// The name of the Variable's child to obtain data breakpoint information for.
// If variableReference isn’t provided, this can be an expression.
string name;
// Reference to the Variable container if the data breakpoint is requested for
// a child of the container.
optional<integer> variablesReference;
// Represents a single disassembled instruction.
struct DisassembledInstruction {
// The address of the instruction. Treated as a hex value if prefixed with
// '0x', or as a decimal value otherwise.
string address;
// The column within the line that corresponds to this instruction, if any.
optional<integer> column;
// The end column of the range that corresponds to this instruction, if any.
optional<integer> endColumn;
// The end line of the range that corresponds to this instruction, if any.
optional<integer> endLine;
// Text representing the instruction and its operands, in an
// implementation-defined format.
string instruction;
// Optional raw bytes representing the instruction and its operands, in an
// implementation-defined format.
optional<string> instructionBytes;
// The line within the source location that corresponds to this instruction,
// if any.
optional<integer> line;
// Source location that corresponds to this instruction, if any.
// Should always be set (if available) on the first instruction returned,
// but can be omitted afterwards if this instruction maps to the same source
// file as the previous instruction.
optional<Source> location;
// Name of the symbol that corresponds with the location of this instruction,
// if any.
optional<string> symbol;
// Response to 'disassemble' request.
struct DisassembleResponse : public Response {
// The list of disassembled instructions.
array<DisassembledInstruction> instructions;
// Disassembles code stored at the provided location.
// Clients should only call this request if the capability
// 'supportsDisassembleRequest' is true.
struct DisassembleRequest : public Request {
using Response = DisassembleResponse;
// Number of instructions to disassemble starting at the specified location
// and offset. An adapter must return exactly this number of instructions -
// any unavailable instructions should be replaced with an
// implementation-defined 'invalid instruction' value.
integer instructionCount;
// Optional offset (in instructions) to be applied after the byte offset (if
// any) before disassembling. Can be negative.
optional<integer> instructionOffset;
// Memory reference to the base location containing the instructions to
// disassemble.
string memoryReference;
// Optional offset (in bytes) to be applied to the reference location before
// disassembling. Can be negative.
optional<integer> offset;
// If true, the adapter should attempt to resolve memory addresses and other
// values to symbolic names.
optional<boolean> resolveSymbols;
// Response to 'disconnect' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body
// field is required.
struct DisconnectResponse : public Response {
// The 'disconnect' request is sent from the client to the debug adapter in
// order to stop debugging. It asks the debug adapter to disconnect from the
// debuggee and to terminate the debug adapter. If the debuggee has been started
// with the 'launch' request, the 'disconnect' request terminates the debuggee.
// If the 'attach' request was used to connect to the debuggee, 'disconnect'
// does not terminate the debuggee. This behavior can be controlled with the
// 'terminateDebuggee' argument (if supported by the debug adapter).
struct DisconnectRequest : public Request {
using Response = DisconnectResponse;
// A value of true indicates that this 'disconnect' request is part of a
// restart sequence.
optional<boolean> restart;
// Indicates whether the debuggee should be terminated when the debugger is
// disconnected. If unspecified, the debug adapter is free to do whatever it
// thinks is best. The attribute is only honored by a debug adapter if the
// capability 'supportTerminateDebuggee' is true.
optional<boolean> terminateDebuggee;
// A structured message object. Used to return errors from requests.
struct Message {
// A format string for the message. Embedded variables have the form '{name}'.
// If variable name starts with an underscore character, the variable does not
// contain user data (PII) and can be safely used for telemetry purposes.
string format;
// Unique identifier for the message.
integer id;
// If true send to telemetry.
optional<boolean> sendTelemetry;
// If true show user.
optional<boolean> showUser;
// An optional url where additional information about this message can be
// found.
optional<string> url;
// An optional label that is presented to the user as the UI for opening the
// url.
optional<string> urlLabel;
// An object used as a dictionary for looking up the variables in the format
// string.
optional<object> variables;
// On error (whenever 'success' is false), the body can provide more details.
struct ErrorResponse : public Response {
// An optional, structured error message.
optional<Message> error;
// Optional properties of a variable that can be used to determine how to render
// the variable in the UI.
struct VariablePresentationHint {
// Set of attributes represented as an array of strings. Before introducing
// additional values, try to use the listed values.
optional<array<string>> attributes;
// The kind of variable. Before introducing additional values, try to use the
// listed values.
// May be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'property', 'method', 'class', 'data', 'event', 'baseClass', 'innerClass',
// 'interface', 'mostDerivedClass', 'virtual', 'dataBreakpoint'
optional<string> kind;
// Visibility of variable. Before introducing additional values, try to use
// the listed values.
// May be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'public', 'private', 'protected', 'internal', 'final'
optional<string> visibility;
// Response to 'evaluate' request.
struct EvaluateResponse : public Response {
// The number of indexed child variables.
// The client can use this optional information to present the variables in a
// paged UI and fetch them in chunks. The value should be less than or equal
// to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).
optional<integer> indexedVariables;
// Optional memory reference to a location appropriate for this result.
// For pointer type eval results, this is generally a reference to the memory
// address contained in the pointer. This attribute should be returned by a
// debug adapter if the client has passed the value true for the
// 'supportsMemoryReferences' capability of the 'initialize' request.
optional<string> memoryReference;
// The number of named child variables.
// The client can use this optional information to present the variables in a
// paged UI and fetch them in chunks. The value should be less than or equal
// to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).
optional<integer> namedVariables;
// Properties of a evaluate result that can be used to determine how to render
// the result in the UI.
optional<VariablePresentationHint> presentationHint;
// The result of the evaluate request.
string result;
// The optional type of the evaluate result.
// This attribute should only be returned by a debug adapter if the client has
// passed the value true for the 'supportsVariableType' capability of the
// 'initialize' request.
optional<string> type;
// If variablesReference is > 0, the evaluate result is structured and its
// children can be retrieved by passing variablesReference to the
// VariablesRequest. The value should be less than or equal to 2147483647
// (2^31 - 1).
integer variablesReference;
// Provides formatting information for a value.
struct ValueFormat {
// Display the value in hex.
optional<boolean> hex;
// Evaluates the given expression in the context of the top most stack frame.
