blob: 29fe5f1fb99a55c6fb551ee3ef77dbd898c3335a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace f2fs {
constexpr uint32_t kNullIno = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
// Used by fsck
class F2fs;
class VnodeF2fs : public fs::Vnode,
public fbl::Recyclable<VnodeF2fs>,
public fbl::WAVLTreeContainable<VnodeF2fs *>,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs>> {
explicit VnodeF2fs(F2fs *fs);
explicit VnodeF2fs(F2fs *fs, ino_t ino);
~VnodeF2fs() = default;
static void Allocate(F2fs *fs, ino_t ino, uint32_t mode, fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs> *out);
static void Create(F2fs *fs, ino_t ino, fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs> *out);
void Init();
ino_t GetKey() const { return ino_; }
static size_t GetHash(ino_t key) { return fnv1a_tiny(key, kHashBits); }
void Sync(SyncCallback closure) final;
zx_status_t SyncFile(loff_t start, loff_t end, int datasync);
int NeedToSyncDir();
zx_status_t QueryFilesystem(fuchsia_io::wire::FilesystemInfo *info) final;
void fbl_recycle() { RecycleNode(); };
F2fs *Vfs() {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
return reinterpret_cast<F2fs *>(vfs());
ino_t Ino() const { return ino_; }
zx_status_t GetAttributes(fs::VnodeAttributes *a) final;
zx_status_t SetAttributes(fs::VnodeAttributesUpdate attr) final;
zx_status_t GetNodeInfoForProtocol([[maybe_unused]] fs::VnodeProtocol protocol,
[[maybe_unused]] fs::Rights rights,
fs::VnodeRepresentation *info) final;
fs::VnodeProtocolSet GetProtocols() const final;
#if 0 // porting needed
// void F2fsSetInodeFlags();
// int F2fsIgetTest(void *data);
// VnodeF2fs *F2fsIgetNowait(uint64_t ino);
// static int CheckExtentCache(inode *inode, pgoff_t pgofs,
// buffer_head *bh_result);
// static int GetDataBlockRo(inode *inode, sector_t iblock,
// buffer_head *bh_result, int create);
// static int F2fsReadDataPage(file *file, page *page);
// static int F2fsReadDataPages(file *file,
// address_space *mapping,
// list_head *pages, unsigned nr_pages);
// int F2fsWriteDataPages(/*address_space *mapping,*/
// WritebackControl *wbc);
// ssize_t F2fsDirectIO(/*int rw, kiocb *iocb,
// const iovec *iov, */
// loff_t offset, uint64_t nr_segs);
// [[maybe_unused]] static void F2fsInvalidateDataPage(Page *page, uint64_t offset);
// [[maybe_unused]] static int F2fsReleaseDataPage(Page *page, gfp_t wait);
// int F2fsSetDataPageDirty(Page *page);
static zx_status_t Vget(F2fs *fs, uint64_t ino, fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs> *out);
void UpdateInode(Page *node_page);
zx_status_t WriteInode(WritebackControl *wbc);
zx_status_t DoTruncate(size_t len);
int TruncateDataBlocksRange(DnodeOfData *dn, int count);
void TruncateDataBlocks(DnodeOfData *dn);
void TruncatePartialDataPage(uint64_t from);
zx_status_t TruncateBlocks(uint64_t from);
zx_status_t TruncateHole(pgoff_t pg_start, pgoff_t pg_end);
void TruncateToSize();
void EvictVnode();
void SetDataBlkaddr(DnodeOfData *dn, block_t new_addr);
zx_status_t ReserveNewBlock(DnodeOfData *dn);
void UpdateExtentCache(block_t blk_addr, DnodeOfData *dn);
zx_status_t FindDataPage(pgoff_t index, Page **out);
zx_status_t GetLockDataPage(pgoff_t index, Page **out);
zx_status_t GetNewDataPage(pgoff_t index, bool new_i_size, Page **out);
static zx_status_t Readpage(F2fs *fs, Page *page, block_t blk_addr, int type);
zx_status_t DoWriteDataPage(Page *page);
zx_status_t WriteDataPageReq(Page *page, WritebackControl *wbc);
zx_status_t WriteBegin(size_t pos, size_t len, Page **page);
void Notify(std::string_view name, unsigned event) final;
zx_status_t WatchDir(fs::Vfs *vfs, uint32_t mask, uint32_t options, zx::channel watcher) final;
void MarkInodeDirty();
inline void GetExtentInfo(const Extent &i_ext);
inline void SetRawExtent(Extent &i_ext);
inline void IncNlink() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
inline void DropNlink() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
inline void ClearNlink() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
nlink_ = 0;
inline void SetNlink(const uint32_t &nlink) __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
nlink_ = nlink;
inline uint32_t GetNlink() const __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
return nlink_;
inline void SetMode(const umode_t &mode) { mode_ = mode; }
inline umode_t GetMode() const { return mode_; }
inline bool IsDir() const { return S_ISDIR(mode_); }
inline bool IsReg() const { return S_ISREG(mode_); }
inline bool IsLink() const { return S_ISLNK(mode_); }
inline bool IsChr() const { return S_ISCHR(mode_); }
inline bool IsBlk() const { return S_ISBLK(mode_); }
inline bool IsSock() const { return S_ISSOCK(mode_); }
inline bool IsFifo() const { return S_ISFIFO(mode_); }
inline bool HasGid() const { return mode_ & S_ISGID; }
inline void SetName(const std::string_view &name) { name_ = name; }
inline bool IsSameName(const std::string_view &name) const {
return (name_.GetStringView().compare(name) == 0);
inline std::string_view GetNameView() const { return name_.GetStringView(); }
