blob: c08a22ff1a3844f6e660a4cc3d364d5f115a0d09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef F2FS_MKFS_H_
#define F2FS_MKFS_H_
namespace f2fs {
constexpr uint32_t kChecksumOffset = 4092;
struct MkfsOptions {
// TODO: Add mkfs options
Usage: mkfs.f2fs [options] device [sectors]
-l label
-a heap-based allocation [default:0]
-o overprovision ratio [default:5]
-s # of segments per section [default:1]
-z # of sections per zone [default:1]
-e [extention list] e.g. "mp3,gif,mov"
char* label = nullptr;
bool heap_based_allocation = false;
uint32_t overprovision_ratio = 5;
uint32_t num_of_seg_per_sec = 1;
uint32_t num_of_sec_per_zone = 1;
char* extention_list = nullptr;
class F2fsMkfs {
F2fsMkfs(std::unique_ptr<f2fs::Bcache> bc, const MkfsOptions& mkfs_options);
~F2fsMkfs() = default;
zx_status_t Mkfs();
std::unique_ptr<f2fs::Bcache> bc_;
[[maybe_unused]] const MkfsOptions& mkfs_options_;
// F2FS Parameter
f2fs_global_parameters f2fs_params;
f2fs_super_block super_block;
void InitGlobalParameters();
zx_status_t GetDeviceInfo();
zx_status_t FormatDevice();
void AsciiToUnicode(uint8_t* in_buf, uint16_t* out_buf);
inline int F2fsSetBit(uint32_t nr, uint8_t* addr);
int8_t LogBase2(uint32_t num);
void ConfigureExtensionList();
zx_status_t WriteToDisk(void* buf, uint64_t offset, size_t length);
zx_status_t PrepareSuperBlock();
zx_status_t InitSitArea();
zx_status_t InitNatArea();
zx_status_t WriteCheckPointPack();
zx_status_t WriteSuperBlock();
zx_status_t WriteRootInode();
zx_status_t UpdateNatRoot();
zx_status_t AddDefaultDentryRoot();
zx_status_t CreateRootDir();
#if 0 // porting needed
// TODO: Trim support
// int f2fs_trim_device()
} // namespace f2fs
#endif // F2FS_MKFS_H_