// The expression has access to any variables and arguments that are in scope.
struct EvaluateRequest : public Request {
using Response = EvaluateResponse;
// The context in which the evaluate request is run.
// May be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'watch', 'repl', 'hover', 'clipboard'
optional<string> context;
// The expression to evaluate.
string expression;
// Specifies details on how to format the Evaluate result.
// The attribute is only honored by a debug adapter if the capability
// 'supportsValueFormattingOptions' is true.
optional<ValueFormat> format;
// Evaluate the expression in the scope of this stack frame. If not specified,
// the expression is evaluated in the global scope.
optional<integer> frameId;
// This enumeration defines all possible conditions when a thrown exception
// should result in a break. never: never breaks, always: always breaks,
// unhandled: breaks when exception unhandled,
// userUnhandled: breaks if the exception is not handled by user code.
struct ExceptionBreakMode {
// Detailed information about an exception that has occurred.
struct ExceptionDetails {
// Optional expression that can be evaluated in the current scope to obtain
// the exception object.
optional<string> evaluateName;
// Fully-qualified type name of the exception object.
optional<string> fullTypeName;
// Details of the exception contained by this exception, if any.
optional<array<ExceptionDetails>> innerException;
// Message contained in the exception.
optional<string> message;
// Stack trace at the time the exception was thrown.
optional<string> stackTrace;
// Short type name of the exception object.
optional<string> typeName;
// Response to 'exceptionInfo' request.
struct ExceptionInfoResponse : public Response {
// Mode that caused the exception notification to be raised.
ExceptionBreakMode breakMode;
// Descriptive text for the exception provided by the debug adapter.
optional<string> description;
// Detailed information about the exception.
optional<ExceptionDetails> details;
// ID of the exception that was thrown.
string exceptionId;
// Retrieves the details of the exception that caused this event to be raised.
// Clients should only call this request if the capability
// 'supportsExceptionInfoRequest' is true.
struct ExceptionInfoRequest : public Request {
using Response = ExceptionInfoResponse;
// Thread for which exception information should be retrieved.
integer threadId;
// The event indicates that the debuggee has exited and returns its exit code.
struct ExitedEvent : public Event {
// The exit code returned from the debuggee.
integer exitCode;
// Response to 'goto' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body field
// is required.
struct GotoResponse : public Response {
// The request sets the location where the debuggee will continue to run.
// This makes it possible to skip the execution of code or to executed code
// again. The code between the current location and the goto target is not
// executed but skipped. The debug adapter first sends the response and then a
// 'stopped' event with reason 'goto'. Clients should only call this request if
// the capability 'supportsGotoTargetsRequest' is true (because only then goto
// targets exist that can be passed as arguments).
struct GotoRequest : public Request {
using Response = GotoResponse;
// The location where the debuggee will continue to run.
integer targetId;
// Set the goto target for this thread.
integer threadId;
// A GotoTarget describes a code location that can be used as a target in the
// 'goto' request. The possible goto targets can be determined via the
// 'gotoTargets' request.
struct GotoTarget {
// An optional column of the goto target.
optional<integer> column;
// An optional end column of the range covered by the goto target.
optional<integer> endColumn;
// An optional end line of the range covered by the goto target.
optional<integer> endLine;
// Unique identifier for a goto target. This is used in the goto request.
integer id;
// Optional memory reference for the instruction pointer value represented by
// this target.
optional<string> instructionPointerReference;
// The name of the goto target (shown in the UI).
string label;
// The line of the goto target.
integer line;
// Response to 'gotoTargets' request.
struct GotoTargetsResponse : public Response {
// The possible goto targets of the specified location.
array<GotoTarget> targets;
// This request retrieves the possible goto targets for the specified source
// location. These targets can be used in the 'goto' request. Clients should
// only call this request if the capability 'supportsGotoTargetsRequest' is
// true.
struct GotoTargetsRequest : public Request {
using Response = GotoTargetsResponse;
// An optional column location for which the goto targets are determined.
optional<integer> column;
// The line location for which the goto targets are determined.
integer line;
// The source location for which the goto targets are determined.
Source source;
// Response to 'initialize' request.
struct InitializeResponse : public Response {
// The set of additional module information exposed by the debug adapter.
optional<array<ColumnDescriptor>> additionalModuleColumns;
// The set of characters that should trigger completion in a REPL. If not
// specified, the UI should assume the '.' character.
optional<array<string>> completionTriggerCharacters;
// Available filters or options for the setExceptionBreakpoints request.
optional<array<ExceptionBreakpointsFilter>> exceptionBreakpointFilters;
// The debug adapter supports the 'terminateDebuggee' attribute on the
// 'disconnect' request.
optional<boolean> supportTerminateDebuggee;
// Checksum algorithms supported by the debug adapter.
optional<array<ChecksumAlgorithm>> supportedChecksumAlgorithms;
// The debug adapter supports the 'breakpointLocations' request.
optional<boolean> supportsBreakpointLocationsRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'cancel' request.
optional<boolean> supportsCancelRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'clipboard' context value in the 'evaluate'
// request.
optional<boolean> supportsClipboardContext;
// The debug adapter supports the 'completions' request.
optional<boolean> supportsCompletionsRequest;
// The debug adapter supports conditional breakpoints.
optional<boolean> supportsConditionalBreakpoints;
// The debug adapter supports the 'configurationDone' request.
optional<boolean> supportsConfigurationDoneRequest;
// The debug adapter supports data breakpoints.
optional<boolean> supportsDataBreakpoints;
// The debug adapter supports the delayed loading of parts of the stack, which
// requires that both the 'startFrame' and 'levels' arguments and the
// 'totalFrames' result of the 'StackTrace' request are supported.
optional<boolean> supportsDelayedStackTraceLoading;
// The debug adapter supports the 'disassemble' request.
optional<boolean> supportsDisassembleRequest;
// The debug adapter supports a (side effect free) evaluate request for data
// hovers.
optional<boolean> supportsEvaluateForHovers;
// The debug adapter supports the 'exceptionInfo' request.
optional<boolean> supportsExceptionInfoRequest;
// The debug adapter supports 'exceptionOptions' on the
// setExceptionBreakpoints request.
optional<boolean> supportsExceptionOptions;
// The debug adapter supports function breakpoints.
optional<boolean> supportsFunctionBreakpoints;
// The debug adapter supports the 'gotoTargets' request.
