Clone this repo:
  1. 095f1d3 [cppdap] Add OWNERS file by Marina Ciocea · 2 years, 1 month ago master
  2. a739837 [cpp] Suppress -Wextra-semi in third party code by Shai Barack · 3 years, 3 months ago
  3. 9ee0612 [cpp] Suppress -Wextra-semi by Shai Barack · 3 years, 3 months ago
  4. ad76c63 [cppdap] Merge from upstream for response cb fixes by Puneetha Ramachandra · 4 years ago
  5. ad185ee license-checker.cfg: Update rules by Ben Clayton · 4 years ago



cppdap is a C++11 library (“SDK”) implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol, providing an API for implementing a DAP client or server.

cppdap provides C++ type-safe structures for the full DAP specification, and provides a simple way to add custom protocol messages.

Fetching dependencies

cppdap provides CMake build files to build the library, unit tests and examples.

cppdap depends on the nlohmann/json library, and the unit tests depend on the googletest library. Both are referenced as a git submodules.

Before building, fetch the git submodules with:

cd <path-to-cppdap>
git submodule update --init


Linux and macOS

Next, generate the build files:

cd <path-to-cppdap>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

You may wish to suffix the cmake .. line with any of the following flags:

  • -DCPPDAP_BUILD_TESTS=1 - Builds the cppdap unit tests
  • -DCPPDAP_BUILD_EXAMPLES=1 - Builds the cppdap examples
  • -DCPPDAP_INSTALL_VSCODE_EXAMPLES=1 - Installs the cppdap examples as Visual Studio Code extensions
  • -DCPPDAP_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=1 - Treats all compiler warnings as errors.

Finally, build the project:



cppdap can be built using Visual Studio 2019's CMake integration.

Using cppdap in your CMake project

You can build and link cppdap using add_subdirectory() in your project's CMakeLists.txt file:

set(CPPDAP_DIR <path-to-cppdap>) # example <path-to-cppdap>: "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party/cppdap"

This will define the cppdap library target, which you can pass to target_link_libraries():

target_link_libraries(<target> cppdap) # replace <target> with the name of your project's target

You may also wish to specify your own paths to the third party libraries used by cppdap. You can do this by setting any of the following variables before the call to add_subdirectory():

set(CPPDAP_THIRD_PARTY_DIR <third-party-root-directory>) # defaults to ${CPPDAP_DIR}/third_party
set(CPPDAP_JSON_DIR        <path-to-nlohmann-json>)      # defaults to ${CPPDAP_THIRD_PARTY_DIR}/json
set(CPPDAP_GOOGLETEST_DIR  <path-to-googletest>)         # defaults to ${CPPDAP_THIRD_PARTY_DIR}/googletest

Note: This is not an officially supported Google product