blob: 6bcbfb373a19a3d1bf135f188f27e2054e089e84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef F2FS_LAYOUT_H_
#define F2FS_LAYOUT_H_
#include "f2fs_types.h"
namespace f2fs {
#define F2FS_SUPER_OFFSET 1024 /* byte-size offset */
#define F2FS_LOG_SECTOR_SIZE 9 /* 9 bits for 512 byte */
#define F2FS_BLKSIZE 4096 /* support only 4KB block */
#define F2FS_MAX_EXTENSION 64 /* # of extension entries */
#define NULL_ADDR 0x0U
#define NEW_ADDR (-1U)
// sukka
#define F2FS_ROOT_INO(sbi) ((sbi)->root_ino_num)
#define F2FS_NODE_INO(sbi) ((sbi)->node_ino_num)
#define F2FS_META_INO(sbi) ((sbi)->meta_ino_num)
#define NULL_ADDR 0x0U // from f2fs_fs.h
constexpr uint32_t kF2fsBlockSize = 4096;
// Superblock location.
constexpr size_t kSuperblockStart = 0;
/* for mkfs */
#define F2FS_MIN_VOLUME_SIZE 104857600
#define F2FS_O_DIRECTORY 0x00004000
#define F2FS_O_EONLY 0x00000040
#define F2FS_O_WRONLY 0x00000080
#define F2FS_O_RDONLY 0x00000100
* For further optimization on multi-head logs, on-disk layout supports maximum
* 16 logs by default. The number, 16, is expected to cover all the cases
* enoughly. The implementaion currently uses no more than 6 logs.
* Half the logs are used for nodes, and the other half are used for data.
#define MAX_ACTIVE_LOGS 16
struct f2fs_global_parameters {
uint32_t sector_size;
uint32_t reserved_segments;
uint32_t overprovision;
uint32_t cur_seg[6];
uint32_t segs_per_sec;
uint32_t secs_per_zone;
uint32_t start_sector;
uint64_t total_sectors;
uint32_t sectors_per_blk;
uint32_t blks_per_seg;
uint8_t vol_label[16];
int heap;
int32_t fd;
char *device_name;
char *extension_list;
} __attribute__((packed));
#define BITS_PER_LONG 64
#define BIT_MASK(nr) (1 << ((nr) % BITS_PER_LONG))
#define BIT_WORD(nr) ((nr) / BITS_PER_LONG)
struct f2fs_super_block {
uint32_t magic; /* Magic Number */
uint16_t major_ver; /* Major Version */
uint16_t minor_ver; /* Minor Version */
uint32_t log_sectorsize; /* log2 sector size in bytes */
uint32_t log_sectors_per_block; /* log2 # of sectors per block */
uint32_t log_blocksize; /* log2 block size in bytes */
uint32_t log_blocks_per_seg; /* log2 # of blocks per segment */
uint32_t segs_per_sec; /* # of segments per section */
uint32_t secs_per_zone; /* # of sections per zone */
uint32_t checksum_offset; /* checksum offset inside super block */
uint64_t block_count; /* total # of user blocks */
uint32_t section_count; /* total # of sections */
uint32_t segment_count; /* total # of segments */
uint32_t segment_count_ckpt; /* # of segments for checkpoint */
uint32_t segment_count_sit; /* # of segments for SIT */
uint32_t segment_count_nat; /* # of segments for NAT */
uint32_t segment_count_ssa; /* # of segments for SSA */
uint32_t segment_count_main; /* # of segments for main area */
uint32_t segment0_blkaddr; /* start block address of segment 0 */
uint32_t cp_blkaddr; /* start block address of checkpoint */
uint32_t sit_blkaddr; /* start block address of SIT */
uint32_t nat_blkaddr; /* start block address of NAT */
uint32_t ssa_blkaddr; /* start block address of SSA */
uint32_t main_blkaddr; /* start block address of main area */
uint32_t root_ino; /* root inode number */
uint32_t node_ino; /* node inode number */
uint32_t meta_ino; /* meta inode number */
uint8_t uuid[16]; /* 128-bit uuid for volume */
uint16_t volume_name[512]; /* volume name */