optional<boolean> supportsGotoTargetsRequest;
// The debug adapter supports breakpoints that break execution after a
// specified number of hits.
optional<boolean> supportsHitConditionalBreakpoints;
// The debug adapter supports the 'loadedSources' request.
optional<boolean> supportsLoadedSourcesRequest;
// The debug adapter supports logpoints by interpreting the 'logMessage'
// attribute of the SourceBreakpoint.
optional<boolean> supportsLogPoints;
// The debug adapter supports the 'modules' request.
optional<boolean> supportsModulesRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'readMemory' request.
optional<boolean> supportsReadMemoryRequest;
// The debug adapter supports restarting a frame.
optional<boolean> supportsRestartFrame;
// The debug adapter supports the 'restart' request. In this case a client
// should not implement 'restart' by terminating and relaunching the adapter
// but by calling the RestartRequest.
optional<boolean> supportsRestartRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'setExpression' request.
optional<boolean> supportsSetExpression;
// The debug adapter supports setting a variable to a value.
optional<boolean> supportsSetVariable;
// The debug adapter supports stepping back via the 'stepBack' and
// 'reverseContinue' requests.
optional<boolean> supportsStepBack;
// The debug adapter supports the 'stepInTargets' request.
optional<boolean> supportsStepInTargetsRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'terminate' request.
optional<boolean> supportsTerminateRequest;
// The debug adapter supports the 'terminateThreads' request.
optional<boolean> supportsTerminateThreadsRequest;
// The debug adapter supports a 'format' attribute on the stackTraceRequest,
// variablesRequest, and evaluateRequest.
optional<boolean> supportsValueFormattingOptions;
// The 'initialize' request is sent as the first request from the client to the
// debug adapter in order to configure it with client capabilities and to
// retrieve capabilities from the debug adapter. Until the debug adapter has
// responded to with an 'initialize' response, the client must not send any
// additional requests or events to the debug adapter. In addition the debug
// adapter is not allowed to send any requests or events to the client until it
// has responded with an 'initialize' response. The 'initialize' request may
// only be sent once.
struct InitializeRequest : public Request {
using Response = InitializeResponse;
// The ID of the debug adapter.
string adapterID;
// The ID of the (frontend) client using this adapter.
optional<string> clientID;
// The human readable name of the (frontend) client using this adapter.
optional<string> clientName;
// If true all column numbers are 1-based (default).
optional<boolean> columnsStartAt1;
// If true all line numbers are 1-based (default).
optional<boolean> linesStartAt1;
// The ISO-639 locale of the (frontend) client using this adapter, e.g. en-US
// or de-CH.
optional<string> locale;
// Determines in what format paths are specified. The default is 'path', which
// is the native format.
// May be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'path', 'uri'
optional<string> pathFormat;
// Client supports memory references.
optional<boolean> supportsMemoryReferences;
// Client supports progress reporting.
optional<boolean> supportsProgressReporting;
// Client supports the runInTerminal request.
optional<boolean> supportsRunInTerminalRequest;
// Client supports the paging of variables.
optional<boolean> supportsVariablePaging;
// Client supports the optional type attribute for variables.
optional<boolean> supportsVariableType;
// This event indicates that the debug adapter is ready to accept configuration
// requests (e.g. SetBreakpointsRequest, SetExceptionBreakpointsRequest). A
// debug adapter is expected to send this event when it is ready to accept
// configuration requests (but not before the 'initialize' request has
// finished). The sequence of events/requests is as follows:
// - adapters sends 'initialized' event (after the 'initialize' request has
// returned)
// - frontend sends zero or more 'setBreakpoints' requests
// - frontend sends one 'setFunctionBreakpoints' request (if capability
// 'supportsFunctionBreakpoints' is true)
// - frontend sends a 'setExceptionBreakpoints' request if one or more
// 'exceptionBreakpointFilters' have been defined (or if
// 'supportsConfigurationDoneRequest' is not defined or false)
// - frontend sends other future configuration requests
// - frontend sends one 'configurationDone' request to indicate the end of the
// configuration.
struct InitializedEvent : public Event {
// Response to 'launch' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body
// field is required.
struct LaunchResponse : public Response {
// This launch request is sent from the client to the debug adapter to start the
// debuggee with or without debugging (if 'noDebug' is true). Since launching is
// debugger/runtime specific, the arguments for this request are not part of
// this specification.
struct LaunchRequest : public Request {
using Response = LaunchResponse;
// Optional data from the previous, restarted session.
// The data is sent as the 'restart' attribute of the 'terminated' event.
// The client should leave the data intact.
optional<variant<array<any>, boolean, integer, null, number, object, string>>
// If noDebug is true the launch request should launch the program without
// enabling debugging.
optional<boolean> noDebug;
// The event indicates that some source has been added, changed, or removed from
// the set of all loaded sources.
struct LoadedSourceEvent : public Event {
// The reason for the event.
// Must be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'new', 'changed', 'removed'
string reason = "new";
// The new, changed, or removed source.
Source source;
// Response to 'loadedSources' request.
struct LoadedSourcesResponse : public Response {
// Set of loaded sources.
array<Source> sources;
// Retrieves the set of all sources currently loaded by the debugged process.
// Clients should only call this request if the capability
// 'supportsLoadedSourcesRequest' is true.
struct LoadedSourcesRequest : public Request {
using Response = LoadedSourcesResponse;
// A Module object represents a row in the modules view.
// Two attributes are mandatory: an id identifies a module in the modules view
// and is used in a ModuleEvent for identifying a module for adding, updating or
// deleting. The name is used to minimally render the module in the UI.
// Additional attributes can be added to the module. They will show up in the
// module View if they have a corresponding ColumnDescriptor.
// To avoid an unnecessary proliferation of additional attributes with similar
// semantics but different names we recommend to re-use attributes from the
// 'recommended' list below first, and only introduce new attributes if nothing
// appropriate could be found.
struct Module {
// Address range covered by this module.
optional<string> addressRange;
// Module created or modified.
optional<string> dateTimeStamp;
// Unique identifier for the module.
variant<integer, string> id;
// True if the module is optimized.
optional<boolean> isOptimized;
// True if the module is considered 'user code' by a debugger that supports
// 'Just My Code'.
optional<boolean> isUserCode;
// A name of the module.
string name;
// optional but recommended attributes.
