blob: 528d73db4c3537a644f31f89e06e3bb29996b2ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace f2fs {
class VnodeF2fs;
// For checkpoint manager
enum class MetaBitmap { kNatBitmap, kSitBitmap };
// for the list of orphan inodes
struct OrphanInodeEntry {
list_node_t list; // list head
nid_t ino = 0; // inode number
// for the list of directory inodes
struct DirInodeEntry {
list_node_t list; // list head
VnodeF2fs *vnode = nullptr; // vfs inode pointer
// for the list of fsync inodes, used only during recovery
struct FsyncInodeEntry {
list_node_t list; // list head
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs> vnode = nullptr; // vfs inode pointer
block_t blkaddr = 0; // block address locating the last inode
inline int NatsInCursum(SummaryBlock *sum) { return LeToCpu(sum->n_nats); }
inline int SitsInCursum(SummaryBlock *sum) { return LeToCpu(sum->n_sits); }
inline RawNatEntry NatInJournal(SummaryBlock *sum, int i) { return sum->nat_j.entries[i].ne; }
inline void SetNatInJournal(SummaryBlock *sum, int i, RawNatEntry raw_ne) {
sum->nat_j.entries[i].ne = raw_ne;
inline nid_t NidInJournal(SummaryBlock *sum, int i) { return sum->nat_j.entries[i].nid; }
inline void SetNidInJournal(SummaryBlock *sum, int i, nid_t nid) {
sum->nat_j.entries[i].nid = nid;
inline SitEntry *SitInJournal(SummaryBlock *sum, int i) { return &sum->sit_j.entries[i].se; }
inline uint32_t SegnoInJournal(SummaryBlock *sum, int i) { return sum->sit_j.entries[i].segno; }
inline void SetSegnoInJournal(SummaryBlock *sum, int i, uint32_t segno) {
sum->sit_j.entries[i].segno = segno;
static inline int UpdateNatsInCursum(SummaryBlock *rs, int i) {
int before = NatsInCursum(rs);
rs->n_nats = CpuToLe(static_cast<uint32_t>(before + i));
return before;
static inline int UpdateSitsInCursum(SummaryBlock *rs, int i) {
int before = SitsInCursum(rs);
rs->n_sits = CpuToLe(static_cast<uint32_t>(before + i));
return before;
// For INODE and NODE manager
constexpr int kXattrNodeOffset = -1;
// store xattrs to one node block per
// file keeping -1 as its node offset to
// distinguish from index node blocks.
constexpr int kRdOnlyNode = 1;
// specify a read-only mode when getting
// a node block. 0 is read-write mode.
// used by GetDnodeOfData().
constexpr int kLinkMax = 32000; // maximum link count per file
// for in-memory extent cache entry
struct ExtentInfo {
rwlock_t ext_lock; // rwlock for consistency
uint64_t fofs = 0; // start offset in a file
uint32_t blk_addr = 0; // start block address of the extent
uint64_t len = 0; // lenth of the extent
// i_advise uses Fadvise:xxx bit. We can add additional hints later.
enum class FAdvise {
kCold = 1,
struct InodeInfo {
// inode vfs_inode; // serve a vfs inode
uint32_t i_flags = 0; // keep an inode flags for ioctl
uint8_t i_advise = 0; // use to give file attribute hints
uint64_t i_current_depth = 0; // use only in directory structure
umode_t i_acl_mode; // keep file acl mode temporarily
// Use below internally in f2f
uint32_t flags = 0; // use to pass per-file flags
uint64_t data_version = 0; // lastes version of data for fsync
atomic_t dirty_dents; // # of dirty dentry pages
f2fs_hash_t chash; // hash value of given file name
uint64_t clevel = 0; // maximum level of given file name
nid_t i_xattr_nid = 0; // node id that contains xattrs
ExtentInfo ext; // in-memory extent cache entry
struct NmInfo {
block_t nat_blkaddr = 0; // base disk address of NAT
nid_t max_nid = 0; // maximum possible node ids
nid_t init_scan_nid = 0; // the first nid to be scanned
nid_t next_scan_nid = 0; // the next nid to be scanned
// NAT cache management
RadixTreeRoot nat_root; // root of the nat entry cache
rwlock_t nat_tree_lock; // protect nat_tree_lock
uint32_t nat_cnt = 0; // the # of cached nat entries
list_node_t nat_entries; // cached nat entry list (clean)
list_node_t dirty_nat_entries; // cached nat entry list (dirty)
// free node ids management
list_node_t free_nid_list; // a list for free nids
spinlock_t free_nid_list_lock; // protect free nid list
uint64_t fcnt = 0; // the number of free node id
mtx_t build_lock; // lock for build free nids
// for checkpoint
char *nat_bitmap = nullptr; // NAT bitmap pointer
char *nat_prev_bitmap = nullptr; // JY: NAT previous checkpoint bitmap pointer
int bitmap_size = 0; // bitmap size
// this structure is used as one of function parameters.