inline uint32_t GetNameLen() const { return name_.GetLen(); }
inline const char *GetName() { return name_.GetData(); }
inline uint64_t GetBlockCount() const { return (size_ + kBlockSize - 1) / kBlockSize; }
inline void IncBlocks(const block_t &nblocks) { blocks_ += nblocks; }
inline void DecBlocks(const block_t &nblocks) {
ZX_ASSERT(blocks_ >= nblocks);
blocks_ -= nblocks;
inline void InitBlocks() { blocks_ = 0; }
inline uint64_t GetBlocks() const { return blocks_; }
inline void SetBlocks(const uint64_t &blocks) { blocks_ = blocks; }
inline bool HasBlocks() const {
// TODO: Need to consider i_xattr_nid
return (GetBlocks() > kDefaultAllocatedBlocks);
inline void SetSize(const uint64_t &nbytes) { size_ = nbytes; }
inline void InitSize() { size_ = 0; }
inline uint64_t GetSize() const { return size_; }
inline void SetParentNid(const ino_t &pino) { parent_ino_ = pino; };
inline ino_t GetParentNid() const { return parent_ino_; };
inline void SetGeneration(const uint32_t &gen) { generation_ = gen; }
inline uint32_t GetGeneration() const { return generation_; }
inline void SetUid(const uid_t &uid) { uid_ = uid; }
inline uid_t GetUid() const { return uid_; }
inline void SetGid(const gid_t &gid) { gid_ = gid; }
inline gid_t GetGid() const { return gid_; }
inline timespec GetATime() const { return atime_; }
inline void SetATime(const timespec &time) { atime_ = time; }
inline void SetATime(const uint64_t &sec, const uint32_t &nsec) {
atime_.tv_sec = sec;
atime_.tv_nsec = nsec;
inline timespec GetMTime() const { return mtime_; }
inline void SetMTime(const timespec &time) { mtime_ = time; }
inline void SetMTime(const uint64_t &sec, const uint32_t &nsec) {
mtime_.tv_sec = sec;
mtime_.tv_nsec = nsec;
inline timespec GetCTime() const { return ctime_; }
inline void SetCTime(const timespec &time) { ctime_ = time; }
inline void SetCTime(const uint64_t &sec, const uint32_t &nsec) {
ctime_.tv_sec = sec;
ctime_.tv_nsec = nsec;
inline void SetInodeFlags(const uint32_t &flags) { fi_.flags = flags; }
inline uint32_t GetInodeFlags() const { return fi_.flags; }
inline void SetInodeFlag(const InodeInfoFlag &flag) {
set_bit(static_cast<int>(flag), &fi_.flags);
inline void ClearInodeFlag(const InodeInfoFlag &flag) {
clear_bit(static_cast<int>(flag), &fi_.flags);
inline int IsInodeFlagSet(const InodeInfoFlag &flag) {
return test_bit(static_cast<int>(flag), &fi_.flags);
inline void ClearAdvise(const FAdvise &bit) { clear_bit(static_cast<int>(bit), &fi_.i_advise); }
inline void SetAdvise(const FAdvise &bit) { set_bit(static_cast<int>(bit), &fi_.i_advise); }
inline uint8_t GetAdvise() const { return fi_.i_advise; }
inline void SetAdvise(const uint8_t &bits) { fi_.i_advise = bits; }
inline int IsAdviseSet(const FAdvise &bit) {
return test_bit(static_cast<int>(bit), &fi_.i_advise);
inline uint64_t GetDirHashLevel() const { return fi_.clevel; }
inline bool IsSameDirHash(const f2fs_hash_t &hash) const { return (fi_.chash == hash); }
inline void ClearDirHash() { fi_.chash = 0; }
inline void SetDirHash(const f2fs_hash_t &hash, const uint64_t &level) {
fi_.chash = hash;
fi_.clevel = level;
inline uint64_t GetCurDirDepth() const { return fi_.i_current_depth; }
inline void SetCurDirDepth(const uint64_t depth) { fi_.i_current_depth = depth; }
inline nid_t GetXattrNid() const { return fi_.i_xattr_nid; }
inline void SetXattrNid(const nid_t nid) { fi_.i_xattr_nid = nid; }
inline void ClearXattrNid() { fi_.i_xattr_nid = 0; }
inline void Activate() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
bopen_ = true;
inline void Deactivate() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
bopen_ = false;
inline bool IsActive() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
bool bopen = false;
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
bopen = bopen_;
return bopen;
bool WaitForDeactive(fbl::Mutex *mutex) __TA_REQUIRES(mutex) {
if (bool ret = IsActive(); ret) {
return true;
return false;
inline bool ClearDirty() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
bool ret = false;
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
ret = bdirty_;
bdirty_ = false;
return ret;
inline bool IsDirty() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
return bdirty_;
inline bool ShouldFlush() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
bool ret = false;
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
ret = ((nlink_ > 0) && (bdirty_ == true));
return ret;
// TODO: consider using fine grained locks as well as mutex_
mtx_t i_mutex_;
void RecycleNode() override;
zx_status_t OpenNode(ValidatedOptions options, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> *out_redirect) final
zx_status_t CloseNode() final;
InodeInfo fi_;
uid_t uid_ = 0;
gid_t gid_ = 0;
uint64_t size_ = 0;
uint64_t blocks_ = 0;
uint32_t nlink_ = 0;
uint32_t generation_ = 0;
umode_t mode_ = 0;
NameString name_;
ino_t parent_ino_{kNullIno};
timespec atime_ = {0, 0};
timespec mtime_ = {0, 0};
timespec ctime_ = {0, 0};
ino_t ino_ = 0;
fs::WatcherContainer watcher_{};
fbl::ConditionVariable recycle_cvar_;
bool bopen_ = false;
bool bdirty_ = false;
} // namespace f2fs