// always try to use these first before introducing additional attributes.
// Logical full path to the module. The exact definition is implementation
// defined, but usually this would be a full path to the on-disk file for the
// module.
optional<string> path;
// Logical full path to the symbol file. The exact definition is
// implementation defined.
optional<string> symbolFilePath;
// User understandable description of if symbols were found for the module
// (ex: 'Symbols Loaded', 'Symbols not found', etc.
optional<string> symbolStatus;
// Version of Module.
optional<string> version;
// The event indicates that some information about a module has changed.
struct ModuleEvent : public Event {
// The new, changed, or removed module. In case of 'removed' only the module
// id is used.
Module module;
// The reason for the event.
// Must be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'new', 'changed', 'removed'
string reason = "new";
// Response to 'modules' request.
struct ModulesResponse : public Response {
// All modules or range of modules.
array<Module> modules;
// The total number of modules available.
optional<integer> totalModules;
// Modules can be retrieved from the debug adapter with this request which can
// either return all modules or a range of modules to support paging. Clients
// should only call this request if the capability 'supportsModulesRequest' is
// true.
struct ModulesRequest : public Request {
using Response = ModulesResponse;
// The number of modules to return. If moduleCount is not specified or 0, all
// modules are returned.
optional<integer> moduleCount;
// The index of the first module to return; if omitted modules start at 0.
optional<integer> startModule;
// Response to 'next' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body field
// is required.
struct NextResponse : public Response {
// The request starts the debuggee to run again for one step.
// The debug adapter first sends the response and then a 'stopped' event (with
// reason 'step') after the step has completed.
struct NextRequest : public Request {
using Response = NextResponse;
// Execute 'next' for this thread.
integer threadId;
// The event indicates that the target has produced some output.
struct OutputEvent : public Event {
// The output category. If not specified, 'console' is assumed.
// May be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'console', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'telemetry'
optional<string> category;
// An optional source location column where the output was produced.
optional<integer> column;
// Optional data to report. For the 'telemetry' category the data will be sent
// to telemetry, for the other categories the data is shown in JSON format.
optional<variant<array<any>, boolean, integer, null, number, object, string>>
// Support for keeping an output log organized by grouping related messages.
// Must be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'start', 'startCollapsed', 'end'
optional<string> group;
// An optional source location line where the output was produced.
optional<integer> line;
// The output to report.
string output;
// An optional source location where the output was produced.
optional<Source> source;
// If an attribute 'variablesReference' exists and its value is > 0, the
// output contains objects which can be retrieved by passing
// 'variablesReference' to the 'variables' request. The value should be less
// than or equal to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).
optional<integer> variablesReference;
// Response to 'pause' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body
// field is required.
struct PauseResponse : public Response {
// The request suspends the debuggee.
// The debug adapter first sends the response and then a 'stopped' event (with
// reason 'pause') after the thread has been paused successfully.
struct PauseRequest : public Request {
using Response = PauseResponse;
// Pause execution for this thread.
integer threadId;
// The event indicates that the debugger has begun debugging a new process.
// Either one that it has launched, or one that it has attached to.
struct ProcessEvent : public Event {
// If true, the process is running on the same computer as the debug adapter.
optional<boolean> isLocalProcess;
// The logical name of the process. This is usually the full path to process's
// executable file. Example: /home/example/myproj/program.js.
string name;
// The size of a pointer or address for this process, in bits. This value may
// be used by clients when formatting addresses for display.
optional<integer> pointerSize;
// Describes how the debug engine started debugging this process.
// Must be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'launch', 'attach', 'attachForSuspendedLaunch'
optional<string> startMethod;
// The system process id of the debugged process. This property will be
// missing for non-system processes.
optional<integer> systemProcessId;
// The event signals the end of the progress reporting with an optional final
// message. This event should only be sent if the client has passed the value
// true for the 'supportsProgressReporting' capability of the 'initialize'
// request.
struct ProgressEndEvent : public Event {
// Optional, more detailed progress message. If omitted, the previous message
// (if any) is used.
optional<string> message;
// The ID that was introduced in the initial 'ProgressStartEvent'.
string progressId;
// The event signals that a long running operation is about to start and
// provides additional information for the client to set up a corresponding
// progress and cancellation UI. The client is free to delay the showing of the
// UI in order to reduce flicker. This event should only be sent if the client
// has passed the value true for the 'supportsProgressReporting' capability of
// the 'initialize' request.
struct ProgressStartEvent : public Event {
// If true, the request that reports progress may be canceled with a 'cancel'
// request. So this property basically controls whether the client should use
// UX that supports cancellation. Clients that don't support cancellation are
// allowed to ignore the setting.
optional<boolean> cancellable;
// Optional, more detailed progress message.
optional<string> message;
// Optional progress percentage to display (value range: 0 to 100). If omitted
// no percentage will be shown.
optional<number> percentage;
// An ID that must be used in subsequent 'progressUpdate' and 'progressEnd'
// events to make them refer to the same progress reporting. IDs must be
// unique within a debug session.
string progressId;
// The request ID that this progress report is related to. If specified a
// debug adapter is expected to emit progress events for the long running
// request until the request has been either completed or cancelled. If the
// request ID is omitted, the progress report is assumed to be related to some
// general activity of the debug adapter.
optional<number> requestId;
// Mandatory (short) title of the progress reporting. Shown in the UI to
// describe the long running operation.
string title;
// The event signals that the progress reporting needs to updated with a new
// message and/or percentage. The client does not have to update the UI
// immediately, but the clients needs to keep track of the message and/or
// percentage values. This event should only be sent if the client has passed
// the value true for the 'supportsProgressReporting' capability of the
// 'initialize' request.
struct ProgressUpdateEvent : public Event {
// Optional, more detailed progress message. If omitted, the previous message
// (if any) is used.
optional<string> message;
// Optional progress percentage to display (value range: 0 to 100). If omitted
// no percentage will be shown.
optional<number> percentage;
// The ID that was introduced in the initial 'progressStart' event.
string progressId;
// Response to 'readMemory' request.
struct ReadMemoryResponse : public Response {
// The address of the first byte of data returned.