// all the information are dedicated to a given direct node block determined
// by the data offset in a file.
struct DnodeOfData {
// inode *inode; // vfs inode pointer
VnodeF2fs *vnode = nullptr;
Page *inode_page = nullptr; // its inode page, NULL is possible
Page *node_page = nullptr; // cached direct node page
nid_t nid = 0; // node id of the direct node block
uint64_t ofs_in_node = 0; // data offset in the node page
bool inode_page_locked = false; // inode page is locked or not
block_t data_blkaddr = 0; // block address of the node block
static inline void SetNewDnode(DnodeOfData *dn, VnodeF2fs *vnode, Page *ipage, Page *npage,
nid_t nid) {
dn->vnode = vnode;
dn->inode_page = ipage;
dn->node_page = npage;
dn->nid = nid;
dn->inode_page_locked = 0;
// For SIT manager
// By default, there are 6 active log areas across the whole main area.
// When considering hot and cold data separation to reduce cleaning overhead,
// we split 3 for data logs and 3 for node logs as hot, warm, and cold types,
// respectively.
// In the current design, you should not change the numbers intentionally.
// Instead, as a mount option such as active_logs=x, you can use 2, 4, and 6
// logs individually according to the underlying devices. (default: 6)
// Just in case, on-disk layout covers maximum 16 logs that consist of 8 for
// data and 8 for node logs.
constexpr int kNrCursegDataType = 3;
constexpr int kNrCursegNodeType = 3;
constexpr int kNrCursegType = kNrCursegDataType + kNrCursegNodeType;
enum class CursegType {
kCursegHotData = 0, // directory entry blocks
kCursegWarmData, // data blocks
kCursegColdData, // multimedia or GCed data blocks
kCursegHotNode, // direct node blocks of directory files
kCursegWarmNode, // direct node blocks of normal files
kCursegColdNode, // indirect node blocks
struct SmInfo {
struct SitInfo *SitInfo = nullptr; // whole segment information
struct FreeSegmapInfo *free_info = nullptr; // free segment information
struct DirtySeglistInfo *dirty_info = nullptr; // dirty segment information
struct CursegInfo *curseg_array = nullptr; // active segment information
list_node_t wblist_head; // list of under-writeback pages
spinlock_t wblist_lock; // lock for checkpoint
block_t seg0_blkaddr = 0; // block address of 0'th segment
block_t main_blkaddr = 0; // start block address of main area
block_t ssa_blkaddr = 0; // start block address of SSA area
uint64_t segment_count = 0; // total # of segments
uint64_t main_segments = 0; // # of segments in main area
uint64_t reserved_segments = 0; // # of reserved segments
uint64_t ovp_segments = 0; // # of overprovision segments
// For directory operation
constexpr size_t kNodeDir1Block = kAddrsPerInode + 1;
constexpr size_t kNodeDir2Block = kAddrsPerInode + 2;
constexpr size_t kNodeInd1Block = kAddrsPerInode + 3;
constexpr size_t kNodeInd2Block = kAddrsPerInode + 4;
constexpr size_t kNodeDIndBlock = kAddrsPerInode + 5;
// For superblock
// CountType for monitoring
// f2fs monitors the number of several block types such as on-writeback,
// dirty dentry blocks, dirty node blocks, and dirty meta blocks.
enum class CountType {
kWriteback = 0,
// FS_LOCK nesting subclasses for the lock validator:
// The locking order between these classes is
// LockType::kRename -> LockType::kDentryOps -> LockType::kDataWrtie -> LockType::kDataNew
// -> LockType::kDataTrunc -> LockType::kNodeWrite -> LockType::kNodeNew -> LockType::kNodeTrunc
enum class LockType {
kRename = 0, // for renaming operations
kDentryOps, // for directory operations
kDataWrtie, // for data write
kDataNew, // for data allocation
kDataTrunc, // for data truncate
kNodeNew, // for node allocation
kNodeTrunc, // for node truncate
kNodeWrite, // for node write
// The below are the page types.