uint32_t extension_count; /* # of extensions below */
uint8_t extension_list[F2FS_MAX_EXTENSION][8]; /* extension array */
} __attribute__((packed));
* For checkpoint
#define CP_ERROR_FLAG 0x00000008
#define CP_COMPACT_SUM_FLAG 0x00000004
#define CP_ORPHAN_PRESENT_FLAG 0x00000002
#define CP_UMOUNT_FLAG 0x00000001
struct f2fs_checkpoint {
uint64_t checkpoint_ver; /* checkpoint block version number */
uint64_t user_block_count; /* # of user blocks */
uint64_t valid_block_count; /* # of valid blocks in main area */
uint32_t rsvd_segment_count; /* # of reserved segments for gc */
uint32_t overprov_segment_count; /* # of overprovision segments */
uint32_t free_segment_count; /* # of free segments in main area */
/* information of current node segments */
uint32_t cur_node_segno[MAX_ACTIVE_NODE_LOGS];
uint16_t cur_node_blkoff[MAX_ACTIVE_NODE_LOGS];
/* information of current data segments */
uint32_t cur_data_segno[MAX_ACTIVE_DATA_LOGS];
uint16_t cur_data_blkoff[MAX_ACTIVE_DATA_LOGS];
uint32_t ckpt_flags; /* Flags : umount and journal_present */
uint32_t cp_pack_total_block_count; /* total # of one cp pack */
uint32_t cp_pack_start_sum; /* start block number of data summary */
uint32_t valid_node_count; /* Total number of valid nodes */
uint32_t valid_inode_count; /* Total number of valid inodes */
uint32_t next_free_nid; /* Next free node number */
uint32_t sit_ver_bitmap_bytesize; /* Default value 64 */
uint32_t nat_ver_bitmap_bytesize; /* Default value 256 */
uint32_t checksum_offset; /* checksum offset inside cp block */
uint64_t elapsed_time; /* mounted time */
/* allocation type of current segment */
unsigned char alloc_type[MAX_ACTIVE_LOGS];
/* SIT and NAT version bitmap */
unsigned char sit_nat_version_bitmap[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
* For orphan inode management
struct f2fs_orphan_block {
uint32_t ino[F2FS_ORPHANS_PER_BLOCK]; /* inode numbers */
uint32_t reserved; /* reserved */
uint16_t blk_addr; /* block index in current CP */
uint16_t blk_count; /* Number of orphan inode blocks in CP */
uint32_t entry_count; /* Total number of orphan nodes in current CP */
uint32_t check_sum; /* CRC32 for orphan inode block */
} __attribute__((packed));
* For NODE structure
struct f2fs_extent {
uint32_t fofs; /* start file offset of the extent */
uint32_t blk_addr; /* start block address of the extent */
uint32_t len; /* lengh of the extent */
} __attribute__((packed));
#define F2FS_MAX_NAME_LEN 256
#define ADDRS_PER_INODE 923 /* Address Pointers in an Inode */
#define ADDRS_PER_BLOCK 1018 /* Address Pointers in a Direct Block */
#define NIDS_PER_BLOCK 1018 /* Node IDs in an Indirect Block */
struct f2fs_inode {
uint16_t i_mode; /* file mode */
uint8_t i_advise; /* file hints */
uint8_t i_reserved; /* reserved */
uint32_t i_uid; /* user ID */
uint32_t i_gid; /* group ID */
uint32_t i_links; /* links count */
uint64_t i_size; /* file size in bytes */
uint64_t i_blocks; /* file size in blocks */
uint64_t i_atime; /* access time */
uint64_t i_ctime; /* change time */
uint64_t i_mtime; /* modification time */
uint32_t i_atime_nsec; /* access time in nano scale */
uint32_t i_ctime_nsec; /* change time in nano scale */
uint32_t i_mtime_nsec; /* modification time in nano scale */
uint32_t i_generation; /* file version (for NFS) */