// Treated as a hex value if prefixed with '0x', or as a decimal value
// otherwise.
string address;
// The bytes read from memory, encoded using base64.
optional<string> data;
// The number of unreadable bytes encountered after the last successfully read
// byte. This can be used to determine the number of bytes that must be
// skipped before a subsequent 'readMemory' request will succeed.
optional<integer> unreadableBytes;
// Reads bytes from memory at the provided location.
// Clients should only call this request if the capability
// 'supportsReadMemoryRequest' is true.
struct ReadMemoryRequest : public Request {
using Response = ReadMemoryResponse;
// Number of bytes to read at the specified location and offset.
integer count;
// Memory reference to the base location from which data should be read.
string memoryReference;
// Optional offset (in bytes) to be applied to the reference location before
// reading data. Can be negative.
optional<integer> offset;
// Response to 'restartFrame' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no
// body field is required.
struct RestartFrameResponse : public Response {
// The request restarts execution of the specified stackframe.
// The debug adapter first sends the response and then a 'stopped' event (with
// reason 'restart') after the restart has completed. Clients should only call
// this request if the capability 'supportsRestartFrame' is true.
struct RestartFrameRequest : public Request {
using Response = RestartFrameResponse;
// Restart this stackframe.
integer frameId;
// Response to 'restart' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body
// field is required.
struct RestartResponse : public Response {
// Restarts a debug session. Clients should only call this request if the
// capability 'supportsRestartRequest' is true. If the capability is missing or
// has the value false, a typical client will emulate 'restart' by terminating
// the debug adapter first and then launching it anew.
struct RestartRequest : public Request {
using Response = RestartResponse;
// Response to 'reverseContinue' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no
// body field is required.
struct ReverseContinueResponse : public Response {
// The request starts the debuggee to run backward.
// Clients should only call this request if the capability 'supportsStepBack' is
// true.
struct ReverseContinueRequest : public Request {
using Response = ReverseContinueResponse;
// Execute 'reverseContinue' for this thread.
integer threadId;
// Response to 'runInTerminal' request.
struct RunInTerminalResponse : public Response {
// The process ID. The value should be less than or equal to 2147483647 (2^31
// - 1).
optional<integer> processId;
// The process ID of the terminal shell. The value should be less than or
// equal to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).
optional<integer> shellProcessId;
// This optional request is sent from the debug adapter to the client to run a
// command in a terminal. This is typically used to launch the debuggee in a
// terminal provided by the client. This request should only be called if the
// client has passed the value true for the 'supportsRunInTerminalRequest'
// capability of the 'initialize' request.
struct RunInTerminalRequest : public Request {
using Response = RunInTerminalResponse;
// List of arguments. The first argument is the command to run.
array<string> args;
// Working directory of the command.
string cwd;
// Environment key-value pairs that are added to or removed from the default
// environment.
optional<object> env;
// What kind of terminal to launch.
// Must be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'integrated', 'external'
optional<string> kind;
// Optional title of the terminal.
optional<string> title;
// A Scope is a named container for variables. Optionally a scope can map to a
// source or a range within a source.
struct Scope {
// Optional start column of the range covered by this scope.
optional<integer> column;
// Optional end column of the range covered by this scope.
optional<integer> endColumn;
// Optional end line of the range covered by this scope.
optional<integer> endLine;
// If true, the number of variables in this scope is large or expensive to
// retrieve.
boolean expensive;
// The number of indexed variables in this scope.
// The client can use this optional information to present the variables in a
// paged UI and fetch them in chunks.
optional<integer> indexedVariables;
// Optional start line of the range covered by this scope.
optional<integer> line;
// Name of the scope such as 'Arguments', 'Locals', or 'Registers'. This
// string is shown in the UI as is and can be translated.
string name;
// The number of named variables in this scope.
// The client can use this optional information to present the variables in a
// paged UI and fetch them in chunks.
optional<integer> namedVariables;
// An optional hint for how to present this scope in the UI. If this attribute
// is missing, the scope is shown with a generic UI.
// May be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'arguments', 'locals', 'registers'
optional<string> presentationHint;
// Optional source for this scope.
optional<Source> source;
// The variables of this scope can be retrieved by passing the value of
// variablesReference to the VariablesRequest.
integer variablesReference;
// Response to 'scopes' request.
struct ScopesResponse : public Response {
// The scopes of the stackframe. If the array has length zero, there are no
// scopes available.
array<Scope> scopes;
// The request returns the variable scopes for a given stackframe ID.
struct ScopesRequest : public Request {
using Response = ScopesResponse;
// Retrieve the scopes for this stackframe.
integer frameId;
// Response to 'setBreakpoints' request.
// Returned is information about each breakpoint created by this request.
// This includes the actual code location and whether the breakpoint could be
// verified. The breakpoints returned are in the same order as the elements of
// the 'breakpoints' (or the deprecated 'lines') array in the arguments.
struct SetBreakpointsResponse : public Response {
// Information about the breakpoints.
// The array elements are in the same order as the elements of the
// 'breakpoints' (or the deprecated 'lines') array in the arguments.
array<Breakpoint> breakpoints;
// Properties of a breakpoint or logpoint passed to the setBreakpoints request.
struct SourceBreakpoint {
// An optional source column of the breakpoint.
optional<integer> column;
// An optional expression for conditional breakpoints.
// It is only honored by a debug adapter if the capability
// 'supportsConditionalBreakpoints' is true.
optional<string> condition;
// An optional expression that controls how many hits of the breakpoint are
// ignored. The backend is expected to interpret the expression as needed. The
// attribute is only honored by a debug adapter if the capability
// 'supportsHitConditionalBreakpoints' is true.
optional<string> hitCondition;
// The source line of the breakpoint or logpoint.
integer line;
// If this attribute exists and is non-empty, the backend must not 'break'
// (stop) but log the message instead. Expressions within {} are interpolated.
// The attribute is only honored by a debug adapter if the capability
// 'supportsLogPoints' is true.
optional<string> logMessage;
// Sets multiple breakpoints for a single source and clears all previous
// breakpoints in that source. To clear all breakpoint for a source, specify an
// empty array. When a breakpoint is hit, a 'stopped' event (with reason
// 'breakpoint') is generated.
struct SetBreakpointsRequest : public Request {
using Response = SetBreakpointsResponse;
// The code locations of the breakpoints.
optional<array<SourceBreakpoint>> breakpoints;
// Deprecated: The code locations of the breakpoints.
optional<array<integer>> lines;
// The source location of the breakpoints; either 'source.path' or
// 'source.reference' must be specified.