// The available types are:
// kData User data pages. It operates as async mode.
// kNode Node pages. It operates as async mode.
// kMeta FS metadata pages such as SIT, NAT, CP.
// kNrPageType The number of page types.
// kMetaFlush Make sure the previous pages are written
// with waiting the bio's completion
// ... Only can be used with META.
enum class PageType {
kData = 0,
struct SbInfo {
// super_block *sb; // pointer to VFS super block
// buffer_head *raw_super_buf; // buffer head of raw sb
const SuperBlock *raw_super; // raw super block pointer
int s_dirty = 0; // dirty flag for checkpoint
// for node-related operations
NmInfo *nm_info = nullptr; // node manager
// inode *node_inode; // cache node blocks
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs> node_vnode;
// for segment-related operations
SmInfo *sm_info = nullptr; // segment manager
struct bio *bio[static_cast<int>(PageType::kNrPageType)]; // bios to merge
sector_t last_block_in_bio[static_cast<int>(PageType::kNrPageType)]; // last block number
// rw_semaphore bio_sem; // IO semaphore
// for checkpoint
Checkpoint *ckpt = nullptr; // raw checkpoint pointer
// inode *meta_inode; // cache meta blocks
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeF2fs> meta_vnode;
mtx_t cp_mutex; // for checkpoint procedure
mtx_t fs_lock[static_cast<int>(LockType::kNrLockType)]; // for blocking FS operations
mtx_t write_inode; // mutex for write inode
mtx_t writepages; // mutex for writepages()
int por_doing = 0; // recovery is doing or not
// for orphan inode management
list_node_t orphan_inode_list; // orphan inode list
mtx_t orphan_inode_mutex; // for orphan inode list
uint64_t n_orphans = 0; // # of orphan inodes
// for directory inode management
list_node_t dir_inode_list; // dir inode list
spinlock_t dir_inode_lock; // for dir inode list lock
uint64_t n_dirty_dirs = 0; // # of dir inodes
// basic file system units
uint64_t log_sectors_per_block = 0; // log2 sectors per block
uint64_t log_blocksize = 0; // log2 block size
uint64_t blocksize = 0; // block size
uint64_t root_ino_num = 0; // root inode numbe
uint64_t node_ino_num = 0; // node inode numbe
uint64_t meta_ino_num = 0; // meta inode numbe
uint64_t log_blocks_per_seg = 0; // log2 blocks per segment
uint64_t blocks_per_seg = 0; // blocks per segment
uint64_t segs_per_sec = 0; // segments per section
uint64_t secs_per_zone = 0; // sections per zone
uint64_t total_sections = 0; // total section count
uint64_t total_node_count = 0; // total node block count
uint64_t total_valid_node_count = 0; // valid node block count
uint64_t total_valid_inode_count = 0; // valid inode count
int active_logs = 0; // # of active logs
block_t user_block_count = 0; // # of user blocks
block_t total_valid_block_count = 0; // # of valid blocks
block_t alloc_valid_block_count = 0; // # of allocated blocks
block_t last_valid_block_count = 0; // for recovery
uint32_t s_next_generation = 0; // for NFS support
atomic_t nr_pages[static_cast<int>(CountType::kNrCountType)]; // # of pages, see count_type
uint64_t mount_opt = 0; // set with kMountOptxxxx bits according to F2fs::mount_options_
// for cleaning operations
mtx_t gc_mutex; // mutex for GC
struct F2fsGc_kthread *gc_thread = nullptr; // GC thread
// for stat information.