uint32_t i_current_depth; /* only for directory depth */
uint32_t i_xattr_nid; /* nid to save xattr */
uint32_t i_flags; /* file attributes */
uint32_t i_pino; /* parent inode number */
uint32_t i_namelen; /* file name length */
uint8_t i_name[F2FS_MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* file name for SPOR */
struct f2fs_extent i_ext; /* caching a largest extent */
uint32_t i_addr[ADDRS_PER_INODE]; /* Pointers to data blocks */
uint32_t i_nid[5]; /* direct(2), indirect(2),
double_indirect(1) node id */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct direct_node {
uint32_t addr[ADDRS_PER_BLOCK]; /* aray of data block address */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct indirect_node {
uint32_t nid[NIDS_PER_BLOCK]; /* aray of data block address */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct node_footer {
uint32_t nid; /* node id */
uint32_t ino; /* inode nunmber */
uint32_t flag; /* include cold/fsync/dentry marks and offset */
uint64_t cp_ver; /* checkpoint version */
uint32_t next_blkaddr; /* next node page block address */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct f2fs_node {
/* can be one of three types: inode, direct, and indirect types */
union {
struct f2fs_inode i;
struct direct_node dn;
struct indirect_node in;
struct node_footer footer;
} __attribute__((packed));
* For NAT entries
#define NAT_ENTRY_PER_BLOCK (kPageCacheSize / sizeof(struct f2fs_nat_entry))
struct f2fs_nat_entry {
uint8_t version; /* latest version of cached nat entry */
uint32_t ino; /* inode number */
uint32_t block_addr; /* block address */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct f2fs_nat_block {
struct f2fs_nat_entry entries[NAT_ENTRY_PER_BLOCK];
} __attribute__((packed));
* For SIT entries
* Each segment is 2MB in size by default so that a bitmap for validity of
* there-in blocks should occupy 64 bytes, 512 bits.
* Not allow to change this.
#define SIT_ENTRY_PER_BLOCK (kPageCacheSize / sizeof(struct f2fs_sit_entry))
* Note that f2fs_sit_entry->vblocks has the following bit-field information.
* [15:10] : allocation type such as CURSEG_XXXX_TYPE
* [9:0] : valid block count
#define GET_SIT_VBLOCKS(raw_sit) (LeToCpu((raw_sit)->vblocks) & SIT_VBLOCKS_MASK)
#define GET_SIT_TYPE(raw_sit) \
((LeToCpu((raw_sit)->vblocks) & ~SIT_VBLOCKS_MASK) >> SIT_VBLOCKS_SHIFT)
* Note that f2fs_sit_entry->vblocks has the following bit-field information.
* [15:10] : allocation type such as CURSEG_XXXX_TYPE
* [9:0] : valid block count
#define CURSEG_NULL ((-1 << 10) >> 10) /* use 6bit - 0x3f */
struct f2fs_sit_entry {
uint16_t vblocks; /* reference above */
uint8_t valid_map[SIT_VBLOCK_MAP_SIZE]; /* bitmap for valid blocks */
uint64_t mtime; /* segment age for cleaning */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct f2fs_sit_block {
struct f2fs_sit_entry entries[SIT_ENTRY_PER_BLOCK];
} __attribute__((packed));
* For segment summary
* One summary block contains exactly 512 summary entries, which represents
* exactly 2MB segment by default. Not allow to change the basic units.
* NOTE : For initializing fields, you must use set_summary
* - If data page, nid represents dnode's nid
* - If node page, nid represents the node page's nid.
* The ofs_in_node is used by only data page. It represents offset
* from node's page's beginning to get a data block address.