Source source;
// A value of true indicates that the underlying source has been modified
// which results in new breakpoint locations.
optional<boolean> sourceModified;
// Response to 'setDataBreakpoints' request.
// Returned is information about each breakpoint created by this request.
struct SetDataBreakpointsResponse : public Response {
// Information about the data breakpoints. The array elements correspond to
// the elements of the input argument 'breakpoints' array.
array<Breakpoint> breakpoints;
// Properties of a data breakpoint passed to the setDataBreakpoints request.
struct DataBreakpoint {
// The access type of the data.
optional<DataBreakpointAccessType> accessType;
// An optional expression for conditional breakpoints.
optional<string> condition;
// An id representing the data. This id is returned from the
// dataBreakpointInfo request.
string dataId;
// An optional expression that controls how many hits of the breakpoint are
// ignored. The backend is expected to interpret the expression as needed.
optional<string> hitCondition;
// Replaces all existing data breakpoints with new data breakpoints.
// To clear all data breakpoints, specify an empty array.
// When a data breakpoint is hit, a 'stopped' event (with reason 'data
// breakpoint') is generated. Clients should only call this request if the
// capability 'supportsDataBreakpoints' is true.
struct SetDataBreakpointsRequest : public Request {
using Response = SetDataBreakpointsResponse;
// The contents of this array replaces all existing data breakpoints. An empty
// array clears all data breakpoints.
array<DataBreakpoint> breakpoints;
// Response to 'setExceptionBreakpoints' request. This is just an
// acknowledgement, so no body field is required.
struct SetExceptionBreakpointsResponse : public Response {
// An ExceptionPathSegment represents a segment in a path that is used to match
// leafs or nodes in a tree of exceptions. If a segment consists of more than
// one name, it matches the names provided if 'negate' is false or missing or it
// matches anything except the names provided if 'negate' is true.
struct ExceptionPathSegment {
// Depending on the value of 'negate' the names that should match or not
// match.
array<string> names;
// If false or missing this segment matches the names provided, otherwise it
// matches anything except the names provided.
optional<boolean> negate;
// An ExceptionOptions assigns configuration options to a set of exceptions.
struct ExceptionOptions {
// Condition when a thrown exception should result in a break.
ExceptionBreakMode breakMode;
// A path that selects a single or multiple exceptions in a tree. If 'path' is
// missing, the whole tree is selected. By convention the first segment of the
// path is a category that is used to group exceptions in the UI.
optional<array<ExceptionPathSegment>> path;
// The request configures the debuggers response to thrown exceptions.
// If an exception is configured to break, a 'stopped' event is fired (with
// reason 'exception'). Clients should only call this request if the capability
// 'exceptionBreakpointFilters' returns one or more filters.
struct SetExceptionBreakpointsRequest : public Request {
using Response = SetExceptionBreakpointsResponse;
// Configuration options for selected exceptions.
// The attribute is only honored by a debug adapter if the capability
// 'supportsExceptionOptions' is true.
optional<array<ExceptionOptions>> exceptionOptions;
// IDs of checked exception options. The set of IDs is returned via the
// 'exceptionBreakpointFilters' capability.
array<string> filters;
// Response to 'setExpression' request.
struct SetExpressionResponse : public Response {
// The number of indexed child variables.
// The client can use this optional information to present the variables in a
// paged UI and fetch them in chunks. The value should be less than or equal
// to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).
optional<integer> indexedVariables;
// The number of named child variables.
// The client can use this optional information to present the variables in a
// paged UI and fetch them in chunks. The value should be less than or equal
// to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).
optional<integer> namedVariables;
// Properties of a value that can be used to determine how to render the
// result in the UI.
optional<VariablePresentationHint> presentationHint;
// The optional type of the value.
// This attribute should only be returned by a debug adapter if the client has
// passed the value true for the 'supportsVariableType' capability of the
// 'initialize' request.
optional<string> type;
// The new value of the expression.
string value;
// If variablesReference is > 0, the value is structured and its children can
// be retrieved by passing variablesReference to the VariablesRequest. The
// value should be less than or equal to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).
optional<integer> variablesReference;
// Evaluates the given 'value' expression and assigns it to the 'expression'
// which must be a modifiable l-value. The expressions have access to any
// variables and arguments that are in scope of the specified frame. Clients
// should only call this request if the capability 'supportsSetExpression' is
// true.
struct SetExpressionRequest : public Request {
using Response = SetExpressionResponse;
// The l-value expression to assign to.
string expression;
// Specifies how the resulting value should be formatted.
optional<ValueFormat> format;
// Evaluate the expressions in the scope of this stack frame. If not
// specified, the expressions are evaluated in the global scope.
optional<integer> frameId;
// The value expression to assign to the l-value expression.
string value;
// Response to 'setFunctionBreakpoints' request.
// Returned is information about each breakpoint created by this request.
struct SetFunctionBreakpointsResponse : public Response {
// Information about the breakpoints. The array elements correspond to the
// elements of the 'breakpoints' array.
array<Breakpoint> breakpoints;
// Properties of a breakpoint passed to the setFunctionBreakpoints request.
struct FunctionBreakpoint {
// An optional expression for conditional breakpoints.
// It is only honored by a debug adapter if the capability
// 'supportsConditionalBreakpoints' is true.
optional<string> condition;
// An optional expression that controls how many hits of the breakpoint are
// ignored. The backend is expected to interpret the expression as needed. The
// attribute is only honored by a debug adapter if the capability
// 'supportsHitConditionalBreakpoints' is true.
optional<string> hitCondition;
// The name of the function.
string name;
// Replaces all existing function breakpoints with new function breakpoints.
// To clear all function breakpoints, specify an empty array.
// When a function breakpoint is hit, a 'stopped' event (with reason 'function
// breakpoint') is generated. Clients should only call this request if the
// capability 'supportsFunctionBreakpoints' is true.
struct SetFunctionBreakpointsRequest : public Request {
using Response = SetFunctionBreakpointsResponse;
// The function names of the breakpoints.
array<FunctionBreakpoint> breakpoints;
// Response to 'setVariable' request.
struct SetVariableResponse : public Response {
// The number of indexed child variables.