// one is for the LFS mode, and the other is for the SSR mode.
struct f2fs_stat_info *stat_info = nullptr; // FS status information
uint64_t segment_count[2]; // # of allocated segments
uint64_t block_count[2]; // # of allocated blocks
uint64_t last_victim[2]; // last victim segment #
int total_hit_ext = 0, read_hit_ext = 0; // extent cache hit ratio
int bg_gc = 0; // background gc calls
spinlock_t stat_lock; // lock for stat operations
// Inline functions
// static inline InodeInfo *F2FS_I(VnodeF2fs *vnode)
// {
// // TODO: IMPL
// //return container_of(inode, InodeInfo, vfs_inode);
// return &vnode->fi;
// }
// static inline SbInfo *F2FS_SB(super_block *sb)
// return (SbInfo *)sb->s_fs_info;
static inline const SuperBlock *RawSuper(SbInfo *sbi) {
return static_cast<const SuperBlock *>(sbi->raw_super);
static inline Checkpoint *GetCheckpoint(SbInfo *sbi) {
return static_cast<Checkpoint *>(sbi->ckpt);
static inline NmInfo *GetNmInfo(SbInfo *sbi) { return static_cast<NmInfo *>(sbi->nm_info); }
static inline SmInfo *GetSmInfo(SbInfo *sbi) { return static_cast<SmInfo *>(sbi->sm_info); }
static inline SitInfo *GetSitInfo(SbInfo *sbi) {
return static_cast<SitInfo *>((GetSmInfo(sbi)->SitInfo));
static inline FreeSegmapInfo *GetFreeInfo(SbInfo *sbi) {
return static_cast<FreeSegmapInfo *>(GetSmInfo(sbi)->free_info);
static inline DirtySeglistInfo *GetDirtyInfo(SbInfo *sbi) {
return static_cast<DirtySeglistInfo *>(GetSmInfo(sbi)->dirty_info);
static inline void SetSbDirt(SbInfo *sbi) { sbi->s_dirty = 1; }
static inline void ResetSbDirt(SbInfo *sbi) { sbi->s_dirty = 0; }
static inline void mutex_lock_op(SbInfo *sbi, LockType t)
TA_ACQ(&sbi->fs_lock[static_cast<int>(t)]) {
// mutex_lock_nested(&sbi->fs_lock[static_cast<int>(t)], t);
static inline void mutex_unlock_op(SbInfo *sbi, LockType t)
TA_REL(&sbi->fs_lock[static_cast<int>(t)]) {
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultAllocatedBlocks = 1;
// Check whether the inode has blocks or not
// [[maybe_unused]]
// static inline int HasBlocks(inode *inode)
// {
// if (F2FS_I(inode)->i_xattr_nid)
// return (inode->i_blocks > kDefaultAllocatedBlocks + 1);
// else
// return (inode->i_blocks > kDefaultAllocatedBlocks);
// }
[[maybe_unused]] static inline void IncPageCount(SbInfo *sbi, int count_type) {
// AtomicInc(&sbi->nr_pages[count_type]);
static inline void InodeIncDirtyDents(VnodeF2fs *vnode) {
// //AtomicInc(&F2FS_I(inode)->dirty_dents);
static inline void DecPageCount(SbInfo *sbi, CountType count_type) {
// AtomicDec(&sbi->nr_pages[count_type]);
static inline void InodeDecDirtyDents(void *vnode) {
// //AtomicDec(&F2FS_I(inode)->dirty_dents);
static inline int GetPages(SbInfo *sbi, CountType count_type) {
// return AtomicRead(&sbi->nr_pages[count_type]);
return 0;
static inline block_t ValidUserBlocks(SbInfo *sbi) {
block_t ret;
ret = sbi->total_valid_block_count;
return ret;
static inline uint32_t BitmapSize(SbInfo *sbi, MetaBitmap flag) {
Checkpoint *ckpt = GetCheckpoint(sbi);
// return NAT or SIT bitmap
if (flag == MetaBitmap::kNatBitmap)
return LeToCpu(ckpt->nat_ver_bitmap_bytesize);
else if (flag == MetaBitmap::kSitBitmap)
return LeToCpu(ckpt->sit_ver_bitmap_bytesize);
return 0;
static inline void *BitmapPrt(SbInfo *sbi, MetaBitmap flag) {
Checkpoint *ckpt = GetCheckpoint(sbi);
int offset = (flag == MetaBitmap::kNatBitmap) ? ckpt->sit_ver_bitmap_bytesize : 0;
return &ckpt->sit_nat_version_bitmap + offset;
static inline bool IsSetCkptFlags(Checkpoint *cp, uint32_t f) {