* ex) data_blkaddr = (block_t)(nodepage_start_address + ofs_in_node)
#define ENTRIES_IN_SUM 512
#define SUMMARY_SIZE (sizeof(struct f2fs_summary))
#define SUM_FOOTER_SIZE (sizeof(struct summary_footer))
/* a summary entry for a 4KB-sized block in a segment */
struct f2fs_summary {
uint32_t nid; /* parent node id */
union {
uint8_t reserved[3];
struct {
uint8_t version; /* node version number */
uint16_t ofs_in_node; /* block index in parent node */
} __attribute__((packed));
} __attribute__((packed));
/* summary block type, node or data, is stored to the summary_footer */
#define SUM_TYPE_NODE (1)
#define SUM_TYPE_DATA (0)
#define GET_SUM_TYPE(footer) (footer->entry_type)
#define SET_SUM_TYPE(footer, type) (footer->entry_type = type)
struct summary_footer {
unsigned char entry_type; /* SUM_TYPE_XXX */
uint32_t check_sum; /* summary checksum */
} __attribute__((packed));
#define NAT_JOURNAL_ENTRIES ((SUM_JOURNAL_SIZE - 2) / sizeof(struct nat_journal_entry))
#define NAT_JOURNAL_RESERVED ((SUM_JOURNAL_SIZE - 2) % sizeof(struct nat_journal_entry))
#define SIT_JOURNAL_ENTRIES ((SUM_JOURNAL_SIZE - 2) / sizeof(struct sit_journal_entry))
#define SIT_JOURNAL_RESERVED ((SUM_JOURNAL_SIZE - 2) % sizeof(struct sit_journal_entry))
* frequently updated NAT/SIT entries can be stored in the spare area in
* summary blocks
struct nat_journal_entry {
uint32_t nid;
struct f2fs_nat_entry ne;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct nat_journal {
struct nat_journal_entry entries[NAT_JOURNAL_ENTRIES];
uint8_t reserved[NAT_JOURNAL_RESERVED];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct sit_journal_entry {
uint32_t segno;
struct f2fs_sit_entry se;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct sit_journal {
struct sit_journal_entry entries[SIT_JOURNAL_ENTRIES];
uint8_t reserved[SIT_JOURNAL_RESERVED];
} __attribute__((packed));
/* 4KB-sized summary block structure */
struct f2fs_summary_block {
struct f2fs_summary entries[ENTRIES_IN_SUM];
union {
uint16_t n_nats;
uint16_t n_sits;
/* spare area is used by NAT or SIT journals */
union {
struct nat_journal nat_j;
struct sit_journal sit_j;
struct summary_footer footer;
} __attribute__((packed));
* For directory operations
#define F2FS_DOT_HASH 0
#define F2FS_MAX_HASH (~((0x3ULL) << 62))
#define F2FS_HASH_COL_BIT ((0x1ULL) << 63)
using f2fs_hash_t = uint32_t;
/* One directory entry slot covers 8bytes-long file name */
#define F2FS_NAME_LEN 8
/* the number of dentry in a block */
#define NR_DENTRY_IN_BLOCK 214
/* MAX level for dir lookup */
#define SIZE_OF_DIR_ENTRY 11 /* by byte */
#define SIZE_OF_DENTRY_BITMAP ((NR_DENTRY_IN_BLOCK + kBitsPerByte - 1) / kBitsPerByte)
/* One directory entry slot representing F2FS_NAME_LEN-sized file name */
struct f2fs_dir_entry {
uint32_t hash_code; /* hash code of file name */
uint32_t ino; /* inode number */
uint16_t name_len; /* lengh of file name */
uint8_t file_type; /* file type */
} __attribute__((packed));
/* 4KB-sized directory entry block */
struct f2fs_dentry_block {
/* validity bitmap for directory entries in each block */
uint8_t dentry_bitmap[SIZE_OF_DENTRY_BITMAP];
uint8_t reserved[SIZE_OF_RESERVED];
struct f2fs_dir_entry dentry[NR_DENTRY_IN_BLOCK];
uint8_t filename[NR_DENTRY_IN_BLOCK][F2FS_NAME_LEN];
} __attribute__((packed));
/* file types used in inode_info->flags */
enum {
constexpr uint32_t kF2fsHashBits = (8);
} // namespace f2fs
#endif // F2FS_LAYOUT_H_