// The client can use this optional information to present the variables in a
// paged UI and fetch them in chunks. The value should be less than or equal
// to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).
optional<integer> indexedVariables;
// The number of named child variables.
// The client can use this optional information to present the variables in a
// paged UI and fetch them in chunks. The value should be less than or equal
// to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).
optional<integer> namedVariables;
// The type of the new value. Typically shown in the UI when hovering over the
// value.
optional<string> type;
// The new value of the variable.
string value;
// If variablesReference is > 0, the new value is structured and its children
// can be retrieved by passing variablesReference to the VariablesRequest. The
// value should be less than or equal to 2147483647 (2^31 - 1).
optional<integer> variablesReference;
// Set the variable with the given name in the variable container to a new
// value. Clients should only call this request if the capability
// 'supportsSetVariable' is true.
struct SetVariableRequest : public Request {
using Response = SetVariableResponse;
// Specifies details on how to format the response value.
optional<ValueFormat> format;
// The name of the variable in the container.
string name;
// The value of the variable.
string value;
// The reference of the variable container.
integer variablesReference;
// Response to 'source' request.
struct SourceResponse : public Response {
// Content of the source reference.
string content;
// Optional content type (mime type) of the source.
optional<string> mimeType;
// The request retrieves the source code for a given source reference.
struct SourceRequest : public Request {
using Response = SourceResponse;
// Specifies the source content to load. Either source.path or
// source.sourceReference must be specified.
optional<Source> source;
// The reference to the source. This is the same as source.sourceReference.
// This is provided for backward compatibility since old backends do not
// understand the 'source' attribute.
integer sourceReference;
// A Stackframe contains the source location.
struct StackFrame {
// The column within the line. If source is null or doesn't exist, column is 0
// and must be ignored.
integer column;
// An optional end column of the range covered by the stack frame.
optional<integer> endColumn;
// An optional end line of the range covered by the stack frame.
optional<integer> endLine;
// An identifier for the stack frame. It must be unique across all threads.
// This id can be used to retrieve the scopes of the frame with the
// 'scopesRequest' or to restart the execution of a stackframe.
integer id;
// Optional memory reference for the current instruction pointer in this
// frame.
optional<string> instructionPointerReference;
// The line within the file of the frame. If source is null or doesn't exist,
// line is 0 and must be ignored.
integer line;
// The module associated with this frame, if any.
optional<variant<integer, string>> moduleId;
// The name of the stack frame, typically a method name.
string name;
// An optional hint for how to present this frame in the UI.
// A value of 'label' can be used to indicate that the frame is an artificial
// frame that is used as a visual label or separator. A value of 'subtle' can
// be used to change the appearance of a frame in a 'subtle' way.
// Must be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'normal', 'label', 'subtle'
optional<string> presentationHint;
// The optional source of the frame.
optional<Source> source;
// Response to 'stackTrace' request.
struct StackTraceResponse : public Response {
// The frames of the stackframe. If the array has length zero, there are no
// stackframes available. This means that there is no location information
// available.
array<StackFrame> stackFrames;
// The total number of frames available.
optional<integer> totalFrames;
// Provides formatting information for a stack frame.
struct StackFrameFormat : public ValueFormat {
// Includes all stack frames, including those the debug adapter might
// otherwise hide.
optional<boolean> includeAll;
// Displays the line number of the stack frame.
optional<boolean> line;
// Displays the module of the stack frame.
optional<boolean> module;
// Displays the names of parameters for the stack frame.
optional<boolean> parameterNames;
// Displays the types of parameters for the stack frame.
optional<boolean> parameterTypes;
// Displays the values of parameters for the stack frame.
optional<boolean> parameterValues;
// Displays parameters for the stack frame.
optional<boolean> parameters;
// The request returns a stacktrace from the current execution state.
struct StackTraceRequest : public Request {
using Response = StackTraceResponse;
// Specifies details on how to format the stack frames.
// The attribute is only honored by a debug adapter if the capability
// 'supportsValueFormattingOptions' is true.
optional<StackFrameFormat> format;
// The maximum number of frames to return. If levels is not specified or 0,
// all frames are returned.
optional<integer> levels;
// The index of the first frame to return; if omitted frames start at 0.
optional<integer> startFrame;
// Retrieve the stacktrace for this thread.
integer threadId;
// Response to 'stepBack' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body
// field is required.
struct StepBackResponse : public Response {
// The request starts the debuggee to run one step backwards.
// The debug adapter first sends the response and then a 'stopped' event (with
// reason 'step') after the step has completed. Clients should only call this
// request if the capability 'supportsStepBack' is true.
struct StepBackRequest : public Request {
using Response = StepBackResponse;
// Execute 'stepBack' for this thread.
integer threadId;
// Response to 'stepIn' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body
// field is required.
struct StepInResponse : public Response {
// The request starts the debuggee to step into a function/method if possible.
// If it cannot step into a target, 'stepIn' behaves like 'next'.
// The debug adapter first sends the response and then a 'stopped' event (with
// reason 'step') after the step has completed. If there are multiple
// function/method calls (or other targets) on the source line, the optional
// argument 'targetId' can be used to control into which target the 'stepIn'
// should occur. The list of possible targets for a given source line can be
// retrieved via the 'stepInTargets' request.
struct StepInRequest : public Request {
using Response = StepInResponse;
// Optional id of the target to step into.
optional<integer> targetId;
// Execute 'stepIn' for this thread.
integer threadId;
// A StepInTarget can be used in the 'stepIn' request and determines into which
// single target the stepIn request should step.
struct StepInTarget {
// Unique identifier for a stepIn target.
integer id;
// The name of the stepIn target (shown in the UI).
string label;
// Response to 'stepInTargets' request.
struct StepInTargetsResponse : public Response {
// The possible stepIn targets of the specified source location.
array<StepInTarget> targets;
// This request retrieves the possible stepIn targets for the specified stack
// frame. These targets can be used in the 'stepIn' request. The StepInTargets
// may only be called if the 'supportsStepInTargetsRequest' capability exists
// and is true. Clients should only call this request if the capability
// 'supportsStepInTargetsRequest' is true.
struct StepInTargetsRequest : public Request {
using Response = StepInTargetsResponse;
// The stack frame for which to retrieve the possible stepIn targets.
integer frameId;
// Response to 'stepOut' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body
// field is required.
struct StepOutResponse : public Response {
// The request starts the debuggee to run again for one step.