uint32_t ckpt_flags = LeToCpu(cp->ckpt_flags);
return ckpt_flags & f;
static inline block_t StartCpAddr(SbInfo *sbi) {
block_t start_addr;
Checkpoint *ckpt = GetCheckpoint(sbi);
uint64_t ckpt_version = LeToCpu(ckpt->checkpoint_ver);
start_addr = LeToCpu(RawSuper(sbi)->cp_blkaddr);
// odd numbered checkpoint should at cp segment 0
// and even segent must be at cp segment 1
if (!(ckpt_version & 1))
start_addr += sbi->blocks_per_seg;
return start_addr;
[[maybe_unused]] static inline block_t StartSumAddr(SbInfo *sbi) {
return LeToCpu(GetCheckpoint(sbi)->cp_pack_start_sum);
[[maybe_unused]] static inline uint64_t ValidNodeCount(SbInfo *sbi) {
uint64_t ret;
ret = sbi->total_valid_node_count;
return ret;
static inline void IncValidInodeCount(SbInfo *sbi) {
// BUG_ON(sbi->total_valid_inode_count == sbi->total_node_count);
[[maybe_unused]] static inline int DecValidInodeCount(SbInfo *sbi) {
// BUG_ON(!sbi->total_valid_inode_count);
return 0;
[[maybe_unused]] static inline uint64_t ValidInodeCount(SbInfo *sbi) {
uint64_t ret;
ret = sbi->total_valid_inode_count;
return ret;
inline void F2fsPutPage(Page *page, int unlock) {
if (page != nullptr)
delete page;
static inline void F2fsPutDnode(DnodeOfData *dn) {
if (dn->node_page)
F2fsPutPage(dn->node_page, 1);
if (dn->inode_page && dn->node_page != dn->inode_page)
F2fsPutPage(dn->inode_page, 0);
dn->node_page = NULL;
dn->inode_page = NULL;
[[maybe_unused]] static inline struct kmem_cache *KmemCacheCreate(const char *name, size_t size,
void (*ctor)(void *)) {
return nullptr;
inline bool RawIsInode(Node *p) { return p->footer.nid == p->footer.ino; }
static inline bool IsInode(Page *page) {
Node *p = static_cast<Node *>(PageAddress(page));
return RawIsInode(p);
static inline uint32_t *BlkaddrInNode(Node *node) {
return RawIsInode(node) ? node->i.i_addr : node->dn.addr;
static inline block_t DatablockAddr(Page *node_page, uint64_t offset) {
Node *raw_node;
uint32_t *addr_array;
raw_node = static_cast<Node *>(PageAddress(node_page));
addr_array = BlkaddrInNode(raw_node);
return LeToCpu(addr_array[offset]);
static inline int TestValidBitmap(uint64_t nr, char *addr) {
int mask;
addr += (nr >> 3);
mask = 1 << (7 - (nr & 0x07));
return mask & *addr;
static inline int SetValidBitmap(uint64_t nr, char *addr) {
int mask;
int ret;
addr += (nr >> 3);
mask = 1 << (7 - (nr & 0x07));
ret = mask & *addr;
*addr |= mask;
return ret;
static inline int ClearValidBitmap(uint64_t nr, char *addr) {
int mask;
int ret;
addr += (nr >> 3);
mask = 1 << (7 - (nr & 0x07));
ret = mask & *addr;
*addr &= ~mask;
return ret;
// used for InodeInfo->flags
enum class InodeInfoFlag {
kNewInode = 0, // indicate newly allocated inode
kNeedCp, // need to do checkpoint during fsync
kIncLink, // need to increment i_nlink
kAclMode, // indicate acl mode
kNoAlloc, // should not allocate any blocks
kUpdateDir, // should update inode block for consistency
kInlineDentry = 11, // used for inline dentry
#if 0 // porting needed
[[maybe_unused]] static inline void SetAclInode(InodeInfo *fi, umode_t mode) {
fi->i_acl_mode = mode;
SetInodeFlag(fi, InodeInfoFlag::kAclMode);
[[maybe_unused]] static inline int CondClearInodeFlag(InodeInfo *fi, InodeInfoFlag flag) {
if (IsInodeFlagSet(fi, InodeInfoFlag::kAclMode)) {
ClearInodeFlag(fi, InodeInfoFlag::kAclMode);
return 1;
return 0;
inline uint32_t RootIno(SbInfo *sbi) { return sbi->root_ino_num; }
inline uint32_t NodeIno(SbInfo *sbi) { return sbi->node_ino_num; }
inline uint32_t MetaIno(SbInfo *sbi) { return sbi->meta_ino_num; }
} // namespace f2fs