// The debug adapter first sends the response and then a 'stopped' event (with
// reason 'step') after the step has completed.
struct StepOutRequest : public Request {
using Response = StepOutResponse;
// Execute 'stepOut' for this thread.
integer threadId;
// The event indicates that the execution of the debuggee has stopped due to
// some condition. This can be caused by a break point previously set, a
// stepping action has completed, by executing a debugger statement etc.
struct StoppedEvent : public Event {
// If 'allThreadsStopped' is true, a debug adapter can announce that all
// threads have stopped.
// - The client should use this information to enable that all threads can be
// expanded to access their stacktraces.
// - If the attribute is missing or false, only the thread with the given
// threadId can be expanded.
optional<boolean> allThreadsStopped;
// The full reason for the event, e.g. 'Paused on exception'. This string is
// shown in the UI as is and must be translated.
optional<string> description;
// A value of true hints to the frontend that this event should not change the
// focus.
optional<boolean> preserveFocusHint;
// The reason for the event.
// For backward compatibility this string is shown in the UI if the
// 'description' attribute is missing (but it must not be translated).
// May be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'step', 'breakpoint', 'exception', 'pause', 'entry', 'goto', 'function
// breakpoint', 'data breakpoint'
string reason;
// Additional information. E.g. if reason is 'exception', text contains the
// exception name. This string is shown in the UI.
optional<string> text;
// The thread which was stopped.
optional<integer> threadId;
// Response to 'terminate' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so no body
// field is required.
struct TerminateResponse : public Response {
// The 'terminate' request is sent from the client to the debug adapter in order
// to give the debuggee a chance for terminating itself. Clients should only
// call this request if the capability 'supportsTerminateRequest' is true.
struct TerminateRequest : public Request {
using Response = TerminateResponse;
// A value of true indicates that this 'terminate' request is part of a
// restart sequence.
optional<boolean> restart;
// Response to 'terminateThreads' request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
// no body field is required.
struct TerminateThreadsResponse : public Response {
// The request terminates the threads with the given ids.
// Clients should only call this request if the capability
// 'supportsTerminateThreadsRequest' is true.
struct TerminateThreadsRequest : public Request {
using Response = TerminateThreadsResponse;
// Ids of threads to be terminated.
optional<array<integer>> threadIds;
// The event indicates that debugging of the debuggee has terminated. This does
// **not** mean that the debuggee itself has exited.
struct TerminatedEvent : public Event {
// A debug adapter may set 'restart' to true (or to an arbitrary object) to
// request that the front end restarts the session. The value is not
// interpreted by the client and passed unmodified as an attribute '__restart'
// to the 'launch' and 'attach' requests.
optional<variant<array<any>, boolean, integer, null, number, object, string>>
// The event indicates that a thread has started or exited.
struct ThreadEvent : public Event {
// The reason for the event.
// May be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'started', 'exited'
string reason;
// The identifier of the thread.
integer threadId;
// A Thread
struct Thread {
// Unique identifier for the thread.
integer id;
// A name of the thread.
string name;
// Response to 'threads' request.
struct ThreadsResponse : public Response {
// All threads.
array<Thread> threads;
// The request retrieves a list of all threads.
struct ThreadsRequest : public Request {
using Response = ThreadsResponse;
// A Variable is a name/value pair.
// Optionally a variable can have a 'type' that is shown if space permits or
// when hovering over the variable's name. An optional 'kind' is used to render
// additional properties of the variable, e.g. different icons can be used to
// indicate that a variable is public or private. If the value is structured
// (has children), a handle is provided to retrieve the children with the
// VariablesRequest. If the number of named or indexed children is large, the
// numbers should be returned via the optional 'namedVariables' and
// 'indexedVariables' attributes. The client can use this optional information
// to present the children in a paged UI and fetch them in chunks.
struct Variable {
// Optional evaluatable name of this variable which can be passed to the
// 'EvaluateRequest' to fetch the variable's value.
optional<string> evaluateName;
// The number of indexed child variables.
// The client can use this optional information to present the children in a
// paged UI and fetch them in chunks.
optional<integer> indexedVariables;
// Optional memory reference for the variable if the variable represents
// executable code, such as a function pointer. This attribute is only
// required if the client has passed the value true for the
// 'supportsMemoryReferences' capability of the 'initialize' request.
optional<string> memoryReference;
// The variable's name.
string name;
// The number of named child variables.
// The client can use this optional information to present the children in a
// paged UI and fetch them in chunks.
optional<integer> namedVariables;
// Properties of a variable that can be used to determine how to render the
// variable in the UI.
optional<VariablePresentationHint> presentationHint;
// The type of the variable's value. Typically shown in the UI when hovering
// over the value. This attribute should only be returned by a debug adapter
// if the client has passed the value true for the 'supportsVariableType'
// capability of the 'initialize' request.
optional<string> type;
// The variable's value. This can be a multi-line text, e.g. for a function
// the body of a function.
string value;
// If variablesReference is > 0, the variable is structured and its children
// can be retrieved by passing variablesReference to the VariablesRequest.
integer variablesReference;
// Response to 'variables' request.
struct VariablesResponse : public Response {
// All (or a range) of variables for the given variable reference.
array<Variable> variables;
// Retrieves all child variables for the given variable reference.
// An optional filter can be used to limit the fetched children to either named
// or indexed children.
struct VariablesRequest : public Request {
using Response = VariablesResponse;
// The number of variables to return. If count is missing or 0, all variables
// are returned.
optional<integer> count;
// Optional filter to limit the child variables to either named or indexed. If
// omitted, both types are fetched.
// Must be one of the following enumeration values:
// 'indexed', 'named'
optional<string> filter;
// Specifies details on how to format the Variable values.
// The attribute is only honored by a debug adapter if the capability
// 'supportsValueFormattingOptions' is true.
optional<ValueFormat> format;
// The index of the first variable to return; if omitted children start at 0.
optional<integer> start;
// The Variable reference.
integer variablesReference;
} // namespace dap
#endif // dap_protocol_h